Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

{I dunno... Luciam Asked no one to do anything BIG while he was gone... I think ending the party is pretty big... O.o }
(Well going to a party is a big thing, but that didn't stop people from you know, not mentioning it before it happened :P )
{true, but that is because some people were rude. ~Coughs~ I didn't know either.. .I was like WOUT THE!? Then I kinda just left after not being responded to and Nico decided not to respond and STILL has not responded to me...}
{well I'm pretty sure it's Unholy's party, so shoot her with PMs. Don't actually shoot her though..)
(-Is dead on the keyboard- Sorry, was swamped. Go to the party, its on just Tira is drunk outside. Eona went with Chrys home. Umbra is still in there but he isn't online. Also, please don't say this 'Mary' owns anything that is part of my characters story. My Aoede family would be completely separate to yours.)
{Yes... Your family can keep what they own... Mary has just been around for hundreds of thousands of years and THIS is why I do not role play her because she is a Mary sue... Hehe =.=' Correction Glasses. And she would own the company that made them. xD }
{Mary drinks hard liqueur mixed with blood. I GOT IT! WAIT! It could be something like @UnholyRedemption you family is a rival of Mary's family... how does this sound? Like they HATE each other!!!?}
{NO NOT EVERYTHING! Most everything. Shes a Mary sue... I am sorry.. .I don't want to start a rivalry against anyone... this is just the reason she does not pop in role plays too often... She's just been around for a long time and invested in businesses as they started.}
(When I made Umbra successful on the first page of the sign ups, I feel like I started a trend...)
{I have no where to stand... I have been roleplaying for years so... I have had a lot of character development... xD I did not even read your post Lucem.. DX Sorry... I read your charcter cherries for Umbra's girls...
(I promise I didn't copy >_< I had Tira planning to take medicine and have her family all involved in business in the high school one.)

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