Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

((Subarashii Boarding School (please join it), Magi (in the recruitment section), Criminals Cuffed, and The Coven of Virkla Estate: The Most Dangerous-Family Tree. That's what I pulled off my head.))
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](It's like that one Disney movie... Well, Umbra is rich successful, but I don't think I'll give him any of that stuff.)

(Leuther's name used to mean 'golden'... he's going to have a few things, it isn't like he has a robot make his breakfast, it's like voice commands on a phone, the phone just so happens to be two bedroom, two and a half bath)
DarkAncient said:
((Paipai of the roleplays you just mentioned which one is probably the best to enter in a dark dark character))
((Knowledge of the Dead and/or The Coven of Virkla Estate: The Most Dangerous-Family Tree)) 

Watching as Leuther left so abruptly, the kraken frowned in confusion at what had just happened. Taking the plate of food into her hands, Eona searched around the kitchen, looking for some utensils. "Yo, Philly, where dem sporks at?" Eona giggled at her terrible grammar, wondering if the robot would understand what she had just said.

Taking a seat at the table, Eona wondered what the phone call had been about. "Maybe it was some sort of business thing..?" No, Leuther's expression was much too serious for that. "Does Phyllis - or whatever its name is - knows something." Deciding it was worth a shot, Eona cut a piece of the waffles and popped it into her mouth.

"So, Phyllis, could you replay the most recent call?" the kraken didn't even know if this would work, but, it was just a robot after all. Not like it had morals or anything. Eona smiled softly as she chewed the waffle, this was her first time even having a "waffle". She had always heard people talk about them and now she was actually trying one! It was pretty good, not as guppy as fish, but still delicious.
((anybody have an idea how I can get Kima interacting with people because I feel like I always end up in situations where it isn't possible))
'Unrecognized command, please repeat' Phyllis replied to the spork question


"Mr. Katsaros, we've got Gryphon High Council on the line" Said a voice that sounded a lot like the computer system

"Alright, put 'em through"

"Eleutherius Katsaros, you have been hereby summoned to a court hearing for the murder of Consulate Emmond Silus, you are to appear before jury today at twelve o-clock noon, do you understand these instructions?"

"Yes, sir. I understand, sir."

"Good" click

"Stephen, did you get a trace on that call?"

"Always, it came from somewhere in Athens, but didn't he sound strange to you?"

"Yes, but-"

"And does the High Council still operate out of Athens, even after the human court ruling on those complaints"

"No. No they don't"

"Then have that knife of yours ready, I'm sending covert squad out, just in case they do check out, you don't want to be in any more trouble,"


'End of recording'

A few seconds passed before there was a soft ding, followed by the words 'Personal calender item: Journal Entry; would you like to make a journal entry?'
((actually I have an idea)

Kima felt really weird about doing this, but he was desperate to get this done. Since he had been assigned to teach at the school he had been given access to all the students records, and using the records for Benjamin had found his home phone number. He held in his hands a slim golden flip phone with an ankh around the front camera. He had picked it up on a visit to Egypt at one point and had just always kept it. He took a few seconds to calm his breathing before typing the number in and hitting send holding the phone up to his ear praying that somebody would answer.
((Oh snap. That's sounds to make Eona react...?))


Furrowing her eyebrows together as she listened to the recorded phone call, Eona stopped eating as the topic on murder came up. The kraken had murder thousands of people before, destroyed properties, stole a few things, etc. But...she had never been brought to a court hearing. The voices sounded serious, scary even. Biting her lip, Eona wondered about what was going to happen.

Debating with herself whether or not to listen to his journal, Eona didn't want to invade his Leuther's privacy, but at the same time she wanted to know what he was up to. As the kraken slowly began to finish her half cold breakfast, her chest suddenly felt heavy, tight even. Placing the utensils down, Eona placed a hand to where her heart would be to find it beating rather quickly.

Recognizing this feeling from a few years ago, Eona was reminded about how it felt to be threatened, in danger, etc. It's an instinct that's best developed in the wild, being in civilization most likely numbed it.

After finishing her breakfast, Eona habitually got up and walked over to the sink to wash her dish, her mind still on that recording. "Phyllis, play the journal please." Turning on the tap, Eona waited anxiously for the recording to start. "What was it going to be about?" Many questions ran through Eona's mind, causing even more anticipation. 

Hearing the phone ring, Ajax glanced over at it and raised an eyebrow, wondering who in the world was calling so early in the morning. Setting down the two plates of breakfast at the dining table, the sphinx quickly removed his apron as he reached out for the telephone, wondering who it was.

"Hello, Ajax speaking." the sphinx stated in a very monotone voice, picking the phone up and holding it to his ear with his shoulder. Furrowing his eyebrows together as Amia threw a grape at Benjamin, who caught it in his mouth, Ajax gestured for the children to quiet down as he was on the phone.
'Playback of most recent journal entry'

"Log #147: The reunion is tomorrow, Phyllis, I know I've said this a million times, but this might actually be it, I might find her again after all these years, I'll be bringing one of the blue roses, it's just symbolic, but I hope she remembers... I meant every word in that letter. She'll probably hate me for leaving, especially just before prom, but I had to... which reminds me; they're uncovering more evidence that incriminates me for the murder of that consulate and those two thugs, back when I first got Kathroptis, before I found out I was the oracle. Well, they don't care about the thugs, they were just hippogryphs, what do a bunch of hoity-toity gryphons care about two low-lifes." Leuther's voice got audibly angry, then he sighed, taking a more mournful tone "I still think about that moment, when I stabbed the second one, gods, I don't even know their names, but their faces won't get out of my head... but when I stabbed him, over and over, I don't know why, but it felt... good. His blood was running down my arms and, unlike when I killed the bastard that killed my sister, I reveled in the warmth of the liquid on my arms... I don't know what happened then, but I haven't been training with blades because I think I might snap and hurt someone I love... I guess even that time I was hurting someone I love because it forced me to leave her... Eona, I love you... I have to say it... tomorrow is my chance. I think I'm going to take the ring, too. The pink diamond; just the perfect shade of razzmatazz... she always loved razzmatazz. I'm never going to build up the courage to ask her, I'm just going to grow old and die alone." another sigh "Well, Phyllis, I have to move over to my timeshare near Ishaka, end log and begin file transfer"

'End of recording'

Leuther got on the Learjet, greeting the pilot, "Sorry to call you out here on such short notice, Frank, how's the wife?" Unintelligible garble came though over the intercom. "Good, good" Leuther said distractedly "To Athens, then?" more garble. As long as my parents aren't there to testify, I'll be fine... My parents are going to be there, aren't they? For the first time in a while, all the gods in Leuther's head agreed.
Kima heard Ajax's voice and immediately recognized the sphinx. "Hello, Ajax, it's...well it's Kima...your son probably didn't tell you we met, you were kind of passed out at the time. I've come back to the school, you probably know all about why I left and you might even think horribly of me for it but, well I just wanted to say sorry for not saying goodbye." Kima paused for a second and sighed. "You probably don't remember and you are probably wondering why some guy on the other end of the phone is ranting about all this, so I guess I'll just leave you to your day."
((I think you just broke my heart with that journal entry. QAQ and yes! Razzmatazz ftw!))


The tap was still running as Eona had stopped washing her dishes when the recording of Leuther's voice had mentioned the blue rose. "Th-thank you, Phyllis." Quickly turning off the tap, Eona sprinted up the stairs and barged into her room, throwing the blankets around in effort to find the rose. Spotting the somewhat withered form of the flower, Eona quickly snatched it up and held it close to her.

"Was that why he needed to leave?" Eona's eyes widened in realization, tears threatening to fall. She had thought so many bad things about him when he was really going through all of this. Although the woman didn't know what most of this was about, she did have a basic understanding on what had happened.

Heart beating so fast, Eona thought that it might pop out of her chest. "He had a ring...?" Standing up from the bed, Eona exited the guest bedroom and walked down the stairs, her footsteps almost perfectly silent. Entering the living room, the woman took a seat on the couch and examined the rose, a soft smile playing at her lips.

That's when Eona remembered what the rest of the recording was about. "Murdered...?" The word escaped Eona's lips, haunting the room with it's wispy feeling. "There's so much that I don't know about him..." Hugging her knees to her chest, Eona continued to ponder upon what was happening. "Leuther killed someone, he said something about thugs so it was from defence, and now he's being taken to court." Eona's head snapped up at the thought. "He's being taken to court?!"
'Incoming call from: Stephen. Forced ringer override.'

"Yo, you done invading my boss' privacy? I mean, I can say with certainty that the man wouldn't care, but that's just because it's you." Stephen always had an eye on the place, no cameras, but enough to know what is happening when.

Furrowing his eyebrows even more as Ajax listened to Kima over the phone, a frown playing at his lips. "Hello, Kima." The sphinx answered, ignoring the rest of the oni's rant. Ajax could recall so many times when Kima would just keep on rambing and rambling and rambling, it was kind of amusing to watch. Covering his other ear to drown out the backgrund noise of his children, Ajax chuckled lowly as he leaned against the counter. "How have you been?"
((Lololol oh Stephen! So funny xD ))


Looking up in surprise, Eona felt herself smirk for a moment. "Nah, I think I'll listen to more." The woman joked lightly, removing her mind from the complex set of events that was happening.

Leaning back in her seat once more, Eona played with the withered rose in her hand, careful not to snap it in two. "So, what's the haps?" Eona smiled a toothy grin as she stared down at the blue rose. Perhaps this man had something to say. A full and detailed explanation about what was happening would be nice.
{Is anyone free to RP? Oh and I figured out why the alerts do not work well... ten posts after inactivity from the RP (meaning you don't post for ten replies) and you do not get alerts. It is to keep you from receiving hundreds of alerts EVERY time a person responds}
Kima began to audibly cry over the phone which if you ever saw was quite the site due to all the tear ducts around his body. "I've been horrible!" He suddenly made one of those crying laughs before continuing. "The high council considers me a threat to world peace and so they sent me back to the school as a teacher. If I don't prove that I can reform they are going to execute me, but I'm so happy you remember me." His crying calmed down a little bit so he was a little easier to understand before he began to speak again. "I even took a trip to Egypt to see if I could find you there, who would have believed you had children."
((Just to tell eeryone, I'm going back to school soon so I'll be on a lot less. :3))


Exiting the room as Kima began to cry, Ajax didn't want his children to overhear their conversation, those ears could pick up even the most quietest things.

"I remember you." Ajax stated softly, still using as little words as possible. The sphinx was still never one to talk much. "I do have kids." Nodding in affirmation, Ajax knew that Kima wouldn't have seen that nod though. Although, Ajax didn't know what to say about the execution.

Speechless, Ajax's mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish. "I...I..." Biting his lip, Ajax's mouth turned into the smallest of frowns. "Would you like to tell me what happened?" Yes, the sphinx had heard before what had happened with Kima's little accident, but it was just a brief explanation, stretched around with the rumours of other people. The press could've gotten all of it wrong, like they've done before many times
{Awww..... NUUUUU! School sucks DX I like being home schooled. Should I just put up a post or... leave?}
Kima took a deep breath before starting his story. "I was ambushed by a group of darklings, beasts that tried to take japan while my kind still protected it. They...they ripped out one of my eyes." He was still shaken by the whole event and could feel the phantom pain of it all happening again. "I went mad, you probably heard the shrieks I let out, it's a species thing. After they ripped it out I lost control I ended up killing them, and a teacher who tried to intervene. After that I left hoping never to go back to this school, yet here I am. You might have heard about the people I've killed, that's all true. I...I just felt more isolated than before I went to school in the first place, and that made me mad." Kima gave a small sort of sad chuckle. "I'm sorry, I know how much you hate lots of words."

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