Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(well where are they? I've got 2 spare characters if you want to interact to either~)
{Mary is leader of the coven I don't have her character skelly up cuz I was only plannig on rolpelaying with her once or twice.... And there is Frau of course.... (Pervert bishop) and I most likely will bring my assassin siblings in, Momiji and her older brother Riku/Riko. Yes, I think I will bring them in.... ~laughs~ MOWAHAHHAASAAAA!}
(('morning lads and lassies! And it's Kao. :3))


As the kraken was laid down in the back of the car, she waved the - now dead - tuna fish in the air, screaming something incoherent. "I'll shue ya all!" Eona yelled, her voice very slurred. "Imma be hoontang craacs naozzz!!" Letting her ocean blue eyes shut close, Eona was suddenly pulled out of her body, having an "out of body" experience.
Tira glanced up at him, well more like she rolled onto her back so she could see him. She was drunk, but she was still her. Blue orbs narrowed as she hiccupped, tears still on her face as she glared at him, reaching up to point a swaying finger at him angrily. "Yhou...Luvs Eona...But don't hurt her...or I will roast you." She threatened before beginning to laugh again. "I-im serious...Soooo, so go being with her..." She called out, waving her hand dismissively as she rolled back on her side. She'd had to wait till she sobered up to walk home after all. "Shooo" She cooed happily before laughing.
(Kaos is the greek spelling of Chaos. Kaosophile means lover of chaos. Kay-aws-oh-file, also Eon a is in the passenger seat aka shotgun aka not the back)

"Okay, " Leuther said, spotting the limo pull up, Leuther waved to the driver then made a 'one second' hand signal, and walked-- well, stumbled-- back to his car, and tried to wake Eona "Come on, babe, I can't carry too agin"
((Oh, really? Darn, I need kopi. And now I'm craving lettuce.))


As she was shaken awake - back to conscious - Eona returned back to her body and slapped whoever it was with her fish. "Tuna Power!" Waving the floppy fish around like it was a sword, Eona could barely see anything! Everything was just a bunch of blurs and blobs. Doing her best to see what the things were, the kraken's headache worsened as she sat up and leaned against the seat.

"Wha's wong wih my wife..?" Massaging her temples, Eona reached out for something to grab as she fell out of balance. "Puppies....!" the kraken cried out as she fell over.
Leuther caught Eona's arm as she fell out of the car, but all he succeeded in doing was getting himself dragged down with her. He let out an 'oof' of pain as he hit the asphalt. Stephen, a massive chunk of muscle that could vaguely be classified as human, who also happened to be the head (and 20%) of Leuther's security detail, strolled up from across the street, slung Leuther over one shoulder and Eona over the other, carried them to the limo and draped them over a seat "You know the drill, Chuck." He said to the driver and shut the door. 
(Stephen and Mr. Manly will get along well)
((Haha! Quite so!))


As she fell on top of Leuther, Eona groaned, her head feeling very dizzy. "Stupid guppies..." Furrowing her eyebrows together, Eona frowned when she was lifted up and slung over a piece of metal - wait, or was this muscle...? - the kraken could think straight, but she was suddenly alert of this massive man carrying her.

"Where's he going to bring me? What's he doing?"
Eona began to panic in her mind as the man opened the door of a limousine and put them in the seat. Not knowing what was happening, Eona did what she was told to do when a stranger took her to a car and she didn't know what was happening.

"VERGEWALTIGUNG!!" Eona shrieked, holding the tuna fish in front of her like a weapon. Let me tell you, when a kraken uses a fish as a weapon it looks pretty funny, but have you ever been slapped by a fish?
{I finished Momiji-Momizi and Riku/Riko's character sheets if anyone wants to react to them, can I just bring them to the party?}
((Awwww! It's okay, Prowly! You just gotta follow your dreams!~
xD ))
"Whathaflock? Leuther said, jolting upright at the sound of shouting. It would have been easier, had Eona not been sitting on his chest. He scrambled out from under her, "Wherewego?" Leuther looked around sleepily, realized he was in Chuck's limo and said "Eena, I'm rully sarry 'bout dis. I wanchoo to know... I lahv yoo." Leuther said, voice slurring "Yoo arr dee mossst beeyutyfulll perchson I've evar meht," he rached into his coat pocket and pulled out the blue rose, petals starting to dry out, but still the midnight blue of the deep sea. He put the flower in Eona's hair. Leuther realized, as his heart was pounding faster, his vision and his mind were growing clearer "Ayyye..." he cleared his throat, "I love you, I haven't been able to put just how much I love you into words, but I love you" Leuther blinked, his blue eyes were pink when he opened them again "I..."

Charles the limo driver interrupted, "Yo, Romeo, I hate to interrupt, but we've been at your timeshare for..." He looked at his watch "Ten minutes now, do you want me to call Stephen and have him carry you two inside, or..."
((Charles, you cockblocker. xD ))


A heavy blush dusted over Eona's cheek, her hand reaching up to feel the rose. Doing her best to concentrate, the kraken averted her eyes to the side, not that she could really see much anyway. She really couldn't think properly, Eona bit her bottom lip, not knowing what she should do. "What would Aquaman do?" Eona's eyes flickered over to Leuther - or the shape of Leuther - ignoring the limo driver who had just spoke up.

Feeling very drowsy, Eona's half lidded eyes were threatening to close, but she managed to speak those three words that changed everything. "Who are you...?" With those words, the kraken fell over towards Leuther, knocked out like a light. Light snores came from the shorter woman, her hair falling in front of her face.
{So can Mimi, Mizi, and Riku join... or am i banned for life or something... did anyone read their cherries? ~Has a feeling no one did since she put something interesting in the cherrie itself~}
(I tried reading it, but tapatalk was like awh hell nah I ain't loadin non of dem god daym pictures fo yu gurl) 
(erm what's the really interesting part? They're assassins?)

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