Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

Kima was sure of it now, that was Ajax's face. "It's awful strange you would be here then, it's a pretty dangerous school." Kima seemed to look off into the distance for a second, but if you paid attention to his line of sight he was looking directly at a tree. It had been planted after he had left the school and he knew why. "It's not a place for kids to play without supervision." He was certain this was Ajax's son, and so he was going to play him like Ajax hoping that he had the same reactions.
{ @paipai900 ~Coughs~ I was responding to this... O.o }

Zephyr looked less then pleased this new girl was petting him now. "Please... remove your tiny yet cute hands off my fur?" he questioned trying to holdfast his fiery temper. Carly giggled though and addressed the girl. "Haiya, never mind Zeph-Sama, he is a little crabby during the day." She let loose another giggle and threw her hand out for Amia to shake.

Smiling softly as she watched everyone reunite, the kraken let out a tired sigh as she stood off to the side, feeling like her eye bags were getting worse every second that had went by. She had been staying up for the past three nights, working on a major project that would eject the progress of marine biology into the future. But, all that work was tiring out her doughnut shaped brain.

Stepping back, Eona suddenly bumped into someone, snapping her out of her sleepy trance. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" the kraken quickly spun around and apologized, stifling a yawn as she did so.



Benjamin raised an eyebrow at the grey man, standing very dominantly and didn't back down. That was one of his mother's traits, this little half sphinx was rather stubborn and hard headed. "Quite true, but that may not be any part of you business, would it?" Frowning at the taller man, Benjamin folded his arms over his chest and could feel his cat ears and tail just pleading to come out.

Spotting his father falling asleep on a bench, Benjamin was suddenly remembered what the older sphinx had said, "Don't cause any trouble, alright?" Deciding to back down off the grey man, Benjamin knew that after the family business went into a rather low time, his father was working double - triple even - time to keep the family afloat. Being a single father wasn't easy, same with being a single mother.



Beaming brightly at the girl on top of the wolf, Amia ignored her brother and reached up to shake the girl's hand. "Hello," The little girl giggled softly as she snuggled into the wolf, loving the warmth that he gave off. "I'm Amia, what's your name?" Amia shot the girl a friendly smile, she was always so excited making new friends. More people meant more fun, right? The more the merrier!

Kima sighed and changed form. It was honestly quite hard to keep up his human shape at the school an old habit he figured. As he changed slowly multiple scars appeared on his skin though none of then seemed to effect his eye, aside from one. There was a large empty socket on his left palm but the child could have only gotten a glance at it before Kima closed it. "I guess it's no use why should I try to fix my problems, he probably doesn't even remember I existed, and he wouldn't recognize me now would he." Kima sat down right where he was and shut his eyes laying back on the ground. Being lazy was one trait he had picked up from Ajax and never forgotten. He figured he might as well just rest where he was and slowly shut all his eyes.
"It's okay, Eona," Leuther said, tears welling up in his eyes, "It's me, I'm here" he pulled a beautiful midnight blue rose and offered it to her, a wavering smile on his lips "I had to fund quite a bit of research to make this happen, but here, I made it happen"
{ @paipai900 Uh... Zephyr is ICE cold....}

Carly smiled and de-mounted the large wolf. "Mathis-S-" Zephyr nudged her as if to remind her of something. "Oh, Carly-San." She said her face beaming bright with a smile. She might have just been glowing from the sun or whatever it was but Carly herself though in love with the sun was paler then a baby sea horse and she felt too out of place with this girl in front of her. She was sweet and kind though, not wanting to be rude she petted the wolf with her hand while addressing this other girl who smelled just like a cat. She liked meeting people too, cats were her favourite given she was one, she also liked meeting young dogs and some wolves were nice too, at least Zephyr and Coyoty were nice.

The kraken took a moment to ponder upon the man before her as she took the beautiful blue rose into her delicate hand. "....Chrys...?" As the name escaped her mouth, tears welled up in Eona's blue eyes, the same blue as the rose. Taking a step back away from the man, Eona shoved the rose back into his hands and ran away, her heart pounding from the hurt.

"He...he's back...!" Running into the change room she could remember very clearly, Eona curled up on the bench that she cried on during the Winter Holidays. Eona's chest pained with agony, she didn't know why she was hurting, shouldn't she be happy? A sudden flash back brought Eona to the recent past, when she had her heart broken and stomped on by a monster.

Tears running down her cheeks, Eona's breath was laboured as she did her best to calm herself down. The kraken began to regret coming to this high school reunion in the first place. Too many memories plagued the young woman. Some horrid and frightening, others so happy and joyful hurt.


The half sphinx child beamed cheerfully at Carly. "It's nice to meet you, Carly!" Letting go to the wolf, Amia suddenly didn't know what to do! She had learned each other's names, but now what...? " you want to play with me...?" Amia flashed Carly a nervous smile as she brougth her shoulders up, unsure if she was doing this friend making thing right. When Amia was in school, everyone wanted to be friends with a half sphinx girl! So, Amia was easily likeable.

Leuther watched her go, wanting to follow, to make everything right, but he knew all the luck in the world couldn't make her forgive him. He couldn't forgive himself. Leuther tucked the rose back into his shirt pocket.

Give her time...

Love needs time to blossom

Remain chaste and faithful and she will forgive you

Will you all shut up?

This 'Oracle' business felt a lot more like babysitting, keeping a hundred all-powerful children entertained. Leuther plastered a curt smile on his face, going to greet his other former classmates, though the kraken was the real reason he came to this thing in the first place.

(Who's free?)
Leuther walked up to a man he did not immediately rcognize "You were the one who disappeared before I got there, right? But then you came back?" he said, extending his hand "Eleutherius Katsaros, you can call me Leuther, you may have known me as Chrys, though" Leuther hardly paid attention to social necessities then, he had focused on getting in and out as quick as possible, then on Eona.
Carly looked at Zephyr and then back to Amai "Ah, what kind of games do you like to play Amai-san?" She asked her cat tail tipped in a purple bow flicking back and forth behind her. She was sweet and kind and though a year older then Amai did not often act like it unless she was addressed directly. Amai seemed like a sweet girl, she smelled like a cat regardless of what she was but Carly was curious about this because she did not smell like a full cat.

"Amai-San, would it be rude to ask what you are?" She questioned looking back at Zephyr who was now sitting playing with a jet black collar with some some of silver and plate plate on it. she shook her head slightly wondering why he always played with that collar and if it bothered him so much why he would not take it off. He knew another animal that had a collr but when she transformed into human it stayed whereas Zephyr's disappeared, this confused Carly and in her nine year old mind she knew she was getting off track greatly.

{ @paipai900 Sorry I hate posting one paragraph was trying to push for more xD }
DarkAncient said:
((so you guys come here often?))
((Woah, Darky! At least buy me a drink! *shot for bad joke* Sorry, I had to do that xD ))

CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{ @paipai900 Sorry I hate posting one paragraph was trying to push for more xD }
((Yeah, it's fine. I've only been posting shorter ones because I'm rushing around. ^^"))


"Oh! I like to play tag, and hide n seek, thicket," Amia began blabbering off, continuing a large list of everything she liked to play and do. "Anything really!" the half sphinx beamed brightly at Carly, her straight raven bangs falling just above her eyes. Brushing off the fur that was on her dress, Amia suddenly stopped chattering when she heard Carly's second question.

Pausing for a moment, Amia didn't see any harm about telling Carly what she was. "I'm a hybrid." Shrugging nonchalantly, Amia played around with the rim of her dress. She's heard of many monsters that didn't like humans, hybrids were the type of people who really didn't belong on either side. "My mother was human and my papa is a sphinx."

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