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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Rey put on a straight face. Then poked her again. "Yes you izzzzzzz," He giggled. "You can't say you aren't. But then again, Kat is non-self-realized. I'm not looking at this." he pointed to his face, "Sure, it helps, but I'm seeing what not alot of people see. This," Rey thumped his chest, "It's been through some tough shit. And you've managed to deal with said shit. This thing is fucked up, ripped to shreds, and beat to hell, but it continues to drag itself across the ground. It doesn't give up. And I think that's gorgeous." Rey took a step back. "Now we need to get going Katalina," He tossed her the clip he still had for her gun he had removed earlier, "Ryan'll be waiting outside for us. Barbs too."
Hi. The word repeated in his head, it's not the greeting one really get's anymore. "Hi.." He started lowly, his eyes passively gazing over the small group across the room who we're slowly going back to their conversation. The room was a little dim, and the girl was half hidden behind her knees, her voice and the fact that she was inside the cell told him she was a prisoner all the same. "I don't suppose you have an escape tunnel already dug out that we can get through?" He asked lowly, it was meant as a joke but he honestly hoped she's say yes. His eyes stayed near the group across the room, boy was he in a jam. How'd he end up here again? Oh yeah. Kat and her plan, chasing Kat not once but twice through the town. Yup this was definitely her fault. Not that he'd actually blame her for his current predicament, no one forced him to come here or follow her either time.
Kat slapped away Rey's hand as he poked her again, saying in irritation. "Whatever, doesn't matter." She was about to leave before Rey began going on with his `wise` type shit or something like that, she didn't really know what to call it, not advise but not really wisedom either, she didn't know the word for it. But then again she didn't really care, she had too much shit to deal with on a daily basis to worry about her vocabulary any more. He pointed to his face, then his chest as he began talking about what he was looking at, for a few moments Kat thought he meant her breasts, at that point she was prepared to punch him in the jaw, but then realised he was talking with metaphors or some shit like that. She shook her head with a sigh."You're such a dork Rey." She told him with amusement hidden away in her voice, grabbing the clip out of the air as he threw it over to her, walking out of the kitchen now, and into the main section of the long since abandoned diner, noticing Barnaby standing outside the kitchen, waiting for them just as Rey said, but not Ryan, which was awefully strange. She looked around in confusion before turning back to Rey. "Where's Ryan gone?"

Rach was happy for the man to at least respond somewhat positively, some of the other prisoners that were thrown in this hell hole from time to time weren't so happy to be there, and took it out on the guards, themselves and her unfortunately, so she was relieved to see this man was quite nice from first impressions. She smiled at him as he asked if she had an escape tunnel, shaking her head and replying somewhat happily with. "If only, I'd have been out of here ages ago." She let out a sigh, stretching her arms and rubbing her hand through her dyed short blue hair, surprisingly the dye was still standing strong after all this time, although Kat had gone through some shit just to get it for her and her only reason being `I like your hair that way.` Which bewildered Rach to no small amount, but it was sweet, therefore she loved it. She stood up, walking over to the bars where she looked out to the guards, stil remaining surprisingly positive.
Rey spun his knife in his hand and shrugged. "Barbs got here a little later, I kinda let him eat my dust when we left. But you can handle yourself, right Barbs?" Rey clapped him on the back, giggling maniacally. "Looks like you can, there is blood ALL OVA YA and it's LOVELY! Hahaha!" Rey looked around. Ryans gun was on the counter. "Heh, lookie here..." Realization dawned on his face. "Holy shit, Ryan's eaither dead, or... Naww, no signs of violence..." Rey examined the counter around the gun, the places where they had been. He was right, no signs of a fight of any kind were around. Ryan either left himself, or he was taken. Rey wiped his face. "Kat, do you want to check back at the SUV? He could've gone there. Unless if you two agreed to go somewhere else..."
Her stirring caught Ryan's attention, still a little on edge. He narrowed his eyes at her as she move, finally getting a full eyeful of the blue hair. Maybe it was the fact that he'd been hit upside the head earlier or maybe he was just that dense but it took a minute or two for him to realize this might be Rachel. He tried to think back at the picture Kat had showed him, as he stared a hole into the back of her head. There was a resemblance and the fact that she was here in this place had him cocking his head to the side, "Rachel?" He asked, voice sounding as if he was second guessing himself. She was alive?

One of the men had spotted Rachel at the front of the bars, making his way over with a smirk. He looked right by the girl and at Ryan, "You comfy there big guy? Don't worry, we know just what to do with you." His eyes flashing at Rachel. "Don't we girl?" He let out a deep chuckle. Ryan however wasn't the type to let someone get under his skin so easily. Nearly flipping the guy off except again, holding himself back.
Kat was about to go look at the SUV for Ryan when Rey continued with his sentance, turning around to glare at him slowly. "What exactly is THAT meant to imply?" She asked rather aggressively in response to the `Unless if you two agreed to go somewhere else.` part, advancing slowly on Rey, her fists clenching, grip tightening on her pistol, she might've been taking that the wrong way, but if she wasn't, then this was completely worth it, in Kat's mind Rey had meant it in a untrusting way, Kat believing Rey to not trust her enough to stick with the group and not go running off with Ryan. She got up face to face with Rey now, glaring daggers at him in the classic way she did. She'll probably still hit him even if he didn't mean it in a untrustworthy way, for making Kat seem stupid or quick to assume.

Rachel had heard the man ask something in bewilderment, she had made it out to her name, but how did HE know that. She turned around slowly, facing him now, asking in confusion "How do you know my name..?" With a trace of suspicoun, people didn't just KNOW strangers' names like that, well not before, maybe it really was a small world now, but she chose not to think of that, focusing on how this random man, who had just been found most likely on accident by a random patrol group, now thrown into this exact cell with her, of all the prisoners they kept here, knew her name. He must've either been stalking her before, or bumped into someone that knew her...which could only mean, Kat! She could still be alive, she quickly crouched down to the man now, flipping the guard off as he began talking, completely ignoring him. "Who told you that?!" She asked quickly and with urgency in her voice.
Rey rubbed the back of his neck. "You didn't? Well, I guess you're not as smart as I took you for. You always need a backup plan sweetheart, things go to shit easy." Rey laughed maniacally. "Like now! We've lost Ryan and thing's gone to shit. Hot damn, this is the most fun i've had in awhile! But the plan. You didn't follow the plan. This is what happens when you don't follow the plan, store that in your noggin." Rey tapped his head twice with the hand not holding the knife. He turned his back on Kat, examining the counters for anything else Ryan might have left behind.
The look on the girls face when she turned around let Ryan know, it was her. Maybe he should have lead with I know Kat, no on second thought that sounded dumb. She wanted answers, he got that, looking into her eyes. He peered around her at the man who seemed little more than annoyed at being ignored before turning on his heel. Ryan couldn't say it then because these people didn't need to know Kat was alive, or that she was just outside their walls. Though the man didn't really know how many of them knew who Kat was but it was best to be careful.

Leaning back to center he started speaking quietly, "I was with Kat." Before the girl could go on he nodded, "Yes, she's here and last I checked she was alive before asshole mcgee's over there caught me with my thumb up my ass." He ran his hand through his hair. "She thought you we're dead ya know. Was this close to running in here on a suicide mission to kill these guys, wanted me to go down with her." He shrugged.
Kat glared at Rey as he insulted her intelligence non-chalantly, and as he turned around, talking about who the fuck gives a shit, she pulled her right foot back and sent it flying into Rey's crotch with as much force she could muster, she was wearing her heavy duty boots as well, she grinned devilishly as her boot made impact with his babymakers. "Don't even fucking call me stupid again asshole!" She yelled out angrily to him, walking past him now casually and grabbing her backpack where she had left it on the counter earlier, leaving the diner and surveying the nearby area as if nothing had just happened, that was how Kat rolled you know.

Rachel couldn't have felt more alive at that moment, her face turned into an expression of pure joy as she hugged onto the man, saying rather quietly "Thank you" Over and over again, this was one of the most relieving and happiest moments or her life, which was saying a lot, she had previously thought that either Kat was dead..which sent her into a semi-depressed state whenever she thought of it, or that she had jumped ship and was half way to California by now, which made her somewhat angry and saddened at the same time, but now she knew that Kat was alive, and in a close vicinity, it couldn't be more perfect. She pulled back from the man now, still smiling brightly. Then laughing lightly and saying "Yeah, she's the type to do that. She's sweet like that." She spoke in a reminising like tone to him.
Rey's face was red and he was breathing hard, leaning on the counter for support. His ever-present smile was still there, although accompanied by a grimace of pain. "Ey, she hit me first Barbs," Rey ssmirked. The pain eventually subsided and Rey managed to retain his dignity. "Damn bruh, going for the soft spot. That's a new level of low for Kat." He sat down in an overturned chair by one of the tables. "She was gonna shott herself bruh." He said, looking Barnaby in the eye.
Ryan smiled with a raised brow, "Yeah. Real sweet girl that one." There was a hint of sarcasm, but not enough for it to sound rude. He wanted to be happy for both of the girls, but honestly Kat could be dead, though Ryan didn't think it likely. Or he and Rachel could end up dead before the others started taking this group apart, assuming the plan proceeded without Ryan there. It was odd though, the other mans comment from earlier entering his thoughts. So there we're others before him? Probably shouldn't be surprised, he guessed they we're all killed, or worse. But Rachel was kept alive after all this time? He found it curious, as well as disheartening because it meant his time was likely limited.

He stood up to stretch his legs and dust himself off, catching the glares from across the room yet again. Could he seriously not move without getting

eye-fucked from across the room. "I'm Ryan by the way. Not to be rude but do you know why your still alive? How long have you been here?"
He waved dismissively. "Something about someone she loved getting fucked over. Not my buisness. What is my buisness is that she acts like a normal teenage girl one moment, and a fucking bitch the next. Sometimes literally." Rey smirked at the last part. "Annnyyyyywaaayyys, we should probably catch up. Can't get left behind." Rey stood up shakily, then moved out the door, following Kat.
Kat held her pistol closely. Surveying the surrounding area with narrowed eyes, allowing her to see a little bit farther than usual sight permitted, but not by far. The church base was still active in the otherwise abandoned and forgotten town, left for nature and the infected to claim for their own, or in nature's case, reclaim. But Kat had other things to think about she always did after all always planning ahead, devising scenarios which were possible for the current situation and how to effectively respond to them. Her mind was constantly working, sometimes if not a lot of the time putting mental strain on herself, but she had long since gotten used to this, Rey and Barnaby were both talking as they left the diner, following Kat. She turned to them jerking her head in a gesture to follow, as she began walking away from the church and in direction of a gas station that was placed on the opposite end of the street.

Rach shook her head at the man now, she could notice the sarcasm in his voice from a mile away even if not paying full attention, she was good at listening and reading people like that, she could tell he meant well and that he was an overall nice person, but as good as she was at reading people she needed proof. She frowned at him now, folding her arms as she sat across from him. "Kat's an amazing person, she just..loses her temper sometimes, and without me there to help. She must be going through hell.." She said, feeling a little ashamed for allowing herself to get captured, and have Kat go through this hell on Earth without her there. But then the man asked how she was still alive

She simply shrugged. "No idea. I think they know what being away from Kat is doing to me. Want me to slowly go insane I guess" She informed the man now known as Ryan.
Rey laughed. "Use your words honey." He pulled out another one of his knives aside from the one he already held and stabbed them ino the gutter of a nearby building, using them as handholds. He flipped up over the roof of the house and sheathed them, following Kat from the rooftops.
Ryan sighed, "Guess I'm shit out of luck for hoping they'd keep me in here then. Don't suppose you know what they do the others they bring through here do you?" There was no way in hell he was going to live through the supposed apocalypse and die to a cult of bigotry. He was eyeing the group across the room now as he grabbed the bars in front of him. They we're just some trained mercenaries right? What could go wrong.
"Just keep overwatch and shut up." She told Rey, as Barnaby followed her on the ground, making quick progress to the gas station, Kat keeping a keen eye out for any infected or survivors, Rey was..sufficient for being on the high ground but Kat still trusted herself more to do the job of keeping and eye out for potential trouble. She had a firm grip of her pistol as she double checked every building on either side of the street again and again, with a focused attitude, Kat was in her natural habitat to say the least.

Rachel shook her head with a sigh. "Unfortunately I don't, they take them off to a room, then they don't come back or come back..changed, like all twitchy and paranoid, like PTSD or something, they usually don't talk about it." She was getting worried just thinking about what horror this cult had waiting for them and the fact that they had hired a private army to carry out What they believed to be Gods's will made it even worse, but all Rachel could think about was Kat and how she was doing hopefully she was soldiering on without her.
Ryan frowned at Rachel's words, then turned around putting his back to the cell wall. "That's comforting." Sarcasm on point today. This would be one of those times when Ryan wished he could pull some sort of plan out of thin air. He'd never been a good planner, that was a fact. But now would be a good time for a change. What would provoking do, get him taken out of this cell sooner? Wing it, that's what he was good at, stop thinking and do. He glanced at Rachel with a wink. "Hey!" Ryan called out, "What's a guy gotta do to get some water around here?" Trying to sound as obnoxious as one could be, without a tone of anger. A smile flashed on his face as he heard the footfalls heading his way from behind, and it dispersed before he turned to see.

The guy Ryan found himself face to face with was new, blonde short hair, mid twenties. Easily riled up it would seem as Ryan had said very little but the guy was fuming. "Hey cutie, how about a cup of water." Ryan said poking his head between the bars. The blondes fist flying right at his face, That worked. Ryan mused after taking the hit with a step back, spitting at the ground then returning to the spot at the bars flashing him a smile. Take the bait you prick.
Rey had swung up on top of the gas stations roof and was running one of his knives along the shingles. "We gonna go in gorgeous?" He smirked, stabbing his knife into the roof and peeling off s shingle. "Of all places, I don't know why ryan would be in a gas station... But then again, AREN'T WE ALL MAD?!?!?" Rey laughed maniacally, almost falling off the roof, using his knife as a handhold.
Kat glared at Rey as he called her gorgeous, then shaking her head at him as he asked about Ryan. "We're not looking for Ryan." She told him, then pointed towards a pile of gas canisters lying next to a large pick up truck, the voices of men coming from inside, Kat walking towards it slowly and raising her pistol, a group of 3 men walking out casually, carrying more full gas canisters, before being quickly dispatched by Kat, pistol whipping one in the neck, before kicking him in the crotch, twisting round and kicking the second one in the face, as he fell to the ground grabbing the third one by the head and kneeing him in the stomach, pushing him down to the ground and pulling out her knife, slicing the throat's of all 3 disabled men as they had tried desperately to either plead or to escape Kat. "Get the canisters." She commanded sternly.

Rach shook her head with a frown at Ryan's repeated use of sarcasm, she wasn't one for anything she saw as negative speech or thoughts, unless of course it was Kat, then she'd stay up for hours after she was supposed to be in bed to calm her down or comfort her, something she feared that Kat wasn't recieving now and was doing terribly because of it, the worry built itself up inside her again until she was distracted from her own emotions by Ryan engaging in conversation with one of the newer guards, a quick-tempered one who had zero tolerance for the `unclean` or whatever they called normal people now a days. She didn't want to intervine until the guard punched Ryan in the face, she quickly stood up. "Hey don't hit him!"
Rey laughed. "Kat, if we're causing an explosion, don't use this! Gas is good for other things. See, this is why we need to iron ou tthe details of our pla before we get moving." Rey noticed how she had beat up the men. "And Kat, stop going for the foot to the balls aproach when fighting guys, that's just not cool." He shook his head, still unmoving from where he was on the roof.
"I'll do what I damn well please!" The blonde said after Rachel's outburst. Ryan couldn't tell if she was trying to help or not, but it looked like it was.

Ryan was being patient, and it was paying off it seemed until noise from above had everyone looking up towards ground level. "Watch them!" Came a voice from across the room, the blonde nodded now not nearly as ticked as before. If the stars we're aligning he wouldn't waste an opportunity, "So where we're we with that water?" Ryan asked nonchalantly like nothing had happened the last few minutes, earning a glare. "C'mon, I'm dying here. Do I need to take my clothes off to get a drink?" Wow he was really milking this, even he was starting to get embarrassed. That's when he caught sight of the blondes fist going for another hit and Ryan quickly grabbed at the arm, pulling it with everything he had towards the cell.

The mans face clattered with the bars and he cursed, keeping hold of the arm with one of his own Ryan reached forwards grabbing the guy by the hair and slammed his head repeatedly into the bars. The guy crumbled to the ground and Ryan smirked, "Just like in the movies huh?" The man crouched and reached through the bars securing the holstered pistol. "Now about those keys..." He whispered, rooting through the guys pockets with his face pressed against the bars. Ryan was nervous now, if the man didn't have the keys then they we're quite literally screwed. Maybe winging it hadn't been the best idea.
Kat grabbed a large brick that was sitting passively on the sidewalk, throwing it at Rey now angrily. Her glare only intensifying, spitting out "I'm not causing an explosion you fucking idiot!" Very aggressively, she had ran out of patience long ago for Rey and his critism, now only able to respond to him with anger and physical or verbal assasult, she walked over to the gas canisters, throwing them into the back of the now empty pick up truck, at least 6 canisters sitting in the back as she turned back to Rey now, her glare still standing strong. "We're going to burn the church down." She told him, crouching down to one of the dead men and grabbing a pair of keys from him, along with his Colt pistol, shoving it into the back of her pants now.

Rachel had half a mind to go over there and spit on that disrespectful douche, but that wasn't how she was raised, besides, it's not like it would do much apart from further intensify the blonde haired man's already fuming rage against herself and Ryan, mainly Ryan however, but he sort of was asking for it, Rachel began wondering if he was intentionally doing this to himself as some sort of bigger plan to get out, it'd make sense and eventually it did, as he talked to the man for another short while before the blonde attempted to punch him again, this time Ryan using it to his advantage and within a few moments, the guard was down. Rachel smiling and walking over to Ryan now. "That was smart thinking." She complimented.
Rey shook his head again and lept into the back of the pickup truck from his vantagepoint, waving at Barnaby to come along as well. "Well there's still better ways of doing it sweetheart." He chuckled. "I still have some thermite left over from the mall, Barbs and I synthesized some more on the way south, we ran into a toystore and found some etchesketches, haha." Rey pulled three gallon ziplock bags from his pack and waved them in the air. "All we need is a compressed container. Then we can really light the place up!" Rey's insane light had intensified, his mind was already putting what would be a makeshift incendiary grenade together. "Useful stuff thermite." He added with a chuckle.
He shrugged the single shoulder he could shrug as he leaned through the bars. "Use their own problems against them right?" Ryan stopped his search briefly as the sound of gunfire erupted from above. Then his search for the keys resumed with even more purpose, "I swear to god if this guy didn't have the keys." He mumbled, both nervous and angry until he felt a jingle in the mans jacket pocket. "I don't know what's going on up there." Ryan said as he tossed them up to Rachel. "But it sounds like a good time to make a break for it. Hell, might even be Kat and the others." He pulled the clip from the weapon, "Full mag, your a good shot right? I mean I know you we're a part of a mercenary group, basically the only thing I do know about you except your name." He held the pistol by its barrel, out towards the girl.

It made sense, she was trained to use it. He'd just learned everything when the world went to shit so she'd probably be able to shoot circles around him.
Kat was both angry and relieved at what Rey had told her, thermite was a shit ton better than any commercial use gasoline could ever be, but she was angry that he had never once told her about the thermite in his and Barnaby's possession all this time, she expected her team to tell her everything whenever anything of any form happened. And to Kat this demonstrated the lack of trust Rey had in her and also showed Kat that she shouldn't be so quick to trust him either. So in some ways this realisation was a good thing. "Would've been fucking helpful if you told me half an hour ago!" She let out angrily at him from her position next to the truck. Honestly he could be such an annoying prick sometimes but Kat put up with it for reasons unknown to her.

Rachel nodded in agreement to Ryan's statement about using their own problems against them, that was very much true it always helped to have a 3rd party interference when it came to conflict with your enemies, she was about to speak when he tossed her the keys from the disabled blond haired guard. Grabbing them from mid-air and smiling down at him as he brought up Kat, it only took a few more moments for him to also give her a weapon she took it graciously, she was usually a kind spirit to people but she would be lying to herself if she said these monsters didn't deserve it, she quickly made use of her keys, unlocking and opening the cell door. Adrenaline starting to slowly pick up its pace inside her vanes as she thought about reuniting with Kat, she couldn't wait another second, now more determined than ever before to get out of the church as quickly as possible. "Come on" She said happily to Ryan, exiting the cell now.

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