Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(Maybe, since Leuther was airlifted back to Tira's hospital, someone might realize the phoenix that is the head doctor has disappeared, or are all the employees entirely useless?)
(Once Pai and I are finished, I'll have a huge event coming up. It'll be a chance for your characters to hop in.)
Mr. Manly

Falling right into the trap, the minotaur literally crashed through the doorway, steam coming out of his nose as he breathed deeply. Not being able to form words from his rage, Mr. Manly just released a terrifying roar, shaking the earth wildly and causing the abandoned little hut to almost fall apart. A part of the roof collapsed, a little light shining into the house.

An animalistic glint shone in Mr. Manly eyes as he realized that he was surrounded. All of this was... Spinning around, Mr. Manly lunged for the green haired boy, wanting to rip him apart limb by limb. The minotaur punched a few holes into the wall, trying to get away. It was only then that Mr. Manly knew that he wasn't going to be going home to his wife.
As the Minotaur lunged, Mundus remained completely still, the smile remaining on his face. The man went right through his body and the room fell quiet. It was time to get this party started.

Emerging from the shadows, were dozens of humans, covered in armor with weapons in hand. They began to beat the Minotaur into a bloody pulp, nothing but red visible. These humans truly knew violence.

A giggle was heard as Mundus' form buzzed a little, like a T.V. Monitor. The now apparent hologram marched forward, standing over the Minoraur. At this very moment, the real Mundus sat in his office chair eating a massive sundae, smiling and enjoying the show from the large monitor.

An electronic voice rang throughout the shack, as the lest bit of daylight left the sky. "Thanks for playing, Cow-kun!~"


Mundus ate the last of his treat, before setting the glass down. Cow-kun was truly an obstacle. He couldn't exactly enact his plans if something like that was roaming about. Besides, he porobably would've spread the word. Precaution before action is a simple lesson in strategy.

"Now, it's time to start the party.~" He presses the large red button on his desk, which was followed by a large tremor. It was a good thing earthquakes existed or else this would be hard to explain.

As the 'earthquake' raged on, Mundus opened a lolipop from the stash in his desk. He put the sweet treat into his mouth and smiled as he looked out the window. "Now, come to me, my vessel.~"

Meanwhile, outside the hospital

The 'earthquake' was large, but miraculously, nothing was being damaged. The buildings held together and the people simply lost balance. Of course, there was a lot of commotion.

Outside the hospital's front entrance, a small portal opened. It was a swirling black vortex in plain sight. Luckily, everyone was too distracted by the tremors to notice.

A few moments passed, before something fell out of the portal and crashed to the ground. On the ground, was a masked figure, cloaked in black. The most noticeable thing, would be the copious amounts of blood pouring from his many wounds.

The figure tried and failed to move, remaining on the cold, hard ground. His ragged breathing could be heard from beneath the mask. He was obviously in terrible condition. "Damn... The masked figure then slipped into unconsciousness, right in front of the hospital entrance.
((What about them? Ajax's....I haven't replied with Ajax yet.))


Snorting at Kima's words, Ajax glanced over into the dining room and released an inaudible sigh of relief when he saw his children eating their breakfast normally for once. Leaning back on the counter, Ajax stared up at the ceiling and frowned a little. "Just daily life and stuff like that." Personally, Ajax didn't have anything to complain about, he was happy with how he was now. Two magnificent children, a stable income, nice house, etc. Sure, the sphinx didn't have his wife anymore, but he knew that she loved him.

Smiling softly at the thought of Naomi, Ajax closed his eyes for a moment and relaxed. "It's just that I've been working overtime lately, nothing much." Cats did need their sleep after all. Stifling a tired yawn, it was evident that there were dark bags under the sphinx's eyes, he looked a lot different than he used to during his high school experience.
( xD Hehe, and Ill use them. )

Klaus wanted to hit a wall, or something that would damage his tough skin. His silver orbs were glaring at the small male as he skipped across the street. 'He is an idiot, a idiot I tell you! What in gods name made this brat this way!' He shook his head, pushing the white locks from his face as he sighed. It was far to troublesome to deal with. Maybe they could go rent a room and hide out until they needed to get the ash to a black market. It was sudden, but a earthquake seemed to appear, and guess what the only thought Kraus had was. "Bloody hell..." He hissed angrily before wrapping his arms around Jiroko's waist, locking his arms around him before he felt his body take on a layer of flesh in a greenish tone, his teeth becoming violent fangs as his eyes became a dulled red. He took on minor features of his real form but it was enough to protect the smaller boy. Of course, he'd protect Jiroko till his death bed after all. Once the earthquake stopped he released the smaller male who had his eyes wide in fear, petting his head softly to calm him down. "You okay?" He received a nod. He looked around the street, the once beautiful area was full of rubble. "Great." He eventually layed eyes upon a body. "O-oi!" He rushed over towards the body with a frown, crouching down.

Jiroko was skipping down the street in a very flamboyant manner, his arms swaying at his sides as he laughed. He knew that it annoyed Kraus to no end when he acted like an idiot or a kid that was five or six. However, it was fun so he'd continue. His eyes snapped open, instantly fear flooded through his veins as he began to panic. He felt Kraus wrap his arms around him and he snapped his eyes shut, covering his ears with his hands as he whimpered. He hated it. He was scared, he always found earthquake, natural fires, lightning or even floods a fearful thing. He hated anything that causes disaster. He hated disaster. When it stopped he felt Kraus pet his head and he nodded slightly, looking at the damage with a frown. Poor people...they were probably stricken with fear when it all started. He pouted slightly, looking to the ground before he nodded when Kraus asked if he was okay. He was...he thought so anyway. "It's horrible..." He mumbled as he shook his head, closing his eyes. When he heard Kraus call out he snapped his eyes open, looking over to the fallen figure. "E-eh!" He rushed over, quickly kneeling down as he began to pull the hooded form up. "He needs help....We cant go back to the hospital or they might find out what we did...Lets...just take him and go get a hotel room." With that he stood up, motioning for Kraus to pick up the figure. With that he headed towards the hotel.

He nodded, picking up the cloaked man with a frown. 'Why didn't he escape the earthquake?' He thought before following Jiroko. Eventually they turned up to the hotel, Jiroko ordering the room. Kraus looked down at the form before he shook his head. Jiroko would bandage him up and they would wait till he woke up. With a nod he followed the Crusnik upstairs, once inside he put the man down on the bed.

Jiroko sighed as he took the keys from the lady, instantly walking upstairs. 'Room 14...10, 11, 12, 13...14!' He opened the room and let Kraus go in first. The hydra put the man on the bed as he closed and locked the door. He pulled off his bag as he took some medical supplies from it. Jiroko sat on the edge of the bed, beginning to bandage the man up. It took ten minutes to complete, mainly because he seemed to mess the bandages up and so Kraus would interfere and correct them. Once it was done he took a seat on the other bed, watching as Kraus looked out the window before he turned back to watch the man. "We need to wait for him to wake up..." He mumbled, hearing the grunt of response from Kraus.
Leuther slept restlessly, unable to awake, but dreams filled with the images he saw when looking into Tartarus. From what he had learned from his lessons in his aerie, the abyss was the place where, when defeated, immortal beings would vanish to to reform. What Leuther saw, though, were bodies, countless dead bodies, not dust reforming into monsters, but infamous creatures that never should have been able to be killed drifting lifelessly in the absolute darkness. Of course, he didn't see anything, for there was no light to travel into his eyes, but, being the oracle and, therefore, more attuned to spirits and the like, visions of these immortal creatures rendered horribly, horribly mortal. The gods that saw the world of the mortals through Leuther noticed the anomaly as well, and were currently discussing what to do.

It wasn't my fault, Tartarus is on the very edge of my domain, and with the recent influx of dead mortals, I've been worked to the bone to expand the Fields of Asphodel.

Why are you being so defensive then, Hades?

QUIET! ALL OF YOU! I, Zeus, hereby close this meeting to only the High Twelve.

Zeus, dear, is that really a good idea? We've never faced a problem like this before, maybe we need the others' input.

Perhaps Hera is right, brother, we may need all the help we can get.

It'll be fine, I'll keep everyone in the loop.

Thank you, Hermes. Now, I would like to hear suggestions as to what may be causing this problem in the first place.

Perhaps the titans have returned, Zeus.

Why would the titans kill the monsters, though, Demeter? I don't sea how-

What if this is a declaration of war?

I feel like you would enjoy that, Ares.

Hades, that is enough, let us all be reasonable and conduct a proper brainstorm.

Here comes goody-goody Athena to save the day! Maybe we can challenge the enemy to a game of chess?

Can it, girls. I might be able to build a device to analyse what is killing these monsters permanently, rather than the usual 'sort of dead'

Hephaestus, can you really do that?I crafted your Caduceus, didn't I?

Why am I even here?

Whatever we do, we must act fast

Right, sister, for once we agree on something, now isn't that weird, Artemis?

Stop wasting time, Apollo!

Love you, sis.

Something is happening on the mortal plane, a series of tremors, but unrelated to your workings, Hephaestus, it is something more... sinister. Hermes, the oracle needs to be healed.

On it, sir.
(He is the only mortal they can directly interact with, he is the current oracle. It's how they get an outside opinion to settle disputes, the gods are always bickering 'you stole my husband' 'he's my brother so I get priority' et cetera, et cetera.)
The man grumbled a bit in his unconscious state, as he was taken to the hotel. He couldn't tell what was going on, he was busy trying to get away from the visions that plagued his mind. All of it was so vivid, especially since he was still there a few minutes ago.

He tries to shake these visions away, but to no avail. He'd been so exposed to it all, he couldn't even escape these sights in his sleep. No matter where he was, these things would always plague him.

The visions began to fade, as he opened his eyes. His entire body ached and he moved to grab the painkillers from his desk, as he usually did when things like his happened. It was at the point, he realized he wasn't at his residence.

He didn't recognize where he was and this put him on edge. Seeing two unknown figures didn't make things any better. Instincts kicked in and he grabbed the man on the bedside from behind and put a knife to his neck. "Who the hell are you two?" His voice was low and raspy, his tone the very definition of threatening.

Before the other man could make a move, he pulled his revolver out and lines the sight right on his temple. His eyes narrowed and he gripped the man in his grasp tighter, his fingers prepared to pull the trigger and put a bullet between the other man's eyes. He ignored the pain, the adrenaline keeping him going. "Answer!"

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