Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Sign Up)

paipai900 said:
Okay guys, this is just for reference, okay?
Human Form

Name: Naomi Bonnefoy

Age: 20 (deceased)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Same as Amia's eyes!~


Personality: Naomi was a kind and caring young woman, it was a shame that she died so young. Described as a sweet and generous person, many people came to Naomi's funeral, mourning her death. She would've become a great mother if she lived long enough, Naomi always had a creative way to teach a lesson, drawing everyone in as she did so. Ajax would say that she had a wicked humour and was great at "vertical dancing" if you know what he means. In Ajax's eyes, Naomi was perfect to him, she was the type of woman who never lost faith, always so optimistic and cheerful.

Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher

Sex Orientation: Heterosexual

Spouse: Ajax Sarrok (fiancée)

History: She came from a humble home with a loving family, Naomi and Ajax met while her family was visiting Arabia for their summer vacation. She was only about twelve, but when Naomi and Ajax met, they didn't get off on the right foot. But, by the end of the summer, Naomi had fallen in love with the kitty cat. Not wanting to leave, Naomi asked if they could exchange letters to keep in contact, and Ajax, being the nonchalant asshole he is, agreed to it. And it was over those letters Ajax had begun to fall in love with the human girl. Before Ajax had left to go to Ishika High, Naomi and the sphinx had met up for the night, she was only sixteen at that point. And, well, the scene faded to black. While Ajax was at school, Naomi raised Benjamin for one year, deciding it would be best to tell her lover after he got back from Ishika High. She wanted him to experience new things, mature a little before taking the role as Benjamin's father. When Ajax got back, the scene faded to black once again. Nine months later, Naomi had given birth to her second and last child, Amia. She died during childbirth, Naomi requested for the baby to be named Amia, for it meant Beloved.

Other: Birth mother of Benjamin and Amia Sarrok.
the feels! So many feels!
{So the skelly you filled out firs toff ~tears~ I thin kI am going to need an emotional boost after that./ xD and should we all fill something out like that? that would be like how they have progressed since school...}
[QUOTE="Angel Evans]Is that what we have to do?

I keep laughing at your signature and getting distracted. xD
And I do not doubt you can Angel. I was not saying that, I was simply mentioning he was err... twerking like the untalented eerrrr... failure that is Miley. I should kick her again...

@Angel Evans
anyone remember Hanna Montana? What happened to that kind of Miley Cyrus? That was a normal, not weird Miley
I kicked Hannah during one of her concerts and after i kicked her she disappeared so I guess that would be my fault... ~Laughs~
I'm almost done Benjamin!~ Once I'm finished Ben, the family will be appearing in the roleplay!~ Oh Poseidon, the adorableness has no end with them!!~
I nopw know how to make sour cream! ~Throws milk in the fridge~ Since no one in my household ever drinks it.... ~Waits two months~ YAY! Cream cheese!

Where is the roleplay I cannot find the link!!!!!
We literally stare at milk like it is the devil or something... I find it interesting... Speaking of staring I stared at my mother until she woke up, and now she's up again, and I HAS A NEW BIKE! WOOT!
Name: Carly and Maiko Mathis

Age: they are twins, both being nine

Species: Vampire nekos

Species Bio: I think it's a bit self explanatory.

Human Appearance: {Maiko} {Carly}

True Appearance: {Maiko} {Carly}

Personality: Carly is fun loving, high spirited and hyper nearly all the time. She loves candy bright days and does not ever act like she is a vampire unless she is faced with a trip. She is kind and loving but often obnocious, Coyoty often hates watchin her because Carly does have a tendency to act like a normal human child of her age. Carly enjoys shiny things and bein incredibly cute (ie being told she is cute) She is giggly and seriously bright.

Maiko on the other hand is completely the opposite, a jokester, a prankster and one who likes mocking a person. She often finds joy in having a person be to mentally sick of her they yell at her, this is where she gets her attention, which she hordes, however she unlike Carly acts more like a vampire and likes dark things. She enjoys cold things and dressing as a maid. Sometimes can be found around a star laughing hysterically. She claims she has hexed the household dog. (the household dogs are still trying to figure out which one of them it is.)

Personal Bio: Carly and Maiko both were born to Gemina Mathis, a test tube sister to Coyoty Mathis. They were born as triplates but Melinda is sickly and does not often leave the house. Carly and Maiko not bein sick strived for attention from their mother that they never really got. They both having turned to Coyoty for relif of this developed equally if not opposite personalities form each other and still see Coyoty as their mother even though they are aware Gemina is their mother. They hang out with Coyoty and cling to her most often. Through this though Maiko on direct question will deny any involvement with the wolf, but can be seen hugging and clinging just as much to her if nor more then Carly herself.

Other: They are nine years of age but not entirely vampires just yet, They are born to Gemina Mathis and Allen Onyx both being purebloods their date of change is not until their sixteenth birthday whereas without it they will die. Oh yes, their father is AWOL.
Name: Kima

Age: 22

Species: Dodomeki

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance: Now that he has grown up his skin turns pure black and is covered in scars from the various troubles he has gotten into. He still has eyes covering his entire body but the one that covers his entire face now has a much bigger spiral pupil than before. As well the central eye on his back has grown to be about twice as large as the other eyes.

Personality (At least a paragraph): Kima used to be silent and sort of nervous around people but because of his horrible experience before graduating and the fact that he was for the most part ignored by other students he has lashed out and become a danger to human kind. He is hateful and hurt on the inside lashing out against anybody nearby for past pains.

Personal Bio: Kima was a silent student from the Japanese mountains and because of his silence and the fact he was from so far away he didn't really meet anybody or make many friends. He had a short fling with another student but nothing came of it and so he never really learned anything from his time at the school. When he was close to graduation he had a bad experience with another group of students that put him over the edge. In recent years he has become a threat to mankind and is being ordered to return to the old school to possibly meet with some of the people who he needs to reconcile with.


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