Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

{NO! I have a spare character I am currently ROLE PLAYING with NO ONE here.... so can I has the role of role playing with Begal?}
(I think the bagel has been put back in the fridge. That's code for gone to sleep when people name themselves after food)
~Does this mean you get thrown into jail when you go to sleep? Since you named yourself after a criminal...?}

Noah shoots a strand of web near the ventilation system. "Well it has been nice chatting with you." Noah says as he begins climbing the thread. "If you need to find me, just shout into the vents. See you around." Noah says as he disappears in the intricate maze of vents in the school.
((I guess it is new years....? When Unholy posted about the time skip she said it was a few days later. :3))
{If it is my characters are in the WRONG place. Well you know you are in a Washington when it starts to rain like a flash flood. ~Sees unholy~ Uh ~Mind put in "When the holy person" ~Thinks of Frau~ Ah... Okay I think sleep is a required action...}
{I wonder if Bishops can drink.... that is not illegal is it? wait I don't think illegality of things is really bothersome for Frau... he would just break the law anyway.}
( aahh sorry sorry i'm loaded with a bunch of school work, and there's a con upcoming this weekend, hehee. I'll try to respond though,,)
*Randomly shows up.* .-. :D Eyyyyyyyy! *After seven point six genius minutes I realize that there's no one here and faceplant.*
(mordaeeeell, the RP was about to go into the inactive section, now we have to wait another month D: )

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