Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

Akihito said:
((Hey ya'll, what's happening? Can I get a recap? My class got canceled so I have 2hrs and 20 minutes of time to kill until I can go home so I don't want to spend it being lonely :3))
(Tira's family is having a business party, most people are finding excuses to be there)
((Ah okay, I don't know how Aeki will join that so I'll just read all of your posts as they go on. Sneaky like. :3))
((OH! You're waiting for me? Okay :D ))


Clapping her hands when she saw Tira, the kraken giggled joyfully as she took the phoenix's hand and began to dance around with her. "You look gorgeous!" Eona complimented the beautiful girl in front of her and spun Tira around, a silly grin plastered onto her face. Tugging at her own white lab coat, Eona pondered upon what she would wear to the party, it was a good thing she always kept a spare change of clothes in her car for events like these.

Putting a smile on her face, Eona and Tira exited the house and got into the kraken's car. Deciding that she would change once they got there, Eona hummed a light tune as she started the engine and drove off towards the party, having to ask Tira for directions every three seconds. "Which way is left?!"
Tira sat properly in the car, laughing softly at the Krakens confusion before she pointed down another street. "Go down there." She replied as she set her hands on her lap. "Thank you for the comment dear~" She cooed as she leaned back, huffing a sigh of relief as she looked over at the sights. She seemed to hum softly, enjoying the scenery. "I hope this party will cheer you up Eona dear..." She whispered, focusing on the road ahead.
Maiko laughed slightly as the sphinx walked past her. She was tempted to follow the boy but something caught her attention, the shattered glass in the trash can meant that he was mad, he blinked her blue eyes and followed him. She found him back in the room he was in before and raced in plopping down next to him closing her eyes and crossing her arms over her flat chest.

"Your hurt." She whispered looking over the boy, it was in her occupation to make everyone irritated with her. She paid no mind to the act he was tiered, she was always tiered, always weak and sickly but she never let it get to her, like Carly she was stronger then Melinda but related to her nonetheless. She placed her hand over his injured one and it begun to glow a faint green colour. When she pulled her hand away his was healed, she then blushed and kissed his forehead and darted off. By doing that she gave him part of her life force, the part of her that made her human, it would make him less tiered mostly she did this for Melinda but Maiko had a bone that was caring, it might have been in her ear but it was there.

She raced off to find Coyoty and proceeded to literally collapse in the girl's arms when she picked Maiko up. With Coyoty's mind half on the cute boy she crushed on and half on Maiko we move on to Carly's lying self.



Carly's smile slowly begun to fade after the girl if her posing she giggled at that display finding it funny if not entertaining but when the girl spoke of her mother, Carly's face washed of all colour, her ears fell flat and she looked at the ground. Zephyr watching her closely could feel her distress. It even hurt to be told that Amia's sibling kept her drawings, her siblings never kept anything she made them, they just looked at her like she was not even of their race and moved on. Carly's own mother was never there for her, Coyoty was the closest thing to the girl's mother that most people believed that Coyoty was her mother. Her cat ears twitched and she literally shut that part of herself off and begun beaming a smile finishing her hidden thoughts f what to say.

Living with vampires she knew every way to get around them, a major jump in aura change would send and average vampire's senses flying and then they would be focused on that too much to read any minds. "My mamma is always praising me," lie one executed with such skill it could not have been a full lie, Coyoty always cherished what Carly did, no mater what it was Coyoty was not her mother though. "And web I draw and stuff she puts it into a frame and sticks it on the fridge and everything!" Coyoty did frame one of Carly's drawings and though unused as it was Carly's drawings covered the fridge but again Coyoty was not her mother.

Zephyr's jaw dropped, he was not so sure this could be Gemina's daughter, Carly was so loose with her lips, she lied so incredibly well even he was confused on what she meant. He could not say anything because most of what she said was true. As mentioned but Coyoty did all if that, Coyoty was clearly just like her mother and just as motherly as the coven leader. He blinked his red eyes and watched Amia for her reaction, now he was silently questioning if Carly would take her vampire form early she was learning conning at an incredible rate.

{YAY!!!! ~jumps up and down~ wait none if you know why I am jumping, OH WELL! I like secrets!!!!}
{Wait who is this party for...? Anyone or...? I find that if Mary showed up things might get a tad interesting... Wait- I can't because Mary is a Mary Sue and is the definition of God Modding and Power Playing... >\\\<}
((Yup yup yup. I think Ajax has slept long enough. The reunion has ended, yes? Well, I'm going to have the sphinx family leave now so I don't have to rush back and forth to reply. :3))

Ajax, Sleeping Ben, and Amia

With the sleeping Benjamin on his back, the sphinx sneakily grabbed Amia from behind and swung the child around, both with a joyful look on their faces. Ajax decided to let his son sleep after he broke the mirror, using sphinx magic was nothing to him, but he was a pure sphinx, with his children's human blood, it would be a lot harder for them to use their magic.

"Thank you for making friends with my daughter." Ajax nodded curtly to Carly as he took Amia in his arms, supporting both children easily. If only they had scruffs, carrying his two little kits would be so much more easier.

Amia frowned playfully at her father, a cheerful glint in her eyes. "You don't have to be so formal, papa!" Giggling softly, Amia began to climb all over the older sphinx, making her way to hang on one of his arms like a koala.

Chuckling lightly, Ajax then bid adieu to everyone as Amia waved goodbye to her new found friend, stifling a small yawn. It had been a long day for both of the children, no wonder Benjamin was out like a light.
The black sports car pulled up to the curb and Umbra cut off the engine. The two men stepped out of the car and made their way to to the door. Umbra had some associates in this business, but he hadn't known that he had been dealing with Tira's father.

Umbra looked at himself and Lux. More specifically, he was looking at their clothes. "I guess we're lucky we didn't change after leaving work, huh?" They were both dressed suitably for a party like this, if not more professional. But, that didn't mean they weren't stylish.

As the kraken pulled up to the house - mansion - Eona beamed brightly as she crawled to the back and brought out a bag which contained her "go to fancy party" dress. As a well known marine biologist, she was often invited to fancy parties, lots of them were quite short noticed, so she began to keep a go-to dress in her car. Her secretary was the one who thought of the idea.

Crawling to the very back of her car, Eona hummed a light tune as she began to change into the dress she had brought, not even bothering to put that much make up on, mascara and eyeliner were enough already. Besides, it wasn't like she was going to get married today or anything. Slipping on the dress and heels, Eona stepped out of the car and hurried over to Tira to open the door for her.

"After you, princess." Eona beamed cheerfully at her dragon friend as she held the door for her and entered in after. Hoping she looked alright, Eona brushed down her dress and glanced around the room, observing the scene.

((And of course, Eona's go-to dress))
(Since everyone is posting a visual for their charcter's clothes, I...wil not be doing that. They're wearing what they are on their character sheets. Pages 1 and 3 on the sign up page.)
Leuther got out of his car, stretching his back. Note to self, subtract from aerodynamics, add to head room. Leuther adjusted his bow tie. He was wearing a bow tie for two reasons: bow ties are cool... and he didn't know how to tie a windsor knot. Leuther checked to make sure other people were actually showing up. His mouth fell open when he saw Eon a enter the party with... Tina? Tira? Mr. Aoede's daughter. "Wow," he said softly to himself, looking at every detail of the lacy white dress. Leuther quickly closed his mouth and waited for Umbra and Lux to enter before he did.
Tira watched Eona climb into the back before she laughed. Eona was always a girl who would make you laugh. It was inevitable. With a grin she stepped out, pushing all her hair over one shoulder as she chuckled. "Thank you my prince!~" She cooed, brushing her dress down. She looked at the mansion with a grimace, suddenly beginning to shake as she began to look really uncomfortable. She still hated talking, this time it was to a mass of people! With a small whine she pouted before she began to walk in, only to notice Umbra. With a grin she walked over to him, bringing the shade into a hug. "Umbra! Lux!" She exclaimed, hugging them both. Releasing them she grinned. "How are you both?" She asked, her hands interlocked in front of her.
Umbra smiled when he saw his friend. "I'm fine. I'm looking forward to the party, but I can't stay long." Once again, Lux tapped Umbra's head with the cane. "Why did you do that again!?" That was the second time that cane had caused him head pain today. "You're staying for at least an hour. Like I said, they and I both want you to relax."
Tira smiled happily, looking at Lux and Umbra. "Im glad you came! It doesn't matter how long you stay after all, as long as you have fun!" She replied before glancing behind her. She had to avoid Kai. She watched the interaction between the two with a small chuckle. It was amusing, seeing these two together. "Wait, Umbra, do you not relax? That is bad for you." She stated, putting her hands on her hips. "What if you collapse from exhaustion or..." With that the girl went on rambling before she stopped in a gasp. "S-sorry about that. I've be stuck at work for to long."
"I-It's fine." Tira certainly had a lot of breath to ramble for the long. "It's not that I'm not relaxing. It's...Well I-" Seeing as how Umbra was struggling to get out a sentence, Lux interjected. "He's been pushing himself lately. Between being the boss at work and trying to be the best father as possible, Black here doesn't get much rest." Umbra turned to face Lux, trying to argue with the statement. "That's not true! I got...three hours of sleep last night..."
Prowlzerz said:
(I know this question doesn't always get answered on this RP, but what have I missed?)
{Ah, I think everyone is going to a party I guess but I CANNOT MOVE UNTIL MY RP PARTNER RETURNS! ~Weeps~}

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