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Fandom [1x1 w/ Aquanette] Mass Effect


Unofficial Member of the Ginyu Force
Mass Relay.gif
{A Mass Effect doubling RP with OCxGrunt and OCxGarrus}
All of Galactic Space had thought that Jane Shepherd, the first Human Spectre and savior of the galaxy, was dead. Now, even more than ever, people of all species looked for a savior... and not to mention the humans going missing from colonies deep in the outer reaches of space...
Rumors have spread, however, that Shepherd didn't die... and now she's gathering a force to figure out what's happening to the humans... and how to strike back at the beings that tried... and successfully got her once.
Name: Mallorie Loke
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Position: Former - Pediatrician on Eden Prime || Current - Combat Medic onboard the Normandy
Current Alias: Dr. Mallorie (she hates using her last name but can't bring herself to change it)
During the events of Mass Effect 1, Mallorie was a children's doctor on Eden Prime when the Geth attacked. She was found by Commander Shepherd applying triage to victims and complaining "I am not an army nurse, I'm a pediatrician!" And that was good enough for Shepherd to bring her along.

Mallorie has honeybrown skin and dark hair that's usually held up in some sort of bun. She has a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose and is hardly ever seen without her earring. Her earring looks like a star, made out of an opal and delicate silver, and it's special to her because she's since lost the other one, and it was the first thing she bought for herself with her own money. She is particularly lithe and while not overly strong, her hands are incredibly steady and as a teenager she used to practice firing rifles with her old galactic military trainee boyfriend (the boyfriend her parents didn't know about and would never approve of). Her class type is Sentinel, as she can use Biotics and Engineering.

sassy + smart + stubborn + empathetic
Mallorie is a very emotional individual -- she wears them on her sleeves and isn't apologetic about it. It takes a lot of guts to go from living a peaceful life on a colony, working with children from multiple races, to jumping in the deep end during a crisis working on life-threatening injuries. In the operating room is a different story, she almost enters a second-sort of mindset, one that's calm, collected, and entirely objective to the task at hand, prioritizing saving lives over all else. Mallorie's hypocratic oath died the day children died in her arms on Eden Prime -- she's a doctor first and will do her best to save all that she can... but sometimes in war you do what you have to do.

Mallorie is very much so a people-pleaser, sometimes even to her own detriment, as she often puts the needs of others above her own. This shows especially when she refuses to go to sleep despite Dr. Chakwas' orders and works at all odd hours of the day/night in order to get everything done. This means that sometimes she gets dark circles around her eyes, or her make-up smudges and she hopes no one notices.

A little goofy at times, Mal can joke with the rest of the Normandy crew, her dry sense of humor fitting right in perfectly with the best of them. She's not great at talking in front of large groups of people, and will often make some sort of mistake in her speech and immediately clam up after. Also, most of the Normandy crew enjoy a bit of a rager when they're off of the ship for a little R&R at the Citadel, but Mallorie hates clubs. They make her incredibly unfomfortable. That, and she's not a huge crowd person, either.

"I wanted to SEE the stars... so I left and haven't looked back since. Best decision of my life. That, and taking Shepherd's hand."

Mallorie was raised on Earth in a very traditional household that still holds on to archaic ways of thinking from hundreds of years in the past, where women are typically the keepers of the home and in charge of the family dynamic while the men are the money-makers and business dealers. Wanting to get away from that lifestyle as fast as possible, Mallorie made a plan at the age of 10 to study as hard as she could so that she could become a doctor and get shipped off to a colony--any colony--as fast as she possibly could. She, of course, didn't tell her parents that's why she took her studies so seriously. They were thrilled that she wanted to become a doctor... and it was a good thing they didn't know her plan or they definitely would have stopped her. Her father, Daven, and her mother, Gita, were pretty hands off with her as a child. She was raised by multiple different nannies as her parents were too busy to work with a toddler. It wasn't until age 6 that her mother put her through what felt like hundreds of etiquette classes and started taking notice/interest in her keen capacity to learn and pick up on things quickly. As an only child, it forced them to pay attention to her every decision and choices, and Mallorie more often than not felt suffocated in her household despite her family's apparent wealth.

At the young age of 17, Mallorie passed her MCAT and secretly got herself assigned to a colony out beyond the Milky Way. Packing her bag and opening a new bank account in her own name, Mallorie moved her savings into her new account and disappeared. Her parents try to check in on her every once and awhile, begging her to come home like their household wasn't cold, transactional, and basically a fancy prison without bars, but Mallorie usually finds new and creative ways to avoid returning home for the time being...

In the events of Mass Effect, Mallorie took a little time to get used to all of the colorful characters that the Normandy had, but once comfortable, she easily made friends witht he likes of Liara and Tali, and she finds Garrus fascinating. She gravitates toward him more than anyone else on the crew, as she likes to listen to his stories. They also joke and sass each other about almost everything. It will probably take a little bit of a forceful nudge for her to realize that she might have caught feelings for the plucked space-cockatoo.

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