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Anyone want to meet up in Republic City, my characters are anti-heros but will work as bodyguards or accompany people
BigIgg said:
Anyone want to meet up in Republic City, my characters are anti-heros but will work as bodyguards or accompany people
Maybe you're characters can be Mi Yun's new body guards.

Since Opal left, Mi Yun needs new people to take care of her.

Mi Yun is the president's daughter. You can read about her under overview
BigIgg said:
Okay will do :) Going to do finish touches on my other rp and then read up on your chaacter
Sounds good! Let me know what you think about being her bodyguard and then we'll go from there =)

P.S. I'll be making a post tomorrow!

I'm dead tired right now =S
NessieAlways said:
Sounds good! Let me know what you think about being her bodyguard and then we'll go from there =)
P.S. I'll be making a post tomorrow!

I'm dead tired right now =S
haha okay then


NessieAlways said:
Sounds good! Let me know what you think about being her bodyguard and then we'll go from there =)
P.S. I'll be making a post tomorrow!

I'm dead tired right now =S
Sounds promising! It would take a little integrating from both our sides but I gotta say I like the idea of this. Talk more tomorrow
So, question: would it be far-fetched for Jeng to use a small leftover flame from a lamp or something to manipulate (in relation to what Sogata taught him, with maintaining the fire and all) in order to get out of the cage?
Hey guys!

So I've noticed this RP has been moving a bit slowly.

I'll have a small event in a bit to kick things up a notch, but I need to know who's still here.

I know @Lioness075 @Flutterby @jamaicanviking and @Dakup have been active so I thank you all for that.

@Dakup if you could please reply for all of your characters that'd be great!

People who have been MIA for a bit include:




@The Suspicious Eye


Please let me know if you guys will be continuing =)

Thank you all for your cooperation!

Have a good night!

I need a summary of what has happened since I left! (Last I was here they were surrounded)
They got captured, by Dakups villain character which can be found under mechanics.

Sogata is in there with them, he was somehow captured too.

The twins are outside trying to help the team and Riichi ran away like the prideful coward he is
Gosh darnit. >.< I didn't see that at all. I just read 'chains' lol. Whatever. I'll edit my post real quick.


@Dakup Uh, which kid? Neither of them are actually that close to him. Leandra's still just below the vents so she'd be practically against a wall and to the side. Manjano is now at Opal's side so I guess he'd be the closest one to the man?
@Dakup Also, you said the man blocked the metal pieces 'for the most part'. What in the world does that mean? Can you elaborate on that? Did one of the pieces successfully latch onto the man? Did the metal piece perhaps miss him, but still land a cut on him somewhere?
It landed a cut I am gonna get to that, but Im begging you let your characters be captured. your rescure will come soon trust me. I have it all planed.
Well, my twins won't be going down without a good fight, especially with how they grew up on the streets and such.

@Dakup Um, excuse me? You mind not power playing my characters like that? You didn't even give me a chance to make Manjano put up a fight with the men, who entered the room. And Leandra isn't exactly that hidden. She's standing near a wall and trying to bend your character's metal arm. I didn't even get a reaction from that.
Heyyyyy everyone!

My final exam officially end yesterday and my vacation have started!

But, I'm going overseas for a family vacation in ~2 weeks for one week, and because of that I decided to extend my hiatus.

I'll be back by the end of this month.

Can't wait to kick you ass with The Masked Man and then help you with Chen Fei :D
@Dakup Lol, this is the second time you've mentioned the guards having shock gloves. Unless you plan on making one of the guards actually aim an attack at my twins with the shock gloves, you can stop mentioning them. xD Also, what's the point of the fire tornado exactly? Which twin is it aimed at? How big is it? Is it going to possibly backfire and harm the guards as well? I need way more details in a fighting scene than what you're giving me. It's hardly anything to work with.
@Lioness075 @Dakup Are the twins fighting the guards as the events in the hangar are going on? I feel like our timeline is a little skewed because of the additional fighting.. Im assuming that the fight the twins are in wouldve ended (whether they were captured or not) before Opal was returned to her cell. We did the fade to black, for obvious reasons, but it still wouldve taken up time. I moved on because Jeng is now breaking out and going in for a rescue and it wouldnt make sense if he heard Opal in her cell and then got there and she wasnt in, but it doesnt quite make sense time wise.. So are we in two different spots chronologically, or assuming it somehow is happening all at once?

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