Search results for query: *

  1. Poison Ivy

    Pairings & Plots, (More to be added, so keep checking!)

    Thanks! I'll pm you. ^-^
  2. Poison Ivy

    Pairings & Plots, (More to be added, so keep checking!)

    Yeah, I'll PM you!
  3. Poison Ivy

    Pairings & Plots, (More to be added, so keep checking!)

    Poison Ivy’s RP Search About Me: x I’m 23 and live with a roommate who will soon join this site. I have a computer and she doesn’t, so I won’t be able to be online when she is. (unless I’m on my phone, in which case only expect replies to OOC things because I’m not typing up a full...
  4. Poison Ivy

    Do Pregnant Characters make you uncomfortabe?

    Considering this, I'd have to agree that in a large scale role play they may come off as attention stealers. I still think it could work in many different scenarios with a 1x1 role play, or just a few people.
  5. Poison Ivy

    You want pairings? I totally have some pairings.

    It's up to you. I don't mind if it's a bit slow, but if you're too swamped with rps I don't want to overwhelm you with another.
  6. Poison Ivy

    Does anyone even read these?

    Hello Hunny (<3)
  7. Poison Ivy

    You want pairings? I totally have some pairings.

    Hey, do you have anything set up for Ghost x Human yet? I love those. ^^
  8. Poison Ivy

    In regards to..

    Yes, I love the DC universe. :) So if you'd like to start something with that I'd love to!
  9. Poison Ivy

    Mae's Ultimate Partner Search (New Plots 8/3)

    Psychotic and The Boy Of My Nightmares are equally interesting to me. Perhaps we could do both? You have amazing plot ideas, by the way.
  10. Poison Ivy

    New Here, Not To Roleplay

    Sounds good! :) I'm also new to the website, so it will be a few more hours until I can send a pm. I will definitely do so when I can, though.
  11. Poison Ivy

    New Here, Not To Roleplay

    Ooh, I do love the Avengers. Natasha is awesome. Hit me up if you want to set up a role play involving that :)
  12. Poison Ivy

    In regards to..

    Hey, I'm going to be putting up a search board soon that you can look through and see if you're interested in role playing anything with me. The fantasy and sci fi genres are some of my favorites. I'm also a newbie to the site, but have been role playing for about 13 years so I hope to see you...
  13. Poison Ivy

    Mousie's Fandom Search

    Sounds good. As a side note, I prefer to have romance in the story somewhere. It definitely doesn't have to be the focus of the plot, because that becomes dull quite quickly. The gradual development of love is always appreciated as some of the spice to the plot. :)
  14. Poison Ivy

    Mousie's Fandom Search

    I'd be interested to see what we could do with the Avengers. I also write about 2-4 paragraphs a post. My posting can be a bit eclectic depending on what's going on in my life, but I do try to at least post once a day (usually at late night of eastern standard time). If something comes up I...
  15. Poison Ivy

    Fantasy (Detailed) Renewal- IT'S FINISHED GO SIGN UP GO GO GO

    I would love to play as a villain in this! I will keep tabs with this and see where it goes to see if I may become involved :)
  16. Poison Ivy

    Do Pregnant Characters make you uncomfortabe?

    I've actually never role played as a pregnant woman or seen it done before. It's refreshing. Maybe some people would be uncomfortable with it, but I think as a whole with the role playing community it would simply add more spice to a storyline. There's just so much potential with it. I will...
  17. Poison Ivy

    Pairings and Plots and Partners, Oh My!

    I am interested in the following pairings: Vampire x Vampire, Vampire x Faerie, and Demon x Human. I don't have the option to PM yet, but when I do I'd like to go over whichever plots you have lined up for any of these :)
  18. Poison Ivy

    Hello Lovelies

    Thank you :)
  19. Poison Ivy

    Hello Lovelies

    I'm Poison Ivy. I chose this new moniker because she has always been my favorite supervillainess. Strong, independent, and charming to all, she represents a lot of qualities that I strive for myself. I have been known as Nightmare or Night on some other forums, but of course those titles were...