Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(So yeah, I just planned the end of this role play. The final fight and all. I played some BGM while picturing it and I'm not gonna lie, things got intense. I played one particular song while imagining a certain death that'll happen. Feels. Feels all over the place.)
( I really hope so. I'm sticking with this RP until it or I die. If it dies, I'm bringing it back. If I die, I'm reincarnating...)
(*sniffle* you guys are like a family, a really dysfunctional and overly imaginative family.) 
(*dramatic piano playing *)
(Oh kaoso, if only you know. Only kidding :3 but seriously you don't need to be a programmer to get someone's IP >.>)
((Yes please, I would appreciate it if there aren't any threats on this roleplay. I don't know the whole story and if this is not the case, PM me everything so I know what's going on. Thanks.))
((Thanks bro, sorry to cause you some trouble. I got complaints about threats and such. I can see it was a simple mistake and just a joke. Again, thanks for being honest. Good Guy TheKaosophile.))
Klaus rolled his silver eyes, scanning the streets with a cautious gaze. As if he'd trust any idiot who would walk so worry free in the day. What if they were here to kill them? Useless existences. He turned to Jiroko, a frown on his lips. "Will you stop being so careless, how are we to go kill the unworthy if someone is so easily able to come kill you?" He asked, folding his arm as he watched the boy put the glass cylinder away.

Jiroko just laughed happily, closing his bag. "Careless? No, Im just happy Klaus!" He exclaimed, fist pumping the air for no...apparent...reason. He just smirked as he saw the tick at his partner's eye. He loved irritating the hydra. "Plus, they can't kill me and if they had the ability to I have a giant Hydra as a partner stupid." He replied, waving his friends concerns off dismissively.
(sometimes I forget that sarcasm and joking inflection cannot be heard over the Internet, I have been feeling a bit under the weather as of late and my mental filter has been spotty at best, Sorry again ^_^ ")
((I won't be on very much for the rest of the week, just to warn everyone.))

Mr. Manly

The minotaur's face went sullen at the mention of his daughter. Eyes glazing over like an animal, Mr. Manly's pupils began shrinking as the seconds went by. "You wouldn't dare," After taking a quick whiff of the green haired man - no, he couldn't even be called a man - boy, Mr. Manly raised an eyebrow as he recognized the scent of a snake. "She'd rip your head off easily, little snake." Lines developed over the years were easily shown on Mr. Manly's face as he frowned, usually there weren't that many lines when he was smiling, but now you could really see the full extent of his age.

Staying put where he was, Mr. Manly flashed back to the times of the gladiators and how he triumphed over every single one of the puny little creatures that tried to battle him, this snake wouldn't be that hard to crush. Feeling his muscles tense up, Mr. Manly's harsh stare seemed to stare straight into the boy's soul, if he even had one. Clenching his large hands into a tight fist, Mr. Manly readied himself to grab the boy off the tree and crack him like a chestnut roasting on an open fire. 

Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down once again, Eona then hurried over to the stranger, Leuther still hung over her shoulder. The sight was a little weird to watch, a small tiny woman carrying a large grown man over her shoulder, but this was Eona we were talking about, she stomps all over impossible. A worried look in her eyes, Eona didn't know what to do anymore as she stood in front of the man in black. "What's happening? Is he going to be alright? Black doesn't go well with your skintone," Eona blabbered off, her palms sweating like a pig.

(( in black....I want to watch Men In Black now!~))
Mundus continued to walk away, his face barely facing the Minotaur. "Scary.~ But, do you actually believe that she can defend herself?" His eyes were still closed, but beneath those lids were soul piercing eyes.

"A cow is bulky and slow. Those legs aren't so great for running away." The air began to thicken greatly as the green-haired man spoke. "All you have to do is slither up...And bite!~" His sharp canines poked out from beneath his smile, as his eyes opened to gaze at the Minotaur. Those eyes struck fear into men and monsters alike. The eyes of a killer that assured death to even the greatest of monsters.

"Bye Bye, Cow-kun!~ I'll make sure to say goodbye to your daughter for you!~"
((And now I want beef. Thanks, Lucy. -_- ))

Mr. Manly

Although the minotaur was large, those bulky muscles on his legs to push off quite fast. Eyes narrowing even more, Mr. Manly sprinted over to the snake and reached out to grab him, rage evident in his eyes. Yes, Mr. Manly knew that his daughter could defend herself, but what kind of parent would he be to let her even get near trouble? And this snake screamed trouble.

"You wouldn't dare." Mr. Manly's hand fell short of the snake as the tree was too tall for him to reach up. Growling lowly, the minotaur could feel himself changing, growing larger, hairier, stronger. The low growl shook the forest, literally. The trees trembled in fear at the sound, birds fleeing in terror, even the great grizzly bears ran into their caves to hide.

Fully transformed, Mr. Manly had a dangerous look in his eyes, his pupils shrinking to an inhumane size, then again, Mr. Manly was never human. It was quite unwise to anger a minotaur, a creature of war.
"It's going to be okay, miss. DuFrain is an expert, Mr. Katsaros will be fine." he laughed at the skin tone comment, just tell me what happened so I can put it on the incident report."

DuFrain worked on Luther, ripping open his shirt to get a better look at the worst wound, the one in his gut. After a few minutes of the medic working at dizzying speeds, the blood had stopped gushing from Leuther's stomach, and his breathing had returned to normal. An unmarked black sedan drove up to pick up Leuther and Eona and take them back to a Learjet to take them to Tira's hospital for Leuther to make a full recovery.

(because of pai's scarcity, it will take a while for Leuther to wake up.)
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"That was a close one, eh, Cow-kun?~" Mundus continued to avoid the Minotaur, leading him out of the area. The walking steak was consumed by rage, not thinking properly about his actions. Ah, what animals did for their young.

As he avoided the strikes, he led the man to an abandoned shack near the forest. He dodged like a snake, his moves fluid and slippery. There wasn't a single scratch on him.

When the angry teacher was inside, he stood in the center of the room. He made no movements and simply stood there with the same smile and closed eyes. "Now what will you do, Cow-kun?~ Hurry or I just might poison your precious calf.~"
(-Eats popcorn and watches- Don't know what to do, this is good to watch though.) 
(Anyone have an Idea what I should do with Kraus and Jiroko. If not I swear I will go disrupt sea-weed head and cow-dude)

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