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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Laura looked to the others with worry on her face It was clear that Rachel was becoming panicked.

She did not know what to say to help her but she looked sympathetic for the poor girl.

She looked over to Ryan since Rachel had been with him when they all arrived together.

She nodded her head to Rachel and threw Ryan a look to tell him say something
Rey barked out some laughter. "THE rachel. The one Kat almost shot herself over. You guys were like, in the same division or something, or more than that, I think Kats a lesbian. Quite ironic, actually." Rey waved his hand dismissively. "But that's a story for another day. Shall we be..." His voice trailed off as he saw their SUV approaching. "Well. Looks like she's here."

Laura's hints we're in plain view, Even the new girls bossy. Not that he wasn't already about to say something, though to be fair he had no idea where Kat was. That was what Rey and Barnaby we're supposed to know. Rey's words came tumbling out of his mouth and Ryan could have almost facepalmed. "Wait, Kat did what?" How long had he been in this church exactly? Rachel's sudden panicking had him wanting to tell her that Kat was alright but with what had just happened at the church couldn't just say that.

The SUV arriving had him letting out a sigh of relief for everyone involved, spotting Kat in the drivers seat. "Nice to see we're all still among the living."
Kat pulled up to the church parking lot now, the area littered with the bodies of fallen warriors from both sides of the brief conflict, bullet holes on every surface in the area and patches of black from various grenades thrown at the enemies of both sides, it was truly a sight to behold, as a conflict this big would have never been expected in a world this small, population wise anyway, Kat turned off the engine, stepping out of the SUV and patting herself down, she was quite casual in her turn up until she noticed who the girl with Ryan was, her eyes widened and she stood in a trance like state, her jaw hanging somewhat open, in pure shock, her brain didn't know how to work out this situation, was that even her? Was she even there, or was Kat hallucinating now? Any grip she had on reality had now slipped away as her brain just stopped working for that small amount of time. Just standing in-front of the SUV.

Rachel's, Kat induced panic was definitely not helped by Rey's words, turning to face Rey now, her words being quick and in a frenzy "Wait she did WHAT?!" She had begun to hyperventilate to some small extent, her breathing becoming quick and shallow, not actually taking in much air while breathing but doing it in a quick enough speed to take in sufficent amounts, running her hand through her bright and short blue hair now, if her worry was in a cup, it'd be overflowing it now, that WAS until a black SUV had pulled up to the church parking lot, Rachel turning round to see who it was, still quite panicky, until she saw who had just gotten out, her reaction had happened in a split second, running as fast as she could into Kat's arms, then pulling her into a long and compassionate kiss, Kat more than willing to comply fully, the two after a long while pulling back, holding each other closely. Kat's eyes were full of tears, but she was smiling at the same time, it was the same warm and loving smile that she had never seen Kat use since after the outbreak had happened, the two didn't have any words to exchange, and simply looked each other in the eyes, arms wrapped around each others' waists, both with genuine smiles and eyes full of tears. Today had been eventful, to say the very least.
Rey began laughing. It wasn't an insane laugh, it was the laughter that started as a low chuckle and built its way up to a rich, humorous tone. Rey shook his head, this whole situation was hilariously ironic. Kat wanting to fuck up some people because of vengence, them going to fuck said people out of vengence, vengence being exacted by fucking said people, and someone who was dead coming back to life. Rey punched Barnaby playfully on the shoulder and began doing what he always did, moving on, bouncing quickly from one situation to the next. He was insane afterall, and with the mentality of someone who always needed to be entertained, it was time to continue, his thermite-induced fires had all but burnt out, and the soldiers were cleaning up. Relatively. Then there was the new girl. The doctor. Rey didn't like doctors, he didn't trust doctors, and he found no use for them. Fuck the new girl, she wasn't coming with them. "ALLRIGHTY!!!" Rey laughed, clapping his hands together and spreading them wide, "Let's get moving, head back to the base, just gotta keep on keepin' on. SHOTGUN!" He yelled gleefully, opening the car door and jumping into the suv.
Ryan was leaning onto one hip with his arms crossed over his chest, smiling as Rachel sprinted off towards Kat. It would seem he'd gotten his wish, after hearing and seeing so many sad stories these last six months he found himself apart of a happy one. One that he'd like to think he helped out with along the way. Rey's hysterical laughing was almost ruining the moment, atleast for him, though he was right. They'd come here for revenge and found something better, there was no point in staying here any longer, especially with this group that had just raided the cults camp. Sure they seemed friendly enough by not killing them, but Ryan just never trusted large groups.

He glanced at Laura, "So, a doctor huh? You with that armed group or just get swept up into the gunfight? Your welcome to come along with us, by me that is, but I'm not the only one who has a sayso." He shrugged his shoulders, nodding towards the rest of the group by the SUV before moving that direction. "Alright lovebirds." Ryan said as he passed by Kat and Rachel heading for the SUV, still smiling. "Not to ruin the moment but the kid's right. Let's skedaddle, before anything else starts up."
Rey snapped his fingers and pointed at Ryan, tilting his head back a bit. "I'm not a kid. If I'm a kid, we're all kids. I'm just as old as you, we're are all about six and a half months, one hundred ninety five days. I was born the same moment you were captain fruitcake." Rey chuckled. When Ryan mentioned the doctor coming with them, Rey shook his head. "Nuh uh, nuh uh, mmm. Naww. Docorsareshitpeople, Ihatedoctors, wedon'tneedadoctornoway, mmm naw, hmmm mmm." He drummed on the dashboard with his hands, tattoing a beat out. "If she was with the military she can stay with them. She's with the cult, she's dead. She's on her own, she can stay that way, mmm, nuh uh." Rey continued drumming, shaking his head and making small noises of displeasure.
Kat and Rachel had already began kissing again, completely blocking out Rey's annoying ass laughter, but hearing Ryan call them lovebirds as he strolled past rather happily, Rachel blushing and Kat pulling away, patting herself down, her face being extremely flustered and somewhat sweaty. Making haste in her reply "Kid would be an understatement for Rey." She said walking towards the SUV with Rachel now, hands intertwined, Rachel giving off a quick chuckle at Kat's insult towards Rey's maturity. The two getting into the back seats now, but as Rey began speaking again with that BULLSHIT about the all being the same age fucking shit. It just frustrated Kat immensely, she leaned forward into the front of the SUV grabbing Rey by the back of the head and slamming his forehead into the dashboard of the vehicle. "CUT IT with that new age, bullshit!" She announced angrily, her former more happier mood now quickly losing it's influence over her, Rachel pulling her back gently. "Kat, come on. Let's not ruin it." She said gently, laying her head against Kat's shoulder now in an effort to make it so Kat wouldn't make another move for Rey, she knew that Kat wouldn't move if it meant that she might hurt or startle Rachel by making a sudden movement with her head on Kat's shoulder.
"It's not a title Rey, just a nickname." Normally he might have taken offense to being called a fruitcake, but it was Rey, and he'd learned Rey has a specific way with words. Though he chuckled as the boys head slammed into the dashboard as he climbed into the drivers seat of the vehicle. "What is it Rey, afraid of needles?" Ryan said teasingly. "You can't write her off because of a profession." The SUV would be packed with six people on board, plus the supplies they'd brought along.

"I'm going to assume you guys wouldn't have let me rot in that place." The man said looking forwards out the windshield. "I suppose there was an upside to getting captured by a cult of homophobic assholes." Giving a nod towards Rachel in the back.

His eyes lingered on the still burning church for a moment with a light frown. He'd never gotten his wallet or photo back, but it was of him and his ex afterall. Leave what's in the past in the past, it's what he'd been telling himself so far, and carrying that around still was a contradiction. But now, he really could.
Rey rubbed his forehead. "That wasn't a very nice thing to do Kat." Rey said, looking back at her, making a finger gun and sticking it in his mouth, "Chill tf out allrighty? Jayziss, I guess some people are the same happy as they are miserable..." Rey looked back to Ryan. "No, needles are lovely. She's a doctor. That means she's had a cushy lifestyle, probably can't shoot straight, and she's going to drag us down. She's also a doctor. And that's another mouth to feed, I mean, we don't even know her. She still hasn't told us anything about herself, I don't even know her goddamn name yet. And she's a doctor. We'll have to take care of her, as well as the woman and the little girl you had that we left at the base. And she's a doctor." Rey had repeated the fact that she was a doctor multiple times. "I hate doctors." He crossed his arms, looking at the floor. "And you driving? You'd better be driving. If you don't drive, I'll get Barbs to."
Kat grew rather puzzled, she'd never heard that term before, she knew most ones but had never heard that one being used by any of her friends, she asked Ryan "What's a fruitcake?" In confusion, she wasn't naive, she sure as hell wasn't. But fruitcake? That was a stupid thing to call someone, might've been one of those stupid things Rey would most likely make up due to his lowered maturity level, but she wanted to know regardless, Rachel began feeling a little uneasy as Kat asked what it was, most likely her mind was preparing itself subconsiously for the shitstorm Kat might throw when learning what it meant, she was very sensitive and openly hostile to whatever Rey said, which confused Rachel, but then again it wasn't hard to wonder why she'd be so easily annoyed by someone like..him. Rachel wrapped her arms around Kat as she went to attack Rey as he made the gun motion with his hand. "Come on Kat, he's just a ignorant asshole." She told Kat quietly, as she let out a sigh and snuggled into her shoulder. Kat no longer having the energy to physically or even verbally abuse Rey, he was extremely taxing on the mind, unbeliveably annoying and she just couldn't be bothered with him anymore. He wasn't worth it deep down.

Kat made a `Hmph` like noise, folding her arms and glaring at Rey, before turning to Ryan, with an expecting look, Rachel smirked a little bit as she looked over Kat, she looked a lot like a spoilt teenager at this point waiting for something to be delivered, like a new iPhone or some shit like that. But she wouldn't dare say it to her face, well not yet anyway. Perhaps when they had some alone time, which when Kat was involved meant broken furniture, and not in the way most people would think. Rachel smiled as she reminised various times where furniture would be indeed damaged after some alone time, before turning her attention back to the ongoing...`situation` How had Kat put up with this group for so long she would never know, well..maybe she didn't put up with them, maybe they put up with her. Rachel knew what Kat could be like without the proper care. And these guys obviously didn't know how to handle her fragile personality like she did.
Tommy, with a glass breaker in hand, smashes a walkers head. The walker falling to the ground without making a sound. He had messed with different weapons during these past 6 months; but nothing was really quite as effective as a nice glass breaker. He looked around calmly; looking for his next victim. The small area he made for himself was pure bliss, a Bed&Breakfast building somewhat in the middle of nowhere. He would have to tidy up the place a bit, maybe even adding booby traps, but it would be worth it in the end. There was also tons of food to live off of for quite a while. He finally dragged the dead walker out of the building, walking in and slamming the door behind him.

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Rey shot a look at Kat in disbelief. "Jayziss christ Kat, I'd hope you would know what a fruitcake is. Damn." He looked at ryan. "So you'd better let me know if we're taking the doctor," He put the emphasis on doctor, "Is coming with us because if she is, I'll find another car or just walk back to base." Rey did not like doctors. He had a bad history with doctors. They were responsible for both the death of his sister, and then his father at the beginning of the outbreak. His distrust was only amplified since the one getting in the car now was a newcomer. He cracked his knucles and made a 'get on with it' gesture.
The corner of Ryan's corner lip curled at Kat's question, it was amusing to say the least. He huffed lightly before turning to look at the rest of them but moreso at Kat and Rey. "Rey, if she wants a ride she's getting one. She can sit in the very back and you can even have Barnaby keep an eye on her if you want, deal with it. Kat, it's coming from Rey's mouth so always assume it's something worth hitting him over, but no more hitting til we get back." It was like telling off children and he turned to start the car up. "I'll pull this damn car over in a hearbeat, so behave. Got it?"

He may have meant it in jest, channeling his inner soccer mom but at this point he was being truthful. If he was driving them back they'd calm down atleast. And with that they we're off as he turned the wheel and peeled out down the street, just for emphasis.
Kat frowned at Rey. "Tell me what it fucking means!" She yelled, kicking at the back of his seat harshly, Rachel gaining the attention of Ryan and Rey by making a sort of 'hey look at me' gesture with her face, eyes widening and darting to Kat repeatedly as Kat's behavior became more and more hostile, getting ready to go for Rey again until Rachel took a gentle grip of the back of Kat's neck and began rubbing her thumbs around at the sides of her neck in a circular motion, Kat raising her head in response and smiling with a rather slurred expression now, eyes half open eyebrows slumped and smiling with a dumbfounded look, very similar to a drunk person. Rachel now pulling Kat down from her position of in the middle of standing up to lay onto Rachel's shoulder. "Katalina, keep calm, understood?" She both commanded and asked the dazed looking Kat, but in a soft, comforting tone, Kat nodding slowly in response and wrapping her arms around Rachel now. Closing her eyes and attempting to get to sleep which in her state was extremely easy. Snoring lightly now, a small smile formed on Kat's lips as she slept peacefully, Rachel stroking Kat's hair gently. Looking up to Ryan and Rey now the two discussing the new doctor. "She give you two a bad time?" She asked casually. Honestly she already knew the answer but it wouldn't hurt to change the topic to something other than Rey's clear dislike of doctors.
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Rey nodded. "Yep. Barbs an I met her up in Virginia. There was a mall there. We had a good time, set it on fire." Rey motioned to Ryan. "This guy, this guy we picked up wandering through a city. Nice place, charming really. Trash all over the place, blood everywhere, corpses littlering the streets. It was good." Rey turned back to look at Rachel. "Misdemeanor; I'm not sane. Now that we've got that clear, that's probably the reason I tolerate the little ball of hate." Rey chuckled. "You seem like you can calm her down though, that's the first time I've seen her sleep in a week."
Ryan kept his eyes on the road as Rey and Rachel spoke, or rather Rey talked alot, like usual. "I've only known this ragtag bunch for a few days." He chimed in afterwards, glancing her way through the rear view mirror briefly. "I tried to tell her to get some sleep, she wasn't interested. As for a hard time.." Ryan cocked his head to the side trying to decide if she had or not. "Yeah, she's made things difficult." Ryan nodded with a smile. "But that's just her...and she'd be pissed if she knew we we're talking about her while she was out."

As if expecting Rey to have some idea at this Ryan looked over at him, shooting him the look. The one that said, No. He was on a mission for them to get back with little to no confrontation. "She missed you." He told Rachel, "I'm sure you missed her as well, but you know." Ryan shrugged his right shoulder. He'd seen Kat break down and basically spill everything to him, a stranger. The man also was curious as to how Rachel's return was going with Rey. I mean the boy had basically admitted to loving Kat, or something along those lines.
Rachel was paying attention to everything Rey and Ryan replied with, not liking what she was hearing about the reputation Kat had gave herself while she was away, Rachel kicked herself for not being there to help Kat calm down earlier, letting herself get caught by those Cult assholes instead of fighting to break free and be with Kat. "I know she seems like a bitch. But please be patient with her..she was a nice person before this started." She began saying, remembering how happy she and Kat were pre-outbreak, continuing with. "This outbreak changed her, she was so happy, and charming and funny. Not....what she is now." Rachel had perfectly well noticed that her eyes has began filling up with tears the last part of her sentence being rather forced out. But they needed to know that this wasn't the real Kat, this hardass bitch wasn't her at all. She didn't think that they'd understand what it felt like to have someone you fell in love with change so rapidly and in such a bad way, but regardless she knew that even though Kat had changed, Kat still loved her with all her heart. Which gave Rachel some hope in reviving that dead more sociable Kat from 6 months ago.
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Laura Rolled her eyes at the arguments of her not coming simply because she was a doctor. She decided to say no more and just got into the SUV with the others. Keeping what she salvaged on her lap, it was then she noticed the shot wound from earlier in the fight. She would say nothing for now as it seemed like people just wanted to get a move on which she was more than happy to go with.
Jackson kept walking, ignoring any undead that came close, he was too tired and hungry to go much further but he had to find some shelter from the zombies to stay otherwise he'd be dead before he hit the ground. After a few minutes of walking Jackson stopped, looking up at the old office building that lay ahead "Not the safest of places to stay but its better than an old alleyway" he thought as he wandered towards it, crowbar in hand.
Rey wavedd his hands dismissively and apologetically. "Hey hey hey, don't go cryin' on me sweetheart." Rey said, pulling a paper towel out of his pack and handing it to Rachel, "I just said we put up with her, no need to get emotional. She knows how to fight. She knows how to survive. And if the shit that went down when everyone was born didn't affect her, she'd be like me. I'm mentally insane. But not officially." Rey got out his wallet and handed her the certificate from the mental evaluation that said he was sane. "But then again," Rey chuckled, "Aren't we all mad?" Rey continued chuckling at his last sentance, but he calmed down after awhile. "Can I have my paper back?" He asked.
Ryan let out a breath as Rachel started getting emotional and Rey attempted to help. "Hey, we're still with her aren't we? Maybe she's not as different as you think." Giving a partial smile through the rear view mirror. Though I almost did... The man wasn't a fan of almost leaving, sure he'd had his doubts but in that moment he'd almost given up on not only them but himself.

"So Doc.." Ryan said raising his voice so he knew she could hear him, and having forgotten her name he decided on a nickname. "What made you decide that driving through a gate and into a firefight was a good idea?" He voice was oddly cheery and amused.
Rachel nodded, wiping her eyes as Rey spoke. Taking the paper towel from him with a light thank you, drying her cheeks with it. "Sorry. It's just hard for me." She said apologetically, nodding as Rey continued to talk, that was true, Kat did know how to do all of those things, it was like it just came naturally to her. But if Rachel had noticed anything about Kat's skills, it had to be that she always got out of bad situations, every time, without fail, she could keep up a sprinting pace for minutes on end without losing stamina or speed, and could vault over even the largest of objects with ease, Kat was made to escape, Rachel was made to survive, Rachel had realised that she had been in bad situations before, but unlike Kat, who managed to escape, Rachel managed to survive the situation, no matter how bad. The two completed each other essentially, one having one vital side of staying alive, the other having the second side.

She smiled with a light laugh and nodded, handing Rey his official document back, he wasn't that bad she guessed. Kat did tend to overreact, but maybe Rachel was being quick to judge his character, then Ryan began speaking before she could continue her thoughts. Maybe Ryan was right? But he couldn't be surely, Kat had changed a drastic amount since the outbreak started, she didn't know how to show him, and then an idea came into her head, she reached over to Kat's backpack, searching through it quietly, Kat still remaining fast asleep, and by miracle, or..well not, since Kat would never let go of this She thought to herself, pulling out a camcorder, it was old sure, but it was a good camera none the less. Better than a phone for taking videos of their time together. She held it up to show Ryan it. "You'll see once I show you." She told him. But later of course, and without Kat's knowledge.
The new formed team reach a school, it was starting to get cold and they both were starving. Easton glanced around for the dead and then drove up through the desolate parking lot.

"Let's get through this quick, and make this a shelter for the night. No hero stuff okay?" Easton asked the dog. Without an actual reply he nodded and continued on.

The area was deserted and cut apart, only a few buses remained and they looked rugged. Easton pulled up to the back entrance and disassembled the wires to turn the truck off.

Prying the door open, the giant climbed out and surveyed the school grounds. The dog jumped out with him and they continued inside the cold shell that use to be a school.

Inside was dark, and unwelcoming; a fill of empty noise and sadness reeked in the walls. Room by room they searched, finding nothing. Abigail found a mouse and Easton found an old granola bar, he racked up some heavy equipment to bar up the old wood shop doors. Here they would call home for awhile, here he made home for the night. As Easton started to get the fire going words kept going through his head....

"Where had all the walkers gone?"

Little did he know, outside the school opposite to where he entered stood an army of dead. A herd of walking hunger

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