Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

[QUOTE="Angel Evans](Yes I am but I still got my 4.0 so all of that don't matter college is easy...So far)

(but still. You're one of THOSE people. The irritant of my kind. JK :P )
{really your not? Awws, sad face. I keep asking my mum for harder things to do but my scholarship does not technically work until I am eighteen. I like European schooling... I don't have to pay for any university or collage. Maybe that was just how my grades are... And how is it you get a 4.0...?
(To get a 4.0, you just need to continuously get good grades. I'm not sure if that's my GPA, but it most likely is, considering I get straight As)
{I was talking to Angel, I get 4.0 GPA on average whenever I look at my grades, I freak out if I get anything less then a straight A... I I'm.. I'm kinda nerd... V////V}
{WOHA WHAT!? They start scoring your grades like that in junior high prowlerz!!! How on earth are you not of age!? ~Cofused~ European schooling is A LOT different from American schooling....}
{technically being home schooled I don't either but I get test scores back from finals, mid finals, and stuff like that. I cannot believe how much the USA is freaking out about finals... Here wet are having them our whole lives and they are freaking out about it... Seriously?}
((.....that was sooo xD ))


Raising an eyebrow at the voice of Stephen. "Well, thank you for the wonderful hints, Stephen." Getting off of the couch, Eona hurried out the door. "Well, I'm going to Greece, Stephanie." Chuckling lightly, Eona ignored all warnings Leuther had told her and hopped into her car, turning it on and speeding to the nearest ocean possible.

Air travel would take much too long, Eona would most likely get lost. She was more familiar with the sea, you know. After paying the parking toll, the kraken found it much faster and easier to go by the ocean. After swimming out into the sea, Eona quickly transformed into her kraken form, remembering exactly where to go. She'd have to go through Nikaia to get to Athens, but it was a lot quicker than a plane.

((And so, I'm going to have E track L down. xP))
(@paipai900 Ah, love... though technically they're both E :3)

Leuther waited patiently in front of the parthenon, closed from tourists for the day, eyes red with Ares' paranoia. If this is a trial, I'm going to get the death sentence, if this is a trap, I'm going to be executed... well, flock. At that moment, Skandranon Rashkae, the leader of the High Council of Ishika High Gryphons, rode up in a black convertable.

"Skandy! How've you been? Your son still okay?" Leuther asked the man in mock friendliness

"I'm fine, LeuLeu. My son's still dead; one tends not to come back from being murdered." Skandranon replied coldly

"So... We both know I'm not going to trial, go ahead, knock me out or tie my hands, put a burlap sack over my head. Whatever, I don't care. I get taken to a remote location to be drilled for information, then executed, right?"

"Quite an astute observation, Mr. Katsaros, but not how today's events will play out." he pulled a chromed .357 revolver from his coat and aimed it at Leuther "Today is going to play out differently" he cocked back the hammer "Walk with me, let me tell you a story" he said motioning down an alley with the pistol

A thousand possible battle strategies played out through Leuther's head, each of them ending poorly. I guess I have no choice "I guess I have no choice" he said and started walking.
((....OH WELL. TOO BAD *laughs it off awkwardly*))


Almost half an hour later, Eona washed up on the shore of Greece, happily getting up in her human appearance. Flicking all the water off herself, Eona quickly hurried off the beach, calling for a taxi to bring her all the way from Nikaia to Athens. Sure it took a handful of money, but being a kraken did have it's advantages.

After scaring the taxi driver, Eona sat in the back of the car and waited anxiously to get to Athens. What if she was too late? Or maybe even worse... Shaking the negative thoughts off, Eona could only pray to whatever celestial beings there were for everything to be alright. That's when it hit Eona, what was she going to do at Athens? She couldn't say anything behind the murder, at the most she would be part of the audience! The kraken had just jumped in without thinking, she didn't even know where she was supposed to go.
Skandranon began his story "One day, a long time ago, my son went to a party on Saturnalia. My son was a nice boy, always paid attention during lessons, never got into trouble, but one night, his friends convinced him to get drunk" Leuther snorted in disbelief; the kid was an ass to begin with. A bullet whizzed past his ear "Hey! You don't have to get threatening! You know, you could have just asked to meet me AT the aerie, instead of walking me there at gunpoint." Leuther commented, noticing where they were headed.

"We aren't going to the aerie, we're going under it." Skandranon pointed to a gnarly old tree at the base of the mountain " there's a door on the back, only the oracle can open it, now GO!"

Leuther froze, "H-How did you-?"

"Please. A boy on trial for murder gets suddenly blessed by Helios? Then grows up to be the luckiest gambler in history? It was obvious. I SAID MOVE!" Skandranon shouted, another bullet whizzing by Leuther.

"It occurs to me, sir" Leuther hissed the word like it was poison "If you killed me, you wouldn't be able to open it anyway."

"Oh, my that is so smart of you, I hadn't thought of that! Looks like you win. I'd have to wait until I found the new oracle, and that could take DAYS"

"No need to get snarky, jeez." Leuther said. Another bullet fired, this one catching him in the left forearm "Agh! What in Asphodel?"

"Open. The. Door."

Three "Okay, okay." Leuther walked over to the tree, it didn't look any different from a normal tree, but it did... feel different. "I'm not sure--" Leuther was cut off abruptly when he touched the tree and his eyes flashed with brilliant white light. "AAAGGGHHH." (Homing beacon activated hint hint)
((YESH!! :D ))


Spotting a bright light in the distance, Eona pointed towards it and asked the driver if he could take her there. When he had refused, Eona tapped his shoulder with one of her tentacles, demanding that he would drive her there. The driver was shaking in fear as he pulled up half a mile away from the source of the light. Quickly thanking the man, Eona slammed the door shut and ran off towards it, knowing that if there was some crazy light show going on, Leuther was probably going to be there.

Then again, Eona couldn't run for her life. By the time she had gotten to the tree all she could find was droplets of blood and bullet shells. Trying to figure out where they had gone, the kraken spent most of her time circling around the twisted tree multiple times.

((@TheKaosophile is the tree hollow on the inside? :3))

Leuther opened his eyes to see the barrel of a gun "Puzzle lock, solve it, now" Skandranon growled. Leuther looked where he had pointed and saw a large stone wall with a series of brass rings with numbers and shapes on them "Hate to break this to you, but I'm no Galileo, and I'm certainly not an Archimedes, what do you expect me to do?"

"Something, and make it fast."

"What's in here, anyway?"

"You don't need to know"

Leuther sighed and began looking at the puzzle...

(Have class, back soon)

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