Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

"Thank you, Tira." The two exited the room and headed outside. This was a good day. He wondered how long it would be before his son came to greet them. It was a mystery when the due date would be, but it would no doubt be soon.

As he drove home, he was still excited. He couldn't wait to tell the girls about their baby brother. They were at school right now, but it should be letting out in awhile.
She grinned, waving them out before she scowled. Crap. She pulled her phone from her pocket, instantly standing up as she dialled her brother. "H-hey...Kai...I-im going to rest now." She whispered, ignoring the calls of worry from the other end. Idiot brother. She smiled, slumping over on the bed. "I know, I know. Send someone to lock up the room Im in or move my ash." She asked, hearing the sigh of reply she grinned, putting the phone down.

Eyes red, skin slowly draining till it was lifeless the phoenix just yawned, grinning. Oh, she loved this rest. It would always come every fifty years on their birthday. Wonderful thing. Strangely, her reincarnation was now a few days earlier. Stupid thing, she'd rather be asleep on the useless celebration. With a sigh she looked at her ash coloured hands, watching as the skin began to flake, slowly breaking to the tiny grey specs. She yawned, closing her eyes as her whole body began to take that path. "I guess...Goodnight..." She mumbled, vanishing to the realm of recovery as her ash lay present.

(Pheonix reconstitution generally takes a week or two, but could take as long as three months, or as little as a day, from what I've read)
(Yes, I know that. I do research all my characters but this is a clan I specially made up a bunch of characters and laws for.) 
(Also, Phoenix's don't usually take humanoid forms. So I've had to make changes.)
(Mundus? Green hair dude? Nice :3 You have to show me. Fail or not. Im going to think of how to bring Kraus and Jiroko in.) 
(Ohhh, I could make them effectively get rid of Tira >:3)
Lucien's lectures were over and he could head back home now. For most people this would mean ordering a pizza and watching who wants to be a millionaire then falling asleep on the couch in a pile of their own self loathing... Well that's what he'd heard about from a documentary which he watched once out of boredom. However Lucien, when getting home, sifted through the video of his cat to find something remotely funny, fed the cat, ate an egg sandwich and began planning, 'I need information. If I tail some guy back to their base maybe I can find something in there,' he thought.

The mask was in his hand, but he didn't put it on until he walked into a dark back alley to stay out of public view. However something Lucien never expected to happen happened, "Give me your money and no on gets hurt," the knife wielding man in the balaclava demanded, holding his knife towards Lucien's face,

"Go away," Lucien replied, pushing the man lightly with one hand to push him out of the way, although being a mugger, the mugger didn't like this and stabbed the arm which was pushing him, "One more time, punk, give me your money!" Lucien took two steps back and looked at the stab wound, then to the knife. The stab hurt no more than any other stab, but that knife was probably infected and Lucien would need to hurry to some hospital to get it checked out or something, "That's what I thought," the mugger said in response to Lucien backing off,

"Okay, okay, you win," Lucien lied, pretending to reach into his pocket for the wallet he wasn't carrying when a gust of air picked up from seemingly nowhere and the knife got blown out of the mugger's hand. Taking the opportunity, which he had forged himself, to swing at the mugger, hitting his face with his fist then his elbow. Clearly the mugger wasn't a fighter as the mugger, after being hit in the face, made his way over to the knife. But before he could reach it, Lucien grabbed the mugger's arm and shook his head the way a mother would scolding their child. Lucien took the man's arm and used it to whack the mugger against the wall. Then, as though nothing had happened, Lucien continued down the alleyway.

Lucien's eyes locked onto the grunt, but Lucien remained in the shadow, by now the stab wound was starting to sting and was probably infected so Lucien licked his thumb and ran it across the cut skin, as though that would do something.

The grunt was on the move and so was Lucien, everywhere the grunt went Lucien was just behind either blending in with the shadows or hiding behind obstacles. Either way Lucien watched the grunt walk inside what must've been a base. Obviously it wasn't going to be HQ or anything, but it was better than nothing. Very quietly, Lucien inspected the base for an elusive back door, only to be left disappointed. The front door was under surveillance so that was off too. Lucien sighed as he inched closer to the unguarded back of the building, he was going to have to climb. For on the first floor was a window, perfect to climb through.

Lucien was not the swiftest of climbers, but it was quiet and it got the job done. Luckily the window was unlocked so he could slide if open and climb inside, and as though luck was on his side, the first floor held the files room. However there were two guards, not one. Lucien needed a way to get the attention of one at a time, most people would whistle the attention of a guard, however Lucien could not whistle.

Lucien brushed a gust of cold air past one of the guards which made him shiver, "I think there's a window open, I'll go close it," the guard said and walked around the first corner of the square, Lucien could hear him getting closer and closer down the side. When he sounded close enough, Lucien reached a hand around the second corner up towards the man's mouth. Of course the man was in shock when a strange hand was placed on his mouth, but the guard was a hole lot of dead when the knife pierced the back of his skull.

After a whole minute of the guard going to close a window, the other guard became suspicious and made his way along the exact same path as the first guard. However this guard was alert, so when the hand came across his face he tried to make noises, but they were muffled by Lucien's hand, then silenced by his neck being twisted and broke. The now completely unguarded file room was open for Lucien to simply walk inside, he grabbed as many important looking files and he could carry and ran out of the window. Pushing the air below him upwards to slow his descent.

He dumped the files on his desk, left then there, then made his way to the bathroom for a shower. Taking extra care to clean the wound which really stung from all the water.

(I have no clue what to post for my other characters since they're so normal >.<)
((Sorry guys! Prowly told me to go out and get some sunshine rain so I went shopping. :3 Blame Prowly for my absence. xD jk))
(But pai you said you wanted to go outside.... I just metaphorically pushed you out the door and metaphorically handed you a metaphorical jacket... Metaphorically)
Kraus sighed, waiting for his partner to exit the hospital. Stupid kid...He did rely on him though. He shook his head, white locks falling from their place as he looked over to the back entrance, silver eyes narrowed in concern. What if someone touched the Crusnik? He better not be hurt or...No, he had to trust that the black haired boy would be fine. He would be right? Panic began to form in the Hydra's eyes as he bolted over towards the door, only for the door to smash into his face, forcing him into the floor.

Jiroko laughed merrily, hopping over towards the private practice room as he walked inside. "Hahaha! This is way to easy!" He exclaimed, his eyes seeming to light up comically. He kicked the door open, loudly, and walked inside without a care. Why would he? He stepped over towards the bed, blue eyes staring at the ash as he nodded. "Yup!" He reached into his bag, pulling out a round glass cylinder. He swept the ash into it, locking it inside before he tossed it back into his bag. Turning around the childish boy just walked down the stairs, through the CROWDED hall and to the exit. Happy due to getting the job correct, he once again kicked the door open. "oh...Heya Kraus!" He waved enthusiastically, grinning.

He struggled to get up, his hand resting over his face as he growled. Stupid Crusnik. He slowly got himself to his feet, silver eyes glaring at the three month older monster with annoyance. "You...stop kicking doors down." He hissed, rubbing his nose before stuffing his hand in his pockets. Both wore a similar uniform. It was black and gold with similar buttons. (Check picture on their bio). He brushed his uniform down before motioning the Crusnik to follow. As they both began to walk out he rolled his neck, now walking down the street. "Did you get it?" He asked.

He nodded happily, reaching up to interlock his hands behind his neck. "Yeah! I mean why would a phoenix be so stupid just to become ash in a public place!" He began to laugh, chuckling at his luck. He pulled the glass from his bag, showing him the silver grey ash. "See! Here!" He stuffed it into his bag before yawning. "I told you to trust me didn't I Kraus?" Receiving a nod from Kraus he smiled.
((I never said that :P I said I was bored and you said to go outside and do something. xD ))


Watching Leuther fall to the ground, Eona stared in shock as she didn't know what to do. It was rather confusing for the woman, she'd never been in such a situation when someone falls unconscious from blood loss, although she has been the one falling unconscious. "Are you okay?" Eona face palmed herself at the words. "Of course he's not okay!" Taking a few breaths to calm herself down, Eona lifted the man up and slung him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Good thing she still had the strength of a kraken.

Breathing deeply, Eona stepped towards the exit - or entrance, depending on your POV - She could feel the blood seeping into her clothing, shuddering when it did. "Oh cod. I was never good with blood." Picking up the pace, Eona rushed towards the exit, the blood starting to freak her out.

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