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Mae's Ultimate Partner Search (New Plots 8/3)


Secretly an Alien, Shhh


Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. About Me

III. General Requirements

IV. Fandoms

V. Plot Key

VI. Plots

VII. Active 1x1s


I. Introduction

Greetings one and all to one of the most deluxe partner searches you will ever find! This plot listing will remain forever updated, so even if I posted this months ago, it still applies to today, my friends. Whether you're scouring the forums for 1x1 partners, just plain bored, or I directed you to this thread personally, I'm sure you'll find something suitable to your palette! c;

This thread will host all my open and existing 1x1 plots, complete with a list of 1x1s that are in progress right now (that's mostly just for my convenience, though) at the bottom. I will be bumping this thread whenever more plots or fandoms are added in or when another 1x1 is started up. All plots you will find here are either solely of my own creation, or adapted from an old partner's ideas (with their permission, of course). I'm eager to do them all, so go ahead and pick one!

Good luck, and enjoy! c;


II. About Me

I am a fifteen year old girl by the name of Mae. I'm an American teen who follows the EST time zone, but will roleplay with literally anyone from anywhere or any time zone. I tend to be online throughout the day around four to five days a week, so when it comes to activity, I'm your gal. c;

Being the huge nerd that I am, I will occasionally spout quotes from various books (both my own and those of published authors) and am quite entertained by making vague, pretty much unnoticeable references to other 1x1s that I have and my novels in IC. That being said, I have already composed novels centered around many of these plots. Please do not feel betrayed or used by this. I will never, EVER use your work as my own and ask that you respect this promise by doing the same. Plagiarism is a game for fools who cannot think for themselves, and everyone here should pride themselves for their own creativity.

With that out of the way, note that I always have a tab open with RPN on my computer. If I'm showed online on here, know that such does not mean that I'm actually viewing this site at the time. For all you know, I'm on another site on another tab, so do not think that I am ignoring you, please. Likewise, I have a rather unorthodox sense of humor, but it is rare for me to actually dislike anyone at all. If I hurt your feelings, please just tell me, okay?

Why am I including all this? Well, I like to feel a connection to my partners, so please include information about yourself, as well. I enjoy chatting OOC, and might I say, emoticons are a great way to make a person feel less awkward in casual chats, and I'm about as awkward as they come. cx I can't wait to meet you! ^^


III. General Requirements

Do not bail on me. || Please, please, please see this through! You joined, so at least try to stay loyal to the commitment you made! However, I understand if you are bored; in that case, just tell me you want to drop the RP, okay?

Post at least once or twice a week. || Goodness, is that too much to ask?

I can play either gender effectively. || While in select roleplays I have a gender preference to play, I generally can play either gender without issue. You can pretty much thank the RP forums I started on three years ago for this. They needed more male RPers, so one of them literally approached me and offered to teach me the ropes after they read some of my original pieces in male POV.

We're using a simple CS. || I don't want to learn everything about your character from CS. I want to be blessed with the journey of learning throughout the roleplay. You'll only need name, age, gender, and pic or description, plus any roleplay specific information.

Anime or realistic pictures are fine. || I tend to use realistic, though, just an FYI.

I'm okay with thread or PM. || Ultimately, it's up to you, because I haven't any preference.

Romance is a supplement. || I refuse to use romance as the full genre, as I can't stay focused on a romance-centered plot. I need another driving element besides romance. On that note, no smut. This is not debatable. I adore violence and dark scenes. I can write gore like there's no tomorrow. But I won't do smut. Also note that I primarily play MxF in RP, but can be persuaded to participate in FxF depending on the individual plot.

I can double. || What more is there to say on the matter? I actually quite enjoy adding new faces to the RP. My one friend an I had an RP that we finished where we each started out with one character and ended up with, like, ten. (Mind, some of them were killed throughout, but you get my point.)

Post decent posts. || I can post two to about 400-800 words at least, depending on the scene. I'm sorry if my posts are slightly shorter than your own on occaision; I sometimes have to log off in a jiffy. HOWEVER I will tolerate RP partners with posts of lesser length assuming that your one-liners are not just senseless fluff and it moves the story forward.

Double check your posts. || Mistakes are allowed, but please put effort forth to make your post appear professional. The sad thing is, I shouldn't even have to establish this. But I had a roleplay partner before who wrote like a five-year-old. If you post like that, chances are I won't want to continue. You have been warned.

You can claim more than one plot. || Only two plots per person at this time though, okay?

I wanna be your friend. ;3 || Let's talk a little using brackets in our IC thread, m'kay? I don't bite unless provoked. Or if you're a huge slice of bacon. If that's the case, I make no promises. c;


IV. Fandoms

• Harry Potter

• Maximum Ride

• The Chronicles of Narnia

• Dragons in Our Midst / Oracles of Fire / Children of the Bard

• Dragons of Starlight

• Mortal Instruments / Infernal Devices

• Mystery Case Files Games

• Professor Layton

(As I'm sure some of you noticed, I'm obviously a Sherlockian and yet did not include it on this list. I am also a fan of Doctor Who, Cabin Pressure, and RWBY. Any of these fandoms could be added to the list eventually, but for the time being, I'm not too keen on playing them. Mostly, it's because I have yet to find my voice for the associated characters. The only exception to this is Sherlock, which I admittedly write a ton of fanfiction for. Admittedly, that's the main reason I don't want to, considering I've written countless full-length fics within the past few months alone and yet cannot bring myself to stop.)


V. Plot Key

* ::: Charrie I Want to Play

☐ ::: Plot Still Open

☒ ::: Pending Partner Confirmation (Plot Closed for Now)

☑ ::: Plot Up & Running (Plot Closed)

♂ ::: Male Charrie

♀ ::: Female Charrie

⋆ ::: Gender Up for Debate


VI. Plots

☐ Abduction

Sci-Fi || Aliens || Post-Apocalyptic || *⋆CaptivexAlien⋆

After the apocalypse, only a few humans live on in a small place they call Safehouse. But the dwellers of the planet Mochaii have overpopulated their planet and want Earth as their own. But they didn't think people lived there. And now, they take one captive in awe, surprised to have found an intelligent being. They treat their captive as a criminal, but the one leading the colonization's daughter stumbles across the study room on the ship. The two talk and form a bond, planning of alien-human companionship. But is it possible for the two species to live side by side?

☐ City of Hopelessness

Sci-Fi || Monsters || Experiments || ♂MonsterxSubject♀*

There is a place were terror lives. There is a place where death is certain. There is a place where your pain is everlasting. There is a place where you are the prey of all your worst nightmares. And that place is the City of Hopelessness.

The City itself is normal and harmless enough. Just an old fashioned City with dirt roads and no animals. Who cares? But the City is so much more. It's an experiment whose purpose is unclear. All that's known is that everyday in the City, a monster is released, at least one each time. And these monsters are intelligent, and they speak their own tongue. Outside of the City, they live in the laboratory the scientists conducting the experiment stay in, with honors. To be honest, the monsters are given much respect from the humans.

Faith Carter has lived in the City for as long as she can remember. And that's not saying much, considering her first memory was attained on her thirteenth birthday, and she's only sixteen. Faith is, in fact, the only citizen in the City. She doesn't know this is an experiment, all she knows is terror. For each day, the monsters released kill her, only to have her painfully regenerate overnight. Such it has been for three long years.

One young monster is released, and, having been taught that the City is full of people, he is confused to find it seemingly deserted. This particular monster is a Morpher. That means he has a human form, one that he's usually in. He scopes out the town in this form, and when he meets Faith, he's stunned. He knows he's supposed to kill her, but he's not sure he should. He talks to her as a human, gets to know what she's been through.

Eventually, Faith comes to find who he really is, and he becomes an outlaw for not killing her. They begin to learn what has become of the outside world, and why Faith is there.

The Way of a Warrior

Futuristic || Post-Apocalyptic || Adventure || ♂MasterxApprentice♀*

A mother's arms, enough to be wrapped in. A father's hand, never to feel. A brother she had, but he had gone off long ago, dragged away by one of the Akuma, surely taken to their dark realm - the realm Akum - to be tortured, killed, and consumed. But she cannot allow herself to think about that. Not now, not ever.

Anzen has always been a dangerous nation to live in, especially since the Akuma opened the portals between Anzen and Akum. They have infiltrated the world, intelligent beasts who feed off of pain and despair. They take captives to work as slaves and to, in the long run, consume. There's hardly a family that doesn't know the pain of loosing a loved one to these monsters.

There is, however, a light in the darkness. And this light is the Mamoru, warriors specially trained to fight the Akuma. It is there job to slay these beasts and do all that they can to seal off the portals once and for all.

When she is sent away to be trained by the youngest Mamoru general in Anzen, she knows what she desires - honor and release of her brother. He is a wise young man, but she rarely heeds him, earning herself the brutal punishments of a Mamoru trainee.

As she finally opens up her ears, she learns about herself and her master...

And if she keeps on fighting, she might learn about her true heritage...

See You Again

Fantasy || Supernatural || Friendship || *Diana & Best Friend

Shuasten, Georgia, otherwise known as Smalltown, USA, is a place unknown and unacknowledged by the rest of the world. A town made up of your typical middle class Americans (except they were, perhaps, kinder and more true to their town), where you could leave your car doors unlocked wherever you went. Kindness was high, crime rates low, deaths practically non-existant. So you can see why the loss of Diana Lynch, your typical all American girl, caused such an uproar, was such a devastation. They said at the time that they'd never recover, but they let go, as happens in all deaths.

They say letting go is the best thing you can do; for the deceased and yourself. It's the most healthy thing to do, and you can let their memory live on in peace. But it's not as easy as one might think, especially if you're close to the deceased. That's why Diana's best friend, a usually lively and energetic girl, didn't do so.

It wasn't that she didn't try; She tried more than anyone else did. But she couldn't let go. She denied counseling, falling into a well-disguised depression within a week of Diana's death. No one suspected. To the outside world, it seemed she was getting along fine, having let go. But she never did let go, which everyone failed to see.

Everyone, that is, except Diana herself, watching from a place betweeen Heaven and Hell, waiting for her funeral in order to move on, as does everyone after death. But her funeral, which commences a week after her death, leaves her uncomfortable, concerned about her friend, who she could see wasn't handling it well, which went unnoticed to everyone else attending the service.

Diana couldn't bring herself to leave for Heaven when she knew her friend was suffering so. It pained her even to consider it. As though reading her thoughts, which certainly described the situation accurately, an angel appeared to her, granting her a phantom body in which only her best friend (unless she chose otherwise) could see her. She was solid, just unable to be harmed.

Meanwhile, her friend is visiting her grave continuously, only leaving to sleep and eat. It's a particularly stormy night, just a day after the Saturday funeral, when Diana reappears by her grave in the mortal world. Her best friend catches a glimpse of her, but believes she is only hallucinating, and drives home through the storm. but Diana is waiting for her when she gets home.

Diana's goal is to put her friend to peace, get her to let go, for their own good. But her best friend refuses to do so, and Diana's presence only makes it worse, even though, at first, she still believes it's all a hallucination.

This is the story of two best friends, preparing to part for a lifetime, yet not truly wishing to do so.

☒ Hope on the Rocks

Fantasy || Romance || Magic || ♂WarlockxWidow♀*

Ever since her husband was killed overseas a few months back, [Widow] has been struggling with depression. She has run away from home and isolated herself from anyone who might remind her of her dead husband, including her entire family. All she wants is to start a new life, but she doesn't know how. After resettling in a small town across the country from her old home, [Widow]'s depression grows worse. She begins cutting and goes to the local bar every night to drown her sorrows in alcohol and to vent her sorrows on the bartender.

The bartender, actually a disguised [Warlock], grows sorry for [Widow], and extremely concerned for her health. He begins to secretly spike her drinks with a potion that lifts spirits. While the potion does its jobs, [Warlock] is soon consumed with guilt for treating her without her consent. He stops spiking the drinks one night before inviting her over to his home, where he explains what he is and what he had done to her. He then asks for permission to continue treating her. She refuses, but he insists upon helping.

[Warlock] begins to look after [Widow] and to help her through the pain she's been through, sometimes with magic (though he rarely tells her when he uses it) and sometimes without it. Their friendship soon grows into something more....

Music to My Ears

Fantasy || Kidnapping || Slavery || *♂CaptivexFaeriePrincess♀

[Captive] is an orphan boy with a love for music. He loves nothing more than to take his guitar into the woods, to play and sing, to escape from the difficulties of the life he leads. Little does he know, in the woods behind his newest foster home, there is a portal that leads to the Faerie Kingdom.

[FaeriePrincess] hears him playing in the woods one day and falls in love with the music he plays. She kidnaps him and takes him back to the underground Faerie Kingdom, where she enlists him to be her servant, informing him that once a human enters the Kingdom of the Fey, they cannot ever leave. But all he wants to do it just that : leave.

☒ S.S. Estelle

Realistic || Historical || Kidnapping || *♂ChildhoodFriendxPirateCaptain♀

The crew of the S.S.Estelle is one of the most infamous pirate ships to ever sail the seas. Why? Well, this crew is composed of a band of all-female pirates, a group formed over the course of two decades by [PirateCaptain].

[PirateCaptain] had once lived in the snug village of Dorson, right next to the family of [ChildhoodFriend]. [PirateCaptain] and [ChildhoodFriend] had a bond that would persist until tragedy struck when [PirateCaptain] was sixteen. Her house burned down, taking both of her parents and her elder brother with it. Heartbroken, she ran away, never to be seen again.

Never to be seen again, that is, until [PirateCaptain] turned thirty-six and returned to Dorson for her prize... her precious [ChildhoodFriend]. After murdering his wife and seriously injuring one of his three daughters (the other two were not present at the time), [PirateCaptain] took him aboard the S.S. Estelle, abusing him for the fun of it as she tries to force him to love her again.

The Lake's Reflection

Realistic || Historical || War || ♂CommanderxNairaIsi♀*

Naira Isi has safely reached her fifteenth winter, the time in which Caitu women are expected to marry. Her father has delighted in searching for the most well-off man who will have her, whether young or old matters not to he. But she's just not ready, and her father refuses to hear it.

The townsfolk have always deemed Naira Isi as an odd one, her longing for freedom disgusting and confusing them. But that doesn't stop her from wanting more than the usual Caitu female's life. For why can she not have what the men do? It makes sense to her even if it doesn't make sense to her people.

Meanwhie, a war is dawning between the Caitu and the Blendik. A young man has grown up in the nomadic families of the Caitu, those who hunt and gather for the tribe. He has lived his entire life within the Yuic Forest an he knows the way of the warriors. He has been trained by one of the greatest warriors of all time - his uncle, who he grew up with - and is offered a commanding position of which he readily accepts.

Naira Isi is distraught. Her father has found her an elder man who will graciously take her as a seventh wife. But she doesn't want to marry. She wants to live. In a fit of fury, she sets out to join the warriors for the upcoming war, knowing very well that women are forbidden to fight and that the penalty is death. But she doesn't expect to fall for her youthful commander...

If I Die Young

Fantasy || Afterlife || Death || ♂PoorManxAdela♀*

Adela Springstein was a part of a perfectly normal, middle class Pennsylvania family in the early 1800s. She believed in God, liberty, and most upfront, freedom.

Ah, freedom. Such a subtle gift that many take for granted, as did Adela until her parents made the announcement when she was sixteen: she was to marry Frederick Shraiger,son of the town's richest man. That in itself wouldn't have fazed young Adela, if it weren't for one thing: she was in love. Her parents never knew, but she had been seeing a young man from the poor side of town in secret for quite some time. She truly loved him, and couldn't see herself with anyone else in the world, even if that meant living in a small shack on the outskirts of town and having no money for extra luxuries. But she regarded becoming united with her own true love as luxury enough.

Adela told her parents as much, but they insisted she must marry Fredrick whether she liked it or not. They forbade her from seeing the boy again,and enlisted her elder brother Markus to watch her. Her family started treating her as something disgusting, an ultimate disgrace. Adela lived in pain, feeling abandoned by her family and lost in life. The first time her brother turned his back to her, she took a knife to herself, feeling ultimately alone.

Word reached Frederick's ears and he burned up inside, insulted that his beautiful bride-to-be thought death more appealing than unity with he. As people do in these cases, he looked for a scapegoat. And his wrath fell upon Adela's love. In a storm of rage, he murdered the young man in his sleep. Frederick was later convicted and hanged for murder.

Our story should end there, but it doesn't. For when the good die young, their souls are sent to the perfect, pure world of Noltia,which was designed to allow those whose lives were cut short to live their dreams. They reawaken there the age thy were when they died, with no memory of their previous life.

This pure world is watched over by the Lights, the only fully fledged adults in Noltia. It is they who erase the memory of the deceased young ones, in order to keep them happy. Adela is, naturally, sent to this glorious world, only knowledgeable as to her name and age. She proceeds to build herself a new life. She is content.

She is content, that is, until she meets a dashing young man who she feels as though she should know, and who feels the same sensation. Both she and her old lover begin to recover their memories as they talk. They begin to recall what they once had or rather, didn't have. Their memories slowly return.

But happiness and joy never last, do they? The Lights find out about the pair regaining their memories, and they go after them. Along the way, the pair unearth secrets concerning the supposed "paradise" that they wish would have remained uncovered...


Scifi || Futuristic || Powers || *⋆PsychicxWashed⋆

It's the year 2143, and a race dubbed Psychics have made themselves known to the world unintentionally. The government hunts down these Psychics to brainwash and adapt them into super soldiers to use for their own purposes; mostly hunting down other Psychics. [Charrie One] has been on the run with his/her family for years now, but the Washed (brainwashed Psychics) came in the night, separating him/her from her family. [Charrie Two] is the Washed who captures [Charrie One], in hopes of bringing the prisoner back to headquarters for a reward.

☐ Mama’s Broken Heart

Realistic || Insanity || Kidnapping || *♂Ex-BFxEx-GF♀

He broke her heart when he split up with her, pushing her off the brink of insanity. Sure, he had his reasons – after all, [Ex-GF] had been cheating on him. But in her eyes, it wasn’t real. She was just having fun. Isn’t that what being a teenager is all about?

Now, she wants revenge. She kidnaps [Ex-BF] and locks him in a secret room in her basement, desperate to make him love her again. And once she succeeds in her task – and she will succeed – she will destroy his heart the way he destroyed her own. Literally.

The Boy of My Nightmares

Fantasy || Supernatural || Death || ♂AngelofDeathxHuman♀

[Human] is a stereotypical teenage girl; somewhat rebellious and rule-bending yet with a good heart in her name. She lives her life without a care, feeling invincible. But… Her death is impending. The Angel of Death, a bipolar being who works for neither God or Lucifer, has come to fulfill this death, but first… [Human] is neither swayed toward Heaven or Hell, so it’s up to [AngelofDeath] to sway her. But… What if he decides that he doesn’t want her to die. Oh dear. Trouble’s a-brewing.

The Beaches of Cheyenne

Semi-Realistic || Paranormal || Angst || ♂YoungManxEarthboundSoul♀*

[EarthboundSoul] was once a normal young woman, in love and anticipating her wedding. Her man was perfect, except for the reckless streak he seemed to have, ever the adrenaline junkie. This only caused tension, and one day when he left, she screamed that she didn't care if he died, out of pure anger.

She never saw him again.

Filled with grief, she simply wrote a note in her diary before going out to the docks and casting herself into the ocean, looking for some closure, some relief of the pain and guilt she was feeling. But instead, she found herself awakening on the shore, waves lapping across her dry form. She would say she survived her suicide attempt, but no one can see or here her. She wanders the beaches as a depressed ghost, the only signs of her presence being the footprints she leaves behind, and the few glimpses villagers manage to get of her.

[YoungMan] is fascinated by the tales of the ghost, and just over a decade after her death, he and his friends go out to look for [EarthboundSoul] in the night. His friends are disappointed at their failed attempt, but he can see her, as solid as can be, even if the others can't. He decides to speak with her. All she wants is to move on.


Scifi || Mutant || Angst || CharacterxWingedBeing⋆*

[Character] lives in a house in the woods, either alone or with his/her parents. The woods are theirs to explore, theirs to find peace in. One day, however, they find out they're not the only ones using it as a safe haven. And this other being... Why, they have wings! Mind the wings are torn and shredded, and the being's face is bruised and bloodied, but still.

Though [WingedBeing] is initially wary, [Character] manages to take it to his/her home, hiding it away in the attic. He/she helps with its wounds, and gathers what information he/she can from its feeble English and terrified nature, enough to realize it was an abused experiment left for dead because it was too weak for its purposes.

[Character] nurses and cares for [WingedBeing], trying to build its confidence in itself and doing what he/she can to keep it safe. But even this protective confinement can be regarded as captivity.

Victim of the Game

Scifi || Dystopian || Rebellion || ♂Tyrant'sSonxRebel♀*

[Tyrant'sSon] has been sheltered from the nastier parts of his father's rule since he was a child, never told enough to be able to grasp the fact that his father is by no means a kind or fair ruler. For this reason, he is considerably infuriated when he catches wind of the rebellion and requests they keep the rebel leader they have recently apprehended alive and in the palace dungeon.

[Rebel] is consumed by pure anger toward the king, for viable reasons, too. So when [Tyrant'sSon] comes down to angrily speak with her and try to reveal rebel secrets, she naturally refuses, disgusted when he claims his father is a great ruler and thinking him too to be a tyrant. But... Maybe she should try to play this game, just for a while.

What will [Tyrant'sSon] do when he finally beholds the truth with his own two eyes?

☐ From the Blood of Satan

Supernatural || Fantasy || Reform || ♂AngelxValentina♀*

Valentina is a wraith, a Daughter of Satan so wretched that she is cast away from even the bowels of Hell, inevitably being apprehended by angels and tried, to be put to death. But before her sentence can be fulfilled, an angel steps up for whatever reason and offers to reform her. The demoness has no intent of making it easy on him as he shuts her away in a dark room and begins his project, ridiculed by the others of his species. But he has no doubt that he will succeed


Magic Realism || Fantasy || Memory Loss || *♂LostBoyxTheDreamer♀

[TheDreamer] is normal in most senses, and even in this sense, she is fairly certain everything is only a dream. She encounters [LostBoy] in a dream one night, a young boy who claims to be trapped but has no memory of how he became trapped within her dreams or what his life was like before he was condemned. As she speaks with him, coaxing him to remember, he rapidly ages, reaching a stasis at a point, presumably because it's his true age and face. [TheDreamer] realizes that this is real, and that somehow she has managed to contain a real person within her dreams. And he's intriguing... But why is she here?

The Greatest Assassin

Sci-Fi || Superpowers || Experiments || AssassinxAula♀*

Aula Charanai Bellant has grown up in a government facility where she has been experimented on to know end. She has unbelievable powers, all the superpowers you can imagine plus some. She is the only superhero in the world, and best part is, she doesn't need a secret identity, because no one knows her. They see her, but they don't know her.

It's been five years since Aula escaped from the facility. And the government is frantically trying to silence her, though no one knows it. They want her either back in the facility, or dead, because they fear she's going to take over the country and kill them off. So they send out the best assassin there is.

This assassin has gadgets beyond belief, which brings him/her just as much power as Aula's. Soon the two are in a game of cat and mouse, neither one having an advantage. They are, after all, evenly matched. How will this thrilling hunt end?

Living in Love's Arms

Realistic || Crime || Romance || *♂CriminalxCollegeStudent♀

He is a famously notorious criminal, but no one knows his true appearance, as he only goes out in disguise. But when he gets injured in a brawl, she takes pity on him, not knowing who he really is. At first he is irritate and rude, but she begins to grow on him and vice versa. But she's onto his true being...


Fantasy || Medieval || Rebellion || ♂CrownPrincexRebel♀*

Her name is known throughout the kingdom, a notorious criminal part of the band of rebels who assassinated the queen and kidnapped the youngest prince a few years back. The king and crown prince vow to get revenge. The prince, according to his vows, tracks down the rebel party and takes the notorious young leader as prisoner. He visits and tortures her for the whereabouts of the youngest brother, but she never responds further than to tell him that he is right where she wants him...

Maximum Ride: The Muse of Finnick Black

Fandom || Alternate Universe || Mutants || *♂FangxMax♀

Finnick Black is just a perfectly normal teenaged boy who lives a perfectly normal life, except for the fact that he's just a tad bit more contained than most other teenagers. He spends most of his time holed up in his room drawing, signing each sketch with his preferred name, a name he feels that suits him far more than the one his parents gave him. In his own mind, and in the minds of his subjects of arts, he is called Fang.

Recently, Fang has grown obsessed with drawing the same girl over and over again, deeming her his muse. She's not normal; she's special, and he knows it deep in his heart. He calls her his Maximum, and she has the most beautiful wings you could ever imagine. Although he knows she's not real, he can't help but love her with all his heart. She is the only one he has ever loved, and nothing will change that, not even the distinction between fantasy and reality.

But perhaps Max is more real than he expects, a girl he once knew but had taken away from him. When a pair of agents disguised as board members of a prestigious artist program come to his home, Fang has his perceptions turned upside down, especially when one Mr. Jeb Batchelder takes him aside and tells him the truth.

(An intro is available to read if you want. This started out as a fanfic written as a gift for my friend's fifteenth birthday. Note that Fang is human.)

Disney/Harry Potter: The Blonde of Ravenclaw/Gryffindor Tower

Fandom || Crossover || Fantasy || *♂"Flynn"x"Rapunzel"♀

"Rapunzel" is a perfectly normal student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She attends classes, does her studies, and just lives her life. There's nothing extraordinary about her. She is merely an ambitious young woman who fully intends to become a Healer one day, a result of her natural gifts in the field of medicine. And she's pretty close to achieving that dream, too. Just one more year...

"Flynn" is an infamous fugitive who manages to escape from the guards of Azkaban, though not without wounds. He somehow finds himself on school grounds one night, passing out just below Ravenclaw/Gryffindor tower. This is where "Rapunzel" sees him and panics, hiding him away and treating him, fully intending to turn him in until he starts speaking to her. Suddenly, that doesn't seem like a good idea at all. Besides, how could such a sweet guy have done what they acused him of? And look at the state he was in.

(Names obviously changeable. Up to you how closely we want to mirror the Disney story.)

Mirror Image

Magic || Dimensional Travel || Darker Reality || *♀LightxDark♀

[Light] is a normal girl living a normal life, a life that is essentially taken away from her when she breaks the mirror in her bedroom, a mirror that apparently served as the barrier between the life she knew and a darker reality, a darker self, a darker world. She encounters [Dark], a significantly different person from herself. They must figure out how to send [Light] back to her own world before both realities are destroyed.

(Up to you how dark her alternate self and the alternate world is. She could be a rebel under a tyrannical government, or perhaps even a tyrant herself who captures her lighter self. They will not look exactly the same, and their names will differ slightly. To make this easier, I'd like my partner to post CS first so I can mirror it.)

Long Way From Home

Scifi || Aliens || Invasion || *⋆AstronautxAgent⋆

[Astronaut] was sent to this planet for scientific purposes, to claim it as an advancement of human kind. The last thing he/she expects is that the plant is already inhabited by an alien race that is not so different from human beings. Naturally, they do not take kind to this "invasion" and chaos ensues. Before long, [Astronaut] is taken into custody, labelled a threat.

[Agent] is one of the few who have contact with [Astronaut], the alien that invaded their homeland. [Astronaut] is to be confined until they decide what to do with him/her, and [Agent] finds him/her a great intrigue. They begin to speak, and through this communication, they might just manage to reach an understanding.

(Could take a turn in that if/when the government decides to execute or experiment on the astronaut, the agent helps them escape, and the two go on the run. Potential for romance if you want, but not necessary by any means.)

Chase Through Time

Scifi || Time Travel || Futuristic || *♂TimeTravelerxGirl♀

[TimeTraveler] is wanted in his own time for a collection of reasons that he really has no excuse for. He has jeopardized many lives for his own personal gain, and yet still he wants to believe he's innocent. Just before his sentence is scheduled to be fulfilled, he manages to get his hands on a time travel device and escapes to our own time, where he hides for a while until the Agents of Justice from his own time catch wind of where he is.

[Girl] has made [TimeTraveler]'s acquaintance in whatever way, but she doesn't know anything about his past or anything of the sort. She just so happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when [TimeTraveler] decides to make his escape from the Agents and gets tugged along.

it's a mistake that [TimeTraveler] refuses to fix, knowing very well that there are sure to be Agents in [Girl]'s time waiting in case he decides to return. So he gives her a choice: make a new life in this time period, or come with him. She doesn't hesitate before deciding that she is destined to travel through time, and the pair gradually begin to bond.

(Will want to decide what historical periods to travel to and create future nations. Should be interesting.)

Dragons in Our Midst

Fantasy || Modern || Captivity || Doubling!

In times forgotten by many, dragons once roamed the land. But they weren't at all what we humans perceive them as now. They weren't beastly lizards with a hunger for flesh and riches, but were instead a pure, holy race of such wisdom, biological immortality, and innocence that humans could not perceive.

Despite this, dragons were content to serve humans selflessly, and none were as loyal as the dragon king Makaidos. But, alas, not all of his children agreed with him and his selfless ways of servitude. Led by his firstborn son, Goliath, many of Makaidos's kin began to rebel, including his beloved daughter Roxil, whom Goliath would later take as a mate. And so it was that dragon kind met their downfall.

Centuries passed, and many humans learned to hate dragons. This hatred was passed down through the ages, but one man, the legendary Arthurian wizard Merlin, directly descended from the Biblical prophet Enoch, knew the truth concerning dragons. And while his closest friend, the English King Arthur sent out slayers, forcing dragons into hiding, Merlin met with the dragons regularly to discuss possibilities to preserve their noble race.

In the meantime, Goliath had befriended a slayer by the name of Devin, as well as his right-hand man Palin. He promised to deliver the king of the dragons, Makaidos, to the slayers if they swore not to pursue Goliath himself. And feigning repentence, Goliath invited Makaidos to his cave while Roxil was away, and the slayers murdered Makaidos. Roxil had returned home just as the crime was being commited. So the slayers resorted to killing her as well while Goliath merely laughed.

The murder of the dragon king was the last straw. Something had to be done to prevent more disaster. So Merlin gathered the dragons one night on Bald Top Mountain for the transformation they had discussed.

Merlin, being a man of faith, prayed alloud for them all, then gentley poured wine from his wineskin into the mouths of each of the dragons. Then they waited. After two long hours of silence, the dragons began to change. They shrunk, and their scales smoothed into skin.Their tails and wings retracted, and their scales were replaced with hair. They had become human.

Merlin explained that he had arranged names for them all. They would have to live as humans until the bloodlust of the slayers died out. The former dragons would remain biogically immortal forever appearing as in their thirties or twenties, and could procreate with humans,but not each other.

As the centuries passed, some of the former dragons took up spouses and begot children. Each child of a former dragon had dragon traits, and they become known amongst their own kind as anthrozils - completely dragon, yet completely human. Some anthrozils were raised with knowledge of their heritage - others were discarded into foster care with ignorance for their own protection.

By the time the slayers died out, some of the former dragons had sacrificed themselves for another being - whether human, former dragon, or anthrozil. But instead of dying, they were merely restored to their dragonly bodies and went into hiding in a parallel realm full of forsaken, yet pure humans called Second Eden.

It is now the mid 2000s, and much has changed. The slayers have died out, Goliath has sacrificed himself for a daughter he didn't know he had, and the dragons, former dragon, and anthrozils have decided that it's finally safe to come out of hiding.

And so they appear before the UN and tell their story, with the help of the millenia old teenage king and queen of Second Eden; Elam and Sapphira Adi. But the modern government is not so accepting as they had hoped, and the anthrozils (there are about a dozen) are placed into a research facility somewhere near Flagstaff, Arizona while the dragons retreat to Second Eden and the former dragons change names once again, returning into hiding.

The general public despises dragons and their kin, as all governments are making them seem beastly. They approve of the research and mistreatment of anthrozils, and are angered by the Second Edeners having sealed off all the portals conjoining Earth and Second Eden. And that's where our story begins.

The anthrozils are being studied for advancements on how to extend life... Or so the general public believes. Instead, scientists study their species, attempting to find their weaknesses inorderto defeat dragons once and for all. The laboratory complex is much like a prison, with twenty feet tall electric fences topped with barbed wire and inhumane, high-security underground cells.

All the anthrozils want is their freedom, their justice. But no one will give it to them. That's what causes four of them to decide it's time to rebel and find their parents, for now they know that Earth cannot survive with dragons in their midst. It is time to retreat to Second Eden forever.


VII. Active 1x1s

To Kill a Demon, in progress via PM with @xX AeRo Girl Xx

Temporary Home, in progress via PM with @braiking

Victim of the Game, in progress via PM with @Aura
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Hey :) Great work on the thread. I'd really be interested in playing the 'Meanwhile Back at Mama’s' plot with you.
Okay...So I love a lot of these. I read through them and was like OHMYGODIWANTTHEMALL. So, now I must go back through and choose which roleplays I like the most so I can post them up here. I just wanted to post my intent before I did so. :) Thanks so much!

In no specific order, I have narrowed my wants down to these: The Way of a Warrior, I, Spy,By The Light of the Moon, S. S. Estelle, The Lake's Reflection,and Victim of the Game. I know...That is a lot to choose from, and I have no intentions of roleplaying all of them (Oh Gosh that would be a feat for me), but those are the ones I am SUPER in love with. :) Thanks!
I'm interested in doing By the Light of the Moon as the teenage girl...
@Wild Born: I'm willing to let you have her if you want. :)

I actually don't know why I have either character marked for that plot; I'm okay with either.

Shoot me a PM?
Ah...That's a very hard decision for me. Hm...(I have a decision making problem) I think I have a very slight preference to I, Spy. If you have a preference, I will gladly play either though.
FaithWynters said:
Ah...That's a very hard decision for me. Hm...(I have a decision making problem) I think I have a very slight preference to I, Spy. If you have a preference, I will gladly play either though.
I really am the same exact way. >.<

I cannot make decisions for the life of me, so let's just go with that one, then, especially since Winnie is one of my old characters I'd love to revisit.

Could you shoot me a PM?

I'm replying to an ongoing 1x1 in another tab.
PunkPrince said:
I love your "All Kinds of Kinds" idea!
Can you please shoot me a PM including the gender you'd prefer to play? c:

I'm trying to get caught up on a few responses since I haven't been on in a day or two, so it might be a little while.

Sleepwalking has been added to the plot list.
Hellooooooooo :) so which of these plots are you most wanting to do that's not sci-fi and that would work well with an FxF element in it? :D
Letty said:
Hellooooooooo :) so which of these plots are you most wanting to do that's not sci-fi and that would work well with an FxF element in it? :D
I usually avoid FxF elements, but it would probably work pretty well with Somethin' Bad.

In fact, I originally presented that one as a FxF on another site. c;

See You Again, Music to My Ears, and Blown Away could possibly be altered to work, if you wanted.

Among those four,
Somethin' Bad and See You Again would probably be my go-to plots, but what I'm leaning toward at the moment always depends on my mood, so... xD
Letty said:
Why do you usually avoid FxF? And I like Somethin' Bad best, it sounds exciting!
Just rather unaccustomed to playing it, I guess. Which I'll admit is odd because I do write FxF fanfics...

At any rate...
Somethin' Bad it is, then! Shoot me a PM? c:
Hello! I love the idea of the plot; Blown Away! I do not usually post more than a paragraph, just wanted to include that. I could play either character! If you could, shoot me a PM when you get the chance!
Psychotic and The Boy Of My Nightmares are equally interesting to me. Perhaps we could do both? You have amazing plot ideas, by the way.
Hey there! I really like the sound of...

-Boy of My Nightmares


-City of Hopelessness


...in that order! I've been role playing for several years and can play both genders relatively easily. I can do anywhere from one liners to multiple paragraphs. I'm super interested!!
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Wow, talk about time and effort put into ideas! I love them all, but since I can't pick them all I would be interested in either

If I Die Young or

The Way of the Warrior.

Or heck even both!
Hey! I love a lot of your ideas, but one that seems particularly interesting to me is Catastrophe. I'd love to do talk about this one with you.

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