Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(You mean the reunion? Because I keep assuming that's going to actually start, but maybe they're going to all stand outside for several hours then leave?)
She rubbed the back of her neck softly, a small frown on her lips as she blushed at her rambling. Stupid habit. Watching Umbra struggle she almost wanted to laugh. It was such a sight she missed that she just giggled behind her hand for a moment before coughing it off. "Boss? Oh, what do you do Umbra? And father?" A grin came to her lips. "Tell me!~" She whined. This was definitely familiar. The last time she was doing this, she was trying to find out what Lux meant about 'mates'. Unfortunately, Tira was a medic no matter what so when he mentioned three hours sleep she seemed to gain a dark glare. "Three hours? Do you know how bad that is for you Umbra?" She asked, her arms folded under her torso as she glared slightly. "You should care for yourself more."
{yeah... Uh... right...It just ended like a few posts back.... Apparently we are hobos... just standing around like the mental and talking xD , oh and sleeping too.}
Leuther stood, leaning against his car, listening into the conversation from twenty yards away, on the other side of the gate. Can I get through the gate without them noticing? No, they're too close, even if I made it through the gate, I'd still have to get up to the manor. Leuther heard that Umbra was a father. Maybe I can ask him what parenthood is like... and how he proposed. Leuther had carried a ring on him wherever he went for the past four years, waiting... hoping.
"R-Right. I'm sorry.." Umbra rubbed the back of his neck feeling like he was getting lectured by his mother. Well, if he had a mother that is...

Umbra focused on her questions, hoping to avoid a lecture. "I run many businesses and invest in others." It was tough work, but it paid a lot. He had no idea how he became this successful. Back in high school, he would've been ecstatic if he could've even been a delivery boy.

When Umbra heard Tira ask about his fatherhood, a large smile appeared in his face. He loved to talk about his children. "I have five daughters!~" He pulled out a photo from his wallet and showed it to his friend. He began pointing to each of his daughters. "That's Yuki, Weiss, Album, Efrrein, and Luna!" The picture was taken last Christmas around the large tree. Their white hair a stark contrast from Umbra's black hair. The only thing that could've made the picture better, was if his wife could've been in it.
((I heard someone tag me, what's up? Sorry, that I'm not replying a lot right now but I'd rather not have my dinner burnt because I was too busy rping, so I'll be kind of on and off for a bit. xP))
Tira smiled softly at Umbra as she nodded. "Good! Take better care of yourself of people will get worried." She would know considering her niece was constantly put in her own hospital. It pained so much to see that once lively girl become hidden by her illness. A small amount of regret shone through her features before she smiled again, listening carefully. "Oh? " She could never of guessed what job Umbra would of got, it was a mystery she couldn't solve a couple years ago. So he grinned once again when he showed her the picture. "They are beautiful girls Umbra~...but where is their mother?" She asked. "They don't really look like you."
A sad smile appeared on Umbra's face as he put the picture back in his wallet. "They take after their mother. Unfortunately...she isn't with us anymore..." Lux put a hand on Umbra's shoulder, hoping that he didn't become depressed. He remembered how he had lost the drive to do anything years ago after her death. "But, we support each other. After all, she wouldn't want us to be sad forever." His eyes trailed over his wedding ring. That was a day he would treasure for the rest of his life.
She looked at Umbra sadly, feeling quite bad for bringing that up. "I apologize...I should of thought more about it Umbra." She stated, looking at the ground worriedly before she turned back. "E-Eona! C-come see Umbra!" She called out, a small plastered smile on her face. Turning back to Umbra and Lux she smiled. "We should go inside.." She mumbled before motioning them to follow as she walked inside the oh so familiar mansion. She walked happily through the halls, enjoying the thought. Then her brother and sister appeared, Leila in tow. The girl ran up to Tira, brightening her mood as she picked the four year old up, settling her on her waist. "Tira!" Kai called out, enveloping his sister in a tight hug that made the poor girl choke. Mai quickly sent a punch to her brother/husbands forehead, watching him slide to the ground. "Well...he deserved that..."Pause. "Hello Leila." She whispered, pinching the small girls cheek as she saw the girl smile. "Tira." Leila whispered, wrapping her arms around her neck. Tira looked over at Mai, a cold expression on her face. "Her health?" Mai shook her head, rubbing her temples. "Charlotte suggested we bring her over tomorrow so you can check her up." Tira paused before nodding. "Ill do that before I have to speak..." The girls arms tightened, both her parents noticing this left the girl with Tira. As usual. Tira sighed before she went over to a chair, ignoring the music and dancing to sit the girl down as she kneeled down. "Relax...okay?" She set her hands over the girls shoulders as her fingers became enveloped in a dark light that seemed to shimmer around Leila.
Leuther slipped into the mansion after them, flinching when kai came running in the room, but relaxing when he made no notice of Leuther. (Brb)
"We'll join the party in a moment. Black and I have something to discuss." Umbra raised a brow at that. He didn't know of anything he had to talk to Lux about. Nevertheless, he followed the Gleam, grabbing a glass of wine along the way. He could really use a drink right now.

Umbra and Lux entered an empty room, careful that nobody could hear. Lux shut the door quietly and Umbra took a seat in one of the chairs. "So, what did we need to talk about?" Umbra took a drink of the wine and faced forward. "Something about your music? Do you want to take the girls on a vacation again? I'd think that they'd enjoy that, it was really fun last ti-" Before he could finish, Lux cut him off. "She's alive."

Umbra nearly dropped his glass. "W-Who's alive?" Umbra's hand was shaking. He could only hope Lux was saying what he thought he was. "Your wife."

Umbra jumped out of his chair and grabbed Lux by the shoulder's. "Are you sure!? How do you know!? But that's impossible!" Lux placed Umbra back in he chair, helping him regain his composure. He knew he's react that way.

"I mean, I was there. She was killed. I was sure of it." Lux leaned against the wall and let out a breath. "It turns out that she was reforming in Limbo after all." Umbra's smile grew insanely large. "This is great! When will she be back!? I can't wait! Why aren't you smiling?..."

Lux sighed, not looking forward to this part of the explanation. "Umbra, as an immortal, she should've reformed in under a week, but that didn't happen. It's been years since they attacked you. Under no circumstances should it take this long for a Gleam to reconstruct their soul."

Umbra's smile faded and he began to think about this. "Then what does this mean?" Umbra had a hunch, but he hoped he wasn't right.

Lux's face turned grave. "They're getting stronger. This time it took years and it could take decades next time, but eventually we won't be coming back at all. His hands clenched over his cane. "If things continue like this, all monsters will be eradicated from the world. They've learned his to kill immortals and nobody is safe. This includes you and you're family."

Umbra's hair shadowed his eyes as he listened to Lux. "Umbra, I know how you felt when they attacked before and I know how you hated yourself for it. I'm concerned about you and I need to know something. Now that they can really kill us without issue, everything is at stake. If they attack your family again, what will you do?"

Umbra rose from his seat, hair I shadowing his eyes. They were cold and ruthless. Those eyes promised something and it wasn't good. The glass in his hands shattered into pieces, shards everywhere. "I'll kill them..."
Leuther heard glass break and felt a wave of pure rage waft from the other room.

Ooh, go see what's happenning

I agree


Leuther tapped one of the nearby servants when the meal would be ready

"Thirty minutes at most, sir"

Leuther sighed, realizing he couldn't calm all the gods for half an hour without investigating the noise, so he entered the room, sporting Lux and Umbra, and their statures

"Woah, what happened, guys?"
Umbra and Lux took note of Leuther entering the room. Umbra went back to normal and smiled at seeing Leuther. "I didn't know you were coming to the party." Lux and Umbra walked out of the room, deciding to focus on the issue later. "Do you know Tira's father?"
(@paipai900 Nessa and Umbra talked about his family and everyone went inside when things got awkward. After entering, Lux and Umbra went to talk in private and you can read what it was about on the last page. You're probably talking the private talk in the wrong way, aren't you?)

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