Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

Leuther wandered over to a nearby bench, placing his Sunglasses on his eyes and seeming to relax, but his raptor vision was zeroed in on every possible threat.
((Nah, I just feel like I'm going to fall asleep at any moment, but, anyone want to interact with one of my characters? Eona's crying in the change room, Ajax is sleeping on a bench, Benjamin is ignoring Carly (COOTIES!!), and Amia is, well, being Amia :P ))
Tira closed the call. The idiots were coming here. A whine passed her lips as she made her way to the front of the school. She stopped however when the faint feeling of Eona's presence appeared. "Eona?" She hummed, turning as she walked over towards the changing rooms. She entered, looking at Eona with a frown before she went and sat next to her. "Eona?" She asked quietly, setting her hand on the girls head. She honestly liked Eona, she was a sweet girl and a good friend. "You okay, tell me what's wrong..." She whispered.

Leila was standing at the front of the school, her parents hiding off in a tree a distance away. They knew Aunt Tira wouldn't go to the hospital as she was busy, so Kai was trying to guilt trip his little sister into coming. Leila huffed, a blush on her small cheeks as she ran through the yard. She had to find Aunt Tira...All these people were scary. She looked around at all the people, finding none that looked familiar tears began to form in her eyes. The four year old sat on the floor, blue eyes narrowed before tears fall and a choked sob left her lips. She was scared and once again her chest began to hurt. "Aunt T-tira..."
((Leila! QAQ))


Looking up, the kraken felt a deja vu at this moment. She recalled that while she was still at Ishika High, during the winter, she came here to cry, and once again, after she graduated, she came here to cry. And it was all because of one person. "Chrys...or should I say Leuther...?" A frown on her face, Eona wiped her tears and wrapped her arms around Tira, just looking for some sort of person that would comfort her.

"Sorry....about this.." Eona mumbled, shame in her ocean eyes. The kraken sighed, feeling very weak lately. So many things had been happening while she was on land, it was a little stressing for the usually happy-go-lucky kraken.
Pai.... You did not respond? Man Carly really is mature! xD it might be because she sees some foreplay of the adults living in her house... Heh.
Tira shook her head, feeling the girl wrap her arms around her and so she did the same. A soft smile came to the Phoenix's lips, one hand petting the girls hair as she hummed. "Are you going to tell me what is wrong Eona dear?" She asked, giving the Kraken a soft look. To see such a happy girl as Eona cry was heart breaking, the same instinct that appeared with Leila seemed to manifest at the crying sight of Eona. "I know whatever it is hurts...So release it all okay? Let me take it all for now so you can be free." She whispered, tightening her hold on the girl.
Sensing a great number of memories being remembered a long ways away, Eli wandered out of his forest, which was really a few trees in a park, and started heading towards Ishika High (Prepare for comic relief, people)

Leuther entered the school, headed towards the training room by the arena, he found the target range, slipped Kathroptis from his boot, extended his other arm in front of him, thumb up, dagger cocked back in his other arm. After fifteen bulls-eyes in a row, he migrated to the sand bag, each punch he threw letting out a resounding THWACK. "Why" THWACK "did" THWACK "I" THWACK "have" THWACK "to" THWACK "fall" "in" THWACK "FLOCKING" THWACK "LOVE!?" THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK. The sandbag ripped, Leuther had let his talons out without realizing it.

Gods damn it
((SO MUCH DRAMA!! :D Sorry for the late reply xD ))


Wrapping her arms around Tira, Eona frowned and laid her head against the phoenix's chest. "He's....he's back..." The kraken's head felt a little dizzy from all the crying she had been doing, or was it because of her lack of sleep? Either way, Eona's head still hurt. "H-he gave me a r-rose...!" Eona didn't know why she was crying, shouldn't she be happy to see her high school crush again? Memories of her last relationship plagued the young woman, was she going to be used once again? Kissed just for the money? For the fame? Was she going to be betrayed by the one she trusted? All these thoughts ran through the kraken's mind all the while she was an emotional wreck.
Tira blinked softly before she felt a small frown grace her features as she pushed her glasses up. "I see." She stated softly before she smiled. "Are you scared Eona? Are you worried what'll happen?" She asked, leaning her head forwards as she sighed softly. "I will tell you something very important..." She whispered, chuckling softly. "If you sit here worrying...nothing gets better...If you stand up and face matter the results you will be a lot happier." Explaining that she gave the girl a soft squeeze. "Plus...If anything bad happens to you I will just have to roast that moron In the most painful way possible!~" She chimed before laughing. "Would you like to attend a business party with me tonight Eona? " If she had to go, she was NOT going alone. Stupid rules. "All my father's business partners will be attending but at least we can catch up more." She mumbled, her mood seeming to sink. "Then I have to deal with useless proposals..." With that the Phoenix was pouting. "You have to come! We can even come ask the others to attend with us....I REALLY don't want to go alone..."
((Damn, Unholy....that was deep. ._. love it!~))


The kraken glanced up at Tira, pondering upon the invitation for a moment. She did have a proje- Oh, who cares! "Sure." Smiling softly at the phoenix, Eona pulled back and wiped her tears away, following Tira's advice. "A party sounds nice." Eona had been to a few business parties before, she was quite well known in the marine science department.

Standing up from the bench, Eona stretched her lips into a bright smile and held her hand out to Tira. "Shall we go, princess?" Giggling softly at her little joke, Eona pushed all the negative feelings away and guided Tira out of the change room.
Aeki picked up Leo and waved goodbye to everyone. He was sure he'd see them all again sometime later.

Leo yawned and fell asleep in Aeki's arms. Just like the loner he was, he didn't want to interact with any other kids that showed up.

What am I going to do with you, you silly puppy. Aeki sighed pleasantly. Leo needed a mother, not just a father.

Aeki always had wanted to have someone close to him, other than Leo but he never seriously thought about it or made an effort. As much as Aeki had changed, he was still a bit shy and couldn't ask any woman on a date.

Banishing the though, Aeki turned away. Leo needed him as much as Aeki could be with him. He was sure they would be fine together.

((Don't interact with Aeki or Leo because I'm at college and will answer REALLY slow. I don't want anyone to be floating in space while waiting for me to reply.)
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{ah Pai.... I'm uh... Still- err... You still have to respond to me....}
((OH CRAP!! I'M SO SORRY! D: I'll put it up right away ^^"))


Raising an eyebrow at the wolf and girl, Benjamin shrugged and placed Amia on the ground. Petting his little sister's head, the half sphinx then walked off into the school, looking for a good place to nap. Yup, like father like son. A cat needed his cat naps after all. Sure, it was a little rude to think that, but Benjamin was the type of guy who didn't really care about others.

Finding a nice and quiet room, Benjamin sneaked inside and curled up on one of the couches, soft purrs coming from the back of his throat as he fell asleep. Dreams of cat nip and tuna filled the young sphinx's mind as his lips cracked the slightest of smiles, a peaceful expression on his face. It was quite the contrast between Benjamin's rather serious look while he was awake, the boy looked much too mature when he did that. While he slept, all those lines of irritation were gone, revealing the child he really is.
paipai900 said:
((OH CRAP!! I'M SO SORRY! D: I'll put it up right away ^^"))
{thank you! ^~^}

Carly was happy her new friend returned to her but she was curious as to the girls age, clueless and nine she was not sure how to act around this girl. She was after all her mothers daughter and though happy and nine as well as go lucky which her mother tended not to be she was also blunt and nine. Over all she was nine, and most impertinently not a vampire yet so her mind was swimming with childish things to do. "How old are you Amia?" Carly breathed feeling Zephyr behind her simmer down and begin to groom his soft white fur.

Carly wound up loading a soft purr feeling his body behind her move, as she was leaning up against him she almost wanted a nap, but she slept in the car on Coyoty's lap, she was a bit weak like Melinda but not as much as her she could obviously fight it. She needed to do something active and decided to mention those butterflies she saw earlier. "Oh! Zephyr can you become a bug?" She turned to the wolf who jumped slightly upon being asked. "No," he answered dropping his ears. "And if I could I have seen what you do to butterflies Carly, and you are a cat." Carly's purplish ears dropped but her tail continued to flick. "Ah, well Amia I saw some butterflies around you wanna find some?" Was she the only cat that liked playing with butterflies?

{Carly has a tendency to kill butterflies... xD zephyr blames it on her being a cat but Coyoty knows it is because of her nature, she also hunts birds but that is because she is a cat.}

Seeing that her brother was gone, Amia began to feel a little scared without the protection of someone older than her. Placing her hands on top of one another, Amia was shaking ever so slightly as she averted her bright green eyes to the floor. "Eight." she whispered, playing around with the rim of her dress. Wanting to take a step back, Amia seemed to frown at how they could read her brother's mind. A mind is a place of privacy, it should never be invaded because it was rude. But, Amia kept repeating her father's words in her mind, "Don't cause any trouble, don't cause any trouble," Shuffling her shiny black shoes a little, Amia didn't know what to really say to Carly, she was feeling a little shy. It was much easier to just walk up and say hello than actually trying to continue a conversation with someone, but Amia really wanted to make some friends.

"D-d-do y-ou" A light pink blush dusted over Amia's cheeks as she hung her head in
embarrassment, it was a weird question, but that's what Amia could think of at that moment. The half-sphinx had been staring at her dark pink dress and just randomly blurted out the question. "What if she hates pink? What if Carly gets offended?!" Amia began to panic mentally as she thought of all the possible things that could happen, although, some weren't as realistic. "What is the ground opens up and swallows all of us because Carly doesn't like pink?!"

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