Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

((Okay, @TheKaosophile Eona's about to get lost and use her amazing luck....))


Wandering around the labyrinth, Eona trailed her hands over the seemingly fragile clay that formed twists and turns and dead ends of the giant maze, the ground was dusty, after a quick examination, it seemed to be made out of clay like the walls. Wondering what this place was, Eona continued to stroll around the labyrinth, "Ooh"s and "Ahh"s escaped her lips as Eona's curious blue eyes zoomed in on a rather peculiar carving. The walls had indents in them, each of them forming a scene, picture, or a word in another language that the kraken couldn't read.

Coming across many dead ends, Eona was suddenly hit with the realization that she was in a maze, a large one it seems to. Like those many movies and stories, what if Eona couldn't get out and spent the rest of her somewhat immortal life wandering around aimlessly, dying from starvation and/or dehydration. Running around like a chicken about to be slaughtered, Eona narrowly missed running straight into a few walls and in a few minutes, some way some how, she had made her way right to the middle of the labyrinth.

"What kind of monster makes such a thing like this?!" Eona came to a stop as she reached the middle of the labyrinth, a confused look on her face when she saw what was in the middle. A giant hole. Peering down it, Eona could see no end, just an endless abyss of darkness. A frown gracing her lips, Eona called out down the perfectly circular pit. "Hello?" No echo came back. Just like how she fell into the labyrinth, Eona had leaned in a little too much and lost her balance.

A high pitched screamed sounded from Eona's lips as she fell into the hole, darkness overwhelming her. And so, she just kept falling, and falling, and falling, and falling. The pit seemed to go on for eternity, Eona didn't know if her eyes were opened or closed after a few minutes, everything was darkness.
"Well, I have no idea about phi, but I think the number of sides corresponds to a number in pi; triangle, circle, square, leaving the others as 161, would you like to do the honors?"

Bang! A bullet caught Leuther in the chest "Five, jackass" Leuther said through teeth gritted in pain

"What on earth are you talking about? You know what? It doesn't matter" Skandranon said, pressing the gun against Leuther's temple "Any last words?"

"Do you feel lucky, punk?" Leuther said, hand inching towards his boot "Well, do you?"

Click. "Oh, you son of a--" Skandranon's words shifted to choked gurgles as Kathroptis found his throat.

Leuther picked up the revolver from where it dropped "I think I'll call you Lucky"

Leuther turned back to the door, hand clutching his still bleeding gut "What does lie behind closed doors?" he wondered aloud. His thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched noise coming from the other side of the door, it sounded like screaming. Well, there is no other way out, here goes. Leuther pushed the button, flinching as he waited for spikes to impale him. the wheels spun in opposite directions, the whole circle sliding outward and to the side to reveal... nothing. Not like an empty room nothing, but pure, utter, madness inducing nothingness. Leuther instinctively knew that this was Tartarus... this was the void. Leuther saw a familiar face in the void, not falling, as there was no direction in the abyss, just... there. "EONA!" Leuther called, his words swallowed up by the vacuum. "I am a flocking idiot," Leuther said, shaking his head and taking a step back. "EEEOOONNNAAA!!!" he yelled as he sprinted out of reality and into limbo.



Turning her head at the noise, Eona had no idea where she was or what was going on. Spotting a figure, Eona had to shield her eyes from the light, seeing as how she had started to become used to the darkness of...whatever this place was. Eona was soon able to make out Leuther's features as she beamed happily and hurried over to the man.

Wrapping her arms around him and brining Leuther into a tight hug, Eona suddenly frowned when she smelled blood all over him. "Had he scratched himself? No, the scent is too strong to just be a scratch." Pulling away for a moment, Eona's eyes narrowed when she saw the multiple wounds he had all over his body. "Is that what they do at a court hearing?" Frowning at the thought, Eona's eyes flickered up to look into Leuther's, not knowing what to say as her mouth opened and closed like a fish. "Are you alright? What happened? You're hurt!" the kraken began to rambling on as her eyes trailed over Leuther, squinting at times to see properly in the dark.

Bringing Leuther in for another tight hug, Eona began mumbling nonsense as she felt an overwhelming feeling of relief that the man was still alive. "Thank cods you're alive..." Almost completely inaudible, Eona released a breath that she didn't know she was holding, her heart slowly calming down again.
"I'm ugh... fine, no, that wasn't court. Despite the fact that I have no clue how to get out of here, I'm happy to see you, Eona..." Leuther felt a sudden... something, then heard a low murmur, slowly growing louder into cacophony. It's good to have you back... NOW SOMEONE HELP US

Do you remember the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice?

Let her go and don't look back until you have left the void.

If you truly love her, let her go

Sow the seeds now, do what is difficult, reap the rewards later, if you are successful

Stab her and be done with it

Wrong story, Nemesis

Do you think she cares, Aphrodite?

Oh, hush, Hades DEAREST


Really good to have you back, guys "Eona... I have to let you go. It's the only way to get out of here." 
(A day in the life of the oracle) 
(How long have we been falling?

I don't know, my watch doesn't tell time)
((Don't you dare look back, Leuther. Don't you dare... And that cat! :D ))


A little confused at Leuther's words, Eona opened her mouth to protest, but quickly shut it seeing that Leuther most likely knew what he was doing. Nodding in understanding, Eona let go of Leuther and stepped back, waiting to see what she was supposed to do. Well, she let go. Now what? Not very familiar with Greek mythology, Eona stood anxiously as she twiddled her thumbs a bit, biting her lip as if waiting for something to pop up and eat her now that she didn't have someone to hold onto.
Leuther closed his eyes, waiting... how long would this take? Minutes? Hours? Da-- Leuther's closed eyelids were suddenly assaulted with sunlight Is it okay?


Someone other than Nemesis



Ares, Hades, I trust neither of you, Aphrodite? Hera? I don't know... Demeter?

The time has indeed come to harvest the crops

Leuther opened his eyes, greeted with the most welcome sight he had ever seen: "Eona..." Leuther said, then passed out from blood loss.
((hey guys just got into my hotel next to universal studios so I'm bacccck)) 
((also I hate to push my own rp here but I made an rp a while back called a mirror's edge and I would really like to bring it to life seeing as I never got any responses, if you guys are interested I would be very happy to have the company))
"I'm sorry, but we're full." Umbra was trying his best to get an appointment, but it just wasn't possible. "But, my wife, she's-" The woman closed her window, cutting Umbra off. "Full."

Umbra sat in one of the chairs in the apparently empty hospital. "I'm terrible. I can't even get a doctor's appointment. I'm a failure. I'm..." Umbra continued to sulk in his seat, as he hung his head in defeat. Once again, he was overreacting to things. He hadn't really done it since high school, but the situation sort of brought it out again.

Amerus approached him, a calming smile on her face. "It's alright, it's not the end of the world. Calm down." The woman didn't seem to be the tiniest bit upset over the inability to see a doctor.

Umbra looked up at his wife, his face in a comically sad expression, tears and everything. "But-" Amerus placed a hand on his shoulder and her face came in closer. "Calm down." She was still smiling, but Umbra could sense the intimidating aura coming off the Gleam.

The sad expression stopped and small beads of sweat ran down his head. "Y-Yes, Dear..." 'Scary!'
Tira, having collected her files was now walking back to the desk lady. Stupid woman filled the register in wrong! Her aura practically screamed that she intended to crush that ladies head into a wall...or something. She glared, pushing up the rim of her glasses as she stormed over to the lady. She slammed the window open, if one could see aura they would be seeing a dark smog wrap around the irritated phoenix. Stupid drugs, stupid work and stupid lady!

She growled, watching as the lady moved back. "WHO THE HELL FILLS THE FILES IN WRONG!" She demanded, slamming the stack of sheets in front of her. "It isn't that hard, it is easy. You just sign names! God..." She whined as she rolled her eyes. "I do not get why I hired half of you." Mumbling she pulled the glasses from her eyes, rubbing them as she glared. "I want you to check over them...Re-do the mistakes. " She couldn't allow her brother, or father to see that the hospital she begged for was just making mistakes.

She put her glasses back on, blue orbs glancing to her side as she noticed Umbra. Shocked she simply walked over to the man, folding her arms under her torso. "Oh...Umbra? Did you finally collapse from your lack of relaxation?." Pause. "Oh! Did you get hit by a book case again?" She asked, smirking slightly before she shook her head. "Forgive me, I'm not in the best mood. " She glanced over to the woman before she noticed the similarities between the kids Umbra showed her before. "Im guessing your his wife? So, why are you both here and in the waiting room like this?"
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Umbra was scared for his life when he heard the screaming. Was it a monster? Was some creature going to tear him apart? Was he going to die, knowing he couldn't get a doctor's appointment? Fate was cruel indeed.

He relaxed when he saw Tira approach them, thankful that it wasn't some frightening creature. Although, he did just develop a fear of woman. However, nothing could scare him as much as his wife.

Umbra felt metaphorical spears pierce his being when she mentioned the bookcase. 'She still remembers that!?' He was glad the his friend remembered so much about him, but he wished she could've forgotten a thing or two.

"Yes, this is my wife, Amerus." Amerus smiled at Tira, the intimidating aura now gone. "I'm pleased to meet you." Umbra felt relived at hearing her response. Maybe Tira could help him avoid an unpleasant event.

"We tried to get an appointment, but the woman at the desk said they were full. As for why we're here." Umbra rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "The three of us need a check up..."
Tira looked at them, a frown on her features as she rest her hands upon her hips. Her eyes shifted over to the desk lady who was signing the sheets rapidly. "Useless woman." She hissed silently before she glanced back over to them, pushing her glasses back up. Why wouldn't they stay still? She sighed, shaking her head slightly.

She looked back at the woman, smiling softly. "It is wonderful to meet you then Amerus." She replied softly before looking to Umbra. "Well, she is correct. We are full." She stated. "All the doctors are working on patients or surgery today so appointments are near impossible unless you are taken to A&E"

However, when he said three she felt a small smile grace her features. "However, Im sure I can take some time out of paperwork to do a check up." She whispered, rubbing the back of her neck with a yawn. She still was trying to forget that she slept on the grass. Yeah, she was going to kill the person who thinks drugging a drink was a good idea. "...Just means more paperwork..." She mumbled, once again a dark aura seemed to form around her. "A-anyway...follow me t-then." She motioned for them to follow. She turned on her heels, taking the papers from the desk lady as she walked towards a empty room. Walking to it she pulled a key from her pocket, unlocking the room as she held the door.
'So Tira's a doctor?' He didn't expect that career choice, but then again, he didn't expect his either, or anyone else's for that matter. The job surely paid well, but he didn't think it was good to have so much stress from work.

The two followed Tira, until they stopped at the door. Amerus was still smiling, as she always did, but Umbra was completely nervous. Sure he had done this five times already, but that didn't mean he was always super calm in the beginning.

There were many things when it came to pregnancy, that worried him to no end. You had to be careful at every single moment. You had to watch for what you ate. You had to avoid strenuous activity. It was all nerve-wrecking! Sometimes it was like Umbra was the pregnant one, with all the worrying he did.

The two entered the room and Amerus took a seat. Umbra stood on her side, not really knowing what to do. His job was to stand there and be nervous. All the talking was done between his wife and the doctor.
Tira walked in, letting the door slam behind her as the irritated phoenix took a seat at the desk, propping her head up with her arm as she yawned. Tired. Her blue orbs looked at them both tiredly before she decided to sit up properly. "Pregnant huh?" A frown adorned her lips as she leaned back in the seat, folding her arms at her torso.

"Well, first of all you should be very careful." She stated, scratching her cheek as she looked over at the equipment. "From the picture Umbra showed me, you have quite a few kids already. Despite the fact we are immortal or supernatural, child birth is taxing." She reached over, grabbing some forms and a board to prop on her lap as she began to write. "Eventually, we run the risk that any human mother would if they had a continued to give birth. The body being unable to stand it." She stopped, glancing up at them both. She glared at umbra softly.

"Anyway! You can have a choice, considering Umbra is a friend." That and she still felt horribly bad. "I can do this with human machines, or the pretty healing lights." She mumbled as she rubbed her temples. "Since you've done this before Ms, can you tell me the usual details so I can record this?" She asked, tapping her pen against the sheet as she filled in another box. "Medical history, Anything conditions and all of that."
Umbra interjected quickly before his wife began to answer. "Actually, Tira, we won't need anything. We...well our species...they....uhm." He was terrible at this! Too many nerves!

"Child birth is easy for a Gleam." Umbra silently thanked his wife as she explained for him. She was better at this than he was. "There's no pain and it is generally quick." Since Gleams had no physical form, birth was extremely easy for them, especially since Umbra was a Shadow. Both species had no physical form, so there were no hidden surprises.

"No conditions, I've only made appointments for pregnancies." Amerus was unnaturally healthy. Umbra had never even seen the woman sneeze.

Umbra tried his best to explain the whole Shadow/Gleam thing to Tira. "There are some pretty big differences for our species. Child birth for a Gleam can be as short as a few days and I think the max for a Shadow is thirty days. My daughters were all born at different times. Album was out in less than a week."
Tira blinked, writing that down as a grin came to her lips. "Oh?" She was a person that dwelled in the realm of medicine, and the idea that one could go days then give birth was something, the painless part only made her interest better. "Interesting." The phoenix span on her chair, tossing the clip board to the side. "Then again, I've seen far to many births to find that strange."

She turned back to face them, folding her arms once more. "No conditions? Lovely!~" She chimed before setting her hands on her lap. "So, what is it you want done then?" She was wondering faintly if burning paperwork considered as proper work. Ash she could say that was her signature! She tilted her head before pausing. "Oh, Next time Umbra just tell the idiot lady that I let you in. She is quite a nuisance..."
"We'd just like to know if it's alright." He definitely wouldn't say this! This was embarrassing! Way too embarrassing!

"We conceived it last night. It should have grown a lot by now." Umbra slammed his head against the wall after hearing his wife's blunt statement. That was way too embarrassing! He couldn't even say that to a regular doctor and that information was known to his friend!

Although, he was now steaming red, he agreed. The growth rate was extremely fast, but you could never tell. Since a Gleam had no physical form, there was no physical evidence of pregnancy.

"Uhm, we'd also like to know the gender." It was most like going to be another girl, but it was still good to check.
Tira raised her brow, leaning back before she looked over to Umbra. "Wait...You get a good night...and I got drugged? That...Is so not fair." She mumbled, biting her nail before she nodded. "Since I can't be asked to get equipment I will do this a way my clan does, okay?" She asked, standing up as she yawned tiredly.

She stepped over to the woman, blue orbs blinked slightly before she kneeled down. Her fingers slid from the white coat's material as she faced her palm to the woman's stomach, leaving a small distance between the place it faced. Fluttering. This was probably the only thing to describe this action as the sound followed the phoenix's actions. Blue orbs, once kind and calm were forced to take a angry red as her power forced itself to a level that reached one that nearly allowed her to escape this small form.Her energy, the same power that pulled forth their flames but in a much more diluted form began to thread itself from her fingers before it formed a light. Black. It curled around her fingers with serpent like movements then shifted to Umbra's wife. Tira had to wonder if her mother's description of this was correct. The green haired lady once told her that it made the person feel calm, like a temporary stun that settled everything down. She didn't know.

A few minutes later the sound faded, the colour left her fingers and the lady as she stood up, reaching up to hold her head as she went and took a seat. Did she mention it hurt? Yeah, well it did. A small scowl set on her lips as she rubbed her eyes, removing her glasses temporarily as she remained in a deadly silence. She returned her glasses to their place before she spoke. "The child is perfectly fine, no problems or conditions." She stated, looking at them with a smile. "Knowing that, I have to congratulate you. You will give birth to a very healthy son."
After the event, Umbra was worried about Tira. Did that hurt her alot? They could've waited if doing that was painful.

"S-Son?" Umbra was quiet for a minute, his head facing down. There was some inaudable muttering, before he raised his head. He raised his hand in the air, his eyes burning with excitement. "YYYYEEEESSSSS!!!"

Don't misunderstand, Umbra loved his daughters and he would've loved this child jut as much if it was a girl. But, he had always wanted a son. He had no idea why, perhaps it was a father thing.

Amerus bonked him on the head, which ceased the one-man celebration. "Calm down, alright?" Her voice was as sweet as honey and her smile was as calming as always. But, that intimidating aura, only sensable by the Necrus family, was in full effect.

Umbra held his head with both hands as be looked down. "Y-Yes, Dear..." It might have looked like a soft, playful tap, but it hurt like hell! She was a truly frightening woman.
The phoenix smiled, filling in the papers. "Glad you are so happy Umbra. " She turned back around. Facing them both she smiled. She was going to definitely take her reconstruction cycle soon. From Leila's constant need of healing to this, she was exhausted. She wouldn't be surprised if she randomly fell into a pile of ash now!

"Well, your son is perfectly healthy, one of the healthiest kids I have done this for since I began to run this place." She shifted her glasses, yawning once more. "Since my knowledge of your kind is limited to what you've just told me I can not tell you a due date or anything like that." She paused, deciding she'd leave after them. Mostly because she was far to tired to get up with walking around falling all over the place. "Amerus here is in perfect condition as well." With a frown she tilted her head. That reminded her, she needed to go talk to her father. How clansmen vanished, well died and were not reborn was still irking the clan.

"If you need anything else, you can come here or you have my number." She stated tiredly. "If any issues arise just tell me." With that she gave them a smile.

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