Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Sign Up)

Name: Dr. Tivien Strouch P.H.D

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Personality: Tivien likes to keep himself to himself, you wouldn't find him out in a pub, or singing on a karaoke night. If you do talk to him, he prefers not to talk about himself since he finds himself rather boring, the only thing he thinks even slightly interesting is his job. He's not usually one to get into arguments or fights, you could almost say he simply floats through life without much of a care.

Occupation: Astrophyscist

Sex Orientation: Straight

Spouse: None

History: Throughout life, Tivien has always been a bit of a nerd, he never got bullied much though so I guess you could say his life is pretty normal. There really isn't anything worth documenting in his history. No divorces, no dramatic life changing events, no murders, no prison time, no weird experiences, no really exciting over the top days - well maybe getting his P.H.D. was a good day. Maybe the most interesting day was hearing about the Ishika Treaty and real monsters, he never believed all the daft tales about monsters, but finding out they were actually real was very intriguing.

Also I've edited AR-E25 if you want to have a look.
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Hello applicants! If you participated in the high school version you are automatically accepted unless its a new character...LUCKILY, Everyone who has applied before this post is accepted. :3 This is mean talking on behalf of the council.
TheKaosophile said:
I still need more storyline from the main rp to start posting for this one, and I believe many others do, too
I agree with this, this is what I've been saying. c: I don't think I'm going to be posting for a long while in the Graduates. xD
Name: Mundus Stilio

Age: Unknown

Species: Ouroboros

Human Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.4656595dd7c30b3373cba185fddc9ce0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.4656595dd7c30b3373cba185fddc9ce0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.d7b5fe15ee01d84e2ebce5c3735f2ab7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.d7b5fe15ee01d84e2ebce5c3735f2ab7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.84467be17f861cd4bd6f2f45c1a58bc2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.84467be17f861cd4bd6f2f45c1a58bc2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mundus is a a playful person. He enjoys games of all kinds and encourages opponents to try and best him. His penchant for games and an insane love of sweets makes him come off a bit child-like.

He always has a smile on his face and is known to laugh a lot, which is more of a light giggle.

He has a cheerful disposition around his subordinates. However, this is only if they hold his interest, hiding his ruthlessness and cruelty behind. Once he "gets bored" of someone, he won't hesitate to have them killed. He will do anything to achieve his goal, not caring it would mean sacrifising innocent people and even referring to them as his toys.

He is a very manipulative person and has no problem with sending people off to an assured death. The world is a toy box and the people living in it are his toys to do with as he pleases. He is the only person that matters and everyone else is trash, unless they prove useful.

He is an extremely intelligent person and possesses unmeasurable insight. He has a plan for everything and if his calculations are thrown off by even the slightest event, he has five more plans just waiting to be unleashed. His intelligence also makes him a brilliant tactician in battle, which he finds akin to chess.

While his playful personality may make him seem non-threatening, he is truly a nightmare. There is a definition for a person like him and that is a Magnificent Bastard. Cold, ruthless cunning, manipulative, and powerful, Mundus is truly the world's largest threat.

Personal Bio: Now why would I tell my story to the enemy?

Other: Nobody knows that he is truly a Monster.

He has a very large sweet tooth.

He loves games.



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Name: Aeki Namikito

Age: 370 (Age 24 in Human years)

Species: Werewolf

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Personality: Aeki is very different than he was in High School. He is much more care-free and friendly now. Aeki isn't quiet at all and loves to talk to people as much as he can. After learning he had an ancient power that would enhance and change his true form further, he worked hard to control his bloodlust and attitude. After graduating, he left and lived alone surrounded by regular wolves and studied them. He learned teamwork, family, and most of all, he learned how to respect and love others important to him.

Personal Bio: After returning from his time with the wolves. He became much more mellow and care-free, learning to enjoy his life. He later re-awakened an old talent he had. Aeki began to re-learn the guitar and eventually opened his own guitar store called, The Wolf's Den. He sells and teaches guitar. He accepts humans and monsters as his students and he has never been more happy. So far, he hasn't seen anyone from his class which makes him a bit sad he never got to know any of them that well.


Name: Leo Namikito

Age: 10

Species: Werewolf

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:



Gentle, quiet. Leo is very small for his age and doesn't say much. He is always smiling so he isn't mad at anyone, he is just very shy.

Personal Bio:

Leo was found by Aeki Namikito when he was traveling through wolf territory. Aeki doesn't know where he came from but he brought Leo to his home and adopted him as his son. It took Aeki by surprise when he learned Leo was a werewolf as well, and it also pleased him. Leo trains with his adopted father every day to learn his true form and Leo also helps in his father's store.

Name: Lucien

Age: 22

Species: Elementalist

Species Bio: The Elementalists look and behave like humans and normally pass for real humans, but they are blessed with the curse of controlling natures elements: earth, air, fire and water. Unlike most creatures the elementalists live a lifespan similar to a human's. Many years ago - at least 10,000 years ago - the humans and elementalists lived together in peace in a place not far from what we now call Japan. They lived in a place these days named Yonaguni, the peace was broken when the humans realised that the water around them could be a dangerous place and asked the elementalists to guard them from the waters, the elementalists denied their claims that water was dangerous put the humans persisted, threatening to kill them if they did not do as they asked.

In anger at the elementalists used their collective power to submerge the human's beloved temples and cities in water. (

Human Appearance:

True Appearance:

Personality: This man does not mess around, there's no beating around the bush. He's straight to the point and then when he's done having the conversation, there's usually a bullet in the other person's head. Of course if your not being interrogated down some dark alley with a pistol pointed between your eyes then you would find somebody who was rather quiet. You'd find yourself being the one that started and ended the conversation, not him and you'd probably find you were talking to a very smart cookie.

Personal Bio: Lucien is a single child of sweet parents who try their hardest to keep their son happy in an ever-changing world, luckily for them Lucien never asked for much.

But when he asked to join Ishika they were very reluctant, 'why should you change yourself for the humans?' they would say, or 'this is a waste of your time, why should you go to America when there's better education to be had here?" Eventually Lucien was at the airport waving his parents goodbye and waving England goodbye as he had won the argument to go to Ishika.

After graduating, Lucien hoped for a normal human life in England. However a normal life is not what he was to find. Not just his parents, but his entire family -who had been eagerly awaiting his return - had been slaughtered by a violent gang of people who hated monsters. Heartbroken beyond repair, the man swore on his life he would find those responsible for this heinous crime and put a stop to it, which is why he is where he is today. Normally Lucien and his alternate personality wouldn't get along, but since his alternate personality likes killing things, and Lucien is trying to stop the monster hunters that killed his family, they reached a mutual friendship for now.

Currently living not too far away from Ishika, Lucien lives in apartment which is payed for by his part time job and monetized cat videos on the Internet. In is free time from hunting monster hunters, doing his job and filming his cat, Lucien attends University and is trying to become a theoretical physicist.

(Yes all my characters do physics. Chu got a problem with that? HUH? *waves arms around like some kind of gangster*)

His knife, the blade can be pushed into the side of the handle then hidden in his pocket.

Although normal silencers are unable of completely silencing a gun, somehow this gun seems to be totally silent. Although it is a monster behind the gun.
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Species:Cat Demon

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance:

Personality (At least a paragraph):Kirara is kind and gentle she behaves just the way any cat would. She's completely loyal to Kikyo and all of her friends

Personal Bio:Kirara is Kikyo's familiar whom she got when she was born and they have been together ever since


Human/Monster Form

Name: Benjamin Sarrok

Age: 10

Species: 1/2 Human and 1/2 Sphinx

Species Bio:

Gender: Male

Appearance: Yup, this is totally Ajax's kid. Benjamin's pretty much a young Ajax.


Personality: Quiet and stubborn, Benjamin is a lot like his father when he was younger. He can be very rude, like what his father was like before, even if he doesn't mean it. A sharp tongue and a harsh glare, Ben is rather pessimistic and tends to find things "annoying" and "bothersome". This child sure is his father's son. Although, Ben does have a few of his mother's traits, he's very charismatic and is able to draw people in, and he never backs down. Underneath his rough exterior is a kind little boy who was a lot like his father when he was younger.

History: The first child of Naomi and Ajax, Ben was born with his father absent and was raised by his mother for almost a year until Ajax came back from Ishika High. At school, Benjamin is very smart and looked up to by his classmates, even his teacher sometimes! He's quite against his father looking for another woman and will do his best to keep them away from each other.

Other: Because of his Sphinx blood, Ben has a true appearance, but it's just his normal looks with cat ears and a cat tail. His birthday is October 31st, Ben's a Halloween baby.

Human/Monster Form

Amia Sarrok

Age: 8

Species: 1/2 Human and 1/2 Sphinx

Species Bio:

Gender: Female

Appearance: Amia has the same beautiful green eyes as her mother.


Personality: A rather sweet and mature-for-her-age little girl, Amia is a lot like her mother and is very kind and generous. Even if her father spoils her to death, Amia doesn't want much and is grateful with whatever she has, but, that doesn't keep her from asking for something. Very understanding, Amia is quite innocent and gullible, she is easily tricked and will believe almost anything a trusted person says. WARNING: Amia cries very easily, and when a child cries, the parent will be hovering over you, ready to strike you down with motherly/fatherly wrath.

History: Amia was the second and last child of Naomi and Ajax, she was an illegitimate child but Amia knows that her parents were in love. Amia never knew her mother, but she did know that her mother was a great person and would want her lover to move on from her and continue his life. Although Amia isn't ecstatic about her father getting back in "the game", she supports him and only wishes for the best.

Other: Amia also has a true form, but you just have to add black cats ears and a black cat tail to her normal appearance. Her birthday is February 12th.

Monster Form

Ajax Sarrok

Age: 720 (looks around 27)

Species: Sphinx

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):


True Appearance:


Personality: Ajax is a laid-back and nonchalant kind of guy, he‘s really lazy and tends to find most things bothersome. This sphinx may come off as cold and uncaring, but he really is just like a cat. Distant and somewhat rude to those he first meets, it takes awhile for Ajax to warm up to someone, but when he does, he's cute, cuddly, and very affectionate. Sometimes Ajax can be a little too protective over the things he cares about, he can be very selfish and greedy. Ajax hasn't seen much of the world but is very hard to impress. This guy just can't get angry! He usually just handles most things with a calm demeanour, but this sphinx gets jealous very easily. Ajax can be quite the sadist at times and enjoys dark jokes.

Not as laid back as before, Ajax is rather quite stuffy nowadays and is a little too protective of his children. He still comes off as cold and uncaring, but Ajax will forever be just like a cat. Distant and somewhat rude to those he first meets, it takes awhile for Ajax to warm up to someone, but when he does, he's cute, cuddly, warm, and very affectionate. This sphinx almost never gets angry and he tends to spoil his children by almost getting them anything that they want. He's quite weak against crying children, and with his experience with his own two, Ajax is like the perfect father. Strict when needed, Ajax is a master at the art of diaper changing and lullaby singing. He's really a sweet person if you look past his rough exterior.

Personal Bio: Naomi and Ajax met while her family was visiting Arabia for their summer vacation. She was only about twelve, but when Naomi and Ajax met, they didn't get off on the right foot. But, by the end of the summer, Naomi had fallen in love with the kitty cat. Not wanting to leave, Naomi asked if they could exchange letters to keep in contact, and Ajax, being the nonchalant asshole he is, agreed to it. And it was over those letters Ajax had begun to fall in love with the human girl. Before Ajax had left to go to Ishika High, Naomi and the sphinx had met up for the night, she was only sixteen at that point, and they decided to marry after Ajax got back from Ishika High. And, well, the scene faded to black. While Ajax was at school, Naomi raised Benjamin for one year, deciding it would be best to tell her lover after he got back from Ishika High. She wanted him to experience new things, mature a little before taking the role as Benjamin's father. When Ajax got back from Ishika High, the scene faded to black once again. Nine months later, Naomi had given birth to her second and last child, Amia. She died during childbirth, Naomi requested for the baby to be named Amia, for it meant Beloved.

It's been eight years since Naomi died, Ajax has kept their children safe and sound, but he can't help but feel lonely now. His harem has already been disbanded and become just a large group of supporters and followers.

Other: He has two children, Ben and Amia. Ajax was engaged to Naomi Bonnefoy, but their engagement was cut short after she died.
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paipai900 said:
Human/Monster Form

Name: Benjamin Sarrok

Age: 10

Species: 1/2 Human and 1/2 Sphinx

Species Bio:

Gender: Male

Appearance: Yup, this is totally Ajax's kid. Benjamin's pretty much a young Ajax.




Human/Monster Form

Name: Amia Sarrok

Age: 6

Species: 1/2 Human and 1/2 Sphinx

Species Bio:

Gender: Female





Monster Form

Name: Ajax Sarrok

Age: 720 (27 in human)

Species: Sphinx

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):


True Appearance:


Personality (At least a paragraph):

Personal Bio:

Other: He has two children, Ben and Amia.
Name: Coyoty Anné Mathis

Age: 16- she is immortal basically so she does not age anymnore

Species: guess she's a vampire wolf bird hybrid

Species Bio: She was born a wolf, technically a werewolf but her mother and father were tested upon to make a new species from a vampire, when she was born she got her mothers wolf side but only a part of her father cat side, her father stole her from her mother and preformed tests upon her, making her a bird complete with wings reduced wieight and hollow bones

Human Appearance: {Link}

True Appearance: ah... She's got a few...

Vampire: {Link}

Wolf: {Link} size compared to humans: {link}

Since there are no photos put there that show her with wings and I am a failure artist I can only describe we wings, and they are 60ft in wingspan long, deep black at the base fading to red like her hair.

Personality: Coyoty is more or less the quiet type, she likes relaxing and enjoying a bed of stars, but when it comes to battles she takes things very seriously. She is calm and quite caring for being what she is. She hates what she is and wants to wipe the world of them but she knows that would be impossible since her family is the royal vampire consul. Some times she can get very hyper or loose her mind, this seems to hapen more often when she smells blood or sees it.

Personal Bio: Coyoty, she is a vampire daughter of the vampire family of former glory sir Judge Mathis. He stole her as a child from her mother at age four and killed her mother while her innocent eyes watched. As if her horror was not over he continued her hell by performing tests upon her in a science lap just outside of England. This institute of higher living is governed by British FBI forces searching for a cure to weak soldiers and asked Judge to create them the perfect Warrior. Having seen this opportunity he preformed more tests made more experiments and caused Coyoty over time to completely lose all her original life forces. Quiet, shy and immensely scared of her father she escapes one day while on a fake run in a fake track. She kills hundreds of doctors on her way out and though her father is overjoyed at the beauty he claims to have created his subject has escaped and he will not let this happen for long.

Other: she has to be near Zephyr (her weapon usually takes the form of a wolf) at all times without him he and her will both die.
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Name: Coyoty Anné Mathis
Age: 16- she is immortal basically so she does not age anymnore

Species: guess she's a vampire wolf bird hybrid

Species Bio: She was born a wolf, technically a werewolf but her mother and father were tested upon to make a new species from a vampire, when she was born she got her mothers wolf side but only a part of her father cat side, her father stole her from her mother and preformed tests upon her, making her a bird complete with wings reduced wieight and hollow bones

Human Appearance: {Link}

True Appearance: ah... She's got a few...

Vampire: {Link}

Wolf: {Link} size compared to humans: {link}

Since there are no photos put there that show her with wings and I am a failure artist I can only describe we wings, and they are 60ft in wingspan long, deep black at the base fading to red like her hair.

Personality: Coyoty is more or less the quiet type, she likes relaxing and enjoying a bed of stars, but when it comes to battles she takes things very seriously. She is calm and quite caring for being what she is. She hates what she is and wants to wipe the world of them but she knows that would be impossible since her family is the royal vampire consul. Some times she can get very hyper or loose her mind, this seems to hapen more often when she smells blood or sees it.

Personal Bio: Coyoty, she is a vampire daughter of the vampire family of former glory sir Judge Mathis. He stole her as a child from her mother at age four and killed her mother while her innocent eyes watched. As if her horror was not over he continued her hell by performing tests upon her in a science lap just outside of England. This institute of higher living is governed by British FBI forces searching for a cure to weak soldiers and asked Judge to create them the perfect Warrior. Having seen this opportunity he preformed more tests made more experiments and caused Coyoty over time to completely lose all her original life forces. Quiet, shy and immensely scared of her father she escapes one day while on a fake run in a fake track. She kills hundreds of doctors on her way out and though her father is overjoyed at the beauty he claims to have created his subject has escaped and he will not let this happen for long.

Other: she has to be near Zephyr (her weapon usually takes the form of a wolf) at all times without him he and her will both die.
I feel like that your character should only have one true form, although I'll ask the council if they agree with me.

Other than that your character is pretty amazing!
{It's kinda hard to find her one true from since she has been mutated over the past hundred or so years... And thanks, I have had her ever since I started roleplaying.}
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{It's kinda hard to find her one true from since she has been mutated over the past hundred or so years... And thanks, I have had her ever since I started roleplaying.}
If your character was already accepted in the Highschool of a Thousand Terrors then completely ignore me and you'll be accepted.
{Okay I read that on the front page so xD I mean council at first had a hard time accepting her in the original form so... Thank you. ^~^}
Okay guys, this is just for reference, okay?

Human Form

Name: Naomi Bonnefoy

Age: 20 (deceased)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Same as Amia's eyes!~


Personality: Naomi was a kind and caring young woman, it was a shame that she died so young. Described as a sweet and generous person, many people came to Naomi's funeral, mourning her death. She would've become a great mother if she lived long enough, Naomi always had a creative way to teach a lesson, drawing everyone in as she did so. Ajax would say that she had a wicked humour and was great at "vertical dancing" if you know what he means. In Ajax's eyes, Naomi was perfect to him, she was the type of woman who never lost faith, always so optimistic and cheerful.

Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher

Sex Orientation: Heterosexual

Spouse: Ajax Sarrok (fiancée)

History: She came from a humble home with a loving family, Naomi and Ajax met while her family was visiting Arabia for their summer vacation. She was only about twelve, but when Naomi and Ajax met, they didn't get off on the right foot. But, by the end of the summer, Naomi had fallen in love with the kitty cat. Not wanting to leave, Naomi asked if they could exchange letters to keep in contact, and Ajax, being the nonchalant asshole he is, agreed to it. And it was over those letters Ajax had begun to fall in love with the human girl. Before Ajax had left to go to Ishika High, Naomi and the sphinx had met up for the night, she was only sixteen at that point. And, well, the scene faded to black. While Ajax was at school, Naomi raised Benjamin for one year, deciding it would be best to tell her lover after he got back from Ishika High. She wanted him to experience new things, mature a little before taking the role as Benjamin's father. When Ajax got back, the scene faded to black once again. Nine months later, Naomi had given birth to her second and last child, Amia. She died during childbirth, Naomi requested for the baby to be named Amia, for it meant Beloved.

Other: Birth mother of Benjamin and Amia Sarrok.
paipai900 said:
Okay guys, this is just for reference, okay?
Human Form

Name: Naomi Bonnefoy

Age: 20 (deceased)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Same as Amia's eyes!~


Personality: Naomi was a kind and caring young woman, it was a shame that she died so young. Described as a sweet and generous person, many people came to Naomi's funeral, mourning her death. She would've become a great mother if she lived long enough, Naomi always had a creative way to teach a lesson, drawing everyone in as she did so. Ajax would say that she had a wicked humour and was great at "vertical dancing" if you know what he means. In Ajax's eyes, Naomi was perfect to him, she was the type of woman who never lost faith, always so optimistic and cheerful.

Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher

Sex Orientation: Heterosexual

Spouse: Ajax Sarrok (fiancée)

History: She came from a humble home with a loving family, Naomi and Ajax met while her family was visiting Arabia for their summer vacation. She was only about twelve, but when Naomi and Ajax met, they didn't get off on the right foot. But, by the end of the summer, Naomi had fallen in love with the kitty cat. Not wanting to leave, Naomi asked if they could exchange letters to keep in contact, and Ajax, being the nonchalant asshole he is, agreed to it. And it was over those letters Ajax had begun to fall in love with the human girl. Before Ajax had left to go to Ishika High, Naomi and the sphinx had met up for the night, she was only sixteen at that point. And, well, the scene faded to black. While Ajax was at school, Naomi raised Benjamin for one year, deciding it would be best to tell her lover after he got back from Ishika High. She wanted him to experience new things, mature a little before taking the role as Benjamin's father. When Ajax got back, the scene faded to black once again. Nine months later, Naomi had given birth to her second and last child, Amia. She died during childbirth, Naomi requested for the baby to be named Amia, for it meant Beloved.

Other: Birth mother of Benjamin and Amia Sarrok.


;_; so sad!

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