Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

Leuther started at the sound of someone's voice, hand twitching witch flipped the egg he was frying onto the floor, "Wha-- who--" Then Leuther remembered the events of the night before when he saw Eona. Leuther opened his mouth to say something, then stopped and looked down at himself. He was still in his underwear! What do I do? Do I play it off? Do I quickly excuse myself? Can I slip out of the room before she looks up?

Leuther wasn't an unattractive individual; he was lean and muscular, but not 'roid-rage veiny, his greek heritage showed with his olive skin tone, but it was still impolite.

"You startled me, let me go get some cleaning supplies, I'll be right back" Leuther said, quickly and quietly walking up the stairs, into the master bedroom and throwing open his closet doors. Pyjamas? No, that would make me seem too comfortable with her in the house... but I can't very well put on formal attire at... nine in the morning! Umm...

Leuther found a lightweight black tee and blue jeans after a few seconds of digging. I need to stop being so full of myself, do I really only have one pair of jeans?

He quickly shoved on the clothing, and slinked back down the stairs. "I think another shareholder must have moved the cleaning supplies, let me just wipe up the mess with a towel" Leuther said, doing so. Do I even have cleaning supplies here? "Anyway, do you want waffles? Also, one egg, or two?"
CLINK, the sound of a silent bullet flying at 954mph into somebody's brain, once again, this grunt knew nothing that Lucien - the masked man - needed to know. He sighed in anger after having to kill another man pointlessly, although it did mean that there was one less monster hunter out there. Lucien knew he was going to need better tactics to get information, and they do say with age comes wisdom, so he turned to the oldest person he knew, 'Well? any ideas?' he thought,

'Yeah, kill more important people. Use more fire. If also else fails, stealing documents from one of them always works out great,' the alternate personality replied. The fact he knew so much about this kinda worried Lucien, but he didn't really care any more. After all, helpful information is helpful information.

Although most people found lectures quite dull, Aryan loved his lectures. It loved particle physics for many reasons not least because of its abilities. Its dreams for the future were to work in CERN and use the LHC, but right now all of its focus was on the lecture which everyone else seemed to be falling asleep over.

"Took an awfully long time to get cleaning supplies..." Eona chuckled lightly as she leaned her elbows on the table, a little confused at what had happened last night. She had woken up alone, didn't she...? " I shouldn't be accusing someone like that." Shaking her head to get rid of the dirty thoughts, the kraken flashed Leuther a grateful smile.

"Yes please." Watching Leuther from behind, observing him cook breakfast, Eona suddenly caught herself checking him out. "Bad Eona! Stop right there!" But, the woman's blue eyes continued to skim over the man, observing his lean but muscular figure. "So, how have you been?" Eona started, trying to distract herself from checking Leuther out even more.

Brushing her hair out of her face, Eona felt her face heat up ever so slightly as she averted her eyes to the side, biting her lip to stop herself from smiling. "I mean, after all that Greek gods and goddesses stuff- Oh and I said I was sorry, alright, Posey?" Holding back a giggle, Eona began to play around with her hair, twirling the strands around in her finger. "Anything happen?" Leaning back in her seat, Eona almost fell off but luckily gripped onto the table before that could happen. 
((We should all get together again...somewhere... xD ))
(TEAM BATTLE OMG IDEA,there should be a rival school and it's like we have to fight them or something idk i just wanna use my powers)
A young man walked up to a large set of double doors, making sure to knock before entering. It was his first day here and he didn't want to screw up. He was fighting for something he believed in and he didn't want to face expulsion.

He was afraid of the boss might be like. He didn't know anything about him and that was worrying. He could be nice, cold, or just plain intimidating.

He walked in, taking a deep breath as he did so. "Pardon the intrusion." He was already nervous.

The large chair behind the desk swiveled and turned to face the young man. On the chair, there was a man with long light green hair. He looked young and he was still the person who ran this organization. It was quite impressive.

The man had his eyes closed, a smile on his face. "Welcome!~ How may I help you?" The man sounded very cheerful. The tone of voice matched his smile very well. Perhaps the most notable thing about this man was the parfait he was currently eating. The thing was enourmous.

"Uhm, I've brought you the reports that were turned in." The green-haired man gladly took the reports and laid them on his desk. "Thank you.~ What was your name again."

"I-I'm Iskin. Today is my first day." The green-haired man nodded and room a bite of his dessert. "Welcome, Iskin!~ I hope you'll enjoy yourself here."

Iskin nodded and made his way to the door. "Thank you, I look forward to being here. I'll be taking my leave now." He made his way to the door, before he was stopped by the man. "Hold on, Iskin."

He froze when he called his name. Did he do something wrong!? He turned shakily to the boss. "Y-Yes, Sir?" The man pointed to the chair opposite from him. "Why don't you play me in a game?"

Iskin had a confused look on his face. "E-Eh?"

The two now sat at the desk, playing one of the boss' favorite board games. Candy Land. He found the choice odd for a grown man, but he would never dare say that out loud.

The two had been playing for awhile and Iskin was surprising winning. The boss picked up a card and he pouted. "Oh boo! Back to the Candy Cane Forest for me. I'm not having the best luck today. But you're doing great, Iskin!~"

Iskin nodded to the man. "Thank you sir." He was still nervous about the whole thing. He really didn't want to mess up.

As the boss began to move his piece, he spoke. "Don't be so nervous, Iskin, I don't bite. We all work together here. We're like a family. We all work towards the same goal and we looking out for each other. And you, Iskin are part of that family."

Iskin was surprised by what the boss had said. He found his words to be profound. Iskin began to relax and let out a smile. Thank you, Mr. Stilio!"

The man room his hand off his piece as he made it to the end of Candy Land. "Please," His eyes looked up from the board and he faced his subordinate, still smiling. "Call me Mundus..."
((And Mr. Manly and Gloria. Only Benjamin is going to Ishika because he's smart and skipped a bunch of grades. :P One day we should do a 2nd Gen for this rp.))
Leuther dished up the first pair of waffles and eggs, sliding the butter tray closer to her with one hand, opening a cabinet and showing he the syrups with the other "What kind of syrup? I have a bit of an obsession." he said, smiling as he put another pair of waffles in the toaster, "The alphabetical sorting isn't me, that's my secretary, Phyllis," Leuther was about to check on the coffee when the house phone started ringing "One sec" he said quietly to Eona, "Transfer to cell, Phyllis" he said, walking over to the coffee table to grab his phone 'Transferring, sir'

Leuther answered the phone call, listening to the person on the other end, "Alright, put 'em through" he paused again and Leuther's face went grey "Yes, sir. I understand, sir." he tapped the phone a few times and put it back to his ear "Stephen, did you get a trace on that call?... Yes, but... No. No they don't... Thanks" Leuther tossed the phone onto the couch, went back to the kitchen, wolfed down his food, poured coffee into his travel mug and said, "Eona, I have to go, stay as long as you like, your car is out front, I'm going to throw on some better clothes and get going, if you need me, tell Phyllis... the house. You need a ride or directions, tell Phyllis to contact Stephen, just... don't ask him about his family, besides that, make yourself at home, there are more waffles in the freezer" Did I forget anything? "Oh! And don't open the door unless you call Stephen first." Leuther headed on out.
(Just Sci, those integrated voice command things exist... plus this is the future, have you seen the picture on the first page)
(It just looks like a large city, rather than the future. We've never really set a time period for this.)
(Looks rather futuristic to me, but I've never been to japan... anyway, rich people have nice things, nice things make actions easier, cue smarthouse)
(It's like that one Disney movie... Well, Umbra is rich successful, but I don't think I'll give him any of that stuff.)
((Eona's financial life is like a rollercoaster. She's spending all her money at the beginning of the month, goes almost broke at in the middle, gets her paycheck at the end and then the cycle repeats. ^^"))

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