Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(Nope, he is their plaything, they never really help directly, plus they never agree on how to help, It's a really inefficient system)
Kraus was content watching the foolish people panic outside, watching them cry for the dead. He loved it. A grin came to his lips as he rest his head against the window, silver eyes narrowed in amusement. However, his mood was disrupted when a voice that was unknown to him spoke up. He turned upon the man and took in the sight. He growled, silver eyes becoming a dull red as the rumble escaped his throat. "Release Jiroko or I will slaug-" "Calm down Kraus."

Jiroko frowned, feeling the knife pressed to his throat as he continued to remains till despite the cold chill that ran off from Kraus. The hydra was definitely to protective. He sighed before he spoke. "I am Jiroko, that is Kraus. We found you unconscious on the street after an earthquake...for reasons I will not say we couldn't take you to the hospital so we brought you here with us." He replied calmly, feeling that Kraus was...calming down slightly. "Please lower your weapon..." He knew Kraus and he knew that the man would do anything for his safety. He needed the guy to put his weapon down.
"I see." He put his weapons away and released his hold on the man. He had no reason to say that they were lying. After all, his wound had been treated. Not being able to admit him to a hospital was suspicious, but he wouldn't call them on it. He had no reason to distrust them at the moment, so he would not harm them...for now. If they have him any reason to doubt, they were dead.

"I apologize and I thank you for treating my wounds." He wasn't the kind of person who who would snub their efforts. Credit was given where credit was due.

He observed the two closely, taking in every single characteristic, even their posture. He had no doubts about his analysis. "You two are monsters, yes?" If they would deny thr statement, he would then have reason to doubt. He hates liars with a passion.
Kraus settled down, standing straight as he put his hands into his pockets. He glared at the unknown man who they had picked up. 'Ungrateful little brat...' The hydra thought as he sighed. Jiroko would be upset if he attacked him and he didn't want to see Jiroko upset. With a shrug he walked back over to the window, sitting back on the sill once more. "You are welcome." He stated firmly before he once again was watching those tiny little people run around in panic.

Jiroko stood up from his position, his fingers reaching up to rub his neck as he gave the man a smile. "Your welcome! and you don't need to apologize at all!" He paused, grinning. He was surprised Kraus spoke. "Anyone would react like that if they woke up in a unfamiliar place." He brushed down his black and gold uniform before he smiled, setting his hands upon his waist. "Monsters?" The boy looked clueless before he worked it out, slamming his fist on his open palm. "Oh! Yeah, we are. I'm a Crusnik, he is a hydra."
'The one who sucks the life of his fellow fallen and the one of many heads, slain by the Greek. I forgot these two even existed.' "I see." At the moment, the two didn't seem the least bit threading, but he would not lower his guard. You let your guard down, you are either killed or betrayed. It was a simple lesson he pounded into his head religiously.

He looked out the window, slight captivate by what he saw. It'd been quite awhile since he'd seen a standing building or even a living thing for that matter. It really took him back. Unfortunately, he didn't want to be taken back. He pulled himself away from the window and faced the life-eater. He seemed more likely to tell him what he wanted to know. "Where are we located?" 
(Pai, that is literally impossible...)
Kraus moved away from the male as he approached the window, eventually he was stood next to Jiroko, his hands resting upon his waist as he moved behind the Crusnik. His eyes were narrowed as the silver turned to a angry grey. "Ishika." He stated, tempted to try kill the man now. His presence irritated the Hydra and he was going to make that as clear as possible.

Jiroko just laughed happily. He had his arms stretched above him as he left his guard down. Kraus would move to protect him, then he would put his guard up. IF that happened. He grinned over at the man before out stretching his hand. "You know our names, what is yours?" He asked excitedly as the boy practically jumped happily around the room. "OH, what are you?"
He reluctantly shook the hand, looking for any signs of trickery. He would be stupid to instantly trust these two. Trust is earned and not given. Even if they are to earn your trust, you are still not to trust them. These are the laws he abides by. They are crafted by his hand and are followed out by his mind and body.

His eyes widened a bit from beneath the mask. 'Ishika?' He looked out the window once more, to see that it was indeed the city he was familiar with. He looked away from the buildings in distaste. There was nothing good about what this city meant for him.

He listened to the man's question and kept his arms at his side. "Call me what you wish and think of me as you will."
He looked curious instead of cautious now, was it because of the fact he knew that Jiroko was so calm. The Crusnik rarely made mistakes despite his stupidity so...With a sigh he pushed the hair from his face, a stern look on his face. The man didn't trust them and he wasn't so sure about him. He sighed, folding his arms over his torso. He decided to loose himself in the memories of his deceased master.

Jiroko smiled despite the horrible answer he received. He shook his hand before letting it drop back to her waist. "Ill call you Mask then!" With that the idiot began to laugh, proud the name. Kraus snapped out of his memories long enough to whack the Crusnik on the head before walking over to take a seat. Jiroko rubbed his skull, pouting and glaring at Kraus. "So...why are you here?"
He leaned against the wall, keeping his eyes trained on the two. "Your guess is as good as mine." He hadn't the foggiest idea of why he was here. Although, only one man came to his mind when situations like these came to mind. He would rip the head of that snake.

Mask? Not exactly an original name, but neither was the name he went by nowadays. Although, the name did hold meaning to it. His old name didn't matter anymore. That man was dead to the world. Mask was fine for the moment. It didn't seem like he would be in their company for very long anyway. The Hydra looked like he wanted to rip his head off. Then again, that would be extremely difficult.
((alright so I am going to assume since so much happened and Ajax never responded to Kima that a day or two has passed could I get a short summary of the events that transpired I just got off my plane))
He shook his head, yawning slightly as he laid down on the bed, his arms propped up behind him on the pillows. As if he wanted to be awake. "Do what you wish Jiroko." He whispered, knowing full well that the Crusnik would do it regardless of his decision, him allowing it just stopped the kid from apologizing over and over later one.

Jiroko grinned, nodding to his near asleep partner as he sat down on the same bed that Kraus was on. "Well! We can help you as much as you need." He paused, putting his hands on his lap as he leaned forwards slightly when Kraus shifted. "If we weren't prepared to help out we shouldn't of saved you at all!" Knowing Kraus, it would of been that they would quickly check him over before leaving. "Okay Mask?"
(Goodnight. Dark, Ajax did respond, it's not too many pages far back. Well, Mr. Manly was killed, so you should probably go back an read that. Mundus triggered an 'earthquake.' and a new character fell out of a portal. He was then taken to a hotel to get patched up.)
(IM NOT GOING TO SLEEP ;n; Im going to go asleep when you all do so I don't have to be bored all point going off now anyway.)
((ah found it!))

Kima sighed and looked down. "It's nice to hear you got to live a normal life Ajax, well I guess I should leave you be, you probably have stuff to do." It was obvious that Kima didn't want to hang up and that he didn't want to leave Ajax to his life, but if he had grown in any way it was his ability to understand social situations better. "Anyway it was nice talking to you again Ajax." He was fighting himself to shut the phone or not his thumb hovering over the end call button but not moving. 
((Red mr. Manly and just got the Earthquake part though Mr. Manly is probably the only thing that Kima would really carre about since they are coworkers in a sort of way now))
He simply nodded at the man's question and remained where he was. He still wasn't going to fully trust these two. He had been fed those lines over and over. He was a fool to believe them only once. Of course, it was a different world at that time, but he was a fool nonetheless.

He would've left right then and there, but he that would've been foolish. This place could've been just as dangerous as where he was from and it would've been idiotic to rush out there. Besides, he needed information. There were gaps that needed filling and these two were his best option.
Jiroko grinned before nodding. "Well, Is there anything you want to do specifically?" He asked as he walked over to the now sleeping Kraus, slamming his fist into the Hydra's stomach. "Up Up! We will take the ash to the market at another time! We are going to help our dear friend Masky right now!" He cheered, making the Hydra glare.

Kraus growled, throwing himself off the bed as he stood up. He was definitely having a good rest tonight. He walked over to the side of the room towards their bag. He knelt down, opening it as he began to rummage through the stuff while Jiroko began to do his gold and black coat up properly. "Everything is here." His voice monotone as he brought the bag over his shoulder so that it was with him.

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