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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Honestly, I'm not even sure anymore. From what has happened so far, just before the fade to black, Leandra and Manjano had been dragged out of the room and then they began the fight. Honestly, their fight should be ending and they should both be in cells of some kind before Jeng breaks free and definitely should've been caught and put in their cells before Opal was returned to hers. And Leandra will need a cell she can't metal bend while Manjano will need to be in a suspended one so that he can't earth bend. In fact, Leandra can earth bend as well, so she'd need to be in a suspended one as well. I think we're moving a bit too eagerly in the interactions and so things are getting confusing quickly. I also am struggling to respond to Dakar's fighting reactions from the guards, as they're small responses and give me very little to react to as well as little explanation for certain things. It would also be nice to know how Opal was dragged to her cell without noticing the twins breaking free. Same with the metal arm man. How would he leave that room and not see the fight breaking out?
Well if the two sequences of events were happening at different times as they should have, Opal and the man wouldnt see the twins because they would no longer be fighting. Dakup and I had planned the fade scene already, and didnt account for the twins since they were with Riichi and searching for a way into the hangar, and we didnt realize the twins would continue to fight after being captured. We rolled through the fade to keep things moving, even though realistically the fade wouldve lasted for some time. But then the twins fought back, so things got a little messed up. I guess I'll stop as Opal until you wrap up the twins fight (and I guess you could have them put somewhere else so they wouldnt see Opal and the man interacting now or just have them react in order of what was posted), for continuity's sake.
Ah, well, gotta be fluid with your plans in a rp since characters can do unplanned things here and there along the way. Plus, once Riichi ran off, the twins found their own way inside since that was their plan all along. I wasn't about to have the twins twiddle their thumbs outside while everything unfolded. >.<
I guess, although it was my understanding the twins were trying to get into the hangar, which was why we didnt think the fade scene would be interrupted by anyone *shrugs* its fine though, I just wanted to get things to line up again
Ah, yeah, sorry about I guess. It seemed a bit more befitting for them to drop in on Opal and the metal arm man as opposed to landing the jackpot in finding everyone in their cells and such. I didn't want to make it seem too easy for the twins and all that.
...Yeah, it does seem like we lost a good amount of people during that hiatus that came out of no where.
Yeah, he said he was interested, but I don't think I've seen him make too many posts after saying that he wanted to stay.
Nessie, I've come to apologize! *dramatic long first e in Nessie, and dramatic i in apologize while slow-motion running across a grassy field with wind blowing while heading toward @NessieAlways*
Probably held in an appropriate cell in the hangar. So far in the hangar: Sogata, an old friend, was found to also be in the hangar; character interaction; a man with a metal arm came in and Sogata got feisty, Opal stepped up in his defense while the two of them talked about Opal's relationship with Jeng and Sogata's unrequited love for her, Opal got electrocuted and then dragged out of the cell, and now we're on a little bit of a stall because the timeline got a bit mess up
I guess I really need to read through to get what's going on (also I don't want to fuck up the time line even more) So it's going to be a bit before I post ^^;

I'm going to post and you guys can tell me if it needs to be edited or not. :)
Take your time, and the explanation of the timeline-mess up is in the OOC page before this, in case that would help too lol Its late for me, so I gotta hit the hay, but I'll be on tomorrow to read your post :) Welcome back! ^^
Your apology is accepted =)

But I can't let you back in. I'm sorry.

Peaceswore said:
I guess I really need to read through to get what's going on (also I don't want to fuck up the time line even more) So it's going to be a bit before I post ^^;
I'm going to post and you guys can tell me if it needs to be edited or not. :)
Glad to have you back!
NessieAlways said:
But I can't let you back in. I'm sorry.
Aww... B-but.. This RP was so much fun... I want to be a part of it again, even if it means dropping all but one of my characters I used to have... I'd even be willing to start from scratch with an entirely new character while dropping all the others :c I can even promise that no such outburst will ever happen again!

((Probably making things worse for myself with the begging, aren't I? :x ))
*Shrug* He got caught with the rest. So I believe he is with the others, but since he is a firebender (With stronger flames than average firebenders) he would be placed in an ice cell.
Peaceswore said:
*Shrug* He got caught with the rest. So I believe he is with the others, but since he is a firebender (With stronger flames than average firebenders) he would be placed in an ice cell.
Just read it and it's good!

The rescue should be coming soon I believe =)
NessieAlways said:
It's not going to happen.
The decision was made months ago and I'm not taking it back.

You were told and warned and you didn't care.

It's nothing against you. I promise you that!

I really enjoyed having you as a roleplayer and your contribution was great.

But the drama you brought onto the OOC was too much.

I'm not going to put my players through that again.

Put yourself in my position and hopefully you'll understand where I'm coming from.
That was a bad week for me, though I understand that I have no right to make any excuse. I can promise that won't happen again if I were to be allowed back (and even if not, I still won't let anything like it happen :/ ), though I completely understand your decision. I do believe in second chances myself, though I suppose even I would probably not give a second chance to somebody doing what I did... Well, I suppose I'll be returning to attempting making RP ideas n' stuff. Hopefully I can get a great idea set up for the current one I'm working on making :x Enjoy Nessie's RP enough to make up for my lack of enjoyment in it, everybody!
I was thinking Shing may go bad *Shrug* might be interesting, it's not like he has any attachments to team avatar..... Or maybe I'll make a new character....not sure really. (note these are thoughts I'm typing down even though I'm seconds from passing out...)

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