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Pairings & Plots, (More to be added, so keep checking!)

Poison Ivy

Dr. Lillian Rose, Ph.D.
Poison Ivy’s RP Search

About Me:

x I’m 23 and live with a roommate who will soon join this site. I have a computer and she doesn’t, so I won’t be able to be online when she is. (unless I’m on my phone, in which case only expect replies to OOC things because I’m not typing up a full reply on my phone to a rp lol)

x I live in Eastern Standard Time. I usually reply late at night, around midnight. Sometimes I’ll reply during the day, depending on what I’m doing.

x I currently work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings into about 11 or 12 at night. I’m trying to get more hours, preferably during the day. I will alert anyone I’m role playing with if that happens or anything in my schedule changes. I’ll obviously reply more during the week, currently.

x Sometimes I will be online for a period of time without replying to you. I’m either working on a role play with someone else or working on a character. I promise I won’t ignore you, I just tend to reply in a certain order when it gets to a certain point. So if I don’t reply while I’m online that time, I’ll certainly do it the next. <3

x I try to reply daily. If I can’t, I’ll let you know. If I have a really busy week I still try to squeeze in two or three replies to each role play that week, and, as I said, you’ll be notified if that happens.

x I’m the kind of person who takes on a LOT of role plays. I feel I can never have enough. I’ll still make sure that whatever I take on leaves me enough time to reply to you at least daily.

x I can role play as male or female, in any type of pairing. (mxm, mxf, fxf)

x I love fxf because I can hardly ever find someone willing to rp it with me.

x I can double, but don’t usually. I’ll do it if a role play calls for it, though. Like twins and twins.

x Romance is the spice of life and I thoroughly enjoy it, but I try to make my plots more involved with other situations. I prefer always having romance in the plot, but it’s just not the main idea.

x I will always try to match the length of your posts. I usually post 2-4 paragraphs per reply otherwise.

x I use pictures to show how I envision my character looks. Feel free to do the same.

What I’m Looking For In You:

x If you can reply at least twice a week, that’s awesome.

x A few paragraphs per post, grammatically correct.

x Please don’t just leave without saying anything. It really upsets me. If you’re bored, tell me. We’ll either spice it up or abandon it. I won’t be mad. I just like to know instead of wondering why you never reply.

x A casual/detailed role play. I don’t do one liners, so please don’t do that either.

x No God-moding. I play my character and you play yours, and neither of them are all-powerful. Embrace their faults and failings. It really makes the character.

Fandoms (including pairings/plots):

* Strikethroughs means I'm planning to role play this plot or pairing with someone already. That may change if it doesn't pan out, at which point it will be un-striked.


Note: I prefer to act like Iron Man 3 never happened. If it were so easy to remove his chest piece he would have done it when it was poisoning him before. Stupid Hollywood BS.

- Iron Man x Loki

--- Plot: Takes place after the first Avengers. Odin is having a difficult time coming up with an appropriate punishment for Loki. On the one hand, the people of Asgard would like to see his death. But Loki has and will always be considered to him his son, even if not the heir to the throne. He doesn’t want to lock away his son for his own bad judgment (in the first Thor movie), nor can he stand the thought of simply killing him. He eventually decides to find a way to reform his son and make him lose the hatred in his heart. Thor suggests he joins the Avengers to fight crime to repent for his sins. The terms are that the Avengers must live in the same quarters with the villain for at least a year (the Avengers tower). Any good behavior will result in privileges (going outside for a while with a microchip, etc), and any bad behavior will revoke any privileges he has and perhaps some of the finer aspects of the Avengers tower (tv rights, being confined to one’s room, no books). Meanwhile, Tony is going through a really bad break up and pretty much blames Loki for this. Why? Pepper thinks Tony’s superhero gig is getting too dangerous, especially after he went into space to stop the explosion impacting New York and almost died. She just can’t be with someone that actively faces death. Tony faces his anxiety attacks alone and has been showing some pretty sporadic behavior on the last few missions. How is he supposed to survive living with Loki after all this?

- Captain America x Bucky

---Plot: Takes place after Winter Soldier. Steve has been looking for Bucky everywhere since the man saved his life. It was almost as if, even though the man had been brainwashed and reprogrammed as a nameless killer, his impulse to keep Steve safe had somehow survived. After this, Bucky manages to escape Hydra and stay on the down low, on the run while he tries to remember what happened. Outside of a bar where Steve had been celebrating with the Avengers, he runs into Bucky in an alleyway, sleeping. Bucky tries to run away at first, but Steve points out that he knows somewhere in his heart that they know each other and that he can show him who he really was/is. Bucky reluctantly agrees and follows Steve back to the tower. How are they supposed to get his memories back, though? (Can happen while or after last plot too)


- Belle x Gaston (this one is pure romance, feel free to add in some twists)

---Plot: The Beast doesn’t exist, but Belle has rejected Gaston’s advances as in the movie and he doesn’t understand why. Instead of threatening her father, he decides to try and woo her any other way he can. She goes home and finds random books with little bows on them; she gets some of the food she was going to buy for free from the butcher due to a favor with Gaston for hunting the meat for him. Eventually she decides he’s not all bad, even though she doesn’t understand why he still pursues her when he could have anyone else. When she tries to talk to him, she learns he can barely read and has always gotten his reputation from his now-deceased father, who was the founder of the town. He has been starting to feel like no one there really knows him or cares to know him. They just love the idea of him. It feels too fake. They slowly start to understand each other in ways they’d both never imagined possible.


- Dean x Castiel

---Plot: (Not driven by the actual plot of Supernatural.) Sam, Dean, and Cas begin to regularly hunt down all the creatures of the night. Even though he's more powerful than his coworkers, Cas finds that it takes more stealth and skill to hunt than one would have thought. Unfortunately, he is clumsy as ever. The boys try to help him with his awkward temperament. Eventually, a case comes up. They track it to a gay bar. How are they going to blend in there? And just how many dens of inequity does Dean plan on dragging him into? The two struggle with repressed/confusing feelings while trying to teach/learn the ropes of being a successful monster hunter.

DC (mostly Batman)

- Poison Ivy x Harley Quinn

---Plot: It's been a long time since Harley has thought about the Joker. He was the one who messed with her mind, changed her into a lovesick maniac to get what he needed. And after that was over, he'd tried to kill her. No, she didn't need anyone like that in her life. But where is her life without him? Does she just go back to being a psychiatrist? Who would even take her seriously if she did? One mental breakdown and everybody thinks you for a lunatic! The nerve! So, she tries to go to a shady villain's rehabilitation center, sponsored by Bruce Wayne (gee, he owns everything!). There, she meets Poison Ivy. Unlike her, Poison Ivy didn't want to be rehabilitated. She was forced into the center by Batman and wants nothing to do with anything but her plants. But slowly and surely, through long series of group meetings and shared living, the two start to bond. They've both been betrayed by men. Through this new alliance, will they seek reformation that the center claims to provide? Or will they create even more chaos?

- Harley Quinn x Joker

- The Riddler x Any Canon Character

Sherlock (BBC)

- Sherlock x Watson

- Sherlock x Molly Hooper

- Watson x Mary
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Hi I think I'd like to RP with you either Dean and Castiel or Harley/Poison Ivy! Do you have any plots in mind?
Hello my lovely Ivy!

I would love to RP anything with you! Although, I don't do MxM or FxF. But otherwise....I am totally open! I am a LOTR fan and of several other stuff like Marvel and DC, so don't be afraid to ask what I like or what I have watched/read.

Thank you Lovely!

Angelique Himura

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