Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

((accept for Ajax!~ He has family! :3 Awwww, Ajax, you're so cute. Then again, he's treated like royalty by his followers....))

the driving kraken

Hopping into the driver's seat, Eona didn't even bother putting on her seatbelt before shoving the key in and grinning like an idiot when she heard the satisfying smooth roar of the engine. "Rock n roll." The kraken backed out of the parking space and then slammed down on the acceleration pedal, using her free hand to put on her seat belt.

As the kraken was obviously speeding through the streets, Eona finally noticed how high her speedometer was and then slowed down to a speed. "So, how's life been doing you?" Eona flashed Tira a silly smile as her eyes flickered over to the phoenix. The kraken was just going in the direction to where she lived, she didn't know where Tira was staying at.
Tira just laughed at the Kraken's enthusiasm, watching as she drove down the streets. "Ah...well...I've been stuck with a lot of work and having to deal with my brother...I tried to get him into therapy for his complex." She pointed out, sighing softly as she grinned. "Them to had a kid...although she is very unwell so she is stuck in the hospital with me a lot." Then pointing at a turn she looked to Eona. "Turn down house is down that street." She smiled slightly, looking at her phone as she dragged it out. "Do you have a dress to wear Eona?" She asked, glancing up at her. " starts soon..."
paipai900 said:
((accept for Ajax!~ He has family! :3 Awwww, Ajax, you're so cute. Then again, he's treated like royalty by his followers....))
Pai did you see my responses?
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{I think I am just gonna put this because Maiko loves practical jokes.}
Maiko managed to escape the wandering protective eyes of both Coyoty and Zephyr with ease. She was wandering around the school now looking for some older students to harass and play jokes on. She played a few and had her fun but a few teenage boys chased her into a room with a lovely plush couch. She hid behind the couch until a boy entered and lay asleep. Looking over the couch she watched the boy sleep. Her perfect plan started to set into action.

First she pulled out a set of sharpies from her dress and opened the package slowly, then she pulled a roll of toilet paper and a feather she picked up from Coyoty's wing clippings a few days a go. Smiling slightly she took the sharpies and toilet a paper slowly wrapping it around the boy without disturbing how he slept. Smiling afte she was finished with that she pulled a painters tray from her dress and a camels hair painters brush from her stocking, pushed her short hair from her face and squeezed the ink from the sharpies into the tray, then she painted the boys face, finger nails and any exposed skin she left from the wrapping in toilet paper. Her face straight she put down her weapons and grabbed the feather walking around the back of the sofa her shoes removed so she made no noise and started to tickle the boy's face and neck with the feather using her elbow to balance her on the back of the sofa. Kids were so easy to do this too, unlike adults they slept soundly and as long as you waited until they started to dream you were virtually fine. Maiko was a master prankster at this point though, she took many of the classic pranks and dolled them up in her own style.

With the boy wrapped in toilet paper he would not be able to scratch his face and with his face covered in sharpie ink it would be hard to wash off, plus his nails were pink and that would be hard to get off for at least a while. Also her trademark two M's were painted on his neck in her favourite colour (blue) so he would not soon forget who did that too him. She was smiling but not laughing, a good prank was always foiled when one laughed, Maiko was an expert at this trade.

{gods I love this character just like her mother ~tear tear~
{nu, nu, nu! THIS post.}
((Oh. I only skimmed over it. :3))


And so, the half-sphinx boy as still asleep as he was getting pranked. When he awoke, the child was much too tired to notice a thing and just fell back asleep a second later. His tie had loosened, but the rest of Benjamin's suit was still in place.

Reaching up to touch his face, the sphinx's eyes suddenly snapped open when he felt tissue paper against his cheek. "F*ck." Jumping off of the couch and into a nearby washroom, Benjamin's eyes widened when he saw his appearance in the mirror. A few moments of silence went by.

A growl escaped the boy's lips as his nails grew longs and sharper, the ears and tail of a cat grew into their respective places. Doing his best to calm down, Benjamin suddenly punched the mirror, shattering the glass and cutting his fist. "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck." What a potty mouth for a ten year old.

After realizing what he had just done, Benjamin was suddenly filled with guilt, his father was going to get so pissed when he discovered what had happened. Running his bloody fist under the tap of water, Benjamin's mind was currently working hard as he tried to figure out the best way to explain this to his father, a way that would have the least anger.

Cleaning up his wounded hand, Benjamin quickly splashed his face in effort to remove the markers and paint, but all he knew was that he was going to get in trouble with his father. Bending down to pick up the pieces of glass scattered all over the floor, the half-sphinx reached up and felt his brow line, find a small cut on his face. He was lucky that it was on the brow line, not in the eye.

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{I CAN'T REPLY TO THAT!!!! Asking me to reply to a two liner is worse then a one liner! GRAH WHY!!!? DON'T SKIM! read and respond! Come on!!!!}
((Mwahaha!~ I thought she was pranking Zeypher and Coyoty, and I know xD I just wanted to see your reaction. I'll tag you once I get the paragraph about Benny boy waking up and falling asleep again :P ))
paipai900 said:
((Mwahaha!~ I thought she was pranking Zeypher and Coyoty, and I know xD I just wanted to see your reaction. I'll tag you once I get the paragraph about Benny boy waking up and falling asleep again :P ))
{by painting and wrapping up Benjamin? Ahhhh, okay... Makes no sense but you did just skim it over.}
Umbra walked to the parking lot, reaching for his keys. It was getting late and he wanted to spend time with his girls. He spent as much time with them as he could, but work took up alot of his time.

As he was about to unlock his doors, he heard the tapping of a cane. He smiled and turned to face the sounds. Sure enough, there was Lux, walking through the parking lot.

The two friends shook hands and began to talk. "I didn't think you were coming. The reunion is already ending." Lux ran his hand through his hair, his fingers brushing some of the many hairpins taming his long white locks.

"I would've arrived earlier, but I got held up at the opera." He shifted his weight onto the cane and looked to his acquaintance. He was still using that word after all these years. "So, how are the girls?"

He visited quite frequently, but he still liked to know what was going on with his godchildren.

Umbra's smile few bigger when Lux asked about the kids. "They're great." Lux nodded with a faint smile on his face. "I'm glad. I've been worried ever know..." Umbra nodded, his smile now a sad one.

"Yeah, it's been rough, but we're managing." Umbra was about to continue, but was interrupted by a buzzing from his pocket. 'Tira? What does she want?'

Umbra read through the text and raised an eyebrow. "Party?" Lux walked over and examined the message. "What a coincidence, I received an invitation for this event earlier this week." Lux picked up his cane and began to walk. "Well, let's be off. It won't be good if we're tardy."

Umbra was barely able to get out a response as he tried to catch up with Lux. "W-Wait! I can't go to a party. I have to go home to the girls." Lux looked at the Shadow and tapped him on the head with his cane. "Ow! What was that for?"

Lux placed his cane back on the ground and let out a breath. "I'm aware that you want to spend as much time with your children as possible and there's nothing wrong with that. However, you've been running yourself ragged trying to go above and beyond. You need to calm down and take a moment to relax."

Umbra stopped rubbing his head and looked forward. "But I-" Lux cut him off and continued to speak. "Even your daughters agree on this. They know you love them and they'd like to see you go out and enjoy yourself once in awhile. If not for yourself, do it for them. They're worried about their precious father."

After a few moments of silence, Umbra conceded. "Fine, I'll go." Umbra got in his car an started the engine. He stopped buckling his seatbelt when he noticed Lux get in the passenger seat. "What're you doing." Lux put on the seatbelt and faced forward. "Buckling up, it's the law." Umbra leaned forward. "That's not what I meant! Where's your car?" Lux set his cane on the floor and faced him. "I didn't drive. The opera isn't too far from here." Umbra raised a brow at the response. "Then how were you going to get to the party?" Lux's face remained straight as he leaned back in the seat. "I knew you'd cave."

Umbra's eyes twitched when he received the answer. 'Am I that easy to persuade!?' Umbra wanted to groan, but he ended up laughing. He hasn't felt like this in years. He started the engine and began to drive to the party.

As she came to a red light, the kraken frowned and shook her head. "No, but you don't need to lend me one of yours." Flashing Tira an awkward smile, Eona gestured to the large height difference between the two. "I'll probably trip over the dress." Giggling softly, Eona turned her eyes back to the road and slowly pressed on the gas pedal as the light turned green.

It was true, Eona was quite short compared to her fellow monsters. True, 5'4 was just a below average height, but Eona did want to be taller, too bad she had already stopped growing. "Maybe I should get those limb lengthening surgeries...?" The kraken pondered upon it as she turned a corner and parked by Tira's home. As the kraken pulled the key out, she decided against it, knowing how the procedure worked. They would break the bone, set it apart a bit, put a cast on and then wait for the bones to grow together. It was quite the painful process.
Maiko smiled her arms crossed against her chest. She covered up her mess tossing the empty roll of toilet paper and after cleaning her brush and plait put those away too. She then followed Benjamin to the bathroom playing with her feather like it was a prize. Unlike most pranksters she was not only various but always told her prankee what had happened to them and who did it.

"Oh my what a mess." She snickered now feeling safe to laugh. As far as this Neko knew the boy did not know it was her and she could have been just a passerby, but suddenly she smelled the blood, not being a full vampire yet it did not bother her, at least not the way it did normal vampires. She swallowed keeping her composure forcing herself to swallow away the sudden feeling in her gut, this was not a nice feeling and she she did not like it. "Wha- what happened to you?" She asked more addressing his hand then her prank but figured it would go either way.

Maiko did not look nine, not like her sister Carly at least, her eyes were cuts and huge her hair was short and still appeared to have the childish curls that form in children's hair when it is thin and non adult like yet. But she was taller then Carly, standing she looked to be 12 or thirteen in height and she was thin all usual child baby fat having disappeared from this child. Her eyes were also a deeper shade of blue then normal blue eyes, it might have been because she was blue eyed still, perhaps it was her vampire genes whatever it was she did not look nine.



The long haired girl blinked not knowing what colours this girl was rambling on about. Her family funded the crayola company but she had no involvement with it herself. She blinked but tried to remain in the know. She searched her mind for a response both crafty and on subject. "You seem like a girl who knows her colours Amia-San! I may assume safely you love to colour?" Carly was still beaming with her smile, she loved to smile and aside from playing with her cats tail it was her most favourite thing to do.

{ @paipai900 sorry Carly's post is so short. xD }
Tira grinned as she opened, the door, stepping out. "I guess I am slightly taller than you..." She mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck softly. "Anyway, come on in~" She chimed, closing the car door as she walked up to her house. Pulling the keys from her pocket she opened her house door and stepped inside. She quickly ran upstairs, calling out Eona. "Close the door behind you!" She shouted as she ran into her room. Walking inside she rushed to her wardrobe.

Panicking she came downstairs, holding up the hem of her dress as she appeared in the kitchen. She wore a dark red dress that reached the floor with two golden straps at her torso. Wearing little to no make up she was pulling on her black heels, a frown on her lips. Her blonde hair was let out so it fell in wavy locks to her waist. Some hair was pulled back, clipped by a small red flower at the side of her head. She glanced at Eona with a small, uncomfortable laugh as she brushed her dress down. "There."

(That is her outfit. Eona, in your next post just say we went to the party as I need to go through a few alerts)
Arriving at his local timeshare, Leuther took his few minutes of spare time to relax and mediate... no, not meditate, mediate; his mind was currently a battleground about what he should do about his current situation.

You guys need more interaction that doesn't involve eachother, three thousand years together has made you a bit... snipey.

After solving a few disputes like 'Is this my husband or my brother?' (both), 'Is Zeus cheating on me?' (When isn't he?), and Leuther's personal favorite: 'Does this make my butt look big' (For the LAST TIME, Aphrodite, I can't see you, I can only hear you.)

Leuther glanced at the clock and sighed

Is this what having kids is like?

Leuther never really thought about a family before, he could easily support them, but he didn't want any offspring of his ending up like that sleazebag that killed Ali. Would he be able to spend time with them and keep them safe? If he had to have twenty-four hour surveillance in a two block radius around each place he visited to prevent death threats from being carried out on him, how could he guarantee the safety of his children?

By this time Leuther had gotten entirely ready for his meeting, replacing his signature clover in his lapel with a fresh one from cold storage. Now all he had to do was choose a mode of transport; be a showoff and arrive by wing? No, then he'd just be tired when he got there. Hire a limousine? On such short notice? No. He decided on the custom sports car he'd designed himself to be both street legal, photoelectrically powered, and land-speed record-breaking.

Here goes for real-world driving test number two...
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{ @paipai900 sorry Carly's post is so short. xD }
((Nyet. It's fine. :3 I've posted shorter 'cause I'm a loser xD ))


As the sphinx bent down to clean his mess up, he ignored the laughter that came from the girl who followed him into the boy's washroom. "Life." Benjamin muttered as his usual pessimistic side showed as he stood up and threw the pieces of glass away into the garbage. Deciding that cleaning all of this up would take much too long, Benjamin sighed and thought that he was already tired, might as well get even more.

With a flick of his wrist, the mess was gone and thrown into the garbage as Benjamin stumbled out of the washroom, suddenly feeling very tired. He was only half a sphinx after all, using his magic took quite the toll on his body. Falling back onto the couch, Benjamin did his best to ignore the pain using his sphinx magic gave him, he didn't want to think about whoever pulled this prank on him either. Couldn't they just let a cat sleep peacefully for once?


Beaming proudly at Carly, Amia stood happily, her chin tilted up with accomplishment. "I'm an artist!" The half sphinx giggled softly as she posed for the imaginary camera, even if those were for models and super stars. "My masterpieces are hung all over the house!" Amia used big movements as she spoke, a cheerful grin on her face. "Papa says that I'm very good at colouring!" Folding her arms over her chest, Amia pushed a stray stand of raven black hair behind her ears. "Even Ben keeps all of my drawings! I'm just that good!"

Feeling very proud of herself, Amia stopped boasting and glanced over to her sleeping father, a soft smile on her face. "One day, I want to draw a picture of papa and mama." The half sphinx said quietly, keeping her voice low so that her sleeping father wouldn't catch it. Amia always saw children with their mothers, and yes, she was happy with her father already, but Amia couldn't help but yearn for a motherly touch.
Leuther texted his business partner to make sure "You have this place locked down, right?" While he waited for a reply, he kept his eyes on the shadowy figure by the corner. The amber flare of a cigarette gave off very little light, but with his eyes, Leuther was able to make out the face of this mystery man. He quickly took a high aperture image with his glasses, sending it to his phone and sending it through his database... 'No match'

Then why do I have this sinking feeling?
((Hey ya'll, what's happening? Can I get a recap? My class got canceled so I have 2hrs and 20 minutes of time to kill until I can go home so I don't want to spend it being lonely :3))

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