Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(I cant believe I missed that)

"Umm... Yeah." Leuther said, shifting nervously, "I kinda caught his attention a few years back when I got banned from every casino he owned for doing too well at the tables- I wasn't counting cards, I swear" He added quickly "There are no rules against being ridiculously lucky." Leuther paused, wondering if he should tell them about his position as oracle. He decided against it for now, continuing "After he met the man running his card houses dry, we hit it off and struck a deal; I keep the money, IF I use my luck to his advantage in corporate affairs, and we've been decent friends and great business partners since." 
Returning the subject to the broken glass that the servant girl had just cleaned up, Leuther said "So, do you want to tell me about that?" gesturing in the direction the maid had hurried off in. 
(NOW where is wveryone?)
((Let me pop Eona in now. :3))


Straying away from the group, the kraken was now standing by the desert table, the sushi was rapidly disappearing. With an elegant smile on her face, Eona sneakily snatched another piece of sushi and popped it into her mouth. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Eona nodded curtly to the people who looked at her.

Sure, she was a little under dressed for this occasion, but the kraken didn't have hours to spend getting ready like most of the people here, she had to put on a dressed that was stuffed somewhere in the back of her car and wear somewhat clumpy mascara because she left her good one at home. Chuckling softly as she recalled what happened when Eona was first introduced to make-up, back then, Eona had thought that she would never wear make-up again. "And I proved myself wrong."

Snatching another piece of sushi, Eona poured herself a glass of wine and smiled softly as she swished it around in the glass. "I wonder how old this wine is...?" Giggling at the thought, Eona put the glass to her lips and sipped the liquid, not actually enjoying the taste.
"You know what, nevermind. Plausible deniability and all that" Leuther said, excusing himself

I need a drink

Try the wine... I made it special

Dionysus, did you drug the wine?

I AM the god of wine and debauchery

Flock me... I better go save whoever is about to get roofied. Leuther thought, walking over to the bar when he stopped, shocked in horror as he saw Eona and someone he didn't know drink some of the red beverage "Oh, no." he said to himself. regaining his composure, he walked over to them "Is the wine any good?" he asked. HOWDOIFIXTHISHOWDOIFIXTHISHOWDOIFIXTHISHOWDOIFIXTHISHOWDOIFIXTHISHOWDOIFIXTHIS?
((HOLY CRAP?! It was drugged? xD Oh, well, this'll be fun to write, yes?))


Snatching another piece of sushi, Eona flashed a smile at Kikyo. "Ah! Hello, Kikyo. I'm Eona." Sticking her hand out to shake, the kraken was suddenly flashed back to when someone had done the same to her during high school and she kissed their hand. "I think their name was.....Metus...?" Placing the glass on the table, Eona wondered if she had seen Kikyo before...?

Turning her head to the new voice, Eona had almost bolted off at the sight of Chr- I mean Leuther. Remembering Tira's words, Eona pushed back all of the past memories and smiled softly at the man, her chest hurting a little. Or...was it her stomach. "Hi, Chr-Leuther."

Popping another piece of sushi into her mouth, Eona's eyes wandered off to a tank of live fish over on the side. Oh, how she wanted to eat all those pathetic little fishies. Mouth stretching into a smile, Eona reached for her glass of wine and put the cup to her lips, still eyeing the fishes in the aquarium.
Kikyo scrunched her face at the girls weird action but shook her hand nonetheless "Pleasure to met you hun" She said taking another sip
OHNOOHNOOHNO I have to say something now "Sure" He said to the new woman CRAP! Leuther was great under pressure, just not around the woman he loved "Actually... I'd better not, I'm... ummm... driving an experimental car and it would not be safe" Leuther jumped at the sound of his name, "Hi, Eona," remembering his professional courtesy "You look absolutely lovely tonight" then dropping the facade, he whispered urgently "Can I talk to you... privately?"

You will regret this, D

What did I do?

No, not you Demeter, I meant Dionysus.  

Kikyo poured the man a glass and handed it to him "It's [retty strong so be careful,Cheers" She said flashing a toothy smile and chugging the rest of her glass down
((I hate my alert system sometimes... ^^" Sorry got distracted by the video. xD ))


Raising an eyebrow, the kraken pondered upon the idea and then nodded. "Of course." Glancing over at Kikyo, Eona flashed her a polite smile and a curt nod. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Kikyo." Snatching a few more pieces of sushi, Eona walked over to Leuther and popped one of the delicious Japanese treat into her mouth.
Ohh, gods "Cheers!" This cannot end well he slammed the drink, waved goodbye to Kikyo, as she was apparently named and said to Eona "Are you... feeling alright?" he asked "You kinda look..." Leuther sighed Honesty... Honesty "Eona, the real reason I left Ishika was because I am the oracle. That means that I am the only mortal the gods are alowed to contact. By the way, Poseidon said you owe him a cruise liner named after him, I don't know-- whatever. Basically I've got a bunch of all powerful beings fighting over who gets to control my life more, and one of them, decided it would be fun to... umm... drug the wine." She's going to hate me, I'm going to die in the worst way possible: being me without anyone beside me
DarkAncient said:
((is ajax still sleeping on the bench))
((Didn't the reunion end a long time ago? Ajax and family left for home already. :3 Then again, the reunion never actually happened. xD ))


As the two went off to the side they had passed by the fish tank. Sticking her hand into the aquarium and pulling out a random yellow fin tuna, Eona stifled a low chuckle as no one noticed the missing fish. Listening to Leuther speak about Oracles, the kraken felt herself go very light headed, feeling like she was about to puke. Eona had trouble seeing the man, even if he was less than three feet in front of her, so she was squinting at him.

Smirking at the mention about the sunken ship, Eona laughed and leaned against a pillar. "I dun caaaare, Posey!" Chuckling lightly, Eona gripped onto a nearby table to keep herself balanced. "Oh, dear. What's happening?" Placing the glass of wine down, Eona suddenly froze when she heard something about drugging the wine.

Spinning around to glare at Leuther, Eona tipped forward a little and was forced to hold his shoulders to keep herself from falling over. "Not the vine!" The kraken began to wonder if the man in front of her was even speaking the truth, was he really one to trust. "Yurr lying." Eona frowned, furrowing her eyebrows together. Feeling her stomach turn, the kraken gagged, but managed to hold her food in. Although, for some unknown reason, Eona was tempted to slap Leuther with the tuna fish in her hands.
((Hmmm....? I think this is a time for....Mr. Manly's appearance. > :D But first! I must make a character sheet for his daughter. :P ))
((haha oh god that right because Mr. Manly and Kima are now teaching the same class)) 
((but then again Mr. Manly will remember Kima's sort of legacy))
((I sense fish puns.....and that boat pun. xD ))


Frowning at the pun, Eona shook the tuna fish in front of Leuther's face, threatening to slap him with it. "Don't maaayk me shlap ew vith mah fiish!" The kraken suddenly felt like she was going to faint and fell into the man's arms. "Urgh...I'm goin' taa puke..." As her body went numb, Eona felt like she was in another world, pleasant dreams all over everywhere.

"Puuuuuuff! Let us goo to Honalee!" Eona chuckled lightly as she rested her head against Leuther's chest, seeing images of her long time friend Puff the magic dragon. The kraken tried to see more of Puff, but with all that squinting made her head hurt. "Y'all be trippin'!" Eona called out in a rather loud way.
Kima sighed as he walked towards the teachers lounge. It was getting a little late but he was told he had to try to interact with his fellow teachers, if he could even be called one. He opened the door and looked around hoping to be the only one there. If he was it would give him a good reason to say that he had gone to the teachers lounge and interacted with some other teachers, without actually having done it. Yes it was lying, but when you get forced to teach at a high school for monsters because you are considered a threat to peace, lying doesn't seem so bad. 
((g'night everyone))

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