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Fantasy ๖ۣۜ༻яєα¢н ωιтнιη (Closed)

Ayane said:
Thea then understood why love was a complicated thing. What did she get herself into? Ah, she can't think about it right now. Thea looked over at the new member. "You'll be with my group. Join alomg and see if this is for you. Alright, let's move Gamma." She was bit suprised for two things. One, Sana was oddly quiet. Thea had to make sure that her persona was actually there. That was a first. Two, Caleb didn't make any remarks. Well, yet. When she has the chance, she is going to dump water onro his head. Thea kept to herself as she mostly walked next to Rei and Sana. It was quite obvious to why. Once in a while, she would turn to Gyo with a smile before turning back around. Wow, she never felt so glad to be with someone. She was lucky. Once the group arrived at the skyship, she saw plenty of people there. A crowd, great. "Stay close together guys." Thea was then thinking of being close to him. Okay, okay, she had to focus. She sat in an unoccupied part of the skyship with a window. Hopefully it had enough seats for them, plus the new person. "I'm thinking that we will split into 3 pairs of two and report to wach other if we spot anything. I'm anticipating the dead personas again, probably more of an army however."
@Epax @Devious Dilbert @Miracle Corgi @RP Marshall @MuffinRPs @arialc @akumashioni @Comet
Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo followed behind the group. He was purposefully distancing himself from Thea. Not because he wanted to be away from her, but because he wouldn't be able to focus on the mission if he was near her.... then again, even that wasn't completely helping. Plus Thea kept flashing her beautiful smile at him.... Which he returned every time.

"you two are so easy to read." Ori chuckled so only Gyo would hear.

"shush you." Gyo hissed at Ori, an unnoticeable blush, unless one was right in his face. Walking onto the airship, Gyo chose to sit where he wasn't too close or too far from Thea and could look at her without drawing attention.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei silently walked beside Thea. She wore a tiny grin, that she was hiding incredibly well. She knew why... or guessed why Thea and Gyo kept shooting each other smiles every so often. When they boarded the airship, Rei saw the girl that had healed her brother. It looked like the other girl had an idea of why Thea and her brother were casting smiles back and forth.

"you gotta try to make friends. you can't just cling to Thea and your brother all the time." Kori urged.

Rei nodded at her persona... but didn't move.

@Devious Dilbert @Epax @Miracle Corgi @arialc @Comet @MuffinRPs @RP Marshall
Luka Vandevelde

Epax said:
"okay the stealth team is Conor and Locke."
"So, ambush for me, right?" Luka mumbled, nervously holding her hilt now, her fingernails digging into the leather. She had lived and spent her fair share of time in Balnor, knowing the city, she might've been better being put onto the other team. She looked across at Conor and Locke, she didn't know if they had ever been to Balnor.If so, all they had to navigate with was a map. She bit her lip, debating the issue internally. If the two forgot the map, it wouldn't be good. Luka opened her mouth, but her heartbeat was picking up to abnormal speeds. She closed her mouth, avoiding the issue, and trusting it was the right decision.

@Epax[/URL] ?" Locke said not wanting to listen to Roma, "Should we take the train or another skyship?"

Luka stared at the two's interaction with pain. "The only way you're..." Luka began, but with her irregular heart beat she could barely get the words to come out. She took a deep breath, and her words came out jumbled and fast, "You two might be at odds but you'll have to work together at least! I'm scared for the both of you right now, and I know it isn't my place since I barely met you yesterday but this is important!" She gasped for air at the end of it. "Please." She concluded, looking down. Moments later she raised her head to stare at the members of her team.

Jonah Sunore

Whisville was a bustling city. Standing outside the building Ghoul went into gave Jonah time to really admire the energy and determination gathered within the metropolitan. He was leaning against the wall, his weapon concealed but despite the attempt to be covert, he allowed his face to show. He smiled at passing civilians warmly and greeted the amiable ones as they passed. His faithful persona Rauda was sailing through the alleys and streets, keeping to the shadows to stay hidden as she flew, but patrolling the busy walkways for possible people of interest. Jonah twitched, hearing a gunshot. He looked around, checking to see if anyone within the vicinity noticed, but the bustle covered the noise. Calmly, he turned to walk into the building, retracing Ghoul's steps through the building until he came across the first causality. He wrinkled his nose to the smell of death and looked away. He could hear Ghoul in the back room, and kept himself close to the door to listen in case of backup, which he didn't anticipate.

@Ayane (is this ok if not ill have him vanish into the city and we can forget this happen)
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@Ayane[/URL] (is this ok if not ill have him vanish into the city and we can forget this happen)
"Yes. You and I are ambush. Don't worry. We'll be fine. I guarantee it. Just stick to the plan." Ian smiled at Luka. "Remember everybody, we'll be fine as long as we stick to the plan. If you don't stick to the plan. I won't scold you or get angry. Because by then your guts will be splattered on the floor and your dead body will be a landmark for 'Poorest City in Arcandia' @arialc @Miracle Corgi @RP Marshall @MuffinRPs
Amos Lazily crawled out of the bed in his workshop, the perks of not having a job you can get up whenever you want. He went and had a quick shower and dressed in his usual outfit. He then decided that he really should test the Nemisis out today, the new hover pads should have had time to settle by now. He swiftly walked through the mess of tables and machinery ducking under a couple of clotheslines covered in blueprints to reach the main hanger, climbing into the skyship he slowly started up each individual system, checking them for faults as he went.

Once all was online and ok he opened the main hanger doors and gently flew the skyship out of the hanger and decided just to test everything first by taking some long slowish laps around the outskirts of the city.
- Yvon

He had packed his stuff and liatened to instruction on dispatch cloaely. "Alright, alright, lets quit wasting time and go." Yvon says simply after instruction is over ans rushes over to a small skyship for team Alpha. "Hey guys, this one?!" He calls out.
@Ayane[/URL] (is this ok if not ill have him vanish into the city and we can forget this happen)
(It's totes fine m8 :^))

"All is good here. I think we can begin. Call me if anything comes up." He hang up as Ghoul saw Jonah, aka Birdman (as Golith loved to call him) as he walked out of the room he was in. "The man tried to shoot me. No respect." He shook his head as he patted Jonah in the back. "Wish more people were like you. Loyal. Let's get to work. Whisville needs to be rebuilt." Ghoul walked out, his blond hair visible. He watched many people doing their daily routines and guards barely staying awake.

"Let's get this over with." Golith said, "Kill the people first."

"Golith, we won't have to if they're on their knees."

"...." Golith stayed quite, not admitting that Ghoul was right.

Ghoul lit a match, and left it at the building she was in. Old fashioned way. The building immediately started to burn (thanks oil all over the damn place) and people started to panic. It was contagious---the flames started to infect other buildings around it. Now the other side. Too easy.

He loved how she and Golith created a trap for the defenders. They will end today.

@arialc @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert
Thea had to stop looking at Gyo. Completely. Damn it Thea. She felt the skyship decline and knew that she had to be both physically and mentally ready. Standing up, she looked at the team. We should split..." Suddenly, she heard people screaming, "Fire!" Thea looked at the group, and told them, "Let's hurry." She jogged against the wave of people going on the skyship for safety before she saw it. The flames engulfed a plentiful amount of buildings and structures. Everything was so close together here in Whisville. "Tell me if you see anyone like Ghoul."

@Devious Dilbert @Miracle Corgi @arialc @Shiro kurogane @MuffinRPs
- Lois

"Alright. Gonna make things gonna go boom first and then wham... Fire." Lois says before Ghoul had hung up on her. She looks at her map and then the stats of those areas. She circles on of the Xs, for the best outcome. She walks over there, listening closely. "Hrmm... Airships." She says, sighing. "Yvooonnn~" She says to herself, as if mocking and teasing him if he were on the ship. He would feel it by heart. She goes over to the building, swts a bomb and fuse. Lighting it, she dashed out of the way for a flaming explosion to ignite Balnor, setting everyone into panic mode. The police of Balnor search for the Culprit.

- Yvon (Team Alpha, im rushing this a bit. Just for the sake of keeping this RP steady seas.)

When he had picked out the airship, it seemed to be best for the minor group of people that had been picked out to go to the city. And so, they boarded the airship and set sail to the skies towards Balnor. Yvon sat in a cabin, writing in a journal with minor drawings of the land down below. Soon enough, however, Yvon sensed flame. He rushes to the top of the ship. "Balnor's on fire!"
Amos saw smoke rising from an area of the city and immediately turned to head for it. Fire in Whisville was always devastating due to the large amounts of oil on the streets. As the skyship approached he saw that the fire was already building into an inferno consuming the area, however most of the fire was focused around one tower. After a quick internal debate he decided that the risk was worth the possible reward so he manoeuvred the Nemisis slightly further away and slightly higher before pulling the trigger on the control stick. There was a small click as two of the Nemisis's high yield explosive missiles dropped out of the bottom. Then there was a roar as both of the rocket engines kicked into life and speared the two warheads into the base of the tower. The resulting explosion smashed any windows that were still intact within a 2 mile radius and the shock wave even buffeted the Nemisis itself. However the explosion has successfully reduced the inferno by stealing all the oxygen at the heart of the blaze. Immediately afterwards the tower began to twist and collapse further burying the heart of the fire.

Amos looked away as the tower began to collapse and hoped that everyone had got out before it collapsed. "It doesn't matter even if there were people still in there they would have died from the fire, all you did was give them a swifter death" he muttered to himself as he nudged the controls to bring the Nemisis around, he would have to patrol the city for the rest of the day to hope that another fire like that didn't break out.
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Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo wasn't particularly surprised by the city being ablaze. It was something the Troops would do. Plus with his and Ori's absolute fire essence. He and his persona could easily suppress the fire single-handedly. But since that would alert the troops to him and Thea, along with her friends were there. So instead he made the unconscious decision follow Thea and Rei. Every so often, Gyo would stop to help some of the citizens who were lost, stuck somewhere or trapped by the fire.

Ori followed, she used her and her masters power to manipulate the flames away from the group.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei followed after Thea. She didn't know who this ghoul person was. But she figured she would find out. Rei used her absolute ice essence to keep the heat from the flames away. Rei's focus was single-mindedly only on Thea and her brother. Everyone else was background noise to her. Rei's personality had still yet to change.

"why would the troops set an entire city a fire?" Kori voiced, since his master was being... herself. "couldn't they have just bombed the place if they wanted it to destroyed?"

@Devious Dilbert @Epax @Miracle Corgi @arialc @Comet @MuffinRPs @RP Marshall @Ayane
Traveling on the skyship, Roma said to Locke, "Please, my dear boy! I'm sorry. You must understand. I did not mean what I said last night."

In a cold, monotone voice, the boy said, "You said that I need to grow up and become a responsible adult. Fine, I will. So that means you do not have to worry about me anymore. Just leave me alone like my parents did. I didn't need my mother and father. I don't need you... Let's just do our job and be done with it!"

Roma lowered her head to the floor of the Skyship. To her, nothing mattered in the slightest anymore. Her boy hated her now!

arialc said:
- Lois
"Alright. Gonna make things gonna go boom first and then wham... Fire." Lois says before Ghoul had hung up on her. She looks at her map and then the stats of those areas. She circles on of the Xs, for the best outcome. She walks over there, listening closely. "Hrmm... Airships." She says, sighing. "Yvooonnn~" She says to herself, as if mocking and teasing him if he were on the ship. He would feel it by heart. She goes over to the building, swts a bomb and fuse. Lighting it, she dashed out of the way for a flaming explosion to ignite Balnor, setting everyone into panic mode. The police of Balnor search for the Culprit.

- Yvon (Team Alpha, im rushing this a bit. Just for the sake of keeping this RP steady seas.)

When he had picked out the airship, it seemed to be best for the minor group of people that had been picked out to go to the city. And so, they boarded the airship and set sail to the skies towards Balnor. Yvon sat in a cabin, writing in a journal with minor drawings of the land down below. Soon enough, however, Yvon sensed flame. He rushes to the top of the ship. "Balnor's on fire!"
"Oh my god!" Locke said, seeing Balnor up in smoke. "Are we too late?"

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- Yvon

"Of course not, aslong as we stop it from spreading. We need some buildings toppled in order to do so." Yvon says, the airship lowering. Yvon's heart skips a beat... "Damn, Lois is thinking of me. We're probably nwar her... fuck." He says as it lowers, readying his pole arm.
Sana then decided to speak after a long period of silence. "It's a trap then...to get us here..." Thea alarmingly looked at Sana, then heard a laughing voice.

"Maybe it's possible that the persona is smarter than their owner." Ghould says, hands behind his back.

"How pathetic." Golith said as he drifted in the air.

"Defenders of Arcandia, huh? You have a fancy name. Soon it'll just be history in history books. 'The organization that failed miserably.'"

Thea took her spear out, and said, "That won't happen, sadly. You have us trapped, yet we outnumber you."

Ghoul smiles. "Mmm, says the child who takes any tip she hears."

Thea frowned. Sana sighed. Great, she screwed up again.

"We'll take you down."

"Try." Ghoul challenged Thea.

@arialc @akumashioni @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs
Epax said:
"Shit. My parents! You know what? Fuck the plan go wherever the hell you want." Ian jumped off his skyship and ran to his house what he found inside was Traumatizing. Ian found his parents lying on the ground with stab wounds "Oh my god..." Ian got on his knees "We were too late"
"Ian... I'm so sorry," Roma said looking down at the young man's dead family. "Who would have done this? The citizen's of Balnor... We need to keep them safe!"

Locke sighed at the sight of the dead parents feeling concerned for Ian but all the while thinking about his own parents. If it had been his parents who die would Locke have cared?

"Ian?" Locke said sympathetically, "Do you need a moment? We can go on without you while mourn."

Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo pulled out his polearm at Ghoul's arrival. He seen the Troops leader once before he escaped. And other than standing beside Thea. He had nothing to say.

Ori Stood protectively in font of Gyo. She had seen Ghoul's persona once and still remembered.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei stood near Thea and Gyo. The ghoul person gave her a bad feeling. So much so, that she went so far as to pull out her dual daggers.

Kori like-wise stood beside Ori and in front of Rei.

(srry for short reply, busy atm)

@Devious Dilbert @Epax @Miracle Corgi @arialc @Comet @MuffinRPs @RP Marshall @Ayane
(no worries)

"Oh, there's the traitor." Ghoul pointed out Gyo before Golith continued, "I can see the scars still."

He looked over at the team and said, "Well, what are you waiting for, Defenders of New Arcandia?" Ghoul took out his scythe as he disappeared from sight with Golith. "Catch us if you can," he calls from a few meters away.

Thea looks at them, and started running towards the direction he went towards. "We can't him get away. Not on my watch." Sana follows the determined Thea with caution.

@Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @arialc @Shiro kurogane
Epax said:
"No. I'll come." Ian shed a tear "I need to at least try to avenge them" Ian ran out of the house into the burning streets of balnor. "WHOEVER IS HERE. SHOW YOURSELF." Ian had no idea what he was doing. It was as his body was moving by itself.
Seeing the fire spreading across the buildings and homes of Balnor, Locke saw massive water towers scattered all over the city.

"Ian, I'm going to take down one of those towers!" Locke said as he rushed towards it. "It might help stop some of the flames from spreading. If anyone else wants to break one of the other towers be my guest!"

As he and Roma walked underneath a tall water tower, Locke noticed an undead mammoth roaming next to it. Roma used her invisibility power to protect Locke from being detected by the mammoth persona. Slowly climbing up the steel beams of the tower, Locke took out his small knife and unscrewed the hinges holding the water tank together. The water inside rumbled as it started seeping out of the bolt holes which splattered over Locke's face.

Spluttering from the water pouring out, Roma yelped, "Locke, be careful. The force of the water could throw use off the tower! Please Locke... Stop ignoring ME!"

Locke furiously took off the last screw holding the tank's steal covering and leaped away from the powerful wave of water exploding from the tank which gushed on top of the mammoth below them. The brainwashed creature toppled over with a squeal and snapped it's skull, killing it instantaneously. The water and blood began to extinguish some of the burning houses. Balancing on another steal beam away from the flowing water, Locke smiled in triumph.

"That helped! But there is still a lot more fire along with undead personas around Balnor. I hope the others are taking care of the rest."

{Be back in 2 hours}

Ayane said:
(no worries)

"Oh, there's the traitor." Ghoul pointed out Gyo before Golith continued, "I can see the scars still."

He looked over at the team and said, "Well, what are you waiting for, Defenders of New Arcandia?" Ghoul took out his scythe as he disappeared from sight with Golith. "Catch us if you can," he calls from a few meters away.

Thea looks at them, and started running towards the direction he went towards. "We can't him get away. Not on my watch." Sana follows the determined Thea with caution.

@Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @arialc @Shiro kurogane
Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo used his fire in controlled bursts as jet propulsion. He shot after Ghoul and Golith with an air of killing intent. He'd been a first hand witness to Ghoul's twisted deeds and was riding the anger from everyone that held hate for the man. Every so often, Gyo fired blasts of flame at ghoul so the bastard would know he was there.

Ori followed Gyo. She was silent as her master wouldn't listen to her now. Ori knew Gyo wasn't blinded by rage... just using it as power.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei ran after Thea and her brother. She always was the slowest of the three. So she hoped on Kori's back and rode her persona beside Thea and Sana. Rei like normal didn't say anything, but her eyes held the same convition as her brother and Thea.

Kori sprinted just fast enough to keep himself and Rei even with Thea. He could run much, much faster but he figured staying together was the better option.

@Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @arialc @Ayane
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Amos saw series of controlled fire blasts go flying off into the sky so he brought the Nemisis around and saw an unusual sight of a woman constantly teleporting ahead of another group of three who appeared to be chasing her on foot, one of the men was shooting fireballs at the woman randomly and often they went careening overhead and out of the street. Quickly deciding that the most dangerous threat at the moment was the man recklessly firing fireballs he let loose a couple of shots from the Nemisis's main guns at the area just in front of him while also making an announcement over the tannoy "Please refrain from firing fire balls. As you probably have seen we have enough fire problems on our hands already.". After firing the shots he realised that it almost certainly wasn't a good idea to hang in range of the fireballs so he pulled up but continued to follow them from above.
"Gyo....careful!" Thea called as more building were set aflame. "Sana, help me take out these fires! Rei, keep up with Gyo." She stopped to see a ship(?) above. "Looks like we have another ally for now." Thea used her water abilities to take out the fires that both were there and from Gyo's fireballs. She helped as many people as she can count. Thea prayed that there was no one else before using water as a surf and a surfboard. You gotta love water abilities. "Focus Thea. There they are," Sana says in her mind as she spots Ghoul. Her running into situations has always been her issue. She screwed herself over.

"He can see you," Golith said the obvious as Ghoul has slipped into an alley, hopefully unnoticed. "No fuck Golith." He check his wound. Burnt, of course but he wouldn't die. "I'm about tired of this, Ghoul. Tag isn't fun when you get hurt." As if he won one million dollars, he had gotten lucky.

Ghoul then stepped into the streets to reveal himself. "I'm impressed. If only you stayed with us." Golith floated around Ghoul quietly as he revealed Thea with him. She gotten herself quite a beat down. However, it had an explanation. "This is your so-called leader." Golith placed his own scythe near her throat, slightly drawing blood. Thea didn't move, well she really couldn't with her body aching all over. "This trash right here is leading you." Ghoul landed a kick to her stomach, and smiled with satisfaction. Thea winced, but again didn't say anything. She gave a reassuring smile to Gyo and signaled she was fine. Well, of course she wasn't, but you know. False hope. "I took her persona from her. Of course all of you only rely on them." He waved a device in front of him with a laugh. "Step any closer, she will die and you lose your abilities. Two in one."

(Ghoul is hella crazy rn. good going golith)

@Shiro kurogane @arialc @MuffinRPs @anyoneelse
Ayane said:
"Gyo....careful!" Thea called as more building were set aflame. "Sana, help me take out these fires! Rei, keep up with Gyo." She stopped to see a ship(?) above. "Looks like we have another ally for now." Thea used her water abilities to take out the fires that both were there and from Gyo's fireballs. She helped as many people as she can count. Thea prayed that there was no one else before using water as a surf and a surfboard. You gotta love water abilities. "Focus Thea. There they are," Sana says in her mind as she spots Ghoul. Her running into situations has always been her issue. She screwed herself over.
"He can see you," Golith said the obvious as Ghoul has slipped into an alley, hopefully unnoticed. "No fuck Golith." He check his wound. Burnt, of course but he wouldn't die. "I'm about tired of this, Ghoul. Tag isn't fun when you get hurt." As if he won one million dollars, he had gotten lucky.

Ghoul then stepped into the streets to reveal himself. "I'm impressed. If only you stayed with us." Golith floated around Ghoul quietly as he revealed Thea with him. She gotten herself quite a beat down. However, it had an explanation. "This is your so-called leader." Golith placed his own scythe near her throat, slightly drawing blood. Thea didn't move, well she really couldn't with her body aching all over. "This trash right here is leading you." Ghoul landed a kick to her stomach, and smiled with satisfaction. Thea winced, but again didn't say anything. She gave a reassuring smile to Gyo and signaled she was fine. Well, of course she wasn't, but you know. False hope. "I took her persona from her. Of course all of you only rely on them." He waved a device in front of him with a laugh. "Step any closer, she will die and you lose your abilities. Two in one."

(Ghoul is hella crazy rn. good going golith)

@Shiro kurogane @arialc @MuffinRPs @anyoneelse
Scaver said:
Amos saw series of controlled fire blasts go flying off into the sky so he brought the Nemisis around and saw an unusual sight of a woman constantly teleporting ahead of another group of three who appeared to be chasing her on foot, one of the men was shooting fireballs at the woman randomly and often they went careening overhead and out of the street. Quickly deciding that the most dangerous threat at the moment was the man recklessly firing fireballs he let loose a couple of shots from the Nemisis's main guns at the area just in front of him while also making an announcement over the tannoy "Please refrain from firing fire balls. As you probably have seen we have enough fire problems on our hands already.". After firing the shots he realised that it almost certainly wasn't a good idea to hang in range of the fireballs so he pulled up but continued to follow them from above.
(i was too busy to add this detail, but Gyo isn't just randomly firing fire at Ghoul. He fired blasts at ghoul but he shot the blasts so that they steered clear on buildings or people.

sorry, should have added that in.)

Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo stopped short as he saw Ghoul with his scythe to Thea's throat. "and your a coward who still hides behind hostages. because you lack any real skill." Gyo taunted. "its the reason you failed to kill me when i turned rouge, right? the only good thing about you is the brain power you persona has, that you sorely lack." Gyo snapped his fingers and any of his fire that had lit things on fire snuffed itself out. The other flames were also put out by Gyo's flame at the same time.

Ori stood beside Gyo, but looked bored. She was literally alluding that Ghoul's very presence bored her. Ori was being as cheeky as her master, Gyo.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei paused, she'd been about to launch ice spikes at Ghoul. But because he held Thea, Rei couldn't do that. So instead, while Gyo and Ori drew Ghoul and Golith's attention. She was sneaking ice spikes beneath the ground until they were directly under Ghoul. Rei was intending to kill Ghoul before the creep could even realize what she was doing.

Kori held a defensive stance in front of Rei. He wasn't gonna let Ghoul or Golith touch Rei.

@Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @arialc @Ayane
( sniff, you called Ghoul a creep. feelings hurt. tears > :) )

Ghoul stopped short, and looked at the male. "I let you go because I didn't want to kill you. Someone also asked me to not kill you." He looked over at Ori, then at Kori. "Golith tells me you both have a deep connection with your personas." Ghoul looks over at Rei. "You have a smart sister as well."

"Ghoul, we need to go."

"I'll borrow her persona. In the meanwhile, I don't recommend you attacking me unless you want her on a kabob." With one swift kick to her back, Golith made the two disappear, this time to leave. They've work to do.

Well that hurt. A lot. Thea laid on the ground once the man left, and struggled to get up. So this is what it feels to really be powerless. Both as a failure and literally powerless. "Hey, I'm fine. We should meet with the others in Balnor." She moved an arm, and winced. That felt broken. Thea was about to call Sana when she remembered. Whelp. "I can use some of Cereth's heals right now." She might've not looked like it, but honestly losing her abilities and her pride and courage ruined her. She endangered everyone she loved. Good going Thea.

@Devious Dilbert @Shiro kurogane @Scaver @arialc @Miracle Corgi

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