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Fandom {1x1 w/ Koraki} Spectral Saints


Unofficial Member of the Ginyu Force

{Fairy Tail - related onexone}
Basic RP Info on Enca/This side of the World:
Enca Government: The president of Enca is head of state, and the president is elected by the different districts from all four islands. Each district has a Magic Council Member representative, and they collectively oversee the guilds in the different provinces. Local government is small and mostly built of militia-style magic knights, who are called when needed but otherwise live the lives they want to. They just can't be a part of guilds because they have to be impartial to guild affairs.There are, of course, dark guilds, but most operate in discretion and severe secrecy because there was a crack-down on assassination and crime-related quests by the last few presidents.

Enca Geography: Enca is the main island, and the biggest land mass in the archipelago. The second largest island is Inari, and is most famous for its port towns and large inland forests and swaths of rolling hills and a mountain chain known as the Shigemi Mountains (for the rich, deep green forests that dot across it). The third island is Kasasagi, and the last island is Amanogawa.For the most part it is like modern-day Japan in terms of Architecture and flora/fauna.

Sin: Relations with the country of Sin across the Midian Straight (channel of water between them) has historically been rough, considering multiple wars have been waged between the countries both militia and wizarding guilds alike. It is no new news to the Encans that the Sinerians (jokingly called sinners) struggle to control their Dark Guild population etc. The past few years there has been tentative peace brokers between Sin and Enca... but it's shaky at best. The two countries don't see eye-to-eye often because Sin is a monarchy and their current King is very questionable in the past etc.Basically, the spoilers of Sin, is that they are a kingdom who allows Dark Guilds to exist so long as they pay a tithe to the king. The wealth and opulence of the capital is not matched anywhere else in the country. It's a well-hidden secret and it's how the king gets rid of opposition etc. and how they send crime into surrounding countries in the hopes that enough commotion will make them weak and susceptible to invasion so they can expand their borders (and the kings' wealth).

Magic Guilds in Enca: As an example, on the western side of the second largest town exists a fishing village by the name of Hitori. Hitori, while not a small town, doesn't have its own local wizard guild so their job requests got filtered out to the rest of the island. Most of the time, when a town or individual posts a job listing, they pay a small fee to the magic counsel for the distribution of the fliers, and it is regulated via importance and difficulty by the council itself. The president, the head of the council, does have some rights in terms of vetoing where job requests go where, but ultimately it was the will of the council to decide. Because Enca is an archipelago, most quests are placed in the guilds of its corresponding island, but they could pay an additional fee to have it distributed to all islands if particularly desperate, or if no takers were occurring from their current island. It helped build business and commerce between the archipelago.
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Spectral Saints Guild Hall
Nestled in the coastal port-town of Kugane, the Spectral Saints guildhall is certainly a sight to behold. Multi-stored with a large clocktower in the center, it features any amenities a mage could ask for, as Mitomori spared no expense with how much money he spent constructing such a large building. On the edge of town, the back of the guildhall is a public waterpark that helps earn the guild money (although be warned, if you get in trouble with the master, you might get sent to the gulag waterpark to volunteer.

The main level is split into two main areas.
The right side is more of an alley-like attrium, with vendors that sell Spectral Saints merch, sometimes manned by mages from the guild, but there is a handful of staff that work at the guild that aren't Spectral Saints members themselves. There's a cafe in the atrium as well, and it's a popular destination for tourists hoping to catch a glimpse of some of their favorite mages.
The left side of the guild hall is for members only. It features a full bar and seating area, as well as a stage for entertainment and of course, the job request board over on the wall. There are huge, tall ceilings that are surrounded by a balcony for the S-Class Lounge. It looks pretty similar to how the 2nd Fairy Tail guild hall looks like.
The rest of the floors and depth come from the rooms-for-rent that are fully furnished studio apartments that the mages can rent from the guild hall (a percentage of their earnings from rewards is immediately subtracted for rent and utilities fees).
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Emiko Reference.pngBASIC INFORMATION
Name: Emiko Harada
Age: 23
Gender: Fem
Guild Mark Color/Location: Maroon - between her shoulder blades at the base of her neck
Magic Type: Take-Over Magic – “Mythical Beast Soul”
"Take Over allows the user to, essentially, "take over" the power (or the body, in the case of a Vulcan) of an entity and use it to fight. It can increase the power, strength, and speed of the Caster, sometimes adding a new skill, such as flying or breathing underwater. One can only "take over" the power of beings that they truly "know.” In addition to embodying an entity, Take Over can also be used to control another entity or another entity's abilities. However, it is unknown if the entity one takes control of/takes over the abilities of has to have the characteristics of the Caster's specific type of Take Over magic."
Emiko stands at around 5’4” and weighs about 150 lbs. She has very lightly tanned skin from long days in the sun and pink-almost-mauve hair that reaches to the middle of her shoulder blades when not tied up, though she commonly keeps it in a low tie or ponytail. She’s been known to favor twin space buns or braids from time to time as well. Her eyes are a dusty rose color that like to sparkle with some unbidden mischief. Her body is quite toned, and slightly muscular, showing off the hard work and training she puts into being as strong as the beasts that she fights, though it doesn’t keep her from losing her feminine curves. Her clothing styles usually consist of comfortable athleisure, seeing no purpose in dressing up except for the odd special occasion or event that she gets invited to (rarely).

Emiko’s take over magic allows her to “take over” the abilities of the beasts she comes across, so long as she’s been able to beat them in battle. Take Over magic eats a ton of magical energy, and staying in the transformed state while running low on magical energy could mean even her weaker forms could turn her into a mindless beast unless knocked out. Emiko has a Chimera form, however it is currently not fully under her control. She could potentially hold its form in her half-beast take over, but to attempt to turn into the full beast take over would most likely spell disaster. It would turn her into a mindless beast, especially considering how close it came to beating her when she fought it in the first place. Half-Beast form: Sacrificing the full size and power of her take overs for slight alterations to her form, Emiko can take on some of the features of beasts she’s come across. Emi chooses these based on what specific attributes she wants to improve, I.e. maybe speed and versatility over power, or size and strength over speed. When in half beast form she gains the abilities of said beasts so long as the body parts are present on her form. Her most common forms of fighting are going to be beast arms because it doesn’t cost her as much magic energy to transform a limb or two. Full Beast Form: Emi fully transforms into a beast. Depending on size she becomes rather slow, but more like a tank in form, and quite powerful, however it eats up magic power like crazy. It’s an endless vacuum and she has to be in tune with herself to know how long she can last with it activated without fearing losing herself.
Current Forms: -Werewolf -Small Sea Serpent (like a river snake but dog-sized) -Sabertooth Tiger -Minotaur -Tengu (Crow demon) -Wyvern​

Side note: if damaged/injured enough, someone can forcibly knock her out of a beast transformation, regardless of her current mental state.

loyal + fierce + sympathetic + emotional
Emiko is a ball of determination and hard work. There have been plenty of instances in her life where people have told her that she either simply didn’t belong, or that she was a danger to herself and everyone around her, but she works hard to put the stigma of Take Over magic behind her. Generally happy and easy going, she does tend to have a short fuse, and her pride can get the best of her on good days. She fights often and always to be acknowledged, trying to prove herself over and over again.

Emiko, on the inside, is actually quite insecure. She worries about how others perceive her, but only often after she does something. For all the vigor that she puts into her daily life and for as much as she seems to get along well with just about anyone she meets, it’s quite draining on her to be “on” all the time. She wonders often if her abilities or even just herself as a person are enough. Emi is a rather forgiving person–if someone truly regrets what they’ve done, she doesn’t think she needs to define them by their past, only their current actions. That being said, if you hurt her friends, she’s coming after you.

"I've fought every day just to try and show people that I deserve to exist! I DO!"

Take Overs aren’t a very common form of magic in Enca, as oftentimes the beasts that roam the islands are regarded by everyday citizens as demons to be feared, and historically thoae who sought to use such magics often became terrible villains, committing various atrocities. The last 20-50 years, with the help of sanctioned guilds and the president of Enca, they have tried to break the stigma on take over magic, but nothing ever happens quickly. Emiko was born in a small town in the mountains of Enca’s biggest island to her mother and father as their only child. It wasn’t long after she was born that Emi’s mother fell ill and died rather swiftly, leaving her behind with her father, Hitoshi. Even as a child, Emiko was rambunctious, and she loved to tussle with the wild animals outside their home in the surrounding forests, despite how it would give her father a heart attack. When her magic was first discovered, the townspeople forced her and her father to be outcasts, because “beastly magic” was something to be feared. They were ridiculed, and although Emi’s father did his best to love his daughter every day just a little bit more each time to make up for her missing mother, it didn’t stop Emiko from hearing the rumors spread about her. “Demon child.” “Monster.” They feared her because they didn’t understand her, and the toll that kind of gossip can take on a child is noticeable.

Emiko and her father ended up moving, and they were nomadic for most of Emiko’s childhood. She would practice her magic in secret and out of sight from her father. He didn’t want her to practice Take Over magic because he was concerned that she would be hunted because of her abilities.

One particularly traumatizing moment featured some bandits who stumbled upon her using her magic at the age of 9, and the stuffed her in a cage too small for her with the intent of selling her overseas or to some dark guild. Rescued by her father and some Magic Knight Militia, Emi doesn’t remember much of this incident, but the fear of small cramped places never quite left her.

By the time Emiko was 14 she and her father had done quite a bit of traveling. It was this year that her life changed for the better. On the second island in the Enca archipelago, in the forests outside of Kugane, the city in which Spectral Saint resides, the master, Mitomori saw her practicing and immediately invited her to join the Spectral Saints. Her father was against the idea in the beginning, but slowly acquiesced because he knew the benefits of being in a guild were worth far more than anything. She’d make money and he’d be able to live and get a job in the city if she was a part of an official guild. Emiko joined the guild as one of the youngest members at age 14, the other older guild members always helping her train and acting, of course, like a second family.
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Name: Kigo Tsuya
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Guild Mark Color/Location: Navy blue - Left pectoral
Magic Type: Holder Magic – Tarot Cards + Super Secret Magic he was born with
Magic Card is a type of Holder Magic which revolves around the use of Magic Cards, which can produce a variety of effects, such as generating elements, and even seemingly living beings. Magic Cards can be used for offense by employing the cards used for this Magic as long-range weapons by the user throwing them at their enemies. Users of this Magic can also combine their cards to generate particular effects. Aside from combat, Magic Card seems to possess other avenues for usage: users can use them for divination with varying rates of success] In addition, the cards can reproduce the effects from a variety of different forms of Magic, such as Water Magic or Sleep Magic, coming in as very versatile, if used the right way. These cards can also be linked to specific individuals, allowing the user to gain information about their status and location, as well as to communicate with them.
Kigo is a tall 6’3”, 180lbs tan-skinned male with curly dark hair that’s always kept in a low pony-tail. His skin is a deep chocolate and his body is well muscled despite his lithe and admittedly willowy shape. His eyes are a honey-gold, and he almost always wears a mischievous smirk. A heart-throb, he’s a bit of a ladies’ man and he knows it well. He is one of those guys who knows he looks good. His usual attire is something flexible but fashionable, though he’s also known to favor dark blue or black jeans, a shirt and a flannel over top. He knows how to dress fancy, however, and looks like Sin in a suit (aha).

Kigo’s personal magic is a mystery, but his card’s magic is no joke. His personal favorite uses are laying down trap cards that activate an AOE (area of effect) ability, such as an electric floor, etc.

His abilities, however versatile, require him to think quickly on his feet. When grasping at straws and put on the defensive, he can use his cards as shields, but once he’s out of physical cards he can’t exactly perform card’s magic until he makes/buys a new deck.

compassionate + suave + secretive + collected
Kigo’s all about grins and half-lidded eyes. He has a smooth voice and he isn’t afraid to use it, especially if it means getting him the information he wants. A common model for the men’s side of “Sorcerer Weekly” magazine, he has his fair share of fangirls, although he always makes sure to let them down gently, that somehow seems to make them more interested in him.
Kigo prides himself on being cool/calm/collected most of the time. He’s a peacekeeper in the guild, even as fights erupt around him. It’s hard to drag him into a tussle, but he can usually end them by splashing water on the group etc.

While he wouldn’t call himself an intellectual, Kigo does actually enjoy research, and will often do the necessary leg work into comprehending the maps of the places he goes on quests, as well as the local history and lore. In fact, when he’s not doing jobs as a wizard, he’s leading tours through the historic town of Kugane (although they recently had to make a rule where each person could only take the tour 3 times before being cut off–his fanclub was starting to try and take up every slot on his tours).

Kigo will always and forever stick up for the weak. He knows what it’s like to feel helpless, and like no one in the entire world has your back. He wants to be that person, even if it’s just for one individual person, that would be enough for him.

He doesn’t particularly like talking about his past, and will try to distract you smoothly in order to change the topic. He is a flirt and it’s often hard to tell whether he’s being sincere or not, but if you know… then you know.

"There's so much of this world I still want to see... I hope it's in the cards for us to go together."

Kigo was born to very wealthy parents as the second child of a trading fleet. His father was a very serious and busy businessman who had little free time to himself, much less to pay attention to his children. His mother was no different, putting herself high into the socialite side of having money, and Kigo and his older brother Yatsuo spent much of their lives in a big empty house with maids and private tutors there to teach them. Because of this, Kigo learned to mature a lot faster than how a kid is supposed to, and learned to be polite and well-spoken from a very young age. Once he was 9 and Yatsuo was 13, his parents finally started taking an interest in their children… or more specifically, Yatsuo as he was to be the heir apparent for his father’s business. Unfortunately this meant that Kigo was even more isolated than before, and he and Yatsuo slowly drifted apart as his parents showed favoritism for their eldest.

At about age 15, Kigo’d had enough, and announced that he was leaving the family. His parents threatened to disown him if he did, as it would do their name and reputation no good if they had a son wandering around using their “good” name. That was fine by him and they left on… not so good terms.

From there, Kigo did a bit of seeing the world and traveling. It was then that he joined a guild by the name of Horus Eye. He liked being in their guild, but more so because he was never alone like he was at home. Someone was always in the guild hall doing something, for better or for worse. Kigo craved attention and so he worked at his magic and worked his way up the ranks. However, not all things of this nature were good. The longer he stayed at Horus Eye, the more he realized how… unstable the individuals who ran the place seemed to be. More and more questionable quests were left on the questboard, until one too many made the government declare Horus Eye a Dark Guild for their business becoming so seedy. Disgusted, the only thing that Kigo regrets about leaving Horus Eye was a couple of friends who refused to go with him, too set in their ways and not believing in change so they remained complacent.
Having been in Horus Eye for a few years, Mitomori noticed Kigo right away the minute he stepped into Kugane, and the man was recruited for the Spectral Saints at the age of 19. He’s been in the guild ever since.


Name: Shigeru Tetsura
Age: 25 years
Gender: male
Guild Mark Color/Location: dark blue; right side of his neck
Magic Type: Spider King Magic
Spider King Magic grants the user the abilities of a spider. Spinning webs to trap foes, injecting venom through fangs, and climbing walls are all within the user's skillset. This magic type also allows the user to communicate with creatures of the class Arachnida.

Height: 6’2
Build: Lean/fit
Complexion: very pale
Hair: black/slightly curly
Eye color: blue-gray
Distinguishing traits: black eyeshadow smudged around his eyes (hides the dark circles), black nail polish, and ear piercings.
Fashion: edgy and (trying to be) cool. wears a black trench coat.

introvert + confident + abrasive + stubborn

Shigeru is a self-proclaimed loner who spends his time lingering toward the back of the room. He’s an observant individual who keeps to himself. He comes off as aloof or even straight up antisocial.

He spent a good chunk of his childhood being the “weird kid” and learned very quickly not to care about what other people thought about him. This gives him a sense of confidence - but it also tends to make him seem abrasive or unsympathetic. On the flip side, Shigeru is very understanding of people who are considered outcasts by society.

Beneath the edgy exterior, Shigeru has several nerdy interests. The guy loves insects and arachnids alike. He likes to sketch and document the bugs he sees, and gets a sparkle in his eye whenever he sees one he considers “cute”.
"I do what I want, and if you don't like it, screw off."​

Shigeru had always been a weird kid. His parents were scientists that were intensely interested in how magic affected the natural world. They were as loving as parents could be, but were frequently absent due to meetings, experiments, and other obligations. Because of this, Shigeru’s aunt babysat him very often. She was his father’s younger sister, a woman who loved the heavy rocker/goth lifestyle. She raised Shigeru with the mindset of “do what you like and screw everyone else”.

When Shigeru was bullied for his fascination with bugs, she was there to support him. When he decided to become a full-fledged wizard, she cheered him on. His parents were hesitant on his unique sense of style, but as long as their boy was happy, they were happy.

Shigeru picked the Spectral Saints as his guild - not just because of the locality, but also because the name sounded really cool.
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Name: Arisa Morikage
Age: 23 years
Gender: female
Guild Mark Color/Location: purple; upper left arm
Magic Type: Phantom Magic
Phantom Magic enables its user to harness the magical energies of phantoms - spirits of those who had died horrific deaths and had their souls completely transformed through magic - as well as grants the user a sort of “spirit sight” that allows them to see and communicate with ghosts.

Phantom magic only works when the user is within a certain radius of a phantom - otherwise, there is no energy to harness. A mage can form a pact with a phantom that binds the phantom to the mage. Such an agreement means that the phantom will always follow/be able to be summoned by the mage, and in return the phantom can draw strength from the human soul of the mage. A pact can be dangerous if made with the wrong phantom, as the mage’s soul is connected and therefore open to influence by the phantom.

Arisa’s current pacts:
  • Heads and Tails; twin phantoms.
    Heads is female with red eyes and a pair of horns. She is fierce and headstrong, easily angered and vicious when provoked. Tails is male with blue eyes and a barbed tail. He is calmer and more logical, a counterpoint of reason to his sister’s combativeness. The pair stumbled upon Arisa when she was young and stuck around ever since.

Height: 5'6
Build: chubby/curvy
Complexion: pale/smooth-skinned
Hair: dark brown/wavy
Eye color: purple
Distinguishing traits: several small scars in various places from magical incidents involving phantoms. a few are from doing work at her family’s home.
Fashion: comfortable and plain. black shirts and black skirts. she likes to wear a cloak when traveling.

"My family will never suffer like that again. I won't let it happen."​

Arisa was born to a lower working class family. Her father was a phantom mage who belonged to a small guild in his youth but gave it up due to a bad injury. Unfortunately, this injury led to more and more issues, until her father passed away just after she turned 14.

Struggling to raise 3 kids, Arisa’s mother worked herself ragged - and even with Arisa’s help, the family barely scraped by. Her mother eventually met a non-magical man who came from a middle class background. He wasn’t rich, but he had far better means than the Morikages. He fell in love with Arisa’s mother, they married, and all was well. Until it wasn’t.

Arisa’s stepfather revealed his true colors soon after the marriage. He was controlling and mean, always ready to criticize anyone who didn’t follow his expectations. Arisa and her siblings put up with his cruelty for nearly two years - during which time the treatment only got worse. Arisa’s mother was helpless to intervene. Divorce meant the money they desperately needed would dry up, and she couldn’t bear to see her children suffer from hunger again.

But eventually, Arisa couldn’t take it anymore. When her stepfather lashed out in a fit of drunken rage, endangering Arisa’s little brother, she snapped. Under the influence of Heads, Arisa’s own outrage bubbled over, and she used her magic to kill her stepfather.

Murder, of course, was a punishable crime. But Arisa’s mother, though dazed and upset, would never think of turning her baby in. In fact, the whole town - a tiny community way out in the countryside - kept it quiet. Everyone knew the man had been abusive. No one was going to say anything if he “disappeared” one day.

Arisa vowed that her family would never be dependent on another cruel person to take care of them. As soon as she turned 18, she left home to work whatever jobs she could find. All the while, she was practicing and training her magic. She knew the best paying jobs came from being a member of a guild. It’s taken years, but she’s finally gotten to the point where she could hold her own in a fight.

All she needs is a guild, and Spectral Saints is the closest one.

reserved + kind + helpful + distrustful

Arisa is a quiet, reserved woman who prefers to keep to herself most of the time. People make her nervous - especially in large crowds - so she tends to stay away from populated areas. She’s learned to curb her introverted nature in order to travel into the city so that she can make connections and take on jobs to support her family.

Driven by a desire to provide for those she loves, Arisa often finds herself in a caretaking role. She doesn’t like conflict and will often try to mediate or referee any arguments or fights. If she feels as if she cannot handle the situation/problem, Arisa defaults to her natural inclination - flee. When things go wrong or she is under stress, Arisa isolates herself or shies away from the issue.
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