Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((Why so sad, Kao?))


Hearing someone call his name, Ajax suddenly snapped out of his blank trance and sat up properly on the bed. It was weird how he had been sleeping through all the events that had just happened. A few moments ago, Ajax had been pondering upon something, wondering about the future. It was a weird thing to do, but Ajax was actually thinking about what he was going to do after he graduates.

"Perhaps I'll set up a business or something, I already have a bunch of connections." Shrugging the idea off for a later time, Ajax's eyes focused in on a certain oni, his lips twitching ever so slightly. "Hello." That two syllable word was most likely going to kill him one day.

((Ohhhh. I see. Because she can't have children? Yeah. It's pretty sad. D: I don't know what I was thinking, but maybe that's the reason why there are no other krakens in the world. :3))
Kima turned quickly turned to where Ajax was and for no reason in particular jumped onto the Sphinx. He quickly composed himself and in his human form smiled. "Hello Ajax, I'm sorry I should have asked if you remembered who I was first." It seemed sort of strange that he should be worried about people forgetting him, but it was one thing that he feared. Standing up next to the bed he bowed. "Hello Ajax sorry for being so rude." He was desperately trying not to jump on the sphinx again. "How are you?"

Waving the little incident off easily, Ajax blinked sleepily as he stretched his spine quickly before answering the oni with, "Fine." Ajax never was one to speak a lot, he'd most likely have to work on his people communicating skills in the future. "How...how are you...?" The sphinx did his best to continue on the conversation, but talking was so bothersome to him, it required so much energy to...
Kima sighed and sat down next to Ajax. "Tired, I'm tired, I just got back from travelling the whole of Japan and all I did was see things. Even in the outside world I'm no good with people." He shut his eyes and sort of flopped backwards on top of Ajax. "I wish I could get away with just sitting and sleeping but it's hard to be lazy with so many eyes to open and close." For no real reason Kima suddenly kissed Ajax and sort of curled up. "I guess I could always learn from a cat."
{Okay so I am thinking of dropping Coyoty from this form but I do not yet have a character to replace her. Reasons being... I hate having an active relationship with my characters in two different places.}
((Well, Ajax is leaving in February - that's when Amia is born and Naomi dies - so yeah. Eona will also be graduating this summer :3))
((Weoooo! Wait. Guys. We need to do a grad prank, okay? And prom. HOLY CRAP!! WE HAVE TO DO THE GRAD CRUISE TO!! :D ))
(I just realized I don't think I ever sent this post out xD @ElegantRed @paipai900 )


Melody smiled at his words about music and water, she could identify with that, if she had any best friends, the sirens would fill up four slots, and music and water would, of course, fill up two more. She loved both those things, and she was glad her new friend liked them too, as it helped that they had similarities.

"Violin?" Melody asked, there hadn't been many instruments brought to the sirens, and if she had ever seen a violin, at the time she didn't know a violin, so although she disliked asking Ansgar for definitions, sometimes she couldn't help it - she could only learn so much from the flashcards Lark had got her, and the flashcards did not have any instruments on them.


"I'm sure you won't die alone!" Nessa said, comforting her friend, trying to make her feel better.

"What about a boyfriend? What about friends? I'll be your friend forever!" Nessa tried, trying to make her friend see the bright side of the situation.

"And what about children? I mean, you don't even need to have children with someone, if you don't want, you can adopt some kids! You won't die alone, Eona." Nessa said, smiling at the girl, hoping her words were true and that the kraken would surround herself with family before she died, as the kraken was Nessa's best friend and Nessa didn't want to see her upset.

"Plus, like I said, even if you don't ever have children, you have me, I'm your best friend." Nessa said, smiling fondly at her friend, she even had dreams of becoming a crazy cat lady with Eona. Their current roommate situation was working out so well she wanted to live with Eona in the future, possibly.
((Oh god, you guys. I'm currently moving like my signature. So much typing back and forth... ^^"))


Raising an eyebrow when Kima kissed him, the sphinx decided to just go along with it and began to kiss the man back. It was just a kiss, wasn't it? Kissing was quite normal where Ajax came from, people even greeted each other with kisses. Pressing his lips against Kima's, Ajax was suddenly interrupted when he heard his cellphone ring.

Getting up, Ajax reached for the phone and answered the call. His face suddenly darkened as he listened to the voice on the other side.

((Note: Ajax is leaving soon. QAQ))

The kraken shook her head, wiping the tears off her cheeks. "No, you don't understand!" Eona sobbed into Nessa's clothing, leaving small tear droplets on her. "I'm cursed to be alone!" Eona continued to cry as she remembered the the thousand year curse placed onto her more than seven hundred years ago.

Her shaking had calmed down, but Eona's chest still pained from the agony. "He tore my babies out..." The kraken bit her lip to contain her sobs, but it only ended up in blood dripping into her mouth. Placing a hand onto where her womb would be, Eona could still remember how the British captain cut open her egg sac and destroyed all the eggs that could've become little baby krakens. She could also remember how the wound in her womb caused her inability to even develop any more eggs.

((I think I've learned a little too much about squids by playing Eona... xD ))
Kima sat up and sighed his mind was racing with different thoughts and so he stood up and walked out of the room while Ajax wasn't watching. There was something so unfamiliar about the interaction and it ripped at Kima. "See you Ajax, I guess." he walked down the hallways his mind racing until a voice stopped him, a dark laughter. "I knew it, I knew there was a Dodomeki at the school!" Suddenly three dark figures who seemed to be made of nothing but dark came out of the shadows one obviously leading the rest. Kima sneered and looked at them. "I understand that my people almost wiped out yours but this is no place for conflict!" With that he continued to walk surprised to find that he was not followed. 
((it is time to make everything in graduates make sense))

Before he realized it Kima was being held down by two of the men who had confronted him earlier. He screamed out for a moment before being hit hard in the face by one of them. "Ajax! Ajax!" he cried out twice before being hit again his vision blurring and his voice stopping. "Time to do something I have always wanted to do to a Dodomeki." The obvious leader walked up to Kima a sort of scooping device in his hand. "Give me his left hand to start with!" With his orders the other two figures held up Kima's hand as the leader scooped out Kima's eye and ripped it from his palm. At that point Kima's mind went primal. He let out a horrifying shriek that resonated all around the school before fighting his way up. He drew his blade and cut the head right off of the leading shadow the pure black head flying off with a trail of dark green blood. Kima turned with another huge shriek before cutting the figure on his left in half. Soon a teacher attempted to intervene, a relatively young nature sprite. Kima didn't think he only swung his blade slitting the throat of the poor woman. At that moment Kima remembered where he was and who he was and with a stumble backwards left the school for what he thought would be forever. "I'm so sorry."
Noah continues to crawl around on the desk in front of Winnie when his hairs rustle a bit. On his face, he wears a look of concern as he looks in the direction where, unbeknownst to him, Kima was being attacked. Noah's head cocks to the side. "Strange."
Frau saw the near torture going on from his comfortable spot by the window and was not entirely sure what to do at first, school rules were one was not to change into their demon form unless they were in a ring of some sort. He though being what he was could nearly not react logically. He opened the window before glancing back at Coyoty and Flynn. Then he jumped out the window not caring how high the stories were. When he got to the scene however it was all as if his mind was playing tricks on him, his rare scythe in full view of most everyone on the campus his arm turning half into his demon form not a soul could fault him, he did not actually change into his demon from. "What the. Yo, what in the-" He watched the boy seemingly helplessly and painfully leave the school.
LOL, I go to bed and come to his :3 Tira will graduate soon as well. MAYBE. I have yet to decide.) 
Tira sighed, quickly running off to the library. Books were important and she refused to fail the examination the nurse was allowing her to take! It was a big opportunity. However, she was still doubtful that her parents would create a medical branch of the company. This was a fearful thought. With a sigh she ran into the doors of the library, giving an apologetic look to the librarian who scolded her for running before she went to the only section she was familiar with. A small smile came to her lips as she began to trace her fingers over the spines of the books, looking at which name she had taken before and which she yet to read. She paused, a frown on her face. "What if this is all for nothing..." This was something she was constantly fearful of. "M-maybe I should take another path..." With that she ran her hands through her hair, a frown on her lips. Today was bad, really bad.
Watching Tira run her finger across the books, then announcing that this was a waste of time, Lucien frowned in confusion, "Why is that?" He asked.
She flinched, glancing over at Lucien before she smiled, shaking her head. "Never mind! I'm going to get something to eat...See you later Lucien!" She called out as she once again bolted, calling out an apology to the librarian who scolded her once more.


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