Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

Leuther's phone began buzzing from in his pocket, then automatically pushed through to speakerphone "Boss, you okay? You dropped off GPS entirely and now your vitals are dropping... not that I chipped you in your sleep or anything" Stephen occasionally got a little overprotective of the hippogryph, treating him like a son, rather than an employer.
(You did say that pai. You said you thought it was Sunday and made yourself pretty for nothing then I said go outside anyway then and then you said it was raining and I said put a jacket on and take an adult. Did you take an adult Pai?)

'How hard is it to get a job as a professor anyway? There's loads of universities and I can't find a single one to apply for. How?' Tivien thought to himself as he walked down the busy street. While he was walking he noticed two men with identical clothing staring at a container containing ash, the ash was very mesmerising for ash and made Tivien stop and stare, "Wow," he muttered to himself, staring at the ash. Suddenly he realised what he was doing, shook his head and kept walking.
((.....I took an 18 year old, does that count? an 18 year old who's both shorter and weaker than me, but it still counts))
Mr. Manly

The sun was beginning to set as the sky was filled with an array of colours, ranging from a soft yellow to a deep liliac, it was quite the sight to admire. The ground trembled lightly as Mr. Manly closed the school gates and set out for his cozy home deep in the forest. Smiling in a rather manly way, the minotaur seemed to sparkle with manliness as he saw the sunset. Locking the gates up, Mr. Manly began his walk home, a serene smile on his muscular face.

"Today was a good day." Mr. Manly thought to himself as he entered the path to the shady forest, taking in the woodsy smell. Mr. Manly lived deep in the forest, even deeper than Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. The minotaur was practically beeming with delight! One of his precious students had finally learned how to lift 5kg with his index finger! Wiping a small - but manly - tear from his eye, Mr. Manly was so proud of his students, they were all finally learning the art of manliness.
((Just to tell you guys, I'll also be leaving soon and will probably be back tomorrow night. :3 Busy busy busy!~ ^^" Although, I might be on tonight, if I can get WiFi.))
A brustle was heard as the figure crouched on the tree branch. "Yo, Cow-kun!~" The man's light green hair waved in the wind, as all the sounds in the forest stopped. Mundus had become fascinated with Japan lately and thought that it would be fun to use some of their dialect. The country certainly made good candy.

He looked down at the Minotaur with closed eyes, thin smile adorning his face. It must have seemed odd for an apparent human to be in these parts and on a tree branch no less.
((Just to warn everyone, my replies will be very very slow))

Mr. Manly

Beaming in a very manly way, Mr. Manly the most manliest minotaur ever who sparkles like a diamond suddenly flexed his already bulging muscles, ripping his shirt off in process. "Hello there, civilian!" Mr. Manly's voice boomed through the woods, shaking the trees and causing birds to fly out.

Mr. Manly's muscles gleamed, even in the weak rays of the setting sun. Big and giant muscles throbbed as the minotaur flexed. There was so much manliness coming off from Mr. Manly, so much manliness that it could blind someone..
Mundus whistled at the sight before him. "You're quite the sparkly one, eh, Cow-kun~?" The Minotaur looked like a piece of rock candy. Speaking of, which, he was running low on that.

"You seem quite strong, eh? But, not strong enough to save your daughter. I wonder what would happen if I snapped her pretty little neck~. What do you think, Cow-kun?" He jumped off the branch, the smile still on his face. He walked away, waving to the man with his back turned. "I'll have the answer soon enough!~"
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TheKaosophile said:
Leuther's phone began buzzing from in his pocket, then automatically pushed through to speakerphone "Boss, you okay? You dropped off GPS entirely and now your vitals are dropping... not that I chipped you in your sleep or anything" Stephen occasionally got a little overprotective of the hippogryph, treating him like a son, rather than an employer.
(Just wanted to make sure you saw this, pai, take your time)

Hearing Stephen's voice, Eona let out a relieved sigh, happy that there was someone who probably knew what was happening. "I think I'm in limbo, Leather collapsed, and I have no idea what's happening!!" Panicking like an about to be slaughtered pig, Eona was sweating a river, not knowing what to even do. Smelling a lot like boiling water, Eona felt like drinking water, she was a kraken after all.
"Alright, breathe, girl, breathe. Limbo? Do you see a way out? Probably if Leuther came back on GPS. Carry him out of there, the covert team that I sent to protect him have a chance to make me not quite so angry, so they're en route to your location. From their intel, Leuther's probably been shot, right? While you're carrying him, look for an exit wound, are there two spots he's bleeding from? One of my guys is a medic, so he'll help you through what to do. Don't let him die, girl, you can keep him alive." Stephen's breathing was calm and even, he knew Eleutherius Katsaros would refuse to be taken out so easily, but it also helped that Stephen was a veteran of every war he was above the age of sixteen for.

A man in jet black combat armor looked in through the doorway to the mortal world "What the hell?" then spotting Leuther's unconscious body he motioned Eona towards him and called over his shoulder "DuFrain! Get over here, HVT is in critical condition!"
((pai did you respond to Kima asking Ajax why he seemed like a responsible person? Also I would like there to be a moment of meeting between Kima and Mr. Manly at some point if you don't mind))
(Pai is going to be scarce for a while, look for it yourself, and Mr. Manly is currently in the middle of the forest meeting Lucem's new charrie)

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