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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Rey laughed. "Yea. WELL THEN! Better to keep this shit somewhere where we can pick it up later." Rey tossed the gas canisters to Barnaby who in turn tossed them to him once he got onto the roof of the gas station again. "Wouldn't want ourselves blowing up on the way there now would we?" Rey's bonechilling laughter was heard everywhere within a block of the gas station. "Forget stealth. Lets crack open some of those used empty gas canisters. Like the little ones. Those are throwing size." Rey did just that, and poured some thermite into the ostrich egg sized canisters, packing the rest with some paper and trash he found rummaging around inside the gas station. "What? It'll burn." He said to the questioning look from Kat. "Oh, and honey, go look for a bit of string for me please. I've got a lighter, I can use that to start it off." Rey was laughing and singing to himself as he worked. "Day of judgement god is callin', on their knees the war pigs crawlin', beggin' mercy for their sins, satin laughing spreads his wings, OHLORDYEA!" Rey broke into a short air gitar solo as he poked a hole in the top of the canister's lid with his knife and screwed it on.
The pair moved quickly through the dank basement area. Reaching the exit to the ground level Ryan slowly opened the door while Rachel covered with the firearm. Gunfire was still filling the air outside, a body lying just outside the door had an assault rifle lying next to it. He was quick to snatch it up before ducking back to cover. The area was still a jumbled mess of a layout to him, he'd only seen the church base from the outside, and on one side. Ryan was just about to ask if she knew a quick route out when shouting nearby drew his attention to a man and woman taking aim their direction.

He raised his weapon letting out a volley of bullets, not the best aim but it worked as they dove for cover, one much slower than the other, likely wounded. Ryan rushed to better positioning, resting himself against a pillar in the church.
Kat put on her mental filter on now for Rey's god awful singing, not exactly knowing where to find a piece of string inside a gas station or lying on the streets around said gas station, but she began looking for it anyway, not particularly pleased with having to take orders from someone who clearly had never escaped the mental mindset of a 5 year old, not mature enough to lead in Kat's opinion. She held her pistol by her side and quickly turned round as gunfire began emitting from the church, large quantities of your items well. She decided to screw Rey and the gas and ran off in direction of the gunfire "Get the gas yourself." She told Rey sternly. As 2 pick up trucks full of armed men sped past the diner that was just up the street from them, in direction of the church. She arrived just outside the church moments later where a large firefight had erupted between two factions, Kat taking position behind an abandoned vehicle, still in view of Rey and Barnaby in case anything happened.

Rachel had been sticking close to Ryan from the moment they got out of the cellz not wanting to ruin her only possible chance of reuniting with Kat, the two had reached above ground now and had gotten up to the ground level of the church itself, and not its underground prison, there were many men and women firing weapons at each other, we'll only women from the other faction, the cult was unbelievably sexist on what roles women were allowed, sad thing is the women absolutely agreed with it. She shook those thoughts from her mind as Ryan had picked up an assault rifle and was now firing it at some of the church members who had ran for cover once being fired upon Rachel took cover behind one of the pews and occasionally lifted the top half of her body over the pew to fire at the church members. Turning to Ryan now, who was hiding behind a pillar. "Switch it to semi-automatic, it's more accurate and saves ammunition!" She was forced to yell at him as the gunfire from all around the church was extremely loud and other members from both sides were yelling commands at each other than too.
Laura drove along the deserted road, she had been travelling for days and from what she could tell, she was in the Southern States although her exact location was a mystery to her. The windows of her car were rolled down and the heat was sickeningly warm. Drinking from her bottle of water, she pondered her next move. She had no idea where to go, hell she did not even know what had caused all this. She knew one thing however and that was there was strength in numbers so she needed to find other survivors. This was why every so often she fiddled with her cars radio, if there was any sort of message on a loop it would be picked up on her radio.

Glancing around outside she saw nothing but a few scattered bodies along the road. It seemed like something out of a nightmare. Something caught her eyes in the distance and she began to slow her car down.
Rey had made 15 small-sized incindiary grenades, and had made the fuses himself by the time Kat had run off. "Well isn't this lovely?" He chuckled to himself, climbing into the passangers seat of the truck, "There's chemicals and gunss and EXPLOSIONS right at my fingertips, isn't that marvelous!?!?!" Rey giggled maniacally. "BARBS! LET'S GET DRIVIN!" He yelled, leaning out the side of the truck, hand on the handle on the inside of the truck to keep himself from falling.
Switch it to semi-automatic she says. Like I'm supposed to know how! Ryan fumbled with the weapon a little nervously, his back to the pillar amidst all the noise. He wasn't one to crack under pressure, but this was alot of pressure. Finally finding the small switch he assumed was correct he peeked gently around the corner, a bullet hit the corner of the pillar sending splinters into the air, and sent his head reeling back with a frown. Looking to his left and right he was trying to discover the closest escape route, they had to get out of this church. Once outside they could make a break for the walls, home stretch right? Easier said than done.

The man crouched down before turning around the pillar with weapon at the ready. Firing shots at the table before he even had an eye on his target, he briefly saw the woman fall to the side before he ducked back behind the pillar. Yeah, definitely more accurate.
Rey and Barnaby passed Kat on the way there. Rey was waving his Uzi in his free hand wildly, a knife clenched between his teeth. "Leth get movin gorgesth!!!" He yelled around the knife, "Yer gonna be lat to th PARTY!!!" Rey's bone chilling maniacal laughter was filling the air by the time they pulled up to the church, wizzing by it almost as soon as they came. Barnaby was an excelent driveby man. Rey had managed to shoot one person in the neck and another in the shoulder, as well as chuck a grenade into a group of people who were shooting at someone else behind a pillar. "Eat 'hat fucherz!" He spouted, he had cut his tounge on the knife. His invention seemed to be working, and well too. The shrapnel from the gas container had caused a few casualties, and those that survived the initial explosion stumbled away in flames, rolling on the ground, trying to put the fire out. A trickle of blood ran from the corner of Rey's mouth down his chin, the insane light at its brightest.
Laura slammed on the breaks as she swerved to avoid a truck narrowly. She could hear shots being fired so she stopped the car and crawled to cover, her brothers guns in her hands.

"What the hell is going on"

She squeaked to herself as she chanced a look over the hood of her car at the area. She could hear shots being fired and a trucks engine roaring to life. The dominant feature in this town seemed to be the town that was a church. climbing back into the car she drove to the church. Maybe there was a survivor or 2. Pulling up into a small graveyard, she could hear shooting coming from the front. She realized someones in trouble. Pulling the car around she slammed through the front gates towards the entrance of the church. Stupidest move ever She berated herself as she climbed out of the car wielding the two guns. The gun fire seemed muffled but it was coming from inside.

@Crono @RIPSaidCone
Kat was firing her pistol at the Cult, the other faction had noticed that she hadn't been firing at them and didn't seem to mind her being there, they could use the extra hand after all, the firefight nothing like Kat had ever seen after the outbreak at least, with at least 30-40 armed members firing each other on both sides, she noticed Rey and Barnaby drive by, with Rey being a retard as always, him just being there angered her to no small extent, as he chucked a grenade into the church, where some casualties were caused due to it, others fleeing while on fire, Kat smirked slightly at the sight, then noticed that it had been Ryan they were shooting at, he was hiding behind a pillar with someone else that Kat hadn't fully seen yet, yelling to him now. "Ryan! Get your ass over here!" Before beginning to fire again at the Cult members who were still active, Rey and Barnaby now engaging both factions in an all out war now as well. She had noticed a car pull up to the entrance of the church, now firing her pistol at it rapidly, not much caring to who was in it.

Rach nodded with approval to Ryan as he had clearly never operated a rifle like that before, but still none the less had managed to switch it to semi-automatic, killing one of the women before a grenade flew into the room, exploding and throwing flames everywhere, said flames quickly spreading throughout the mostly wooden church, she had heard a girl by the sounds of it yelling at Ryan, but couldn't make out her voice due to the amount of gunfire, other yelling and the now vastly spreading flames, the gunfight still going on at full blast. "We have to go NOW!" She yelled to Ryan.
Laura ducked behind her car as bullets dinged off the vehicle

"You.... ugh"

She ducked her head out and shot a few rounds before ducking back into cover. Great now she was drawn into this god damn free for all.

She gasped and screamed as she was dragged by the hair by a cult member. She tried to wriggle free but the guy was too strong.

"Let me go!"

Everyone always yelling at him, what ever happened to respect your elders? Though he was more than happy to see Kat here, even if it was from afar. The sheer amount of gunfire made it blatantly obvious it wasn't just her and the others. Something else was happening, another group had to be involved. Now the flames we're quickly spreading, threatening to cut off their exit. "Go," Ryan pointed at the exit, "I'm right behind you!" He yelled at Rachel as he started sprinting, taking pot shots at anyone he saw taking interest in their movements.
Laura managed to elbow her captor and fall to the floor as he released her groaning at her target.

She lifted the gun she had dropped and shot three clear rounds watching as the man dropped to the ground.

With trembling hands she got back to her car and fired up the engine.

Driving the car up she reached a man and woman, throwing open the door she shouted

"get inside !"

She winced as a bullet grazed her shoulder and she looked at Rachel and Ryan
Kat got out of her space hidden among the bushes, a great vantage point to fire from, as she noticed the para-military group that had attacked the church sending more troopers to the fray, she ran towards them now, raising her hands to signal them to lower their weapons and that she was no threat as they raised their assault rifles at her, calling out "Friendly, friendly. And willing to help." She told them as they slowly lowered their weapons, all of them in what was the closest thing to a uniform anyone could have now a days, they looked like a PMC but one could never be sure, an older man walked up, wearing a beret, tell tale sign that he was in-charge and asked her. "Who are you?" She swiftly replied formally "Katalina Serkevski, Department of Homeland Security, highly trained and offering her fighting skills to you, for free." She said, the last part being in a rather charming tone, like an attempt to sell something at somebodies doorstep. The man nodding, taking this as a good answer almost immedinately, guess they needed the extra help as his troopers began running into the church parking lot now, Kat following the leader as he walked away from the fight, towards a large military truck, with some laptops and older HAM radio equipment in the back, the two now talking in the makeshift and very temporary forward operating base.

Rachel had began sprinting for the side exit as Ryan covered her from behind with his rifle, a vehicle pulling up to the church, a woman she had never seen before telling her to get in? Like hell she was going to just get into some random woman's vehicle in the middle of a war zone, she wasn't THAT naive, she ran out the side of the church now, ducking behind a solid concrete slab that was laying beside a few pieces of construction equipment, the firefight not calming down in the slightest, men and women sprinting around with rifles, shotguns and submachine guns, firing at each other randomly, new trucks pulling up every now and again, with a few more shipments of what were basically para-military groups, she turned back to see if Ryan had followed her, now firing her pistol at Cult members and the other para-military group to cover his own escape.
Laura winced as her shoulder began to bleed. This is what she got for helping strangers she guessed.

Grabbing her brothers guns she got out of the car and began to open fire on anyone even aiming at her.

Apparently this meant these damn cult groupies since she had been shot and hit by them so she began to shoot, wincing as her wounded shoulder began to ache.

Looking to the girl who had passed on her car she half shouted.

"So whats the plan, since i'm now stuck here too"

As she turned back and opened fire again. Hoping to god now that she had found other people that she could get some sort of idea what the bigger picture was.
Easton finally got the vehicle started, he took a moment to relax. There was little time to that nowadays. The large man kept an eye out for walkers and then he heard a scratch, immediately sending his attention to the passenger side door. Easton adjusted himself and looked out the window, seeing nothing. Then another scratch.

He opened the door, finding the dog from earlier looking up at him- face still matted with the blood of the dead.

"You saved my life, pup. Hop in." Easton announced, leaning back. The dog panted and jumped in.

They started off, having their own adventure unravel together.

"So what should we call you?"

The dog looked over in confusion, still marveling at being free finally.

He had a dog tag, Easton looked it over and read: "Abigail".

"Abby, uh. Well, Abigail, we looking for the same people. I think they might've headed up to the old campsite. We'll find them eventually." he said looking out on the moving road, "We'll find them eventually."
Rey saw a familiar face running along with a streak of blue hair. A truck pulled up to them, and of course they refused. Rey laughed insanely and pointed at the truck with his gun. " 'hat way Barz!" He laughed around the knife. Rey grabbed the pouch of his remaing grenades as he and Barnaby rammed the other vehicle head on, him rolling out one side, Barnaby the other. Rey lit the fuse on one of his 'nades and chucked it inside the wreck, both vehickles igniting in a firey explosion from the gasoline and thermite. Rey's laughter caused him to double over, spitting the knife out of his mouth and on the ground. He picked it up and wiped it on his jeans. "Ryan old buddy! And you've got a friend! Hay hay hi!" Rey turned around, shooting one of the people that came after him and Barnaby. "We're gettin' the fuck outta here, Kat's somewhere here too. Oh, introductions, introductions." Rey pulled his fedora out of his pocket and unfolded it, sticking it on his head at a jaunty angle. "Ahm Rey, nice to meet you, this is Barbs, yee yee." He punched the blue haired girl playfully on the arm. "Names aren't important anymore, so let's get rollin'. You can tell me yours on the way." He winked at the blue haired girl. She looked vaugely familiar, but not terribly. He shrugged, and turned around with a swish of his jacket, plodding along behind Barnaby back in the direction of the gas station.
Laura looked at the group she had come across. They were in the middle of a gun fight and all of a sudden they were chatting as if they were having a picnic.Shaking her head she sat down in cover and looked at the group of people around her, her shoulder stinging from the wound.

"Well as fun as this little catch up is what are we going to do about our friends out there"

She asked as she re-loaded her guns with the few bullets she had left at her disposal, she made a mental note to find more ammo when the chance came up at a later date.

Stepping out of the church to find a vehicle stopping in front of them was a surprise, the bigger surprise was the woman telling them to get in. Two thoughts ran through Ryans head. First, they couldn't leave without Kat and the others. Second, there was no way he was jumping in, he'd had enough of strangers for one day. Rachel ducked behind some nearby construction equipment, shots buzzed overhead, the woman who'd appeared said something about a plan followed by the roar of an engine. Ryan spotted a truck headed straight for them, and of course he saw Rey and Barnaby through the windshield for a brief moment before they bailed.

"You!" He called out to the woman who's vehicle was about to meet a terrible end, grabbing her by one arm and pulling her out of harms way, away from the car as he rushed away himself. The explosions followed and Rey popped his head up and Ryan grumbled something before shooting him a glare, "You guys blew up a friendly truck and almost got us killed in the process, thanks." But the boy was already off talking his head off with introductions. He did however notice Rachel's reaction to Rey mentioning Kat being here though, realizing he'd lost sight of her after they'd exited the church. Then Rey and Barnaby we're moving to leave, and he knew Kat wasn't leaving, he also knew that Rachel probably wasn't about to leave now that she knew Kat was here. And then there was this new woman who he'd yet to even ask the name of, and he ran his hand through his hair with a huff.
Brushing herself off she looked around at the group of people gathered together

"Ok is anyone injured, I'm a doctor. My name is Laura"

She looked at the group of people her doctors training kicking in, ignoring her own wound she went to the wreck of her car and managed to salvage some first aid equipment. Rolling her shoulder she came back to the group of people gathered. She was kind of hoping for some sort of introduction but was not going to ask for it.
Kat was talking with the leader of the para-military like group now known to them as the Haron Republic, a tiny city state like group operating in Atlanta, before she noticed a truck, with of course Rey and Baranby in it crash through the gates to the entrance of the church, 2 Haron troopers jumping out of the way as it rammed into another vehicle that was parked outside the church, Ryan pulling the supposed owner of the vehicle out of harms way, as the other woman with him had already sprinted off to behind cover, Kat hadn't gotten a good enough view to see who exactly it was, Ryan, Rey, Barnaby and the unknown woman who owned the vehicle were now in a group talking as Kat was distracted once again by the leader, who identified himself as Kenton asking her about if she wanted to join them or not, she politely declined, as the older man seemed quite friendly in his offer, so she tried to be friendly back, as the Haron troopers finished off the last of the Cult members and got back into their trucks, now reforming their convoy and driving off, Kat began checking the corpses of the now deceased Cult members, gathering dozens of magazines of ammunition for her pistol, and grabbing a loaded AUG rifle from one of them, she looked around for any more hostiles, but found none to her relivement.

As the gunfire recided and the more well equipped group that attacked the Cult packed up their things and drove off, Rachel stood up, patting herself down, shoving her pistol into the back of her pants, turning to notice the new woman who had joined them, smiling at her simply and nodding, well she hadn't tried to kill them so that was a good sign, right? However, she glared at the two new men, well one was a man, the other was someone around the same age as her, as they made their arrival. "Idiots, nearly got Ryan killed. And the name's Rachel." She said, attempting to atleast be polite at Rey's inquiry to her name.
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Rey grinned wolfishly and shook his head. "Nahh, he was going to be fine. I know what I'm doing rachel." Rey tipped his hat. "OH! RACHEL! Your name is RACHEL! Are you THE Rachel? Kat thinks you're dead. Isn't that lovely." Rey turned to another woman claiming to be a doctor. "Ello there. I don't like doctors. Goodbye." Rey turned back to Ryan and Rachel. "WELL. Ryan, Kat said you guys didn't plan to meet somewhere else, so let's go back to the SUV. Kat's gonna be headed there. I assume the smurf here's coming with us?" Rey shot a look at rachels bright blue hair.
Laura rolled her eyes and pulled her pack onto her back after helping herself to the ammo from the dead.

Right now she did not care where they were going but from now on they were going as a group.
(I didn't get notifications. :x Slightly rushed post though.)

Ryan smiled at Rachel's words. Finally! Someone who cares, or rather someone who openly shows it. Kat, Rey, and Barnaby all had their own ways. And then the woman revealed herself as Laura, seemed also rather normal other than driving her truck into a warzone. "I think I'm fine actually." He said in surprise as he physically looked himself over expecting to find bullet wounds. Then raising an eyebrow at Rey, "Yes, it's the Rachel, and technically we did have a meetup location but it was only a backup if we couldn't get to the SUV or you guys had ditched us." A smirk crossing his face.
Laura nodded, looking around the group they seemed to know each other so she would remain silent unless someone spoke directly to her.

She checked her things again before turning to the group with a smile

"Looks like we need a group motto"

She said trying to keep the happy mood going as they figured out where to go.
Kat couldn't be bothered waiting for the others to come back out of the church parking lot just so they could walk the distance to get the SUV so she instead went to go get it herself then drive it back to them. Walking away from the church now, in direction of town's main entrance road, where they had left the SUV, walking past a number of infected who appeared to be heading towards the church, attracted by the gunfire, however they were all spread out in numbers meaning that she could easily bypass them without any difficulties or complications, a few minutes later she had turned to jogging now as she noticed the SUV, sprinting the last small distance and using her keys to unlock the vehicle, getting into it now, closing her door and starting the engine, she sighed as she looked down now, gripping onto the steering wheel tightly she genuinely considered leaving without them for a small while before shaking that thought from her head, she was definitely a bigger danger to herself than any infected or survivors cold possibly be. She began driving in direction of the church now.

Rachel's happy expression then turned to confusion looking between Barnaby, Rey and Ryan now, then asking "Can someone PLEASE tell who the Rachel is?" Putting emphasis on the 'the' She obviously knew they were talking about her, but why did they all seem to make a big deal about it or know stuff about her, or just in general react like THAT to her name and or appearance. It puzzled her, perhaps Kat really was in a bad situation without her some of the thoughts of what Kat could he going through were...unpleasant to say the least, and she quickly grew ill, not a real, physical type of ill, but she felt like it. Gripping onto her stomach with both hands she quickly looked around. "Where's Kat, tell me!" She asked, the worry becoming more and more evident on her face by the second, Rachel herself quickly losing her cool and becoming more and more panicky.
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