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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Kat wasn't shocked at what happened next, simply raising an eyebrow in curiosity, she was more surprised than anything, she hadn't expected Rey to pull such a gruesome move to someone he didn't even know, Rachel had climbed out of the SUV behind her and had began vomiting in small amounts along with Ryan, Kat shooting her a glance and jerking her head back to the SUV, a signal Rachel noticed and climbed back into the SUV after she was confident that she wouldn't have made a mess inside it, Kat nodding once at Ryan as she held her M9 at her side and followed Rey closely. Speaking up with a. "So, what the fuck was that all about?" She asked, eyeing him suspiciously she didn't trust him any more, especially around the others.
Rey shoved one of the dead that shambled towards him with both arms. It groaned and stumbled backwards. Rey kept his feet planted forwards, but truned his waist, torso, and head to look at Kat with a strange, blank expression, a kind of darkness in his eyes. Then he turned back around with a grin on his face at the dead one again, grabbing it by the neck and headbutting it. Hard. The corpse stumbled and fell on its back, flailing its arms a bit to try to stand again, but met the heel of Rey's loafer. Rey pressed his shoe into the deads face untill it stopped moving, and its skull crunched.
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Ryan heard Rachel get out and have a go herself, which didn't help him in return, wiping at his mouth with his jacket sleeve. He saw the interaction between the two girls before Rachel jumped back in and nodded at Kat. If anyone could handle Rey it would be Kat or Barnaby. The man walked up to the window of the SUV closest to Rachel. "You alright?" He asked, keeping both Rey and Kat in his peripheral vision.
Kat wasn't liking Rey's behaviour in the slightest, his face was lifeless, but in a sort of darker way, even though there was no emotion on his face, Kat could still see the cruelty in his eyes, it didn't put her off talking to him, in fact it just made her me curious, he wasn't a serious threat to her after all, not a serious one to HER that was, she began growing slightly concerned for the safety of the others in the group, Rey was never the most stable, but he was always happy, now he was a dangerous kind of unstable, one she couldn't tolerate being around Rachel. As he turned away from her, she flicked the safety off of her pistol, raising it at him.

"Tell me what it was about, or I'll kill you." She said coldly now, not in an attempt to be threatening, as it was something she'd do if he didn't comply, she didn't care for Rey's life much anyway, well not in comparison to Rachel and Ryan, who had shown himself to be a nice addition to the group, the only problem was Barnaby, would he help them subdue Rey if he made an aggressive move? Or help. She couldn't trust either of them now.

Rachel smiled lightly at Ryan, her face still a little pale and sweaty after her vomiting session, nodding quickly and saying. "Of course, I'm fine. I'm just a little faint hearted." She told him firmly, making sure not to take pauses or stutter, she had a habit of doing that while she was ill.
Rey's smile faded again as he stepped off the corpses face, straightening his jacket. He turned around to face Kat, who was pointing a gun at him. His face stayed in it's stoic darkness, Rey didn't speak. He tilted his head a bit to the side, regaurding her curiously. She had pointed a gun at him before, and his seriousness wasn't the only reason he wasn't alarmed. There were still ten of the dead left, and one was shambling towards Kat. Rey simply raised his hand and pointed over her shoulder, then turned back to the one that was closest to him, wiggling his fingers a bit, kicking the infected in the stomach and jumping a bit to get it doubled over, then slamming his fist down on the top of its head. Rey's foot crushed the third skull that day.
Ryan gave her a half-hearted smirk, "Guess that just makes me a whimp then." Turning his head to watch Rey and Kat he took a breath, she had a gun pointed at him and Ryan inwardly groaned. "No killing each other!" He called out, his tone joking but he was completely serious on the subject. The woman dying was more than enough for one day. "Do you need my help with those!?" He asked, about the corpses they seemed to be dancing around while they talked.
"Jackson" he replied, looking out the window at a group of undead that were stumbling around outside a small retail store.
Rachel laughed a small bit and nodded quickly, saying enthusiastically "Yeah I guess it does." She hadn't noticed the stand off between Rey and Kat, but when she did, thanks to Ryan telling them to not kill each other, she was slightly relieved at Kat's actions, after he had just committed an atrocious act against a person he didn't even know, she didn't feel safe around him any more. But at the same time she didn't want Kat getting hurt, she didn't underestimate Kat's ability to keep herself safe but the worry was still there all the same.

Kat's glare lessened as she decided to take another route in pursuing Rey's problem with doctors, she lowered her post, kicking the infected backwards forcefully as she holstered her pistol, her features softening and saying. "Rey, please tell me." In a rather gentle voice, perhaps there was actually a problem, there had to be to cause him to act like that. Before nodding to Ryan as he asked if they needed him to take care of the infected.
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Rey looked at the sky a bit, the sun was setting, it would be time to sleep soon. He decided he would crash in the tower with the kitchen. Maybe set up a lab there, syntisize some more thermite, make some more incindiary grenades. Maybe some magnesium II fulminate for an added bang. he sized up the eight remaining walking corpses, and ripped out his uzi, shooting one in the head. Two of his knives shriked though the air in a flurry as they found their marks. Three more bullets and two more knives and the dead were on the ground before Ryan or Kat could lift a hand to help. His smile faded, and he wiped his nose with his sleeve. It wasn't running, he wasn't crying, just a habit. He waked to the four corpses that had his knives in them and took them out, wiping them on his jeans. He put them all back, without the floresent spin he usually had. At Kat's question, he just stared. No eye contact whatsoever. The only person he did make eye contact with was Barnaby, to whom he jerked his head. Barnaby would know what he meant, he was going to sleep. With that, Rey climbed the steps to the tower like a normal person, and dissapeared into its glass-paneled interior.
At Kat's nod he'd started to jog over to help but Rey had dealt with all of the corpses before he'd even gotten close. His pace slowed to a walk as Rey was leaving, "What was that all about about?" He asked Kat, stepping up beside her, watching Rey as he disappeared into the tower. The boy had never been that quiet in such a short time frame, that combined with the events beforehand made the whole experience an odd one. He turned to look back at the SUV and frowned realizing that they'd been so distracted no one had closed the gate. "I'll get the gate." He told her before jogging off and heaving it closed.

Peering out at the forest that wasn't too far through the chain-link fence, he wondered if it was worth sticking around. He didn't want to be around to watch another group lose itself to inner conflict, he wasn't sure he could handle it again. Giving his head a shake he turned back around heading back, he was sure to give a look at all of the bodies to see if he could identify the two girls they'd left here.
Kat's glare quickly returned as the little douche didn't even take the time to look at her properly, her trigger finger itching, so, both tactics weren't working with him, soft and harsh both failed to get him to talk, Kat just gave up, wasn't in her boundaries of social interaction, at least not with anyone apart from Rachel. She turned to face Ryan as he walked up. "Doesn't matter, Rey's gone off to cry himself to sleep." She told him harshly, storming off now to the SUV, a confused Rachel looking back at her, sitting down next to her now. "What's up with him?" She asked, still a bit sickened at what she had just witnessed, Kat obviously not caring less about the death itself. Kat replying with. "Just being a bitch babe, nothing to worry about." She told Rachel reassuringly, smiling lightly as Rachel chuckled. "Been a while since you called me that." It had been, but she wasn't complaining, then again there WERE more important things to be talking about rather than old names.

"Well maybe I just wanted to. Come on, lets get some sleep." Kat said and before Rachel knew it, she was in her arms, letting out a little squeal as Kat carried her into the barracks, taking in a deep breath and looking around slowly before saying. "This place should get a touch up, some cool furniture, kickass bed for us two. Maybe some REAL doors. We could call it home." She said with some hope, something Rachel hadn't heard in a LONG time, smiling.
Reys dreams were fitful. He had crashed on the floor. Just, opened the door, walked in, and fell down. Flat on the ground, facefirst. The woman he had killed flashed before his eyes. She was a doctor. There was another doctor that flashed through his mind. George hamilton. The one that had cut off his fathers arm. The one he had pursued over two hundred miles to kill. And found him dead. Then the doctor that had killed his sister. He had remembered the name long after he had killed the man (and disposed of the body, the doctor had 'retired to costa rica' and was never seen again), Gregory brown. Then the faces of the 184 people he had killed since the outbreak began. Rey remembered all of the faces of the living. And how he killed them. He remembered the dead too. he had lost count of those. No he hadnt. His body count for those was 269 now. All the time up till now he had spent before and after the dead started walking flashed through his mind. Death was his trade, yes, and so was insanity. What was the point of being alive now? Rey mentally slapped himself in his sleep. His reason was madness. It always was. He loved being mad. But something nagged in the back of his mind. He couldnt put his finger on it. Whatever. One thing was certain. He was mad. And happy that way. Tomorrow he would set up a lab and make his magic happen. It always took his mind off his dead sister. And doctors. Chemistry. Lovely stuff.
Ryan knew he wasn't going to sleep, even if he was tired enough. Instead deciding to stay on watch, heading up another one of the guard towers opposite to the one Rey went into after everyone went to bed. Placing his arms on the railing then putting his chin ontop of them, his beard scratching at the skin. With the doctors death and the unknown whereabouts of the two girls he wasn't feeling that great, maybe tomorrow he'd go out and see if he could find them nearby.
Rachel smiled up at Kat as she talked of making a home somewhere one day, just for the two of them, out in the country, a farm maybe. Kat gently lowered her onto one of the beds, laying down next to her now, the two interlocking hands as they continued their seemingly undying smiles. Kat wasn't going to lie but these moments were secretly her favourite part of their relationship, laying there in peace and quiet, without Rey and his annoying habits, or any Cults and their flawed logic, Kat wished the outbreak had never happened, not because of the 1st world that she used to live in. But so they could spend more time together doing what couples were supposed to be doing. Going to restaurants, cinemas, parks all of that. It did depress her deep down to know that they'd never be able to so that now. But she would be damned if she wasn't going to try and give Rachel what she deserved most, a happy life.

"Know how much I love you?" Kat asked an at rest Rachel, who shook her head and replied. "Why no, I can't say I do. Tell me." She told Kat, who smiled childishly and straddled Rachel, moving her hands up Rachel's shirt. "This much." She spoke very kid like, a dumb smile on her face as she was pulled into a kiss by Rachel, the two spending the rest of the entire night in intimate activities together. Kat of course, in the Kat way, didn't make it discreet, much to Rachel's downfall.
Catrina had been travelling for weeks from Boston, looking for the last surviving member of her family. Being an interpol agent she was able to track her sisters last known location and came across the encampment. Taking out a pair of binoculars she surveyed the area checking to see if any survivors were in the area or if they were all undead there. Narrowing her eyes she could see some people moving around and by the looks of things they were humans.

Rey awoke. Still facedown on the tower floor. Jayziss. His sister continued to flash before his eyes. The cold corpse left on the hospital operating table. He stood shakily, a bit of a flat spot on his cheek. He got up into a kneeling position, his hands shakily supporting him. He tried to stand, but slipped, waving his arms, trying to grab something. He found himself stopped, a firm hand under his arm and holding onto his shoulder, supporting him. Rey's head snapped in the arms direction, then her realized it was Barnaby.


Barnaby's face was formed into a frown of slight concern. He and Rey had been through some tough shit, but Rey had never stopped talking before. "You allright brother?" He asked, and was dissapointed by the dead, dark expression Rey had worn the previos day. Rey nodded.


Rey brushed his arm off and looked around the kitchen. There was metal, aluminum, a stove, yes. This was enough to start a lab. To make what? Who knew. Madness would lead him. Away from the doctors and people, and into chemistry. Well, aside from Barnaby of course. Barnaby was his brother. Rey held out is fist, and Barnaby bumped it. Rey cracked his knuckled, turned on the stove, the oven, and pointed to the cupboard labled with one word, 'GLASS'. Barnaby understood and went to get what Rey wanted. Rey took out his fedora and unflattened it, sticking it atop his head at a jaunty angle. There was work to do.
Ryan had indeed stayed up all night in the nest of the watchtower, his eyes drooped a little at the bland quiet area he was staring at. He'd be fine once he started moving but sitting here with the sun rising and realizing just how long he'd been up here did not help in the least. It'd been a quiet night for the most part, other than the few noises coming from the barracks early on. And now with morning here he could hear something going on in the tower Rey and Barnaby had spent the night in. At one point he'd thought he spotted someone in the distance but convinced himself that he was seeing things, that after a day like today he was paranoid since he never heard or saw it again. He'd sleep later, whenever he got time and could talk himself into settling down.
It was the next morning, Rachel and Kat had both stayed up late, but had still gotten a few hours of well needed rest, Rachel was the first to wake up, sitting up in her shared bed and grabbing her pants from the floor, followed swiftly with her T-shirt, she put on her boots and left the barracks, Kat still sleeping like she usually did, with loud snores and sleeping positions that would make yoga look like child's play. She had noticed Rey messing around with some science stuff, she wasn't big on science so she could only really call it that. Walking up to him rather cautiously. She asked a courteous "Hey Rey, how you doing?" It was just in her nature to be polite to people, even if said people had just done an unthinkable act.

It had been a few more minutes before Kat was woken up by the sound of a stray bird knocking over a tin, groaning and rubbing her head she got out of bed, not one to waste time sleeping in, she just grabbed her boots and laced them up, a rather unusual choice of clothing for the morning, Kat just in her underwear and her usual black combat boots, she strolled out of the base, yawning and giving a stretch, she needed to find where she has gotten showered last time. She felt unclean again, it irritated her, like a OCD type deal for Kat.

Rey was in the midst of heating a few glass pieces together in the oven. They were glowing yellow, and extremely hot. Rey shot a glance at Rachel and gave her a little head bob before taking some salt water he had Barnaby mix for him earlier and combined the two. He continued moving it around until the mixture had cooled a bit and turned red, then he stuck it back in the oven, all while having a heavy tarp covering his arms and torso. His face was becoming a bit red from the heat.


Barnaby, who was sitting on the counter, gave rachel a slight wave. "Rey's working." He said simply. He was worried about Rey, he didn't even talk for him, so he would have to do the talking for the duo, not something he was used to. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Rey doesn't like all the... ah, instruments in this place, so... I guess he's making his own." At this, Rey snapped his gloved fingers and opened the oven a bit to check on the glass, which had melted to form a bit of a soupy glob.
Ryan sat back in the chair with his feet crossed ontop of the railing, he found himself staring at a particular walker in the distance, watching it mill about. Noise caught his attention as he pulled his feet tot he ground and turning to look into the inner area. Spotting Kat in her underwear and combat boots had been an amusing sight for Ryan, or maybe it was the lack of sleep. "Atleast some of us enjoyed last night!" He called down teasingly as she passed by the tower in whatever pursuit she was on. Now with everyone awake he didn't feel the need to stay up there any longer and made his way down.
Rachel was growing more and more concerned for Rey, she decided to pull Barnaby by the arm away from Rey, smiling and announcing. "Just gonna borrow Barnaby for a bit." Pulling him over to behind an M35 truck, letting go of him and looking back at Rey once. "So, we both know that something's wrong with Rey. D'you know what's up with him?" She asked him, she suspected that of anyone here, Barnaby would be the best person to ask about Rey's problems.

"I did actually, thank you for noticing." She said with a smirk, turning to face Ryan as he made his comment, from the tower he was nonchalantly sitting in, spreading her arms wide in the age old 'come at me' expression before waving lowly and walking off in hunt for some form of clean water, she was getting a bit hungry as well. Some breakfast after shower was in order, and some new clothing perhaps.
Catrina had spent the night observing before making her move. She made her way to the encampment and called out for someone once she was close enough. Looking at the encampment she could hear people inside. Instead of doing her usual routine of breaking in she decided to wait. She would probably be sticking around these people so it would be best to play nice for a while, until she found out what happened to her sister. The trail she followed led her here. These people had answers to her questions and she was determined to get those answers.

Barnaby shook his head. "Well, Rey doesn't talk about himself... Not alot, that is. He has a saying about the past... Something like leave it there. I dunno, it sounds like something from the lion king. But he said it when we left the mall, and he got that same expression on his face." Barnaby Jumped as he heard a sound, it was definetely human. Barnaby grabbed Rachel by the arm protectively, it was a reflex he had from being a security guard. "That means we should get back." He said, turning to run. Another think he had learned from Rey, if you don't know about the situation, run. The kid might be mentally insane, (not leagally of course) But he was a goddamn genius.


Rey pulled the glass out of the oven once more and reached for the counter, but there was nothing there. He shook his head and stuck the glass back, coming out of the tower and leaning on the railing. He did hear the sound that Barnaby did, so he tossed a rock by him and rachel. Once he had Barnaby's attention, he raised his eyebrows and jerked his head back in a 'cmon, i need you' gesture. Barnaby came up the steps first and Rey motined to the railing of the tower and handed him a rusty bonesaw he had found in the medical bay. "Oh shit, i forgot." Barnaby said, "But this isn't the time..." Rey shook his head again and made a sniping motion. Barnaby turned to Rachel. "He says if the something that made the noise wanted to hurt us, they would have done it by now." He looked at Rey's other gestures, mostly just a 'go on' one from rolling his hands. "He also says it's probably just a lone survivor, maybe armed with a few supplise, but traveling on foot so they... are looking for a place to stay?" Barnaby looked at Rey for conformation. Rey nodded, the tapped the railing again. Barnaby smiled a bit and began sawing at the railing.
Catrina could feel eyes on her and she heard the hum of a chainsaw buzzing. She turned in the direction of the noise and her eyes narrowed as she spotted a figure up at one of the towers. Holding her hands up, she played it safe. She showed that she was unarmed and only looking to talk. She had made sure to close out the gates behind her so the area was secure. Now that she kept her attention on the tower she could see other people grouped together. She would stay still and allow them to approach her on their own time. She was not here to hurt anyone or even leave.
Ryan chuckled at Kat's response and turned his head towards the direction of the gate at the sound of someone calling out. At first thinking it might have been Rachel, he could see the others in the tower as well as a figure at the gate, un-moving which typically meant alive. Ryan pulled his gun out of his shoulder holster and made his way over curiously and wearily. Looking up at the others to see what they were or weren't doing about the sudden stranger at their front door. He raised an eyebrow at the woman on the other side of the gate, "What exactly do you want?" He asked tilting his head to the side slightly, keeping an eye out for anyone else that could jump out of nowhere.

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