Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(Well, I say we start posting! I have a little surprise for the next day, so let's not skip to tomorrow just yet.)
(-Shrug- Tira is drunk on the grass so people go ahead and move on to you all leaving o something:3 
(...Crap, I need to get her home. MEHHAHGRW Let me try think of something)
{Okay I have Riku posing as a waiter and the girls posing as um.... girls in the party xD @UnholyRedemption did you read my idea?}

A girl with white hair stands glass in hand her head tilted to the side. She is watching another girl in the grass playing around and giggling. "What is in this?" She asked her blue eyes tracing down to her drink, it having not effected her she has absolutely no idea why or if it was the drink, she assumed so since there were other people at the party that were this exact way or passed out. She blinked a girl creeping up behind her. "BOO!" The first girl jumped. "Mizi!" The girl yells her red drink flying from her hand and shattering in front of her.

These are the Imubashri twins, sisters to Riku Inubashri who is walking around in his suit a towel over his hand posing as a waiter. He has a tray on his hand with a single glass of wine on it, and when no one is looking he drinks from this glass. It is much easier to enjoy a party when you pretend to be something your not to get into a party in the first place. He was having fun
{ @UnholyRedemption I was wondering if our families could be rivals. Mine have only one school they own and that is it, but in the business world people have a lot of rivals, no? My dad has A LOT of rivals and all he owns is an academy in Germany. }
{YAY! Okay so that makes Riku's posing as a waiter easier to understand since technically they would not be allowed there. Wait, you don't seem too thrilled with this... I am not trying to make you mad I can eliminate the characters completely if you want. I just wanted to roleplay and they so happened to be a part of the vampire family and stuffs...}
(I don't know how to move Tira considering she is nearly unconscious. >_> <_< 
( ^^ Im fine! Im trying to think on how to move Tira as she is stuck drunk because SOMEONE drugged the wine.)
"I'll see you tomorrow then, Lux." The two men shook hands as they stood next to the black sports car. "Yes, in the morning." Umbra climed into the car and was about to shut it, but his attention was captured by Lux.

"Black, I know I said to be vigilant, but it's alright to enjoy yourself. After all, it's not everyday your wife comes back to life. Enjoy yourself." Umbra smiled at his friend. "I will, thank you."

As Umbra began to shut the door, it was stopped by Lux's hand. "But don't enjoy yourself too much. You just might end up with another daughter." Umbra's face burned crimson. "I-I know!" Umbra shut the door and sped off.

As Umbra placed his keys in the door, he could hear a commotion from the inside. Were the girl's not asleep yet? There bedtime was quite awhile ago. He hoped that wasn't the case. They needed their rest.

As Umbra opened the door, he froze. There in the middle of the room was a beautiful woman. Her long white hair resembling winter snow, along with her crystal blue eyes.

Umbra's eyes began to well up with tears. He knew that she was still alive after Lux told him, but it hand't fully sunk in yet. After years of being apart, she was right here. It was almost too good to be true. The tears broke as they connected with Umbra's large smile. "Welcome home!"

The very next morning

Lux looked at Umbra from his position in the doorway. "You really did it, huh?" To be honest, he wasn't at all surprised. It was to be expected after an event like this.

Umbra rubbed the back of his neck, a faint blush tinging his cheeks. "Yeah.." Lux let out a breath as he walked into the house and took a seat in the large living room. Nobody was awake right now, so he would be careful not to disturb their sleep.

"So what do you think this time?" Umbra took a seat across from his friend, still embarrassed to be explaining this. "I'm not sure. We're going to the doctor later today." This would be the sixth reason he's made a trip there.

A smirk appeared on Lux's face as he listened. "Congratulations, Black." A large grin came onto Umbra's face, the faint pink still there. "Thank you. I'm really excited."
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[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]"I'll see you tomorrow then, Lux." The two men shook hands as they stood next to the black sports car. "Yes, in the morning." Umbra climed into the car and was about to shut it, but his attention was captured by Lux.
"Black, I know I said to be vigilant, but it's alright to enjoy yourself. After all, it's not everyday your wife comes back to life. Enjoy yourself." Umbra smiled at his friend. "I will, thank you."

As Umbra began to shut the door, it was stopped by Lux's hand. "But don't enjoy yourself too much. You just might end up with another daughter." Umbra's face burned crimson. "I-I know!" Umbra shut the door and sped off.

As Umbra placed his keys in the door, he could hear a commotion from the inside. We're the girl's not asleep yet? There bedtime was quite awhile ago. He hoped that wasn't the case. They needed their rest.

As Umbra opened the door, he froze. There in the middle of the room was a beautiful woman. Here long white hair resembling winter snow, along with her crystal blue eyes.

Umbra's eyes began to well up with tears. He knew that she was still alive after Lux told him, but it hand't fully sunk in yet. After years of being apart, she was right here. It was almost too good to be true. The tears broke as they connected with Umbra's large smile. "Welcome home!"

The very next morning

Lux looked at Umbra from his position in the doorway. "You really did it, huh?" To be honest, he wasn't at all surprised. It was to be expected after an event like this.

Umbra rubbed the back of his neck, a faint blush tinging his cheeks. "Yeah.." Lux let out a breath as he walked into the house and took a seat in the large living room. Nobody was awake right now, so he would be careful not to disturb their sleep.

"So what do you think this time?" Umbra took a seat across from his friend, still embarrassed to be explaining this. "I'm not sure. We're going to the doctor later today." This would be the sixth reason he's made a trip there.

A smirk appeared on Lux's face as he listened. "Congratulations, Black." A large grin came onto Umbra's face, the faint pink still there. "Thank you. I'm really excited."

(Awww omg super Kawaii! *sniffles*
Tira, the next day had her head upon her desk as her head throbbed angrily. "I hate whoever drugged that drink...I will kill them...I swear to god I will kill them painfully." She hissed as she stood up. Tira wore a light blue v neck jumper, a white doctors coat upon her shoulders and a short black skirt. Her blonde hair was pinned up, a few strands falling out of place as her glasses were placed upon her face. She was hung over.

She stormed through the hospital, taking the sheets from the front desk as she sent a glare at the poor woman sitting there. "M-Ms Aoede..." the woman greeted, watching as the hospital owner and boss snatched the reports from her desk. "My head hurts..." She whispered, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she began to walk off. She had to see charlotte about Leila's health. "Ah...Maria, we are currently busy so no taking in people today unless they have an appointment...." She paused, rubbing her head. "If they are to see me just send them up." With that she nodded, the sick feeling raising back in her throat as she stormed off.

Tira appeared next to Charlotte, watching as the vampire flinched before sending a growl in her direction. They both sat there for a few minutes, Tira listening to the vampires report on Leila's health. With a frown she walked out, her glasses resting upon her clipboard as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Leila..." She whispered, walking through the halls to generally look up upon her workers.
Leuther awoke with a hangover, it isn't that he had never had one before, but he had never had one that wasn't preceded by a night of enjoyment. He walked into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee, put some frozen waffles in the toaster and fried up a couple eggs. "Phyllis, any calls?" he asked the integrated computer system that he named after his secretary

"You have '0' new messages and '1' old messages" it replied in monotone.

"Slow night" Leuther muttered to himself
Kikyo woke up the next morning with a killer headache "Jesus Christ what was in that wine" She got up and went to take a showed to try and help the headaches subside. When she was done she got dressed and walked into her office. In addition to Queen Of Hell Kikyo was a publicist,she got the word out on things whether celebrities events or other business people if you wanted to be known she'd make it happen "So what's on my agenda today?" She sighed


Ocean blue eyes fluttered open as the morning sun beamed down on the young woman. An annoyed groan escaped her lips as she pulled the covers of the bed up and over her head, rolling over to the side and falling right off the bed. A soft thump sounded throughout the guest room, the impact shaking Eona awake.

Wondering where she was, Eona furrowed her eyebrows together as she pushed herself off the floor and glanced around the room. Yawning widely, the kraken covered her mouth with a hand as she spotted a spare change of clothing. Wiping some of the slime off of herself, Eona stumbled over to the washroom, dragging the blanket along with her.

Closing the door, Eona hummed a light tune and chuckled softly when she saw what she looked like in the morning. Hair sticking out in all kinds of directions, Eona knew that this was normal and quickly stripped herself of her slime covered clothing, turning on the shower at the same time. After cleaning herself, the kraken's hum turned into more of a careless whisper as she slipped on the spare clothing that was provided to her.

Holding onto the railing, Eona happily slide down the stairs and heard someone talking in the kitchen. Walking into the room, Eona sat down at the table and leaned her head against it, still feeling very tired from last night. "'Morning, sunshine." the kraken muttered, stifling a sleepy yawn.
((dammed oh well so did anyone interact with Kima in the teacher's lounge or should he just got to bed/what time is it in the world))
((to his room it is))

Kima turned and walked out of the teacher's lounge with a sigh. He had hoped both not to and to meet somebody there. He walked slowly towards the room he had been assigned to sleep in. As he entered his mind wandered back to Ajax and his kids. It was strange to see Ajax so tired and worn down, but there must have been a good reason. Kima didn't even bother getting changed or showering and just fell down asleep on his bed.

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