Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

Leuther sighed, She is completely out of it and nodded to Stephen, who seems to know exactly when to show up, watching as he lifted her, a little more gently this time, and carried her to the door. Leuther was a little clearer in the head now, but his immune system used enough energy to tranq an elephant. He slumped over to the door, swiping his fingerprints in a specific order to unlock the door

"Do you want her in the guest room, or do you have... other plans?" Stephen said, part joking, but still on-the-job serious

Leuther thought about it for a while... a long while. He wanted her... He wanted her, badly. After a mental debate, he blinked, his eyes turning blue, then pink, then green, then red... eventually his blue eyes won out and he sighed, "Guest bedroom, make sure she has a change of clothes out and ready," Leuther's secratary, Phyllis, was a close friend from his aerie, and always encouraged him to find someone other than Eona, preparing all his guest rooms with women's clothing of all sizes. "I'm going to get some sleep." Leuther said, walking upstairs to the master bedroom, stripped off his tuxedo and crawled under the covers. The moment his head touched the pillow, he was out cold. He dreamed of a beautiful wedding on the beach.
{Well they are really big photos ~Used pictures of people from actual animes~ So... No it was Riku's history section... guess it was not all that interesting... xD }
(( it seems that everyone's either a) knocked out cold b) not doing anything c) drunk like England from Hetalia. Do you guys want to skip to the next day? Or something? Sorry for the late replies, I was watching Beelzebub. I'll read over your charries, Coyo. :3))
(His female form? He sold his body to some scientist on the street I mean in a lab? Those are some of the cutest anime girls I've ever seen [god I need to go outside more])
{YAY! And NU SKIPPING! @Lucem Tenebris asked noting major to haoppen see ↓}

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](Don't advance too far without me. I'll be free in a few hours.)

WELL it was to keep his sisters safe... and to find the killer of his father... the girl thing was a mistake... a BIG genderbent mistake....}
Prowlzerz said:
(His female form? He sold his body to some scientist on the street I mean in a lab? Those are some of the cutest anime girls I've ever seen [god I need to go outside more])
((.......oh Poseidon, Prowly... *sighs in disappointment* I'm very disappointed in you. lol jk))
{So he has a cute girl form and a not so bad looking male form. Though I think when he is in his female form he has picked up more guys then girls in his male form.... xD } 

Prowlzerz said:
{YOLO? What is that? I know what a Yoyo is... but Yolo...? And in all caps...? Wow ~Is lost in a sea of unforgiving fog and confusion~

A WHAT! It's like talking to some like A list celebrity!)
{Well.... Mary (their.... *mother*) Owns nearly everything on the globe or partial ownership of it so... xD She has a lot of loot.}
(Oh wait I thought this was the conversation we're having, sorry I'm getting confused. I need to lie down... oh wait I already am. Help I'm scared)
{UH! Um... ~Freaks out~ Okay... you need sleep... most likely you stayed up too long... or you have nerve damage and thereof cannot FEEL you to be laying down, perhaps the computer has just eaten your soul.} 
Yes, Mary owns most companies. ^~^ Or has partial ownership to them.
(I don't need sleep, I'm just not thinking. So I'll just wait to see if you can get on the party or not.)

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