Hounds of Hell Motorcycle Club


Your Lazy Indian


Be realistic, within the realm of of normalcy

No matrix dodging or the like

Work for the things you get, i.e houses, vehicles, weaponry

Keep it friendly

Hounds of Hell 1%er Motorcycle Club

A group founded in fictional setting: Safe Haven

Time set in a bout ten years from now. Safe Haven is first man made island city, new capitol of the United States. Five years in crime has taken hold of new city, gangs spark rise, Hounds of Hell MC is formed by band of free mind, motorcycle enthusiasts. They find their place within the many gangs within Safe Haven.


President: Figure head, can be removed by vote.

Vice-President: Usually replaces the President, acts as one when they are away

Sergeant At Arms: Go to guy for murder, the President's right hand

Secretary: Legal adviser, handles all legal paperwork and business. Must be good with legal system

Treasurer: Handles income for jobs, business, and making cuts for the MC. Must be good with numbers

Road Captain: Great with locations, trip planner, knows about police presence and local business. Sometimes will run intelligence during war time.

Prospect: Start out point for new recruits , they must be hazed for a year to weed out the bad or the weak and to build respect. After one year ends they become full fledged patched members and get a vote

Motorcycle Clubs Rules:

  1. No snitching
  2. No murder without club vote, self-defense warranted
  3. No dating another member's old lady, prison clause
  4. Big decisions and deals be made in votes

President: Taken

Vice-President: Free

Sergeant-at-Arms: Shimakage Thunder as Stephanie Kang

Secretary: Free

Treasurer: Free

Road Captain: Free

Prospect #1: Free

Prospect #2: Free

Prospect #3: Free

Prospect #4: Free

I will start the roleplay only after patched members are filled, after that anyone can sign up as one of four prospects and we'll time jump one year so they can become full members
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Safe Haven



The Center

Inner City

Outer City

The Center


High Upper Class men and Safe Haven operatives reside here mostly, supplied with a lake, resort, golf range, and the sorts. Only high level clearance will get you through the gates and it is secured by high level executives and ex-military trained security detail for the billionaires that patron regularly.

Inner city



A borough of two upper class areas, mostly movie directors, actors, and other Hollywood influences. It is accompanied by a large array of movie sets, business districts, and high suburban areas, fancy restaurants, and a golf course



A larger area filled with lesser class but still highly maintained areas, here you would find three large boroughs arching halfway around the center. It has a very sensitive police force and still regular suburban areas of respectable citizens. It is mainly constructed of rural neighborhood but has parks, schools, colleges, and other high paid business structures for art and history.

Outer City



Factory districts, mainly depots, construction, and factory ports



Considered the ghetto, many private factories litter the area but it does have its own beach and boat port. A different police force has tackled this area, ensuring that the higher ups are safe. Many of the area is now built upon apartment buildings reduced to shambles because the construction crew won't go here.


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