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Mousie's Fandom Search


Lurking Snapdragon
Mousie's Fandom Search (Closed)

Hello everyone. I've been lurking this search thread for quite a long time. I'll continue to lurk but thought it was time to list a search thread of my own. Below you'll see tabs with information on what I'm looking for. If you're interested at all feel free to message me or reply below. I'm also only interested in fandoms at the moment hence the lack of original pairings.

  • • I prefer my partners to write a minimum of two paragraphs. However, if you're strapped for time or have writers block, I only ask that you post at least one paragraph. One liners are not acceptable.

    • My reply time is 1-3 days on average. I'll warn you ahead of time if it's going to be longer than 2 days. The minimum amount of time I expect you to reply is within seven days. If you do not message me on the reason why you're gone within 14 days, I'll assume you're no longer interested in our roleplay. Also, I have a few IRL problems that arise from time to time that don't allow me to message you. Expect the unexpected when it comes to rping with me.
    HOWEVER! I will always return and provide you a reason why I've been absent and continue our RP if you wish. ^^

    • Keep in mind that I'm looking for long-term partners. If you're someone that loses interest
    very easily, I recommend you find another person to roleplay with. However, if you're not one of these people, never ever feel bad to lose interest in an ongoing roleplay with me at anytime. I'm an understanding person, and I'll give you the same respect and courtesy of telling you if I'm not interested. Because there's always the possibility of losing interest, we can always change the plot in a different direction or setting. We can even start a new fandom roleplay if you want.

    • Proper grammar and spelling makes the roleplay very more enjoyable for me and I consider it to be almost mandatory. I prefer partners to meet this requirement, but it's definitely not a deal breaker. I also understand everyone makes typos,
    (myself included) so don't worry about the occasional typo that's bound to occur.

    • Romance is never mandatory. If you wish to have romance between our characters I'd like it to be gradual instead of instantaneous. Romance should
    never be the focus of the plot. When it comes to gender identities and sexual preferences, I'm completely open to almost anything. My preferred gender pairing is usually MxF or FxF. I haven't done MxM yet.

    • Violence is never an issue with me. As a matter of fact, I usually have vivid descriptions of actions and injuries that pertain under the violence category. If this is an issue, we can definitely discuss it in a PM. I'm always open to toning it down (or up) if you prefer it.

    • I like to keep plot armor for my characters very thin. I want both you and me to feel a sense of impeding doom that's about to befall my characters through different tragedies. I won't dictate the amount of plot armor your character has, but expect my characters to always be in danger in one way or another. (*U*)

    Roleplaying in third person is mandatory.

Currently still editing a lot of things. If you have any suggestions/questions, feel free to post below.
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I'd be interested to see what we could do with the Avengers. I also write about 2-4 paragraphs a post. My posting can be a bit eclectic depending on what's going on in my life, but I do try to at least post once a day (usually at late night of eastern standard time). If something comes up I would certainly let you know, and if I were to not reply one day I would surely do so the next. I believe in open communication between role players; if I get bored, we twist up the plot, add spice. Same goes vice versa. Let me know what you think. I play a pretty sweet Iron Man, but also enjoy playing as many of the other characters.
[QUOTE="Poison Ivy]I'd be interested to see what we could do with the Avengers. I also write about 2-4 paragraphs a post. My posting can be a bit eclectic depending on what's going on in my life, but I do try to at least post once a day (usually at late night of eastern standard time). If something comes up I would certainly let you know, and if I were to not reply one day I would surely do so the next. I believe in open communication between role players; if I get bored, we twist up the plot, add spice. Same goes vice versa. Let me know what you think. I play a pretty sweet Iron Man, but also enjoy playing as many of the other characters.

Looks good to me. I'll send you a PM later. ( ;) )
Sounds good. As a side note, I prefer to have romance in the story somewhere. It definitely doesn't have to be the focus of the plot, because that becomes dull quite quickly. The gradual development of love is always appreciated as some of the spice to the plot. :)
Hi, @Mousie.

Your rules are very straight-forward and humbly speaking, I fit the bill! I like M/F and F/F pairings. I've played a lot of males lately and recently so I want to try my hand at females now.

You have a lot to offer so I'll just list the ones that caught my eye the most...


Matt Murdock x OC

Wilson Fisk x OC



Thor x OC


Attack on Titan

Levi x OC

Eren x OC


Ulquiorra x OC

Teen Titans

Robin x OC

Slade x OC

Please let me know what you think!
I'd be up for a Fallout Rp (Or maybe a Star Wars one depending on a discussion could go and all that fun stuff,)
(' :| )

Thank you all for your responses to the search thread. Due to the influx of people that replied to the thread, I'm going to close it down temporarily. Thank you once again.
Would you be interested in doing a Harry Potter plot? (:

I've been looking for one like crazy!

Winter is coming.


Looking for one to two more partner(s) at the moment! First come first serve!

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I'd be up for some Naruto, Dishonored, or Skyrim. Something set in Gotham would be cool, too, though I'd prefer that it isn't limited to strictly Batman.
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