Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

((Dear Poseidon, this took much too long to write such a short paragraph... ^^"))


Sitting at the coast of Greece, Eona had dazed off as she stared off into the horizon of the ocean, falling into her own little world to peacefulness. An air of serenity washed over the kraken as a faint smile grew on her face, her blue eyes glazing over as she felt her body go numb. It was a calming moment, away from all the stress of reality. Eona still had to finish typing up those conclusion papers that were due in a few days.

We could've had it all!~ Rollin' in the deep!~

Snapping out of her blank daze, Eona scrambled around to find her phone, immediately answering the call as she found it in the pocket of her lab coat. "Hello?" Eona mumbled into the phone as she calmed down slightly, leaning back on her hands, her gaze still on the ocean she called home.
((Sorry, didn't see the post. ^^"))


Pausing for a moment, Ajax didn't know whether to go along with Kima's words or continue talking with him. It was rather nice to chat with his high school friend, they still had a lot to catch up on. Clutching the phone in his right hand, Ajax leaned over to go check the dining room and almost dropped the phone when he saw the utter chaos it was in. "Kids started a food fight," the sphinx muttered into the phone quickly and tried to regain his composure before heading into the battlefield that was the dining room. "I'll talk to you later, bye." Hanging up, Ajax placed the phone back down and hurried into the dining room, an angered look on his face. Oh, Anubis. This was quite the mess.

((I don't know what's happening in this RP anymore.....?))
"Eona!" Leuther cleared his throat and took on a more smooth tone "Eona, hello. This is Leuther, I wanted to tell you I'm out of the hospital and I... I was wondering... Do you want to get dinner tomorrow? I mean... It's okay if you don't want... I just... I'll hang up now" Leuther said, but didn't end the call, hanging desperately onto a slim hope.

(I think Lucem has something planned, but Nanashi disappeared of the face of the planet)
(Stopping in to say hello. Ill be doing a post to enter flynn in tomorrow, but I apologize for not doing so earlier. For some reason I stopped getting alerts, hence why I seemed to leave the planet for awhile lol)
Kima sighed as he put down his phone and stood up. He didn't have any need for clothing as Dodomeki lacked sexual organs but he was required to wear a silver whistle around his neck that was designed specifically to stop most monsters in their tracks. It was more of a measure to keep angry students from causing others harm than anything else. Before he could reach his door there was a knock. Opening it he was faced with a small imp floating at eye level with a clip board almost the size of it's body. The imp spoke with a shrill unpleasant voice as it stared at it's clip board. "Mr. Kima I am sorry to inform you that Mr. Manly did not show up for work today. You will be required to teach his PE classes as you two are the only ones who the school believes are qualified. I understand that you two teach different PE courses but please try your best to teach the children dancing and not kendo." Before Kima could even say a word the imp was flying away and Kima was left there with a clipboard covered in names of students he was now to teach dancing. "How in the hell's do they expect me to teach Dancing! The only time I've ever danced was with Ajax and that was years ago." Angry and worried Kima began to walk off towards his first class, luckily one of the Kendo courses he was supposed to teach.

Listening carefully to Leuther's words, Eona's mouth opened and closed as she tried to say something but was cut off by the man on the other side of the phone. Hearing that he was out of the hospital, Eona's eyebrows upwards as she felt the corners of her lips twitched into a smile. "Really? How are you feeling?" Hugging her knees to her chest, Eona stared off into the distance, but continued to listen to Leuther's words. Butterflies fluttered around her stomach as she suppressed a soft giggle. Dinner would be nice. "Okay," A light blush of pink dusted over Eona's cheeks as she pushed herself off the sand beach and headed towards the main streets. "Would it be alright if I stay at your place again?" Chuckling nervously, Eona stood at the side walk, realizing that she didn't have any money to rent a room.
Leuther's face turned bright red at the fact that he had spoken too fast to listen for a response, but answered the questions in order "Yeah, I'm, uh, wheelchair-bound because of the shot to the gut, but I should be up and about in no time... Sure, you could stay, I have the timeshare for another week. Um, do you need a ride or anything?" Leuther asked, not sure what else to say.

(Pretty soon things should pick up once people have settled into their school routine)
Kima let out a long sigh as he walked into the gym and looked over his first class. It was a pretty good mix of different monsters and genders, but he noticed that a lot of them were smaller and less muscular. He figured they had heard about him and figured because of his own size the class wouldn't be as hard as Mr. Manly's. Kima had to admit having a giant Minotaur for a PE teacher made the class look that much harder. He paced back in forth on front of the class as he called out roll and with each student calling here he handed out a properly sized shinai for practice. He had a wide selection of sizes but it was always a challenge to find the right size sword for a student. Once he had finished he looked them over one last time before speaking. "This is an alternative PE class to the one usually taught by Mr. Manly. Instead of conventional PE you will be learning Kendo. The class is not broken up into units like a normal class and will progress as slowly as the weakest student. Please keep that in mind and try not to be too slow. Now let us begin with the bare basics." Kima had decided to do his first day running through the stances and the proper way to hold a sword. It was no surprise to him that holding a sword the right way was something that stumped a few students, but it was still a little annoying to handle without prior teaching experience.
(Huh. It doesn't seem so active around here anymore. Anyway, what's happening?)

Okeneka dragged her feet across the sidewalk, her head hung. This sucks, she muttered to herself, wrinkling her nose up at the horrible stench that still lingered on her. She was having a bad day. It was one thing she was lost, and another that she hadn't a bit of the scribbled on paper that most people seemed to be able to exchange for valuables and a place to stay. Some poorly-dressed man that smelled and seemed to live in a box had convinced her that the big box with a gross white seat was a magical machine of wonders, and locked her inside while he took her bag of the green sheets of paper. No one had really been kind to her at all in this outre city.

Oh yeah, and she had totally lost her memory. She couldn't remember a single thing before today. Is that a bad thing? Maybe I don't want to remember. She sighed and kicked a coke can, watching it roll into the gutter.

Huh? There suddenly seemed to be a strange rumbling coming from her abdomen. What could this mean? Puzzled, Okeneka wrapped her arms around her stomach for protection and scanned the area. What could the cure for this empty feeling be? Smacking her lips, a strange sensation flooded her nostrils, drawing her to its source. It seemed to be coming from the glass door on the side of a fancy building. Buoyantly bounding over to the establishment, her arms floated beside her with an over-emphasized flambuoyancy, and her toes staggered over the pavement. Skipping to a halt in front of the door, she noticed a sheet of paper with the same kind of squiggly lines she had often seen on other things stuck to it. It didn't make sense to her at all... setting her chin on her palm, she rocked back on her heels trying to make sense of the queer writing.
((give me all your children to teeeaaaaccchhh muahahahahahahahaha! Nah I be joking, kinda, anyway if anybody wants to play little children in Kima's class and let me touch I mean teach them that would be great if not I have a back up plan))

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