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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective


Rey looked at kat with a 'mother please' expression on his face, but his eyes were still dead. He poured a bit of the powder into his hand and kicked it back in his throat. He bobbed his head in a 'i told you so' gesture at Kat. He then took the spoon, filled it halfway, and fed it to Rachel. He turned to go, then looked at the clock. He tapped the 12, then the 3. 'Fifteen minutes until she'll feel better.' His gesture said. He then went out with not even a backwards glance, back up to his tower. He looked at Barnaby who was in the other one and gave him a thumbs up.


Barnaby returned the gesture by saluting with two fingers the way Rey usually did. Looked like Rey did help after all. Barnaby could see Cat and Ryan had buried the doctor finally. Barnaby shook his head. He didn't know why Rey didn't like doctors, but he probably had a good reason. Barnaby had learned not to question Rey, the kid was smart, and everything he did had a purpose. He hoped other people would see that too, but it was unlikely. 'People think what they want to think. We're all mad, but I'm the maddest man alive. I'm mentally insane and I know it, this makes me one of the best people in the world. Those who reject the fact that they're mad too are just sad.' Rey had once said to him on the carride down to mississippi. Barnaby loved Rey like a brother, and he hoped this silent stage and his clouded eyes would clear up soon.
Once they we're finished burying Laura Ryan waited patiently, leaning against the tree. He shouldn't be here, didn't really deserve to be here. What had he done for Laura? But Catrina was grieving, and out in the open in an unsafe area, he wouldn't just leave her here like that. Ryan was exhausted, sweaty, and dirty. Three things he hated, especially when combined, he'd go straight for some water when they went back inside as he guessed he probably needed some by now.
Catrina looked to Ryan one she finished, She was barely holding it together as she looked at him.

"so who did this to her?, its no ordinary infection she looks too beaten up to have been eaten so who did it"

She threw Ryan a look that brokered no arguments. She buried her sister and now she was on the warpath.
Ryan huffed, "She died protecting one of the kids." He started, gesturing towards the base with an open hand. "We had to put her out of her misery." It was a lie, a blatant lie. But he was keeping the peace, she was clearly emotional and the last thing she needed was a single target to focus all of it on.
Cat looked at Ryan she could tell a liar a mile off but decided to pacify him "So it was a group decision to mutilate her?" She asked as she turned to fully face Ryan. He did not seem the type to mutilate someone
Now the woman was accusing, becoming slightly aggressive even. Ryan straightened up and eyed her, "That was the dead, not us." He was using terms like we or us to make them a collective, not singling anyone out. "I'm heading back." He understood where she was coming from but wasn't about to be grilled about it, taking his shovel in hand he started walking back towards the street.
Cat said no more about it and wordlessly walked back with Ryan, her shovel in her hand. She could tell her emotions were running high so she had stopped the conversation before things got out of hand.
Kat eyed Rey supicously as he fed the strange stuff to Rachel, who seemed fine with it, eager more than anything, but if she knew more about Rey, she wouldn't have trusted him to feed her this stuff, Kat knew that for a fact, she folded her arms in a huff as Rey basically said `I told you so` without any words, then leaving, she let out a sigh of relief, Rey didn't have any reason to harm Rachel, did he? So maybe he was helping her, Kat didn't know, but Rachel seemed happy enough with it, so Kat was happy too. Kat sat down next to Rachel now, wrapping her arm around Rachel's shoulder, Rachel in return now lying her head on Kat's shoulder."Feeling better?" Kat asked, although it was too soon to expect results, hopefully she'd give a positive answer though. Which she did in the form of her usual bright smile and a quick nod. Kat figured she'd go outside and see if the new chick had found out that Rey had killed her sister, or better yet..

"I'll be right back, kay?" Kat said to Rachel, who in turn just nodded, to tired to be curious or suspicous of what Kat was doing, or try and stop it if she already knew, which she more than likely did, sometimes Rachel would know what Kat was about to do before Kat even thought of doing it, creepy stuff sometimes. Kat stood up, patting herself down and walking out of the barracks, noticing Ryan walking off, away from Caterina..was that her name? Didn't matter right now anyway, Kat strolled up over to Cat now. Saying. "So cutie. Did Ryan tell you about who murdered your sister?" She asked slyly, a grin she wasn't even aware of forming on her face, she was gonna enjoy this so much. Not to sound morbid or anything.
Cat just stared blankly

"actually yes he did, a group effort apparently"

She said before turning to face Kat directly, her arms folded as she stared at the girl. The tension between them mounting as she stared the other girl down, silently daring her to reveal who had mutilated her sister. She knew from the bite that one of the dead had gotten her but as to who mutilated the body so viciously she wanted answers.
Kat's grin only grew as she told her that Ryan had said that it had been a group effort, shaking her head slowly with a chuckle. "Oh, no, no, no." Then the smile dropped, walking slowly up towards Caterina now, walking in circles around her slowly, intentionally slow. Inspecting Caterina up and down and then stopping, Caterina had been inspecting Kat with anger filled eyes, before she opened her mouth again, she stopped directly in-front of Caterina now. "Does it hurt? Knowing that she suffered so much and for so long before she died?" Kat asked, rather coldly, detached, the grin from before no where to be seen, Kat didn't know why she was getting such a sadistic pleasure out of this, but she was. She'd stop eventually but for now, this was enjoyable, Kat wasn't proud of that fact, but it was. "Or did Ryan tell you that it was quick also? OR.." She said, now letting out another dark chuckle, pointing a finger and wiggling it up and down slightly. "Did he tell you that she actually died for something? That her death had meaning?" She already knew the answer to that question, it WAS Ryan of course. And he would say stuff like that to make her feel better.
Something in Catrina snapped and with lightning fast reflexes from her training she had Kat grabbed by the throat and against the wall. Her face now completely neutral as she squeezed, asking only a simple question

Kat had expected a reaction similar to this, but she didn't bother. Simply grinning again as she let out a few quick choaking noises, but said anyway. "I bet you'd LOVE to know wouldn't you..." She spat out from behind gritted teeth, still rather smuggly however as she had noticed how Caterina had lost her cool so quickly, Kat really enjoyed seeing that, someone so calm and collected snap and lash out, because of her. Made Kat feel a sick sense of pride, but it was there, and Kat couldn't do anything about it, apart from embrace it. Kat simply stayed there as Caterina squeezed onto her neck, the smug smile still present on her face, the pain didn't really bother her. She was usually the one administering the pain, it was interesting to see how it felt to be on the opposite side of the pain bringing. Kat took in all the sensations she felt as Caterina choked her. "You're turning me on you know." She said plainly.
Cat just remained neutral. She as in agent mode where she was giving no reaction to Kats goading but her iron grip on her throat tightening. She would kill the girl for answers but of course she would make sure to get an answer and then let the girl go. Deciding on a different route she spoke.

"Maybe Rachel can tell me. Maybe I should give her a visit, think she can take a beating like you?"

She asked in her calm tone, turning the tables on Kat.
Kat could feel the grip tightening on her throat, but paid little to no attention to it. Instead grinning even wider and saying. "Please, please. Stop trying to turn this around on me, I won't give you a reaction, unlike you certainly did." She said smuggly, her eyes pointing down to Caterina's hands on Kat's neck as a gesture of that was her reaction. She stretched her arms casually and knee'd Caterina in the stomach, kicking her in the shin and pushing her down to the ground forcefully, pulling out her M9 from it's holster and aiming it to her as she laid on the ground. Giving off a fake yawn and saying. "Touch her and I'll take a piss on your sister's grave and kill you. Kay?" She said simply, holstering her M9 again and walking towards the barracks casually. Yelling out from behind her. "By the way it was Rey. Tell him I said hi." And waving as she walked away from Caterina now.
Cat just got up and dusted herself off.

"Why tell me?"

She asked, despite the casual reaction from Kat, the girl had given her answers, ones that she needed.
Kat turned round and shrugged. "I hate the little douche, you can kill him if you want. No one'll miss him." She spoke, it was seriously true, well, Barnaby would miss him greatly, but then again, who really cared about that, Ryan might get a little upset but that wouldn't have mattered, he'd get over it surely, and it'd probably help Caterina a hell of a lot more in the whole grieving deal she had going on because of her dead sister, dead at the hands of Rey technically should also be added on for justification, and in a cruel and vile way, even by Kat's standards, definitely not to say that Kat hadn't done worse in the past, hell she'd done a lot worse. But that didn't matter, not now, not then. But then she stopped walking to the barracks, instead waiting for Cat's reaction to Rey killing her sister. She was gonna enjoy this a lot.
Cat turned and was about to walk towards where Rey had gone earlier when the walkie talkie on her hip crackled and a mans voice came through

"Cat....Cat are you there, come in"

Cat picked up the walkie talkie and she spoke, her voice business like

"Hey Nick what are your co-ordinates?"

She began to rattle off different numbers indicating where she was and explained that she was with 5 survivors, her conversation with Kat forgotten about temporarily.
Ryan sat in one of the tents taking sips of water periodically while enjoying the shade. Berating himself about how dumb it was to have not had much water last night or sleep, then going out in the hot sun and digging a damn grave. He rubbed at his chin wondering how they we're going to deal with the Laura situation, it just seemed like a terrible idea to tell the truth. Not only would it probably put Catrina in a bad place but could end up hurting Rey as well. And as annoying as the kid was, and as wrong as he believed what Rey had done was, he still didn't think he should be hurt for it. Yeah he'd ended the woman's life, but she was already done for, bitten and basically being eaten alive. It's not like he'd pushed her into the walkers or anything.

Standing he decided to go check on Rachel, the girl had run off not looking so well earlier. He spotted Kat and Cat talking in the distance, bet that was going well. Entering the barracks he spotted Rachel, "Feeling any better?" He asked, taking a seat on one of the beds.
Cat gave a small smile as Nick's co-ordinates were close enough to them by luck.

Walking towards the gate she called out to Rachel and Ryan

"Hey a friend of mine from the Army is pulling up. and he has supplies"

She called to them to let them know and possibly help unload the stuff Nick had bought with him.
Kat simply sighed quietly and walked off scene basically, away from everyone else. She headed over to the SUV, where she grabbed the guitar she had taken from the music store and closed the door after, walking away from the barracks, gate and watch towers, she headed over to the locker rooms, on the opposite side of the base, sitting down on one of the benches inbetween rows of lockers, the base had been cleared of infected long before now, so it was safe to do so, and she began strumming the guitar a basic beat at first, Good Riddance by Green Day, one of her favourite to just play when she was alone and wanted to relax, getting pretty into it as she began solely focusing on the guitar in her hands, expertly strumming with her fingers going where they needed to go at the exact time they were needed. Kat treated guitars a lot like guns, in many ways. This was why she was good at using them.

Rachel was waiting for Kat to return when Ryan had came in, and asked on how she was doing, Rachel nodded, she was in-fact feeling a whole lot better, thanks to Rey surprisingly. She smiled at him. "I'm doing fine actually, thanks for asking." And slowly stood up, walking over to the bed where she laid herself onto, she still wasn't feeling 100% but she was getting there, maybe a little rest would help, that'd do her some good hopefully. Then Caterina called out to them and said a friend from the army was going to bring them supplies, this brought some peace of mind to Rachel, as finding supplies was a difficult task.
[QUOTE="The Jackal]"Jackson" he replied, looking out the window at a group of undead that were stumbling around outside a small retail store.

They drove for awhile, the gas had a decent portion in it for being abandoned. Not a lot of people were keen on hot-wiring vehicles. Easton pulled up ahead at a small convenient store once they were far off from the thicker part of the city. Easton slipped his spiked knuckles over his thick leather gloves.

"You don't have to come if you don't want, you can stay out here and spot if you'd like. We need some food." Easton pulled the door open nice and quietly, allowing time for Jackson to respond. He let the dog out as well.
Cat gave a small smile as Nick pulled up and parked the Truck.

She spotted the supplies in the back and took a mental check.

Medical Supplies, Food supplies and Ammo. A survivors dream.


Nick got out and smiled to the group.


He grinned and pulled her in for a bear hug spinning her around before putting her down and allowed her to introduce him to the others.

He gave Rachel a warm hug more or less like he had with Cat before turning to Ryan and giving a smile and a handshake.
BigIgg said:
They drove for awhile, the gas had a decent portion in it for being abandoned. Not a lot of people were keen on hot-wiring vehicles. Easton pulled up ahead at a small convenient store once they were far off from the thicker part of the city. Easton slipped his spiked knuckles over his thick leather gloves.
"You don't have to come if you don't want, you can stay out here and spot if you'd like. We need some food." Easton pulled the door open nice and quietly, allowing time for Jackson to respond. He let the dog out as well.
Jackson nodded "I'll call if I see anything" he got out and drew his silenced M1911 and standing behind the car just infront of the store, he hadn't eaten in a while so it was probably best for him to stay outside instead of go in and eat the food before it was gathered.

Rey had ben working. He'd sped up the process to his project by adding heat and pressure in the crockpot, and now he had everything he needed. He added what he'd gotten from the oranges (nitric acid, with a little help from other things) and added it to mercury in an emylier flask he'd made. White smoke spilled from the beaker, and he covered his mouth and nose in a wet rag. He tossed one to Barnaby and motioned to him to do the same. From the decaying apples, he recieved ethanol. He warmed it a bit in a beaker and poured it over the large crystiline formations that had sprouted inside the emilyer flask. He then gently removed and washed the crystals in the sink. He then dissolved the crystals in another thing he had been saving since the dead started walking, ammonium hydroxide. He took the rag away from his mouth and dripped the solution drop by drop into a glass pan. The solution again crystalized, and Rey set each crystal with bits of thermite and metal. He had Barnaby retrieve some lemons earlier, and he used little bits of their skin to pad the ends of wire. The wires were extremely long and thin. Two hundred feet in total. He fashioned a type of metal instrument with a battery and some of the scrap metal left over from when Barnaby had cut up the railings.


For the first time in 24 hours, Rey spoke. "Barnaby." He said. He had used his full name, Rey didn't usually do that. Barnaby perked his ears, listening intently. "Kat is growing increasingly agressive. There are new people. We need to leave. Soon. As in fast. As in us two again. As in on the road. As in fucking moving. Thank you for telling me about the newcomers vehicle. It isn't our old truck, but it'll do. Military shit, I don't like it. Anyways, are you still listening?" Barnaby nodded. Rey was serious. Barnaby agreed, Rey was right. He didn't like the sight of the newcomer, nor her backup. Barnaby wasn't on bad terms with Ryan, but he couldn't trust him to back him up if things went to shit. Rey shook his head. "No. You need to tell me." Barnaby nodded again. "Yes brother, I'm listening. I always listen. You know that." Rey took a deep breath. He then pointed to the crystals, still sitting delicately on the table. "Those are our ticket out of here. If Kat proves to be even more volatile than I think she is, with any luck, she'll smash one. That's the end of Kat. We have made incindiary pulses that are sensitive to any type of shock, kinetic or electrical, and launch flaming bits of metal. Magnesium, roman numeral dos, fulminate, along with thermite from the fuckton of grenades we made but didn't use, and aluminum from the railings. That big pile right there? If i put it in the middle of the base, everything... and i mean EVERYTHING... within a hundred foot radius is going to be melted and or shredded worse than fine cheese. And the whole base is going to be on fire. So." Rey hooked the wires from his backpack, under his jacket, and out his sleeve so they were concealed, most of it was in his backpack. He held the battery-metal-thingy in his other hand. "Put them in my pack. I've used everything in there anyways." Barnaby did. Rey was serious about this. They were leaving, wether everybody else liked it or not. On Rey's terms. And Rey was going to take what he wanted. Which was all the supplies the group had and one working military grade armored car. "Genius Rey. Risky as hell, but genius." Barnaby muttered. Rey allowd himself a small smile, but his eyes were still dead.


Rey and Barnaby walked down from the tower and up to Cat and the newcomer, who was introduced as Nick. This situation couldn't have been any more perfect. Rey walked to the car Nick brought, Barnaby in tow. Rey walked past the group without even a glance, but still talked. "Barbs and I are leaving." He stated plainly. "And you bud?" He pointed at nick, who was blocking the drivers side door. He felt sanity leave him, thinking did that to a person. And when you were as crazy as Rey, you couldn't stay even mildly sane for long. His eyes glittered, and his trademark wolfish grin reappeared in an instant. "You need to move a bit to the left. Barbs needs to get to the drivers seat."
Cat watched the exchange as Rey and Barnaby arrived. Remembering what Kat said earlier, she pulled her pistol and shot Rey twice in the back of the legs, one for each knee.

"I don't think so. your not walking out of here with our stuff"

She said as she held her pistol pointing at Rey while Nick had his own pistol out watching warily as he pulled Rachel behind him to protect her. Things were escalating fast but there was some comfort in Catrina's neutral face.

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