Hello Lovelies

Poison Ivy

Dr. Lillian Rose, Ph.D.
I'm Poison Ivy. I chose this new moniker because she has always been my favorite supervillainess. Strong, independent, and charming to all, she represents a lot of qualities that I strive for myself. I have been known as Nightmare or Night on some other forums, but of course those titles were already taken here. It will be interesting to be writing under a new name. :)

I have been role playing on and off for an upwards of 13 years now. I mostly do one on one pairings, but a good plot and twist of the arm have seen me in other types of role plays. I usually do what this forum classifies as Casual or Detailed role plays. I like to try and write some paragraphs to keep a role play going strong. Sometimes this is not possible for certain replies, and that's ok as long as we are able to keep the story going. This means giving me enough to go off of in my reply lol

When I first started out, like most, I could only role play as my own gender. Luckily I've had enough experience now that I actually enjoy playing males (almost more than playing females). I also enjoy any pairing's sexuality: fxm, mxm, fxf. It's very rare that I find someone willing to make a good fxf that lasts a long time though xD

The problem I usually have with role playing is that I'll get a good role play that I love and the person will disappear without notice. This disappearance and sudden end of a great role play causes great writer's block without the role play and no idea if it will ever be continued. As such, it makes it so that I have to end any other role plays I'm participating in with a hiatus. It doesn't always happen with every role play, but when I get a favorite and it does it severely impacts my mood to role play at all. All I ask is that anyone who chooses to role play with me tells me if they're not going to reply within a week, or if they would wish to stop the role play. I will not be mad, it's more maddening to not know and wonder. ><

I hope to make many interesting role plays with all of you interesting people. <3

xoxo Ivy
Welcome to the site and the community! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Everyone here is super nice, so I'm sure someone can answer it.

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