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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Jackson knew that the lobby would be filled with the dead so he headed around, prying the fire exit door open with the last remaining bit of strength he had, he continued up the steps.
Easton stirred in the night, the dog sound asleep as well, until a noise was heard. The dog snapped awake, Easton seconds after. They heard it again and climbed to their feet. The herd had broken through and began to pour into the building, Easton knew by the noise that it would be impossible to fight them off. The man led his dog out the back entrance and picked up the pace, pouring out into the exposed streets. The two ran quickly off.

The vehicle was off a distance some so they had a bit of time for Easton to start it back up again and turn off. He was lucky to have made it out before they had had it surrounded. The truck curled around many office buildings as he started back out the town, the streets had littered with some dead cars and dead people, some scattered remains of civilization.

(Your cue to signal us :) )
Laura chuckled at Ryans explanation of her attempted heroics.

"Well it comes from being the only girl in my generation of the family, when your surrounded by boys recklessness tends to become a trait. So when I heard gun fire I assumed it was survivors defending themselves so I decided to try and help. I had no idea there were fanatics involved"

She shrugged and looked thoughtful.

"Turns you I was not needed after all you guys could handle yourselves"
(Oki) Jackson looked at the car, running to the edge of the road, waving his arms at it while looking at the herd a few kilometres away.
Easton hammered on the brakes, swerving some at the on-coming pedestrian. The dog nearly flopped off the seat. Noticing the man, clearly in trouble, Easton quickly calculated his vulnerability against the man's and pitched that he was in general peril. He was in bad shape and a frazzled look in his eyes suggested he was closer to being taken out than to attack.

"Get in!" Easton shouted through the door he opened up, looking to some random walking dead as they neared with concern.

(Sorry, crazy week moving out of my apartment.)
(yeah no problem man)

Jackson nodded while opening the door and sitting next to the dog, smiling "Thanks man" he looked as though he hadn't eaten for days as almost about to die from starvation.
Rey folded his paper back up and stuck it in his pocket where it always was. He stared blankly at the road, eyes seeing, but not seeing. he was glad he could see, because they had come upon the base, and the dead were shambling about, both in, and around it. Rey swore under his breath. "Ryan, I'm not sure if you drive as good as Barbs, on impulse that is, but looks like we're going to need a little driveby to clear the dead away from the doors." Rey spun his Uzi out and screwed on the silencer. He looked at Barnaby. "What? I don't want to wake up little miss sunshine, she gets pissed when she's sleep deprived." With that, he rolled down the window and hooked his free hand around the handle that hung from the ceiling of the car. He was trying his best to keep the insane light out of his eyes, because then he knew he would smile. And then laugh. And then sing. And that would wake at up and open a big fucking can of worms.
Ryan chuckled, "With all due respect Barnaby." Ryan gave a courteous nod towards the man in the rear view mirror. "I've been driving since before you we're born. I'll try not to wake her up though, but best hold on to be safe?" A sly smile on his face. He figured he'd better use both hands for the time being and placed the other on the wheel. Driving the SUV alongside the outside of the base a few times so that Rey could get his clear shot, not hitting a single one of the stumbling dead with the SUV. Cause who wants a bloody car, keep it clean. "How am I doing kid? Good enough for your standards? I'm sure they're high." When the outer area was clear he reversed into the fenced area, turning the vehicle in a half circle, making sure not to turn so sharp that he'd sling Rey from the vehicle.
Rachel kept a firm, but soft grip on the sleeping Kat as Ryan began driving around the dead, in case the vehicle made any sudden movements that might disturb Kat in her sleeping, she was a light sleeper, sensitive to sound and all that, kind of like an actual cat. "Could we take a quieter option. Perhaps just drive around them, and not shoot them." After all they were just dead, and not even that many of them, they weren't a threat, now Kat being woken up after having such a great sleep would be a larger threat than a horde of dead, so it was best just to make no noise, at all. Even with the silencer, the weapon would still make some noise, along with the noises the dead would make upon being shot at.

At some point of their journey, Kat had began mumbling incoherently to herself while sleeping, a small smile on her face as her mouth hung open, Kat was..a slob when it came to sleeping, drooling all over Rachel, who quietly groaned at the situation, holding Kat's jaw shut now, in an attempt to stop her clothes from being even more ruined, it dwelt just like before the outbreak. "So, what was your group like before I joined in, what did you do and stuff." she asked out of curiosity to the two men, or one man, one boy in the front seats.
Easton returned the gesture and drove off, zipping through debris with moderate ease.

"No problem. World's gone to shit, we need to stick together."

The dog veered along with the car's turns and peeked out the window curiously.

"The name's Easton. This here's Abigail." he said pointing to the large dog.

"What's your name?"
A grin was tugging at the corner of Rey's lips. "Yee, you're not too bad..." Rey mused, picking off the dead one by one. "...But you're not the rough rider Brother is, heh." He was glad for Rachel's question, he would have started laughing soon. The dead were now, well, dead, outside of the compound at least, and Rey motioned for ryan to stop the car. He didn't mind jumping out the window and doing a tuck-and-roll, but the others might. "Well, I was alone for the majority of the first two months that we were born. I killed mah lunatic neibors, took the dudes gun..." Rey holstered his uzi under his jacket, "...But these was always mine." He spun one of his knives in his hand. He punctuated each "then" in his next long winded account of everything significant after that with a twist of his head. "Theeeeeeeeen I found the mall... Theeeeeeeeen I found Barbs... Theeeeeeeen we found Kat being Kat and trying to scare the people in the mall... Theeeeeeeen Kat and I set some stuff on fire... then we got jailed... Theeeeeen I threatened to stab a couple of people with a tuna can... Theeeeeeen Kat concussed herself... Theeeeeeen i was let out... Theeeeeeeen i found mah shit... Theeeeeeeen i came back and let Barbs out... Theeeeeeeeen the seymore fuck got fucked up with fuckery, moreso than he already was... Theeeeeeen Barbs and I set the place on fire and left... Theeeeeeen we ran into Kat playing dressup... Theeeeeeen we drove around a bit... Theeeeeeen we fucked some bandits... Theeeeeen we found ryan and two other people, but those people look dead now..." Come to think of it rey didn't see them anywhere. "Theeeeeeen we came here... Theeeeeeeen i made caremel... Theeeeeeeen Kat tried to fuck me... And fuck you again ryan, by the way, but not literally... Theeeeeeeen we went off to fuck the fuckers that almost fucked you... Theeeeeeen we fucked said fuckers... Theeeeeeen Kat tried to shoot herself and i told her nuh uh... Theeeeeeen we fucked more fuckers and set the place on fire... Theeeeeen we found you two again... Theeeeeeen we drove here... Theeeeeeen i fucked some more dead fuckers... Theeeeeeen you asked me what we did before and i guess you don't want me to repeat myself so yea." Rey bobbed his head at rachel with a content, but unusually sane expression on his face, pleased with hir re account of the past half a years activities.
Ryan did in fact slow to after Rey motioned for it, as he went on about what he'd personally been through. Leave it to the boy to make the air around them extremely uncomfortable by mentioning what happened between Rey and Kat. Ryan closed his eyes and rubbed at his forehead, would Rachel think the boy was joking? He grit his teeth momentarily before pointing out the window, "Out, do your thing." He told Rey. As if ordering a teenager to jump out and shoot at walking corpses was normal. His own recollection of his time in the apocalypse would have to wait if the girl did eventually ask again as he guessed she'd very much be not in the mood now.
Laura watched the group out of curiosity, they were an unusual bunch of people that had been thrown together but then again if someone had said a Zombie outbreak would occur she would have laughed. It really was a strange time. Looking back out the window she drew her attention back to her supplies. she had re-stocked her ammo from the fanatics back at the church and had grabbed some basic medical supplies. Pulling out a container of water she took a drink and capped it off before putting it away again.
Rachel listened to what Rey filled her in on, and was not surprised on what the groups interactions with Kat had been, she was like that, intimidating people in a mall, sounds like her, even pre outbreak. But the real shock came when he said 'then she tried to fuck me.' She looked down at Kat then back at Rey, eyes widened. "Wait, what!?" She let out in surprise, Kat jumping in her sleep and groaning, opening her eyes and looking around. Rubbing said eyes, a dazed and confused expression on. "What's going on?" She asked curiously, the face on Rachel telling her that something wasn't right.

As for Rachel, she didn't know what to say about what Rey had just said to her, sort of blanking out the rest of what he said, Ryan's rather uncomfortable and awkward reaction in an attempt to quickly get Rey out confirmed her suspiciouns, she'd never gotten angry at Kat before, maybe mad if she let the milk go spoiled or some trivial shit like that, but not actually angry. She replied to Kat's question. "Nothing's wrong Kat, nothing at all." With some extreme passive-aggressiveness in her voice, Kat sitting up now and looking at Rachel. "What'd I do wrong?" She asked Rachel.
Rey facepalmed. "Dammit, you woke up the sleeping tiger. Weeelp, time for me to do some more sniffing around, If i run into your two girlfriends Ryan, I'll say hi. But they probably won't say hi back. Because they are dead. And dead people don't talk. Except up here." Rey rapped his knuckles against his forehead. "And only on ocasion. Coming Barbs?" Rey opened the car door and jumped out, landing nimbly by crouching and letting his knees absorb most of the shock. He stood up, and with a swish of his jacket headed off to the bases front gates, spinning a knife in his hand. One of the dead was still walking around aimlessly, so Rey tutted and threw his knife, nailing it between the eyes. Rey retrieved his knife. But for the first time in a long time, he found that he couldn't smile. He tilted his head up and looked at the sky, running a hand through his hair. "The worlds gone to shit Barbs. The whole fucking lot of it is mad. But Brother, why... Why is it so..." Rey struggled for the word. "...Dead?" He didn't expect Barnaby to answer, but talking to Barnaby while Barnaby nodded was kind of their thing. Rey liked Barnaby. And he always would.
Laura had overheard the comments from Rey and did not react, did not even let on that she had heard anything. She knew how he felt about her just for being a doctor. Despite everyone's facades, they were only human and right now they did not know why this was happening or how to stop it but everyone was suffering because of it. Pulling on her back pack she cleared her throat as she walked to make it seem like she had just gotten close.

"So what do we do now?"

She asked looking at Rey and Barnaby, she was not a natural leader so she was not going to be taking charge all of a sudden

Rey glared in the doctor's general direction, not making eye contact. "Well you can fucking leave. I don't like you, and you will proably end up dead. Soon. Most likely. So fuck you." Rey noticed that one of the bases doors were ajar, and he put his ear to it. Sure enough, the dead managed to get inside the walls. "By leave I don't just mean leave and let me do my work, I mean yeh can fekin' leave. Take the suv after everyone's out of it and get your ass away from here." He said, ear still to the door, still not making eye contact. He tried to move the door, but it wouldn't budge. He realized that there was something blocking it. "Barbs, move this for me please. With minimal noise of course." Rey stebbed back from the door. He realized that having the doctor here was making him a bit angry. Because of the memories she brought along with her, that all doctors brought. Rey was experiencing a period of horrible sanity, all the crazy light had left his eyes. He wanted the doctor gone. For good. If she followed him into the base when there was still dead inside, maybe she would... trip... but that was just in his head. Maybe. She was a doctor. Rey hated doctors.
Ryan grimaced at Rachel's reaction, not wanting to stick around for the aftermath he to slid out of the vehicle. He was worried about the girls as well, but Rey was right they we're either dead or they'd taken off...he really hoped they'd taken off. With his machete out he took down the two closest dead to his side of the SUV. He shouldn't have let them come here, if they'd kept walking they could've been somewhere else safe by now. For now the man would believe they'd escaped, until something told him different because he needed to believe that. Going to the tent where they'd slept before leaving, which was empty he huffed silently.
Laura winced at the harsh tone Rey had but said nothing in response. The guy was 17 for god sake. Shaking her head she grabbed a gun from her pack and went inside with the others. They had to find out what happened and if anyone survived. Moving slowly she kept her steps deliberately quiet moving with Rey, Ryan and Barnaby. She kept the gun armed and aimed, ready to shoot at a moments notice. They approached a battered door and she could see it falling apart. Grabbing Rey by the back of the neck she pulled him backwards away from the door just as an infected hand shot out and grabbed her. Dragging her back she screamed as her gun fell and she fought their grip. Looking back at the group she screamed.



@Crono @Alstromeria
For Kat, things had escalated..quickly, to say the least. But as shit hit the fan, with Ryan wanting to leave quickly and Rey getting..angry? At the doctor, she'd never seen him get angry before, he was always uplifting and shit like that, usually it annoyed her but now she was just curious as to why he was so aggressive towards someone who simply held a profession, but as one of the entrances to the base began crumbling the doctor attempting to push Rey from harms way, Kat shot out of the SUV, grabbing her M9 from its place in her holster she pushed Rey out of the way, raising her pistol and taking focus on the head of the infected that had grabbed the doctor.

Ugh, their movements were to quick and erratic to know when the infected would be in her sights and the debris was getting more and more accurate in where it hit around Kat, so she was forced to pull away from the situation, and ran off, pulling Rey forcefully with her as the debris continued to crash down.
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(Noooooo I was killing Laura off it was supposed to be a shocking moment since she had pulled Rey from harm hahaha)

(Can you alter your reply @RIPSaidCone )
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Rey rubbed the back of his neck where the doctor had touched him and shivered once. Kat had grabbed him as well. He brushed her off without as much as a glance in her direction. He looked the woman in the eye. "I told you. I'm never wrong." Rey slowly drew his uzi, not spinning it as he usually did, and aimed it at the hinges of the door. With one stiff-armed bang, the top hinge of the door fell. Then the other. The door fell, and collapsed partially on the doctor. The infected that had its hand on her arm took a huge bite, tearing through muscles, veins, a small spurt of blood squelching out. Rey lowered his Uzi slowly as Laura continued to withe in pain, and two more infected came to see the source of the screams. Laura had her legs pinned under the door, and Rey watched as the dead had their feast, maws soaked in blood, running down their chins, plastered on their hands. As they began to gorge themselves on her slippery insides, Laura's screams faded to gurgles of pain, then stopped alltogether as she went still. Rey stood there. "I'm never wrong." He repeated, his arms twitching again. He turned around calmly, then changed his mind. He strode up behind the dead who were still mutilating Laura's body, then pulled out his knife. With and eerie sence of stoicness, he killed all three, methodically stabbing them in the temples. He looked at the corpse of Laura and rubbed the back of his neck again. He spit. 'She was a doctor,' he thought, crushing her skull under his boot, brains coming out of the side of her head with a sickening squelch. 'And I was right. Doctors always die.' Then something sparked behind his eyes, and the flame of insanity kindled again. It flickered in his mind, then engulfed it. A smile tugged at the corners of Rey's mouth. "I'm never wrong. Eh heh, so is madness." He looked around at the stunned faces of the others. Then he put his head down, and snapped his fingers like he always did. "I understand about indescision, I don't care what i've, left behind..." He strode into the base, and the dead were there. not many, just ten or twelve. "People livin' in competition, all I wanted was to have my peace of mind..." Rey didn't draw any of his weapons. He just snapped his fingers and swung his arms. Taking a literal meaning to the phrase 'dancing on your grave.' Rey found this humorous, and grinned wolfishly.
Ryan had turned from his search at the tents, screams. His stomach churned as he ran back towards the SUV and the others, getting there in time to see Laura getting killed followed by Rey's disturbing reaction to it all. He couldn't hold it in any longer as he put out an arm on the vehicle for support as he vomited, he'd seen plenty but this was too much for his stomach to deal with. He might have said something afterwards if not for the fact that he was afraid opening his mouth would force it to happen again.

(Sorry, short. Gotta run for a bit, I'll be back.)

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