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  1. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)

    CALIDA Full Name: Calida Rose Maroe Age (Real age - Human age): Real age : 452 Human Age : 15 Species Name: Dragon Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): N/A Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!): True Appearance: Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to...
  2. Nanashi


    Blood drawn? Delilah sighed, she knew it was odd for that to be the thing she was focusing on, considering the fact she'd witnessed her family die from Xorax not long ago, but she absolutely hated blood - she hated seeing other people get bloody wounds, even bad cuts, not even to mention the...
  3. Nanashi

    Viritus - Actual Role play.

    (I leave for like an hour and come back to two and a half pages.. you guys are pretty active c:) Gwen stood a bit away from the people, and watched the males and the insane woman, Alexis, provoke each other. It wouldn't help anything if they attempted to kill each other, she thought, and she...
  4. Nanashi

    Viritus - Actual Role play.

    Gwen looked at this Alexis person, wondering whether she should introduce herself, she wasn't sure if she wanted any of these people to even know her name. Eh, what's the worst it could do? Besides, they wouldn't even know her last name. You're paranoid, Gwen. Gwen told herself, but hey, when...
  5. Nanashi

    Viritus - Actual Role play.

    Gwen, walking away from the park, heard the girl she was walking past say something about Devetals, then shout something telling someone to 'come out'. Gwen wondered if she could possibly be referring to Gwen herself, as Gwen was, of course, a Devetal, and decided to stop to find out. "Who are...
  6. Nanashi


    Delilah paused as she walked out into the sunlight. She stretched for a moment and looked around, originally thinking no one else other than the Day Crew was awake, she was rather surprised to see a girl sitting by the fire pit. She went over to the fire pit, sitting on the log next to the...
  7. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (@paipai900 I feel bad for Eona D:) "Eona, you won't be alone - curse or no curse." Nessa said, trying to reason with the hysterical girl - was reason even the route to go? Nessa had no idea. She'd never had to comfort a kraken before she came to this school, and it was never in any of the...
  8. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (I just realized I don't think I ever sent this post out xD @ElegantRed @paipai900 ) Melody Melody smiled at his words about music and water, she could identify with that, if she had any best friends, the sirens would fill up four slots, and music and water would, of course, fill up two...
  9. Nanashi

    Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Sign Up)

    (WHAT *runs over* I must read the posts that prompted you to write this *goes back and reads every post*)
  10. Nanashi

    Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

    (so everybody is gathered on school grounds for high school reunion thing?)
  11. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    Nessa was aimlessly wandering around the school, not really ready to go back to the dorm, but not really wanting to go to the library, as she'd just been there, and Flynn had fallen asleep, so she had left the infirmary. She then started walking into rooms she'd never been on, which was when...
  12. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (.... *laughs*)
  13. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (@paipai900 are you going to show him? xD Maybe Nessa will have the emotional moment, she isn't good with emotional things, but better than Melody. xD )
  14. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (No you don't want to. Trust me. xD )
  15. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (I love this story xD )
  16. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (you like everything :P I will start writing this Melody moment now~)
  17. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (I was waiting for your OK for the change in emotional moment :P )
  18. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (I just remembered Nessa was currently being all awkward with Flynn. Erm so Nessa finished infirmary visit and is walking away OR MELODY AND EONA COULD HAVE A MOMENT if you want)
  19. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

  20. Nanashi

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    (Pear's online. c:)