Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

Tira stared softly at the girl as the light that fluttered fleetingly around her hands vanishing, more colour appearing in the girls cheeks as she picked her up off the seat. Setting the girl on her waist she smiled. "I told you Leila that I will never let anything happen to you." She whispered before she put the girl down, petting her head softly as she ran off to play.

After that Tira walked over towards her father, albeit exhausted she had a smile on her lips. "Dad." She muttered, walking up to the blonde haired blue eyed man with a smile. "Tira!" Tira smiled, embracing her father in a hug. The blonde haired phoenix chuckled, petting his daughter's head. "How are you dear?" He asked, causing the girl to smile as she gave a small wave to her mother as well. "Very well." She replied. "Excuse me dad...I have stuff to do." She bowed her head before she walked off.

Okay, Tira did not change much to be honest. She still had streaks of times where she would collapse (not literally) and begin to stutter, or times she'll end up hiding to avoid people. It still happens. It didn't help that the overall cause of these habits appearing was present. Some of the other clansmen sent a glare in her way as they set the tables and such, seeming to mutter curses behind her back. She heard. Her blue eyes just stared ahead, ignoring them as she took a glass of wine from a servers tray, going to stand at the back of the room as she brought it to her lips.

She stood their for a while, sipping at the red liquid every once in a while as she stared at the floor. She didn't want to meet those glares. Never. Her Brother was off speaking to business partners, her sister and mother to some other wives and her father laughing happily with some buddies. "S-sometimes I really hate being near people." The girl whispered, putting her glass down as she walked outside. At least then she could be in the darkness alone for a while.
(Why does Kikyo know about this party? And I wonder if the wine was spiked before or after Umbra crushed his glass...)

Leuther picked up Eon a prince-and-princess style, "let's get you somewhere safe" he said, carrying her to his car and laying her down in the passenger seat. Leuther was starting to feel the effects of the drugs himself, so he got in the driver's seat and decided to sleep it off (sorry for late reply, battery died) 
(Btw, boat pun was unintentional, he spent a lot of time around sailors, looking for Eona on a research vessel) 

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](Why does Kikyo know about this party? And I wonder if the wine was spiked before or after Umbra crushed his glass...)

(I don't care, whatever you decide)
UnholyRedemption said:
(So the drug makes you sleep right?)
(After it makes you the equivalent of twelve tequila drunk, its called the 'date-rape drug' for a very good reason (note: see chart for tequila drunkenness: One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor)
TheKaosophile said:
(After it makes you the equivalent of twelve tequila drunk, its called the 'date-rape drug' for a very good reason (note: see chart for tequila drunkenness: One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor)
This is not necessarily true... Not that I like tequila, I mean I do not favour the drink but I am not usually drunk after two or three of them which I have drunken before. I am not saying I have not gotten drunk by drinking them, because I have, it's just been a while. I do however get drunk rather easily on my mum's pine needle tea during Christmas time... And too this day I still do not know what she puts in that drink...
(...Uh...Kay. Poosting)

Tira, leaning against the tree felt her head pound, swaying to a sound she couldn't even bloody hear! Useless mind... Her blue orbs, dazed and drunk looked over the moving scene in front of her as she took a seat. She was drunk and she knew it. Due to this she couldn't even return to the party! She'd see those ashamed looks from her parents if she acted upon this state, and ever worse she'd receive more glares that ever. She couldn't take being glared at...

She sat against the tree, looking ahead before she dropped her head into her hands. She was tired, her strangely drunk state after only one glass of wine making her drown further in her depression. "I've had enough..." She murmured as she lay down on the grass, laughing slightly. "Soo soo tired of all those g-glares..." Tears began to form in her eyes as she pulled her arms over her face. "So tired..."

Tira had quite a high tolerance to alcohol but right now she was out of it. She was curled up in the grass, laughing as she plucked the green blades from the dirt. From blocking all her emotions she was forced to release it in this moment of weakness. "I wonder if everything can burn?" She asked the air, a part of her actually wishing for those words to be true.
{~takes a breath opens mouth.~ man I did not realise till now how awesome it was to be German.... xD can I roleplay with someone?}
(Well if I ever find out what's going on, I've got two free characters. Unless something happened to them in all the posts that I missed)
Leuther was roused from his sleep by his phone vibrating, he looked at it, it was a text from his surveillance team 'Suspicious activity on front lawn' Leuther looked out the window and saw Tira swoon and drop to the ground. Well, crap. Leuther got out of the car, stumbling a bit but righting himself In all those toxin tolerance sessions, I missed roofies... Leuther slowly walked over to Tira "Wine... drugged... need... ride? I... uh... called limosheen." He said, attempting to slur as little as possible. "Eona ish in my car... Y'know... I love her." Why did I say that? 
(Tira, Leuther, and Eon a are at tiras families business party, everyone else is doing... something else)
{I probably should not join in the party since my family is both of vampires (non living no real ability to get drunk) abd Germans... But Mary is a business woman she owns most everything....}

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