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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Oh, you and Christian can investigate the gunshot from the alleyway in the same town the tornado shelter is in btw. If you want.
Btw, so I don't have to answer this again the post order with me, Alstro and then Crono still stands and always will unless someone is AFK for a very long time.
Yeah's :D where all at. I'm gonna be online for a couple hours and then a couple more when I get home
Okay. I'm at a school, with a herd outside. Nothing has happened yet, just camped down. We can meet there through surviving the zombies or as I escape, your play hombre
BigIgg said:
Okay. I'm at a school, with a herd outside. Nothing has happened yet, just camped down. We can meet there through surviving the zombies or as I escape, your play hombre
Jackson is at an office building..... He'll need help pretty soon..... he's starving and probably about to die
[QUOTE="The Jackal]Jackson is at an office building..... He'll need help pretty soon..... he's starving and probably about to die

Okay then. Packing because I'm moving this week lol but I'll be sure to jump in and help
Sorry for the not so great posts and being slow to roll them out. I was around but I was grandma sitting and baby sitting today, but didn't want to hold the Rp up. :]

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