Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

{ @paipai900 And now completely turned off of that... Benjamin is a little bit of a jerk... I used to babysit a ten year old jerk... I got him to quit being a jerk and respect me more then his own mother... I never got him to respect his mother though... I have to go to bed guys, mum says I have to be up early, so orivwa}

"You do not have to be so rude." Zephyr was the one to "drag out this conversation" He absolutely hated children and hated them even more (As if this is possible) when they were rude. "You could just say that you do not want to chat with her and walk away like any normal person would do instead of thinking you would run away if she dragged out this conversation. Has your father taught you no manners?" Zephyr grolwed lowly boy carly though barely up to his shoulder blaqdes now that he was standing and lunging forward at the boy pushed the wolf back.

"Ah sorry, you should leave, Ah.... Zeph-Sama is having some issues." She instead of addressing or bringing up how hurt she felt that without even knowing her Benjamin already assumed she was a bore she told him he should leave, giving him leverage to do and say whatever he wanted but to go while doing it. She turned to Amia. This was one of those times the nine year old acted older then she was, where her actual vampire maturity was taking over her. "Why don't we... uh, go play a game or something? I saw some cool butterflies on the way here if that is your thing." Carly needed to get Zephyr away from Benjamin before the wolf horribly attacked him out of nearly no reason at all.

She smiled though at the boy flashing her perfect teeth. She could not understand now how her charm did not work. People loved her no matter where she went, her purple eyes sent grown men into turmoil (mostly the gays but still) her smile most often killed people, what was she doing wrong, she was a cat, most everyone loved her and alike cats most of all, but she assumed that this was because he was a sphinx and that was the reason he did not like her, whatever the reason she was nine and tried not to stay too hung up on it.
Tira just chuckled at it all. It was an amusing sight. With a grin she brought her arms behind her, lacing her fingers together as she simply stood behind the crowd and watched. They had to go in. With a giggle she began to walk inside, it seemed very familiar. The first day she rushed inside to avoid people. 'I really do miss this type of interaction... now its just me talking to business partners and rivals.' She shook her head as she walked in the door, once again hearing her phone ring. She took the phone from her pocket, answering the call as she brought it to her ear. It took only a minute but she was in a worse mood than before. She put the phone back in her pocket, sat in the cafeteria where she put her head on the table. Life was troublesome. "Wonderful..." She murmured, yawning softly. 
((So Luether is in love with Eona? Damn him. ;_;. I won't be on today again so I'll probably fall behind and Aeki will be forever alone xD ))
Aeki stepped away. He couldn't remember anyone here. Maybe it was time to head home.

Leo was completely fine with that, having eaten the chocolate, he wanted eat some meat.

When Luether showed up and started to talk to Eona, it made Aeki flash with jealousy but he banished it immediately. He had no right to feel this way. Aeki never talked to any of his classmates so why should he feel jealousy.

Aeki sighed and quietly grabbed his son and started to walk away, happy that we was still able to meet a few of his former classmates.
Aryan laughed at all the reactions of people being reunited with their old friends, it was an amazing sight to see, not only to see people change, but to see how they still recognised each other. It didn't recognise everybody here, when it couldn't recognise somebody it assumed it hadn't met this person, because Aryan was very good at recognising people's traits. (I am totally just rambling to pass the time until the reunion starts)

The masked man, who wasn't wearing the mask, sat in his house, he could afford things like an apartment thanks to his job which he secured shortly after returning. The job wasn't his official job, more of a university job. He didn't plan on returning to England ever again so he might as well stay there. As well as a job, he also attended university for a degree in theoretical physics, so he could get a better job. He even contemplated becoming a professor at that university. It was amazing he even had the time to hunt monster hunters.

However the only thing he could think about was that reunion and how badly he wanted to go there and see all his friends again. However if somebody asked why he came back, he would have to tell them and he didn't want them to find out, ever.

By now he was spinning some elaborate lie, for he wasn't in his apartment anymore, he was on his way to the reunion. When he got there he saw someone who he clearly recognised as Tira and approached her, "Hey! Long time no see," he said. When he spoke it was as though every bad thing that plagued his mind had vanished and he could act normal and happy.
Tira was angry above everything. Her niece was once again admitted to her hospital! Stupid workers. Her head rest upon the table till she heard a voice. Why did people interrupt her thoughts so easily? Flames burnt into existence around her hands as she pointed it towards him. She looked irritated. Blue eyes narrowed, mostly in concern and panic as she looked carefully at him. "You are?" The phoenix ask, setting her hand back at her side as the flames vanished. She wasn't in the mood. Kai and Mai were having a panic attack and constantly texting her. She had told them that she would arrive after she see's a few more people. The girl's condition was always bad, it had gotten better lately and so she trusted her workers. She pushed her hands into her coat pocket, blue eyes staring curiously at him as she grinned. "Sorry... I'm on edge. Forgive me for this...but who are you?"
The man smiled to himself, 'Knew it,' he thought and wished it was worth using money in bets against himself, he sat down next to his old roommate ( :o ) and gave a more comforting smile this time, "I didn't think you would recognise me. I'm Lucien," he said and held out his hand, "What's troubling you?" He asked.

(Seriously, you hadn't figured it out yet? I was dropping all da hints)
( She is stressed, leave her alone )

Tira looked at him curiously as she stared. "Lucien?" She mumbled, reaching over as she poked at his cheeks. Blue orbs widened before she grinned. "Ah, it is Lucien! Hello dear!~" She chimed, waving her hand before she sighed again. Another message. "Ah, well Leila is once again in hospital so Im a little stressed out. I wanted to be here for the reunion but if it gets worse I will have to leave." She mumbled before she stood up. "One second...I need to make a call" She called out before she went and walked outside, walking to the courts so she was well away from everyone. Opening her phone she instantly called Mai. "Mai, How is Leila?" She asked, setting the phone comfortably near her ear.
"Ah! Tira dear! Leila collapsed again, the poor girl is in her usual room at the hospital. Will you be coming soon?" Tira sighed before she replied. "I will, let me catch up for a bit. Let Charlotte take charge of Leila for now. Got to go." She mumbled, turning the phone off.

(I was talking about you, not Tira)

'Leila?' He thought, did Tira have kids? Had she gotten married? It was amazing to see his old friends after all this time, he watched her as she walked off and spoke into her phone.

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