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Multiple Settings Serenity academy OOC thread

Should I start the RP tomorrow

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You haven't experienced true pain until you get hit with the 1 am lose streak ((((((((( : send help
Got a post out, not the most info still so keeping it somewhat vague on descriptions.

I'd like to drop an app for a MAGICAL GIRL!!
Go ahead and check out the character thread

Well there is no application process, whoever joins, joins and also here's the character thread

Well there is no application process, whoever joins, joins and also here's the character thread

K sooooo like do we already know we are MAGICAL GIRLS!! or like is that part of the rp to figure that out?

Edit: Oh and is there like lore for diff types of magic and is there like a transformation sequence too?
K nvmnd. After reading the Ic openers and the cs I think I get it. I have a girlie ready just need to nip and tuck her up a bit to fit the rp
I feel like despite it being excluded from the setting,most of us are going to whip up some kind of transformation when fighting breaks out,anyway.

That's what we think of when signing up for "magical girls",after all.
I was just going to whip out a magnum, but yeah. Whoo for magical girl transformations...(?)
new teacher dropped albeit barebones
Rob and Ed are going to be a legendary tag team I can already feel it

Edit: Hot damn 2 thirds of the current instructors dont have their heads screwed on straight the future is bleak
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Hello, I hope this is still open I've just sent in a character and I hope he's okay! If he is I can't wait to get started!
How it took me like 5 hours to write 2 paragraphs is beyond me, but here's something lol.
now that ive read everyone's characters im very curious who'll end up joining the genocidal magic supremacist faction later on
now that ive read everyone's characters im very curious who'll end up joining the genocidal magic supremacist faction later on
that's the most chaotic thing my brain has seen today after 4 hrs of sleep
I wonder who or what we'll be fighting in the meantime,waiting for the other shoe to drop
Betting two bucks and a half eaten subway that it's the magic nazi resistance group that's opposing the academy and the 'missing students & teachers' just joined them lol

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