Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Sign Up)

Name: Yuki Necrus

Species: 1/2 Shadow and 1/2 Gleam

Species Bio: The spawn of a Shadow and a Gleam

Gender: Female

Personality: Yuki is a very optimistic person. She doesn't like to focus on the bad things and thinks about the good instead. When times get tough, she only sees the good that will come after the bad times pass. She is cheerful and always tries to lift their siblings spirits when they are feeling down. She enjoys helping around the house since their mother isn't there.


Name: Weiss Necrus

Species: 1/2 Shadow and 1/2 Gleam

Species Bio: The spawn of a Shadow and a Gleam

Gender: Female

Personality: Weiss has the utmost confidence and doesn't let anything bring her down. As the eldest of the sisters, she takes it upon herself to look after them and make sure they don't get into trouble. She doesn't believe in giving up on something and is extremely motivated when she makes her mind up about something. She has a very cool demeanor, but she is the sibling that is the most easily embarrassed if you talk about certain things.

Name: Album Necrus

Species: 1/2 Shadow and 1/2 Gleam

Species Bio: The spawn of a Shadow and a Gleam

Gender: Female

Personality: Album is the most energetic out of the girls and she almost never runs out of steam. She likes to make life as exciting as possible and have many experiences. She can't stand quiet places and sitting still. She liked to joke around alot and she tends to argue with Weiss on occassion. She tries to help her sisters live their lives to the fullest and make sure that they have no regrets.

Name: Efrrein Necrus

Species: 1/2 Shadow and 1/2 Gleam

Species Bio: The spawn of a Shadow and a Gleam

Gender: Female

Personality: Efrrein isn't the most expressive person. She always has a blank facial expression and speaks in a monotone voice. This doesn't mean he is depressed or antisocial, it's just the way she is. She is the most curious sister and will often ananalyze things. Once something intrigues her, she will not stop until she gets a satisfactory answer. She has a large sweet tooth and will almost always be found eating some sort of sugary snack. Miraculously, she has never had a cavity. She takes care of her siblings in any way she can, but she has her own way of doing it.

Name: Luna Necrus

Species: 1/2 Shadow and 1/2 Gleam

Species Bio: The spawn of a Shadow and a Gleam

Gender: Female

Personality: Luna is the most reserved child. She talks to others, but her voice is always at a low volume. She considers herself the most sane out of her sisters and will often point it out. She enjoys helping people and getting to know others. She has good perception and puts it to good use. As the youngest child, she has the fewest memories of her mother, but she doesn't get sad over it. Whenever she wants to talk about her mom, she always asks her father and he'll happily comply. She cares greatly for her family and doesn't want anything to ever happen to them.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.bddd8accc63a7cf750c24930099c77aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.bddd8accc63a7cf750c24930099c77aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Yuki: Far Left, Weiss: To the right of Yuki, Album: In the back, Efrrein: Far Right, Luna: To the left of Efrren)



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You'll notice things about the mother on some of the personality sections. It will explain why their is no character sheet for her.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Lux has no involvement with this...

....What....? Well, I don't care what you say. I already wrote a story of their baby making anyway :P I will forever support Lumbra.
~Blinks those characters have a strong resemblance to my assasin twins....

paipai900 said:
(WHAT *runs over* I must read the posts that prompted you to write this *goes back and reads every post*)
paipai900 said:
jk I wish I was QAQ
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]You have twins?

{I am a twin. Err was... These are just characters... I want them to be characters in this RP all of the sudden though... but they are wolves...}
And now I want to mother those children.... DX 
They are not clones... they are jsut sister assasins... And wolves at that.
......woof..... xD (is ignoring all the facts about their mother in the info and will forever believe that Lux is the father)

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