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Fantasy ๖ۣۜ༻яєα¢н ωιтнιη (Closed)

Cereth Pavette

Cereth awoke greeted by the sunlight seeping into the room from the slits of the blinds. Liafort often slept in her bed with her.

The morning sounds of the city were particularly exciting to her. Perhaps she was just as energetic this morning as the city was.

She stretched and got dressed. She always wore very simple clothing. Liafort would want her to dress up more often, but she refused to spend her money on excess baggage.

She got a good sleep last night.

She was out of the door as soon as she was ready. Liafort kept in his usual place, resting atop her shoulder.

About halfway down the steps, she heard some chatter.

I'm glad that I'm not the first one up!

She entered the main room.

"Good morning everybody. I hope we all slept well." Cereth said.

"I didn't." Her grumpy companion stated.

"Hm? Why not?"

"You kept cuddling me, I could barely sleep."

"That's because you're so small and baby-like." She smiled.

"I'm already annoyed by you, don't push it." But he was only teasing.

Cereth saw Thea's two friends. She wondered if they were now apart of the team.

It wouldn't have surprised her. It seemed to her that a new member joined every hour or so.

"How is everybody's morning?" She asked the group, hoping that a conversation would present itself between her and the two people she had become acquainted with last night.
- Yvon

Yvon wasnt typically a morning person nowadays. He was nearly thirty, his job wasnt done in the morning, but he always did have to wake up in the morning for breakfast. So, he does that. He groans as he stretches out and rolls off of the bed to prevent him falling back into slumber. He stood up after a few minuts of staring at the floor he was on, and opened up the dresser. He puts on some clothes, equips his polearm, and goes downstairs rubbing his eyes. "Hey, good mornin' all people..." He mumbles, sitting in the center chair of the left side of the table. He recieves his breakfast, simply some Eggs and Bacon and a baked potato. He stsrts eating the modest breakfast.
"Morning Gyo! Rei!" Thea said she saw the discontent from Rei about her brother. She smiled to Rei kindly as she sat next to her, and gave Gyo a knowing look as in you-have-some-work-to-do, yikes.

"The plan Thea......." Sana said with a small yawn.

"Right! Alright guys. Since most of us are here, not sure where Caleb and Connor are (insert booty face) but let's announce the plan."

She looked around before starting, "I received some rumors that the troops are starting to destroy cities. We will hold them back. I need all of you to do your best." Thea kept a straight face. "Therefore, we are going to split up. I hope you guys are alright with that. So the groups...." She paused for a sec before continuing, "Alpha is Locke, Gyo, Connor, Yvon, Luka. Gamma is Thea, Cereth, Rei, Ian, Caleb. Alpha is heading to Balnor village with Caleb as leader. Gamma is going to Whisville with me in charge...hopefully unless Caleb takes me out...but for now, me."

Thea purposely set Rei and Gyo on separate teams as well as her and Gyo...for reasons.

"That sounds good?" Thea looked at the group. Sana approved of the plan with a smile.

@Shiro kurogane @arialc @Miracle Corgi @MuffinRPs @RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @anyoneelse
(It's a lenny face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) "Why don't I get to go to Balnor? I've lived there my whole life. I know the ins and outs of it. You know what, I should stop whining. Sounds like a good plan to me though"
Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo grinned and gave Thea a thumbs up at her knowing look. He turned and greeted the others that were all waking up. Although his overly cheerful attitude died just slightly at hearing that he was in a group different from Thea and his sister. But he quickly recovered from the momentary lapse. "okay, team alpha it is." His smile wasn't as bright as it had been a moment ago. Guess he couldn't expect things to go back to how they used to be so easily.

"..." Ori stayed silent and just shared a look with Kori.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei looked at Thea. She knew her friend still had feelings for her brother. But she stayed quiet since that was some Thea and her brother had to work out. Rei didn't answer to or acknowledge anyone but Thea's greeting. Which she returned with a silent nod.

Kori shared a look with Ori and then sighed. "guess it was too much to ask for things to be how they were." He muttered to himself, a little away from behind Rei.

@Ayane @Epax @Miracle Corgi @i can't remember everyone. @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs
Cereth Pavette

Wow... We're diving straight into it this morning, aren't we?

"It's really reckless of them to destroy cities... Why would they be doing this?" Cereth asked.

"Does it matter? They're the evil guys! They don't need a reason! Let's just beat them! We don't need a reason either!" Liafort yelled, full of excitement.

"I don't think that's how it works..."

Cereth listened as the teams were called out. Following her own name, was 'Rei,' which she did not recognize.

'Rei?' So, that's the new girl. And 'Gyo' is on Team Alpha, so that's the man?

She glanced at the mysterious girl and then looked back to Thea.

She hasn't said anything to anybody besides Thea I think...

And I have to work with her...?
- Yvon

"PLANS already?" He groans, stretching. "Im so sleepy, I dont even know if i'm awake yet and we already have work." He whines some, yawning and paying attention. "You repeated yourself, boss." He says boss in a teasing manner. "I wont whine to much, but why aren't I the leader of Alpha? Is it because im gonna fight Lois despite everyone else if she is even there?" He asks, sighing. "Because that makes sense."
Luka was finally starting to wake up herself. She didn't recognize one name on the list, figuring it was the new guy with them. She straightened herself up, popping her back and then stood, her nerves kicking in. Hearing about the potential threat of cities being lost, she knew she was fighting for a valiant cause, but was she ready to fight again? Her right hand rested on the hilt of her rapier. She stared down at the floor, thinking methodically. Avoding her confrontation with her inner demons now she raised her head with a smile and changed her train of thought. She came back to the conversation just as Yvon began talking. "There was only a small group of people yesterday, do you think just with those few they could really destroy a city? How strong are these people?" She asked, albeit she was interjecting into the conversation. She paused, feeling bad for suddenly voicing her unrelated concerns, and tried to get back on topic. "I'm sure in Balnor, if we have problems with the leadership, a natural leader among us will step forward." She said, responding to Yvon. They were going to be on a team together.
Ayane said:
"Morning Gyo! Rei!" Thea said she saw the discontent from Rei about her brother. She smiled to Rei kindly as she sat next to her, and gave Gyo a knowing look as in you-have-some-work-to-do, yikes.
"The plan Thea......." Sana said with a small yawn.

"Right! Alright guys. Since most of us are here, not sure where Caleb and Connor are (insert booty face) but let's announce the plan."

She looked around before starting, "I received some rumors that the troops are starting to destroy cities. We will hold them back. I need all of you to do your best." Thea kept a straight face. "Therefore, we are going to split up. I hope you guys are alright with that. So the groups...." She paused for a sec before continuing, "Alpha is Locke, Gyo, Connor, Yvon, Luka. Gamma is Thea, Cereth, Rei, Ian, Caleb. Alpha is heading to Balnor village with Caleb as leader. Gamma is going to Whisville with me in charge...hopefully unless Caleb takes me out...but for now, me."

Thea purposely set Rei and Gyo on separate teams as well as her and Gyo...for reasons.

"That sounds good?" Thea looked at the group. Sana approved of the plan with a smile.

@Shiro kurogane @arialc @Miracle Corgi @MuffinRPs @RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @anyoneelse
Rubbing a towel over his head, Locke sluggishly entered the room where the team was already having breakfast and discussing their plans. The boy had not slept well, in the uncomfortably chair, since He refused to sleep anywhere near Roma, after going to bed herself. Pretending to be asleep, the boy avoided the raccoon's plea for him to forgive her...

..."Locke, please wake up! I didn't mean what I said! My dear boy, I love y- BLECK!"...

... Tossing the vomit stained towel away, Locke nonchalantly said to the group, "Hey! So we're dividing in to groups, I see."

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Thea gave a knowing look to Sana, and picked up her pen. "Ian, agreed. You're on Alpha...Yvon, I'm as tired as you sir. I want you on Alpha since I have a feeling she would be there." Thea said. What will she do? She wasn't moving Connor. Luka could be moved, but she would watch Yvon. If the Ghoul person is indeed in Whisville, putting Locke on Gamma won't help. Well, shit. So be it.

"I'll substitute Gyo for Ian. Gyo you're on Gamma...ahem." Thea gave him a smile before whispering to Rei a quick apology. "Of course, you don't have to talk with him..." She then said ro the group. "About the leaders, choose amongst yourselves i suppose. Oh, were leaving in 30 minutes. Gather your things." Thea dismissed the group as she went over to Gyo. "Hi. We need to talk, Gyo. Can we go outside?"

@Shiro kurogane @Epax @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @RP Marshall
Ayane said:
Thea gave a knowing look to Sana, and picked up her pen. "Ian, agreed. You're on Alpha...Yvon, I'm as tired as you sir. I want you on Alpha since I have a feeling she would be there." Thea said. What will she do? She wasn't moving Connor. Luka could be moved, but she would watch Yvon. If the Ghoul person is indeed in Whisville, putting Locke on Gamma won't help. Well, shit. So be it.
"I'll substitute Gyo for Ian. Gyo you're on Gamma...ahem." Thea gave him a smile before whispering to Rei a quick apology. "Of course, you don't have to talk with him..." She then said ro the group. "About the leaders, choose amongst yourselves i suppose. Oh, were leaving in 30 minutes. Gather your things." Thea dismissed the group as she went over to Gyo. "Hi. We need to talk, Gyo. Can we go outside?"

@Shiro kurogane @Epax @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @RP Marshall
"Thirty minutes!" Locke groaned.

The boy had no desire to wake up the hungover persona from her snoring slumber. He almost had the nerve to just leaving her there but that would be right.

"Oh God! Please don't make me wake that damn raccoon!" the boy said while stretching his sore body.
Ayane said:
Thea gave a knowing look to Sana, and picked up her pen. "Ian, agreed. You're on Alpha...Yvon, I'm as tired as you sir. I want you on Alpha since I have a feeling she would be there." Thea said. What will she do? She wasn't moving Connor. Luka could be moved, but she would watch Yvon. If the Ghoul person is indeed in Whisville, putting Locke on Gamma won't help. Well, shit. So be it.
"I'll substitute Gyo for Ian. Gyo you're on Gamma...ahem." Thea gave him a smile before whispering to Rei a quick apology. "Of course, you don't have to talk with him..." She then said ro the group. "About the leaders, choose amongst yourselves i suppose. Oh, were leaving in 30 minutes. Gather your things." Thea dismissed the group as she went over to Gyo. "Hi. We need to talk, Gyo. Can we go outside?"

@Shiro kurogane @Epax @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @RP Marshall
"Okay then". Ian went up to his room. Grabbed a cloth and polished his sword. After he drew a map of balnor and went over battle strategies. "Let's see. We should go in by air. There should be guards by the front entrance knowing they will be attacking Balnor. Since we have a large group we should ambush. We will start our ambush by... or should we go stealth" Ian broke his pencil. "Crap. This is harder than it sounds. Ill go over it with the team and see what they think."
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Luka felt uneasy, as she kept hearing about the ominous female they might find in Balnor. She wished the thirty minutes would go by faster, already going stir crazy within the inn, he head filled with thoughts and fears for the upcoming mission. What if the enemies weren't in Balnor? How was the team so certain they wouldn't put all of their energy into one city? She bit her lip, she didn't want to question anything now. She had to put her trust in the leaders, but... Luka could feel her heart racing, she just wanted to get it over with.
Zuri sat in a small bistro with her Hippodriff laying at her feet with a small bowl of water in front of it. She had a small glass of lemonade in her hand, her sunglasses on as she sat in the cushioned chair, her small white lacy dress looking bright in the sunlight. She was at the docks in Poltragrow Port, a coffee shop near the water as she sat there comfortably. She was on vacation, seeing as she didn't have business papers in front of her. "What a beautiful day, don't you think Luka?" She asked her Hippogriff, who lifted up its head and face her a small noise of agreement, yawning then laying it's head back down. She had no friends, being told that having a business would ruin friendship, so she simply stayed by herself. Although, she always wondered what it felt like to have a friend..

Caleb woke up from neck kisses and love bites, "Stop," He giggled.

"Never," Conor mumbled, continuing to kiss him.

"Come on. We're gonna be late,"

Conor got up and walked into the bathroom and ran them a shower. Caleb picked up their clothes and laid them out on the bed. Conor peaked his head around the corner, "Are you showering with me or not,"

The pair showered and changed before walking downstairs, Caleb in front of Conor, "Sorry I'm late; I was doing things,"

"I'm things," He said with a smirk.

"Way to ruin the surprise,"

"What? It was pretty obvious considering your neck,"

Bear and Snow walked in, "Morning love birds," the husky said.

"Don't think we didn't hear you last night," Bear winked at the pair before laying down next to the table.
Ayane said:
Thea gave a knowing look to Sana, and picked up her pen. "Ian, agreed. You're on Alpha...Yvon, I'm as tired as you sir. I want you on Alpha since I have a feeling she would be there." Thea said. What will she do? She wasn't moving Connor. Luka could be moved, but she would watch Yvon. If the Ghoul person is indeed in Whisville, putting Locke on Gamma won't help. Well, shit. So be it.
"I'll substitute Gyo for Ian. Gyo you're on Gamma...ahem." Thea gave him a smile before whispering to Rei a quick apology. "Of course, you don't have to talk with him..." She then said ro the group. "About the leaders, choose amongst yourselves i suppose. Oh, were leaving in 30 minutes. Gather your things." Thea dismissed the group as she went over to Gyo. "Hi. We need to talk, Gyo. Can we go outside?"

@Shiro kurogane @Epax @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @RP Marshall
Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo listened to the last minute change in groups and his smile returned to being real again. He turned to get ready like the others but stopped when Thea approached him. "hey. uh.. ok, sure." He responded. Gyo was both happy and unsure as He lead the way outside. Happy because.... reasons and unsure cause hopefully this wasn't what he thought it was. "so, whats up?" Gyo asked now that he and Thea were alone. He never really told Thea about his feelings but depending on how this went.... he might try.

Ori watched her master go outside with Thea and walked over to Kori and Rei. "are you two thinking what im thinking those two are talking about?"

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei looked between Kori and Ori. She still didn't feel like talking with all the new people around. But she nodded in response to Ori's question.

"i think anyone could guess. you saw how Thea acted. she still has some level of feelings for Gyo." Kori replied so only himself, his master Rei and Ori could hear. "hopefully, this doesn't turn out badly..."
Thea closed the door behind them, and gave him a friendly smile. "It's nice out. It's always nice in Florence." She speculated as she sta on the steps to the inn, inviting him with her.

"Look, Gyo. I really, really like you." Thea started, "But for now, I can't think about that stuff right now with Arcandia in our hands. I hope you understand."

Sana stayed in the imm, and bit her lip. She felt a bit sorry for Gyo and Thea. Thea was always one sided in situations.

@Shiro kurogane
- Yvon

Yvon shrugs at Thea's explanation. "Yeah, smart choice. You're looking at a 50/50 shot though... assuming they played Coin Flip." He says, listening to the rest of what she had to say. "Thirty fucking minutes..." He says to himself, finishing his food and getting up. "If anyone needs some armor, come see me!" Yvon yells out, going to his room and fitting on some hide armor, with extra patcges of hide on the shoulders, chest, gauntlets, the front of his shins, and his knees. He wore some boots, crafted so they fit rather perfectly. He also wore some cloth gloves with hide reinforcement on the back of his and and fingers. He ties a leather and chainmail hood and mask around his neck, pulling it up the hood and the mask covering half of his face with a hole for his nostrils. He adjusts the tightness and pulls his hood and mask down, walking back out to Ian. "Alright. Whats up?"

@Epax (Ian)

@Ayane (Thea)
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MuffinRPs" data-cite="MuffinRPs" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="219696" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Caleb woke up from neck kisses and love bites, "Stop," He giggled.<p>

"Never," Conor mumbled, continuing to kiss him.</p>


"Come on. We're gonna be late,"</p>


Conor got up and walked into the bathroom and ran them a shower. Caleb picked up their clothes and laid them out on the bed. Conor peaked his head around the corner, "Are you showering with me or not,"</p>


The pair showered and changed before walking downstairs, Caleb in front of Conor, "Sorry I'm late; I was doing things,"</p>


"I'm things," He said with a smirk.</p>


"Way to ruin the surprise,"</p>


"What? It was pretty obvious considering your neck,"</p>


Bear and Snow walked in, "Morning love birds," the husky said.</p>


"Don't think we didn't hear you last night," Bear winked at the pair before laying down next to the table.</p>



The boy sighed knowing it was almost time to wake up Roma.</p>


Before leaving the room, Locke in curiosity said to Conor and Caleb, "You guy's got up late... So what are these things you're talking about..? And why are you two smiling so much? Well anyway, I have to wake you that damn coo- ...Raccoon."</p>


Scratching his head in confusion, Locke walked to Roma's room. The boy halfheartedly knocked on the wooden door.</p>


"Roma? It's time to wake up."</p>


All the boy could hear from outside was a feeble moan.</p>


"We're leaving in thirty minutes. If you're not up by then, I'm leaving without you."</p>


An unintelligible mumble barely managed to escape from the heavy door.</p>


Growling in exasperation from his persona's lack of communication, the boy said, "Fine then! Just stay there!"</p>


Locke bolted back downstairs, to discuss with team alpha about there plans, enraged at his hungover persona.</p>


Roma coughed out the remaining vomit from her mouth and opened her bloodshot eyes. Her head was thumping like a steel drum as she lifted her body from the bed which Locke had reluctantly placed her on after she passed. Staggering to the restroom, She looked at herself in the mirror.</p>


<span style="color:#660066;">"My god!"</span> she said in dismay from the horrific sight.</p>


The fur on her face was in disarray with remnants of day old chicken still scattered all over it. Roma, recalling the awful things she had said to her boy, washed herself from the disgusting mess in preparation when speaking with Locke again.</p>


<span style="color:#660066;">"Forgive me my poor boy."</span></p>



<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Epax" data-cite="Epax" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="219696" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ian went downstairs. "Everybody in alpha I call you all to a team meeting!" Ian yelled. <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26953-arialc/" data-mentionid="26953">@arialc</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35871-miracle-corgi/" data-mentionid="35871">@Miracle Corgi</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32683-rp-marshall/" data-mentionid="32683">@RP Marshall</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32442-muffinrps/" data-mentionid="32442">@MuffinRPs</a>



Locke was with sitting down with group Alpha while listening to the meeting when Roma sluggishly walked towards them. When the raccoon proceeded to sit next to her boy, Locke ill-mannerly yanked his seat away from Roma. The chair made a thunderous scraping noise that reverberated throughout the room. Roma slumped her head down in misery and listened to Team Alpha which was made up of Ian, Luka, Yvon, Connor and her boy Locke.</p>



<div style="text-align:right;">

<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32442-muffinrps/" data-mentionid="32442">@MuffinRPs</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26953-arialc/" data-mentionid="26953">@arialc</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35871-miracle-corgi/" data-mentionid="35871">@Miracle Corgi</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35635-epax/" data-mentionid="35635">@Epax</a>



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Ayane said:
Thea closed the door behind them, and gave him a friendly smile. "It's nice out. It's always nice in Florence." She speculated as she sta on the steps to the inn, inviting him with her.
"Look, Gyo. I really, really like you." Thea started, "But for now, I can't think about that stuff right now with Arcandia in our hands. I hope you understand."

Sana stayed in the imm, and bit her lip. She felt a bit sorry for Gyo and Thea. Thea was always one sided in situations.

@Shiro kurogane
Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo was quiet for a minute after Thea spoke. Eventually He sighed and looked at her. "you would have been better off letting me think my feelings for you were one-sided." He knew her reasons for telling him this. But if she'd just not told him of her feelings, then he would have been satisfied with just being around to protect her.

"Thea..." Unlike Thea, he couldn't give voice to his feelings for her. So he moved closer to her and pressed his lips to Thea's. "...i have feelings for you too. and knowing you feel the same... it definitely does anything, but make me want to not think about it." Gyo said after pulling away. "but i can say that for missions. i won't do anything. but when we have small moments of peace... thats another story." He smiled childishly at her.

Ori looked at Sana and walked over. Ori herself could roughly guess what Sana was thinking. "Gyo is stubborn... i actually afraid Thea may have just unknowingly challenged Gyo to prove his feelings to her."
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"Everybody. We can't just go in not knowing what we are doing. So lets go over strategies for battle. I don't know If we should just go in swinging or apply stealth. If we ambushed what formation would we go in? If we went stealth where would we go?" Ian laid out the map he drew. "This is a mental map of Balnor. I've tried to mark every corner trashcan ect."
Epax said:
"Everybody. We can't just go in not knowing what we are doing. So lets go over strategies for battle. I don't know If we should just go in swinging or apply stealth. If we ambushed what formation would we go in? If we went stealth where would we go?" Ian laid out the map he drew. "This is a mental map of Balnor. I've tried to mark every corner trashcan ect."
Looking at the intricately drawn map, Locke was quite impressed at Ian's memory of the city. Each street was believable proportional to the size of the map. From the drawing itself, Locke realized how poverty-stricken Balnor actually was.

"Those poor people," Roma sadly said, as she gazed at Ian's map. "Have you been here once Ian? This map is so detailed!"

Since Roma had woken up late, she was not aware that Ian already said he had lived there his whole life.

Locke said to the group, "I'd rather rely on, steal since I'm a thief by trade, but if everyone else wants to just attack directly I'll be fine with that."

- Yvon

"I might as well be out in the open, just in case I find Lois. I would expose us if were stealthy and she happens to be there." He says, shrugging. "I'll be masked, like how I was before. We could surround the area, we're what..." He counts the group. "Five people? We can hsve two groups and me on my own, just to keep you guys from being murdered. Lois isn't exactly easy." Yvon says, studying the map. "If anything, by the time we get there they'll be on the outside if Balnor is defending."


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