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  1. BigIgg

    Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

    Ineiza pulled the boat close to the dock with water bending and pulled a couple of water drenched rope from the sides and secured it against the dock post. Solace stepped off the boat as it hit against the dock and kept his pace heading inland. His water bending sister stepped off the front...
  2. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    They drove for awhile, the gas had a decent portion in it for being abandoned. Not a lot of people were keen on hot-wiring vehicles. Easton pulled up ahead at a small convenient store once they were far off from the thicker part of the city. Easton slipped his spiked knuckles over his thick...
  3. BigIgg

    Realistic or Modern Hounds of Hell Motorcycle Club

  4. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Easton returned the gesture and drove off, zipping through debris with moderate ease. "No problem. World's gone to shit, we need to stick together." The dog veered along with the car's turns and peeked out the window curiously. "The name's Easton. This here's Abigail." he said pointing to...
  5. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Easton hammered on the brakes, swerving some at the on-coming pedestrian. The dog nearly flopped off the seat. Noticing the man, clearly in trouble, Easton quickly calculated his vulnerability against the man's and pitched that he was in general peril. He was in bad shape and a frazzled look in...
  6. BigIgg

    Realistic or Modern Hounds of Hell Motorcycle Club

  7. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Easton stirred in the night, the dog sound asleep as well, until a noise was heard. The dog snapped awake, Easton seconds after. They heard it again and climbed to their feet. The herd had broken through and began to pour into the building, Easton knew by the noise that it would be impossible to...
  8. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Okay then. Packing because I'm moving this week lol but I'll be sure to jump in and help
  9. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Okay. I'm at a school, with a herd outside. Nothing has happened yet, just camped down. We can meet there through surviving the zombies or as I escape, your play hombre
  10. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    The new formed team reach a school, it was starting to get cold and they both were starving. Easton glanced around for the dead and then drove up through the desolate parking lot. "Let's get through this quick, and make this a shelter for the night. No hero stuff okay?" Easton asked the dog...
  11. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Yeah's :D where all at. I'm gonna be online for a couple hours and then a couple more when I get home
  12. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Okay, tomorrow night I'll be free again
  13. BigIgg

    Realistic or Modern Hounds of Hell Motorcycle Club

    (Open for Business)
  14. BigIgg

    Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

    haha okay then Sounds promising! It would take a little integrating from both our sides but I gotta say I like the idea of this. Talk more tomorrow
  15. BigIgg

    Hounds of Hell Motorcycle Club

    Safe Haven Districts: The Center Inner City Outer City The Center High Upper Class men and Safe Haven operatives reside here mostly, supplied with a lake, resort, golf range, and the sorts. Only high level clearance will get you through the gates and it is secured by high level...
  16. BigIgg

    Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

    Okay will do :) Going to do finish touches on my other rp and then read up on your chaacter
  17. BigIgg

    Hounds of Hell Motorcycle Club

  18. BigIgg

    Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

    Anyone want to meet up in Republic City, my characters are anti-heros but will work as bodyguards or accompany people
  19. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Does anyone wanna meet up? I just procured a vehicle, just starting to travel some
  20. BigIgg

    Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Easton finally got the vehicle started, he took a moment to relax. There was little time to that nowadays. The large man kept an eye out for walkers and then he heard a scratch, immediately sending his attention to the passenger side door. Easton adjusted himself and looked out the window...