Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Sign Up)

Guys, you're all FOOLS!! (sorry, sassy kraken Hafgufa got me for a second xD ) The mother to all those children is obviously Umbra, the father is Lux. :P Wow, guys, just wow.

Okay, I'm seriously fangirling here. Time to write another story about Lumbra now.
I finished up older Lux finally. The first draft was way better, but my window forced closed on me, so I had to redo the entire thing. I got lazy, so it's lackluster.
Name : Kai Aoede

Age : 562

Gender : Male

Appearance :


Personality: As the heir of the Aoede clan, Kai and be very serious and polite. However, he is often acting in the most idiotic ways and most comical ways when he has not reason to act upon his status in his clan. He has a huge sister complex which often effects Tira, but in return allows the girl to manipulate him. He is quite reserved when serious yet out going when he is able to be himself. He is quite the leader considering that he runs the Aoede families company and his clan.

Spouse : Mai Aoede.

(The Aoede clan has a ideal that the leaders should produce two children, one of each gender so they can marry and so keep the blood pure and untainted. However, this generation there is three with Tira.)

Name : Mai Aoede

Age : 560

Gender : Female



Personality : Mai is one that follows the clan's customs to the finest point. She is quite a well mannered person both in social life and home life. She is reserved, only speaking truthfully with her sister and brother about anything she suspects as important. She has never once acted upon anger or violence, unless it was reprimanding Kai for his idiocy. She can be quite tolerant to most things except Kai as she firmly believes he shouldn't act stupid considering his is their clans leader.

Spouse : Kai Aoede

Name : Leila Aoede

Age : 4

Gender : Female



Personality: Despite her parents being Kai and Mai, she is often acting like Tira did during her high school years. She is shy, often hiding behind a known adult when someone unknown appears. She has a lot of irrational fears and refuses to trust others as she believes they are bad guys, her habit of watching a lot of TV not helping. She is curious by nature and often wanders off. She has poor health and is often in hospital so she doesn't interact as well as she could with others.

Family :

Kai - father

Mai - Mother

Tira - Aunt

- The Parents. -


Leonardo Aoede and Louise Aoede. Parents of Kai, Mai and Tira.
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I think.....holy crap guys. I'm going to make Ajax's mother. > :D I mentioned her once in the high school role play.... I'm sooooooo making her now! xD  
Mr. Manly appears again....with his daughter.

Monster Form

Name: Mr. Manly

Age: Appears to be around late forties to mid-fifties.

Species: Minotaur

Species Bio:

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):


True Appearance:


Personality (At least a paragraph): Mr. Manly is a very passionate man with the love of beauty. He holds much compassion for his students and will drive them to perfection. Mr. Manly is very determined and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Mr. Manly is a very kind and caring soul who, surprisingly, isn't violent at all! Often feared for his bulging muscles, Mr. Manly is a very sensitive and OVER affectionate man.

Personal Bio:

Other: Teaches PE at Ishika High.


Monster Form

Name: Gloria Manly

Age: 14

Species: Minotaur

Species Bio:

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):


True Appearance:


Personality (At least a paragraph):

Personal Bio:

Other: Mr. Manly is her father and she models. Gloria is currently attending Ishika High.
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Name: Riku/Riko Inubashri-Mathis

Age: Believed to be around 18, 19, maybe 17....

Species: Vampire Ookami (God...)

Species Bio: He is the product of a vampire relationship with an Ookami (one in particular a god

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:

Personality: Riku is often procvived as cold, unloving, yet protective. He loves his two sisters (below) And loves them so much he would do nothing to put them in harms way. He is not cold and unloving however, he is a prankster and loves to play serious jokes on people. He is not immature though, acting more mature then the average seventeen year old most question his age. He loves to read and is absolutely silent while reading. He can be seen as rude as well, when offended he is not slow to return the offence or act violent upon that. He pushes people away though and does not often accept the love of a person.

Personal Bio: Riku spent most of his life carefree and happy. When his mother died (vampire hunter got her) Riku lost a part of himself he was not sure he would ever gain back. After his father died he vowed silently to take revenge upon the person who killed him. (a hunter they presume) and so he sold his body (ah sounds bad read on) to this scientist assassin who told him that he would be able to help him, accidentally though Riku was given the wrong serum and it completely changed his DNA, no I mean it, he was turned into a female. Afraid he would not take his male form ever again Riku shunned himself from society until it returned and now the scientist uses that to help him hunt, he is called Riko when in this form and EVERYTHING changes when he does. It is a VERY painful processes to both change into and out of this form, it can be called upon with a single click of his master's fingers and it does not matter if Riku is sleeping or not, his master wants him he becomes a female, he also becomes a cat instead of a dog in this form. No one but he himself and his master can trigger this transition though.(Everything was turned opposite) When he started assuming his mother's vampire traits virtually nothing changed, except in his (born form) he started getting white streaks in his hair, and of course a thirst for blood.

Other: He has his female form: He forces his personality to change when in this form to prevent people form knowing it is him.


Riku/Riko's character development is curtsy to my sister and lifelong story writer (Cyanide, Kajico, Ect) Thanks sis.

Name: Momiji (Mimi) and Momizi (Mizi) Inubashri-Mathis (Twins)

Age: Unknown XO (I do not know even though they are my OCs... xD )

Species: Vampire Ookami (Gods...)

Species Bio: They are technically half-gods because their mother is a vampire but the mixture of it all is slightly confusing, they belong to the Vikrla family estate because their parents are dead

Human Appearance: Momiji first xD

Momizi second


True Appearance:

Imagine a wolf.... and times that by like twenty stories... and well. there you have it folks.

Personality: Momiji and Momizi are EXCATLY the same, they look the same, act the same and basically are the same. They are fun loving, love jokes, good pranks always are fun, laughter is key. They are close to each other and do not often let anyone in. Their brother sees them as being sadistic killers though (sub-demon forms) They are never seen without each other (unless they are in their sub-demon forms) They are also a bit childish loving to get people mixed up on who they are, striking up a conversation with them, to avoid embarrassment I would wait till they tell you their names. Even if it is wrong and DO NOT address them again by their names. They love to torture people, enjoying physical and mental pain, Momiji in her demon form loves to con a person, she does not see this as wrong just good fun. She takes high pride in her job but will not put her job before her sister. Momizi is a little looser with her job but she too takes it seriously, she asos retains most of her original personality upon becoming a demon.

Personal Bio: Momiji and Momizi were born after their brother (Riku) right before their mother died (vampire hunter got to her) Their mother was a vampire and their father an Ookami (or wolf god) They were raised with their father until the age of seven when their father was killed (also a hunter). Riku took his two sisters being older then them and enrolled them having no where else to put them into an assassins academy where they learned the trade of hunting humans down. It was not until after they turned 15 that they actually started developing the vampire characteristics of their mother and since then instead of their brother's deep red hair that they had it went completely white (their wolf forms as well.) They were then taken in by Mary into her family because alias one of her members was the girls' mother so she felt obligated to give them a good home.

Other: It is IMPOSSIBLE to tell them apart because their personalities outside of their sub-demon form are exactly the same. They are assassins, they get paid in blood of a living human.
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Maybe Akeno should make an appeareance she's a sadistic/masochistic assassin/bausiness women fallen angel kikyo's bestfriend and mother of 4 hmmm
Name:Amerus (Amer/Mary) Necrus

Age: 800

Species: Gleam

Species Bio: Species Bio: A Gleam is a soul that has been enveloped by the light and they are thought of as God's children according to legend. The thought of these actually being monsters is preposterous to many, but it is the truth. Much like how Shadows have been declared evil from judgements and their personalities, the same can be said for Gleams.

A Gleam is neither good nor evil. Much like all creatures, they choose their path and become who they are by choice, just like any other monster. Although the majority of Gleams are good, many are still less pleasant.

A Gleam is like a Shadow in every way, except for the darkness and light contradiction. They are two halves of one soul. According to ancient legend, a soul is split before a vessel is prepared. The ones that weren't favorable were sent to the darkness to become Shadows, while the other is allowed to bask in holy light.

They are a race of sociable creatures who have merged well with society. To put it simply, they are the very opposite of their Shadow counterpart. In theory, it is possible to merge the two halves, but this had never been performed. What happens when a Gleam and Shadow reform is unknown to everybody, even themselves.

Personality: Amerus is a very kind and polite person. She enjoys meeting new people and talking with others. She loved to throw parties of all kinds and will often find things to celebrate. She is a very good mother, looking out for her family as best as she can and helping when possible. She seems like the perfect woman to many, but there is one thing known only to the Necrus family. She's scary...

In the house, what she says is law. Since she is the most confident parent, she'll say what needs to be said. Whenever she's upset with something or somebody, she'll let you know. When she needs something to happen, she'll get it done. She speaks in a very calm and polite manner when asking people to do things, but her family knows it's an order. There's a atmosphere around her that tells the difference. Behind the smile and tone, is Umbra'a worst fear. An angry wife.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.fe6e99e6f4ed1870c5659661986b36ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.fe6e99e6f4ed1870c5659661986b36ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(In the center.)

Other: She has many hobbies, which sometimes turn into jobs. The most notable is her clothing line. It's been number one in all shops for many years.



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